[RPGM] [Crazy94] Death’s Punishment [v0.40 Alpha]

Release Date: 2021-05-31
Developer: Crazy94 Discord
Version: 0.40 Alpha
OS: Windows
Language: English

Until she found herself at Death’s office after being murdered by her best friend, Kim was once on top of the world. She has been sent back to a new world where she will spend the days unknowingly cursed into craving submission by the women around her. Will she return to her glory? Will her dominant side overpower her curse?​

0.40 Alpha
Save 10 is provided just in case you need to start all over!

There is a lot I need to do, and I didn’t want to postpone any longer, and I didn’t want to force myself to work on things when I had no inspiration for certain things.
A better slave system will take some time, and I wanted to get the ball rolling and show the dom path.
I think I’ll be working on a minor patch to add many missing things that I didn’t have time to add to this update.

Warning: You may or may not need to start a new save. For me, my old save had text go crazy, but if yours didn’t, you are safe.

Also Important! Toggle’s for the game are “C” and “R.”


  • The title screen had a make-over, and I’d like to thank Rophyr (in discord), who helped where my photoshop skills were lacking. Yes, that’s satan on the cover.
  • You can now change your name from the intro OR buying a name changer from the shop. (it’s free.)
  • Completely revamped time system.
  • Death’s Domain; unlocked after you have met with Satan.
  • Collecting Souls for Death is now unlocked. (3 new characters for subs!)
  • Death Teleporter will be upgraded to give you more places to teleport.
  • A little more “Flair” when it comes to the system messages.
  • Your name is colored, and so is Satan’s. (this is for fun, and I’m not sure if I should keep it.)
  • Signs that indicate the house of pleasure and penny’s house.
  • House of pleasure will give you a warning on how to unlock it when you try to enter it before opening it.
  • DOM Path: Once you buy a house, scroll, and try to walk to the following map, Satan will appear. THIS IS WHERE YOU SELECT DOM PATH. Subs may decline.
  • DOM PATH. New House of pleasure girl’s just for you. Three girls. More events are coming to this!
  • DOM PATH. Melissa, the first slave-girl you can get, will be begging for food in a low-class map.
  • New Item from Wendy’s shady shop. Drugs.
  • New events with a girl named Amber, her house can be found at the right side of the bar.
  • Samantha will allow you to relive her training but seeing as pathetic you are, she will still charge you even if you get no reward!
  • Changelog has been moved to the in-game menu.

DEV’s note:
This game is supposed to spread out to more maps in the future, and this is why it’s not hard to get dom/sub-points. The first maps are limited to level 3 max, and in the future, the other maps will have events that need levels 4 and 5.

  • Fixed a lot of writing errors.
  • Buffs to both Sub-points and Dom-points. (WIP).
  • Nerfs to how much servicing villagers affect your stats. Everything is set to a universal standard, making it easier for me and hopefully less punishing to the players.
  • Fixed rent getting bugged when you unlock Katie’s level 10 reward.
  • Fixed Alexis not letting you enter the mine when you are her friend.
  • Fixed Buckets/wells did not function properly. Take your damn bathes!
  • Fixed Getting stuck under Ruby’s desk at heart 8.
  • Fixed Doghouse sleeps, not resetting house of pleasure.
  • Fixed missing sound effects for entering some areas.

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