Hotel Ergriffen (Japan) matches checksums
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Hotel ergriffen-ホテル エァグリッフェン-
Hotel Ergriffen
Play time Medium (11h41m from 1 votes)
Developer Maple
Publishers Maple
Man sees three prostitute girls on a street corner and invites them to his his place. This is a story of five intoxicated days in their company. From everyday life sympathy is born, and the image of an ideal woman appears…
Note that this game uses red book CD audio, which isn’t supported on modern Windows. In order to play with music, you must use ogg-winmm or dxwnd’s CD-DA emulator feature. Ogg-Winmm is the easiest. A premade folder can be downloaded below, just drag and drop it into the installation directory. You don’t need to keep the disc image mounted to play.
Confirmed to work on Windows 10.