Tag Archives: latex
[Sugoi Hi] Nightingale (Fate/Grand Order)
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[Unity] [Throwawaylady] Pandemonium Classic: Unity Edition [1.0.9]
Release Date: 2023-01-19
Developer: Throwawaylady
Censored: No
Version: 1.0.9
OS: Windows, Mac, Linux
Language: English
A group of girls wake up in a mysterious mansion. The mansion is full of monstergirls seeking to transform them.
Will they escape or will they fall prey to the House of Pandemonium?
+ Skunk gloves now trigger a gender change before attaching when equipped by a male
+ Werecats now steal the penis of male characters, triggering a male to female tf if it isn’t recovered
+ Translation system – currently only in use for the undine transformation
+ Translation system has been modified to group strings
+ Music box now includes mod form songs
+ Added a ‘transform instead of absorbing’ option for cerberuses (to avoid them splitting)
+ Fixed traitor tracker being lost on a gender change
+ Fixed an issue with the vampire lord ai breaking when trying to lead characters to the crypt in square yard mode
+ Characters now release all dragged characters when they are body swapped or hypnotised by the hypnogun
+ Fixed a crash occurring when the tutorial npc is ordered to hold position
+ Probable fix for some body swap weirdness
+ (Antay) Fixed some issues with illusion curse permanence
+ Fixed an observer ui crash when examining characters that are still human, but not using a human image set (claygirl, possibly others)
+ Bimbo flaunt actions should now work on male characters
+ Hellhounds/orthruses/cerberuses are now immune to brimstone damage (they were harming themselves when e.g. body swapped)
+ Possible fix for occasional orthrus/cerberus head adaptation weirdness
+ Unicode loading from xml has been fixed (utf-32 encoding for the translation file xmls) – display of most characters will be in a later version
+ Fixed an error sometimes occurring when twisting certain wishes as a djinn
+ Possible fix for some djinn weirdness when returning a djinn to human form
+ Fixed entoloma spreading
+ Music box has been refactored to remove lingering dependence on some refactored code and several special cases
+ Fixed a crash occurring after a bad map generation in some circumstances
+ Swapped unicode encoding in translation xmls to utf-8 because it works fine
+ Fixed rusalkas, mermaids and other forms limited to certain rooms from teleporting to rooms they cannot enter when the player escape as monster option is on
+ Fixed crash when spawning masks with observer commands
+ Deleting the active translation file no longer causes an issue on game start
+ (Antay) Fixed illusion curse issues with some forms