[HTML] [April Ryan] Perverted Education [v0.9900]

Release Date: 2020-11-30
Developer: April Ryan TFGamesPatreon
Censored: No
Version: 0.9900
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English

Perverted Education is erotic game where main character starts as an immature male of indeterminate (but legal) age, and is slowly corrupted on three sides by his Teacher, Therapist and Guardian (you can choose your mother, or a family friend).

New additions:

  • Going commando scene with friend – The main character heads over to the friends house going commando, and is swiftly taken on a shopping trip for new undies. However, friend doesn’t seem completely taken with the main character’s new lewd attitude.
  • Trophy Wife partner body checks – Text for this scene has been edited to final standards.
  • New Avatar (patreon-only) – Rookie Cheer uniform, Cheer shoes, Cheer bow, male causal clothes, casual dress, flats, and sneakers have been added for the new avatar.
  • Arousal now increases when awakened by the vibrating alarm in the morning.
  • Main character cannot put on a chastity cage if they are too aroused.
  • Main character may repeat waxing task at friend’s house.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug in the poise minigame that caused teacher to give the wrong response to players who chose “stand still” after choosing a correct position.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the cheer minigame to incorrectly keep track of the number of failures.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the cheer minigame to not properly track if the player had found temporary body augmentations.
  • Several improvements to friend’s “girliness check” when visiting towards mid-game.
  • Altered final friend catch-up scene to occur after visiting the park, as intended.
  • Several text fixes

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