[Unity] [MystikoGames] Lugdunia: The Rift [v0.0.2]

Release Date: 2021-05-29
Developer: Mystiko Games PatreonTrello
Censored: No
Version: 0.0.2
OS: Windows
Language: English

You’re a young adult female born in the town of Arbora. While life has been generally been normal, things in town are starting to change. Dead bodies are popping up out of nowhere and although no one recognizes these bodies, you feel like an even bigger event might happen soon…​

Lower MODEL QUALITY settings have a small issue where they’ll show impostors no matter the distance instead of the correct models. Don’t worry, neither are very impactful on your FPS

Will fix this at a later date.

Also your weather might change; didn’t have time to test if I correctly removed it from this build. It’s 5:54 Am at the time of writing this and I still need to go to bed

V0.0.2 (compared to 0.0.1)
-Ability to change video options
-A potion that allows you to teleport back to bed
-Ability to continue dialog by pressing space
-Fixed multiple bugs (E.g. being able to phase through roofs/walls, getting stuck in trees, getting stuck in some scenes)
-A LOT of performance improvements, nearly doubling the FPS (and in some cases even higher)
-Day/Night support (Although currently there’s not too much to do at night, but the groundwork is laid)
-Worldstreaming, meaning that terrains load/unload depending on where you are, increasing terrain performance.
-Laid most of the groundwork for a working saving system (Should be fully working in 0.0.3)
-Fast travel groundwork laid, you can currently teleport in town using benches that have godrays
-Addition of big questionmarks hovering above important buildings (mainly teaching you somewhat where the important stuff is
-Ability to craft potions/some items (Doesn’t do too much aside from two small quests, but the groundwork is laid!)
-Redone the entire visuals of the town and terrain… and HEAVILY increased terrain size. This was done so I can start planning all towns etc; 0.0.1 was mainly just a test-test version.
-Two new CGs. One involving Alys, another involving a civilian.
Most of my time this month went into optimization, mainly so most of the groundwork is laid. (I know I keep bringing up “groundwork” but really, when the basics are done, that means that in the future I can work MUCH faster!) But I do think I did a great considerable amount of work if I say so myself

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