[Black Pig] Stalker in Black

ID RJ297839
Author/サークル名 黒い豚
Released/販売日 2021年10月25日 16時
Age designation/年齢指定 18禁
Menu Games・Animes
Categories/作品形式 アクション音楽あり動画あり
File size/ファイル容量 1.45GB

Product summary

Embrace your inner lust and evil desires. Stalk the dark night, and capture your prey.
Avoid obstacles like fallen trash as you attempt to close the distance with your stalking target.
Use whatever means to make them do your bidding. Brute strength is always an option.
Once they’re captured, it’s time to sexually train them until they give in to pleasure,
and submit their bodies and minds to you.
And when you’re done with them, it’s time to move on to the next target…

Heroine count: 3

This is a work of fiction. It contains no relation to actual persons, organizations or events.
The behavior displayed in this game is criminal. Do not attempt to emulate anything you see in this game in real life.
Stalker in Black [Blackswine]

– Stalk your female prey carefully
– Keep an eye on your surroundings for any obstacles
– If you alert your prey, you’ll have to come up with a better plan
H Details
Stalker in Black [Blackswine]

– Toy with your prey to your heart’s content
– Make use of the various toys and tools at your disposal
– They’ll resist at first, but they eventually give in to the pleasure

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