Tag Archives: Ghosts

[VN] [Ren’Py] [VoidGodavns] Anthems Of The Nightside [v0.2a]

Release Date: 2024-10-31
Developer: WaywardVoidGod itch.ioPatreonDiscord
Censored: No
Version: 0.2a
OS: Windows, Mac, Linux, Android
Language: English
Store: itch.io

You have been sent to The Nightside, a dangerous place filled with powerful inhuman entities most likely due to the shenanigans of Your Local Wizard and Barry the criminal.
Stay alive, recruit allies, unlock the spirits and most importantly, SURVIVE long enough to be brought back home.​



[Unity] [Throwawaylady] Pandemonium Classic: Unity Edition [1.0.9]

Release Date: 2023-01-19
Developer: Throwawaylady
Censored: No
Version: 1.0.9
OS: Windows, Mac, Linux
Language: English

A group of girls wake up in a mysterious mansion. The mansion is full of monstergirls seeking to transform them.
Will they escape or will they fall prey to the House of Pandemonium?



+ Skunk gloves now trigger a gender change before attaching when equipped by a male

+ Werecats now steal the penis of male characters, triggering a male to female tf if it isn’t recovered

+ Translation system – currently only in use for the undine transformation

+ Translation system has been modified to group strings

+ Music box now includes mod form songs

+ Added a ‘transform instead of absorbing’ option for cerberuses (to avoid them splitting)


+ Fixed traitor tracker being lost on a gender change

+ Fixed an issue with the vampire lord ai breaking when trying to lead characters to the crypt in square yard mode

+ Characters now release all dragged characters when they are body swapped or hypnotised by the hypnogun

+ Fixed a crash occurring when the tutorial npc is ordered to hold position

+ Probable fix for some body swap weirdness

+ (Antay) Fixed some issues with illusion curse permanence

+ Fixed an observer ui crash when examining characters that are still human, but not using a human image set (claygirl, possibly others)

+ Bimbo flaunt actions should now work on male characters

+ Hellhounds/orthruses/cerberuses are now immune to brimstone damage (they were harming themselves when e.g. body swapped)

+ Possible fix for occasional orthrus/cerberus head adaptation weirdness

+ Unicode loading from xml has been fixed (utf-32 encoding for the translation file xmls) – display of most characters will be in a later version

+ Fixed an error sometimes occurring when twisting certain wishes as a djinn

+ Possible fix for some djinn weirdness when returning a djinn to human form

+ Fixed entoloma spreading

+ Music box has been refactored to remove lingering dependence on some refactored code and several special cases

+ Fixed a crash occurring after a bad map generation in some circumstances

+ Swapped unicode encoding in translation xmls to utf-8 because it works fine

+ Fixed rusalkas, mermaids and other forms limited to certain rooms from teleporting to rooms they cannot enter when the player escape as monster option is on

+ Fixed crash when spawning masks with observer commands

+ Deleting the active translation file no longer causes an issue on game start

+ (Antay) Fixed illusion curse issues with some forms


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[Salty justice] House of Pandemonium ~Remastered~ [v4.00]

Release Date: 2020-12-14
Developer/Publisher: Starlight Studios – SaltyjusticeBlog
Censorship: No
Version: 4.00
OS: Windows, Mac, Linux
Language: English

Chapter 1 follows Mei as she gets dragged out of her home in Hong Kong and thrown into a mansion filled with cultists. Help her escape the cultists and explore the world of Pandemonium to find out what happened and get her home.

Chapter 5 features Chris Dormer, a submissive tennis coach and English teacher who needs to adapt to not only being pulled through the void and deposited in the middle of a robotic society, but to an unplanned shift in gender, as well (they’re monstergirls, after all!).

Chapter 5 is currently about 60% complete. Chapter 1 is complete.

Katfile.com     Uploaded.net     Mirrored.to

[Salty justice] House of Pandemonium ~Remastered~ [v3.02]

Release Date: 2020-12-14
Developer/Publisher: Starlight Studios SaltyjusticeBlog
Censorship: No
Version: 3.02
OS: Windows, Mac, Linux
Language: English

Chapter 1 follows Mei as she gets dragged out of her home in Hong Kong and thrown into a mansion filled with cultists. Help her escape the cultists and explore the world of Pandemonium to find out what happened and get her home.

Chapter 5 features Chris Dormer, a submissive tennis coach and English teacher who needs to adapt to not only being pulled through the void and deposited in the middle of a robotic society, but to an unplanned shift in gender, as well (they’re monstergirls, after all!).

Chapter 5 is currently about 60% complete. Chapter 1 is complete.

*Fixed the bug where you’d get stuck going through certain doors near Quantir.
*Added alternate “low-detail” descriptions for all abilities. You can toggle to high-detail with F2 if you need to see specific values.
These alternate descriptions also use a larger font to be easier to read.

*Added all remaining standard keyboard key images so you won’t see “ERROR” all over the place.
*Added Zombee relive scene.
*Added Alraune Volunteer relive scene.
*You can attempt to boop the statue at Polaris’ house for the corgi boop paper.
*You can now try to lockpick the sister superior’s door in the Dimensional Trap Basement.
*Stun and stun resistance now appears in the combat inspector.
*Added some more dialogue topics.

*Added ‘Mend’ ability to Mei’s Alraune form. This is a simple single-target heal.
*Added ‘Reserves’ ability to Mei’s Slime form. This generates 20 MP in exchange for your turn.
*Added ‘Entangle’ ability to Mei’s Slime form. Hits all enemies and reduces their evade, and can’t miss. Good for hitting dodgy little shits.
*Added ‘Hive Locus’ ability to Mei’s Bee form. Generates 40 MP and reduces accuracy by 100 for 1 turn, as a free action. Basically anti-Concentrate.
*Ripple (Mei/Nightshade) now costs 15 MP.
*Poison Darts (Florentina/Treasure Hunter) now deals more damage and lasts for 5 turns instead of 3.
*Trip (Mei/Fencer) now has +25% base accuracy.
*Fan of Leaves (Mei/Nightshade) deals 1.00x attack and costs 25 MP, from 0.80x and 30.
*Way of the Slime (Mei/Smarty Sage) corrected tooltip. It provides +10% Max HP, not +10 Max HP.
*Indomitable (Mei/Petraian) goes to +15% Max HP from +5%.
*Pounce (Mei/Prowler) now can only target stunned enemies, and will not let you waste MP attacking not-stunned enemies.
*Garrote (Mei/Prowler) now can only target bleeding enemies, and will not let you waste MP attacking not-bleeding enemies.
*The Warden boss now applies a debuff upon marking a target. Failure to remove it causes double damage from the follow up attack.
*Infirm now has a higher evade.
*Mycela now does a bit more damage. Her Shockwave attack was dealing 33% more damage than it was supposed to, and was reduced, but her other attacks deal more to compensate.
*Mycela’s Enveloping Spores lasts one more turn than before.
*Warm Socks now provide freeze resist. The game is now ‘Realistic’. IGN gives it a 10/10.

*Thrall Mei is now Thrall in the UI.
*Fixed Mei’s First Aid ability not animating and not removing bleeds.
*Fixed Zombee Boss AI such that the zombees actually *attack you*
*Fixed many small combat bugs
*Fixed many small map bugs

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[VN] [Ren’Py] [furrgroup] Ghost Love [v1.0]

Release Date: 2018-10-31
Developer: furrgroup Itch.ioPillowfortTwitterPatreon
Censored: No
Version: 1.0
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English

In this adult kinetic novel, you can romance Fade the ghost as well as her friends Rei, Kara, and Estria.​

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