[Tangerine field] Big breasts Ninpo Chichishinobi (Ver1.1)

ID RJ372909
Author/サークル名 みかん畑
Released/販売日 2022年02月18日 0時
Age designation/年齢指定 18禁
Menu Games・Animes
Categories/作品形式 ロールプレイング音声あり音楽あり動画あり
File size/ファイル容量 1.16GB

Are you here for an RPG with big titty animations? You’ve come to the right place.

Try out the trial version!
H Scenes

BakuByu Ninpo TittyShinobi [Mandarin Farm]

– Defeat H
This time, almost every single defeat will result in ero scenes!

– All the girls are voiced, and there are lots of fully-voiced H scenes!
Of course, there is plenty of voiced content outside the H scenes too!
BakuByu Ninpo TittyShinobi [Mandarin Farm]

Enjoy a variety of genres such as breast expansion, breast milk, interspecies, breast-press, first-fucking, rape, reverse-rape, big-dick penetration, tentacle play, assjobs, titjobs, gangrape, handjob, cunnilingus, masturbation etc.
BakuByu Ninpo TittyShinobi [Mandarin Farm]

30 base H scenes (of which 22 are video animated H scenes)
+ 10 battle H scenes + 8 pixel art video H scenes


BakuByu Ninpo TittyShinobi [Mandarin Farm]

Featuring high resolution animations in HUGE quality!
BakuByu Ninpo TittyShinobi [Mandarin Farm]

Get stripped of your HP, get striped of your clothing!

There are lots of mid-battle H scenes too. Watch out for H attacks!
BakuByu Ninpo TittyShinobi [Mandarin Farm]

Losing to big demons 2 will trigger pixel-art animations!
There are pixel-art animated ero traps as well!

TittyShinobis find out their enemy’s weak point through sex.
If you have an assassin scroll, you can take out enemies with a touch! Levelling up has never been so easy!


BakuByu Ninpo TittyShinobi [Mandarin Farm]

Ryou Kisaragi
The cool, silent type. Well, that’s what she looks like, but in reality she’s just spaced out.
She’s actually rather rational when it comes to her personal dealings, but less so when others are involved.
BakuByu Ninpo TittyShinobi [Mandarin Farm]

Shinobu Kagura
Ryou’s greatest friend and rival. A prideful and strong-willed woman.
Everything is a competition to her, and she refuses to lose.
BakuByu Ninpo TittyShinobi [Mandarin Farm]

Minoriko Asahina

A graceful and reliable shinobi popular amongst men and women alike.
During a mission, she was injured while trying to protect an ally, and got taken away to the enemy base for brainwashing.

Ver 1.1 Added Features
BakuByu Ninpo TittyShinobi [Mandarin Farm]

– Post-game hot spring event with 4 CG.

– More pixel art animations

– Battle balancing
Completed Save Data on Ci-en

Check out and follow our Ci-en for fully-completed save data.

Made in RPG Tkool MV.
Please test the trial version before purchase to confirm compatibility.

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