[Triangle!] Artemis Pearl ~Pirate Princess Rubina and the Phantom Treasure~ Ver1.1.0 with Voice Patch [RJ279780]

Release date Mar/03/2020
Series name アルテミスパール
Author マイケルサンダーぱぴぷぺぽ
Illustration 高村はんぺん
Voice Actor 琴音有波 / 森野めぐむ
Music ごる
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A patch that adds moaning to pirate RPG Artemis Pearl!

A voice patch for pirate RPG
“Artemis Pearl ~Pirate Princess Rubina and the Mystical Treasure~ (RE269742)”

* Not a full voice patch.

When installed, the following content will be voiced:
– All main story chapters / ending
– Battle phrases
– Generic confirmation voices
– Moaning in H scenes

Patch is not compatible with versions below 1.1.0. Please install the latest version first!


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