[Brown sugar umeboshi] ~ Day Dream ~ When butterflies dance (Jpn / Cn)

ID RJ382302
Author / Circle name Brown sugar umeboshi
Released / Sale date March 31, 2022 0:00
Age designation 18 prohibited
Menu Games / Animes
Categories / Work format With action music With video
File size 237.87MB


A girl awakens in a dark wasteland with no memories.
In this dangerous world, shady figures lurk in every shadow.
Make sure she doesn’t get caught.

A mysterious girl in white hair appears before her, but as soon as they make eye contact, she disappears.
Follow the white-haired girl, find lost memories, acquire peculiar powers, and explore this new world!

“Welcome to the garden of ██ —-”
H Scenes

– Clothing will be stripped after taking a certain amount of attacks.
– Fatal blows will trigger H scenes.
– Contains a combination of H scenes and CG scenes.
Event CG is included as well, which can be locked by collect lost memory fragments.

26 H animation scenes
13 CG animations
13 H scenes

13 Event CG
39 total images

Includes a hand-drawn & animated ending, along with a variation for full memory recollection.

– Atmospheric scenes
– Proper checkpoints
– Heart-pounding boss fights
– Easy Mode for those who aren’t good at action games.

← → : Movement
Z: Jump
X: Attack
C: Save
R: Heal
Space: Jump
Shift: Dash

F: Use
D: H scene toggle
Tab: Control explanation
ESC: Menu

F2: Easy Mode
Significantly changes the game experience.
Can be turned off at any time.

* Language settings can be found via the TOP RIGHT ICON of the Main Menu.

Day Dream ~When Butterflies Flutter~ [BrownSugarPrunes]

Yuki Fujiwara

A shy girl who has lost all memories, and feels a certain attachment to the white-haired girl that appeared before her.
Day Dream ~When Butterflies Flutter~ [BrownSugarPrunes]


A beautiful mystery, who seems to be guiding Yuki along in her journey.

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