[Cotton Candy] Rico’s mysterious messenger

ID RJ352933
Author/サークル名 Cotton Candy
Released/販売日 2022年03月10日 0時
Age designation/年齢指定 18禁
Menu Games・Animes
Categories/作品形式 ロールプレイング音声あり音楽あり動画あり
File size/ファイル容量 850.75MB

A simple action RPG with lots of pose-art ero!

The protagonist is Lico, the maid character that appeared in “Sadie and the Ancient Forest” (RJ219097),
but the story is not connected, so the game is completely enjoyable standalone.

14 base pose-art
46 pose-art H scenes
11 base HCG
18 CG H scenes
73 dress-up items

Virgin completion is possible (though there are no rewards for doing so)

Lico’s Mysterious Errand [Cotton Candy]

Featuring a dress-up system for Lico’s head, clothes, panties, and socks.
Almost all dress-up choices reflect in the pose-art H scenes.
Lico’s Mysterious Errand [Cotton Candy]

Watch out for H attacks in combat. Defeat means never-ending insta-rape.
They won’t go easy on her even if she cries! Enjoy both interspecies and human-based H as well.
Lico’s Mysterious Errand [Cotton Candy]

Confirm Lico’s ero stats. As certain body parts get sexually developed, they become more sensitive…
Lico’s Mysterious Errand [Cotton Candy]

Features animated cut-ins and cross-sections. Contains some 1-image H scenes.

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