[SANDM] Summon x Kakukan A Kakukan management simulation game with women summoned from a different world! [RJ395180]

Release date Jun/08/2022 16
Series name 経営シミュレーションシリーズ
Author Sandm
Voice Actor 乙倉ゅい / 大島つつじ / 綿雨たべ子
Product format
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Supported languages
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Appoint you as the owner of the building
Summon x Kankan A Kankan management simulation game with women summoned from another world! [SANDM]

Nice to meet you, I ’m Syria, the witch.
I called you today because I want you to run the 娼 kan.

What do women do?

Fufu … it’s okay
I will prepare as many women as I want
Because it’s just summoned from another world
Summon x Kankan A Kankan management simulation game with women summoned from another world! [SANDM]

However, since she was just forcibly brought in, I will leave the education from there to you.
She doesn’t run away, but she may refuse to serve customers at first

Please educate there as a lady with your skill
Please identify and educate a well-educated woman as a lady and raise a first-class lady.

Customers also have various types and tastes, so one lady is not enough
I would like you to have a large number of first-class girls and realize a first-class 娼 kan.

And squeeze money and semen from the men, right?
Summon x Kankan A Kankan management simulation game with women summoned from another world! [SANDM]

However, if the norm cannot be achieved, there is a corresponding penalty.
Don’t forget …

Of course, if there is a penalty, there will be a reward.

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