Tag Archives: Naizuri

[Ren’Py] [Cryswar] Divine Dawn [v0.32]

Release Date: 2021-02-08
Developer: Cryswar – PatreonDiscord (regular status updates!)
Censored: No
Version: 0.32
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
Language: English

Divine Dawn is a text-based RPG in which you step into the role of a would-be hero, with dreams of greatness and no likelihood of achieving any of them in a peaceful world with no real genocidal threats. Then you nearly die several times in a row, discover traces of an ancient mystery and (possibly) impending doom, and go on a road trip with a colorful cast of comrades to save the world! Maybe. You’ve got a lot of fighting, therapy, adventure, and monster girls to deal with before we get to that point. Fortunately, you’ll usually have a partner at your side to help you out in fights and offer witty(?) banter(?). But only you can decide if it’s worth trading your humanity for the power you need – otherworldly energies offer much, but will change your body over time.​


  • Sarah got a new lovey thighjob CG, attached to a very… ethereal sort of scene. If you needed a reminder that she’s a succubus, not a normal girl, this is it.
  • Sarah also got a new trust scene, with a bit of character development, bonding, and hints for the future. Not all of them are good! Her finalizing her decision to invite Celica for the upcoming library research trip is, though.
  • Sarah also got an amusing new conversation, in which you and she discuss Ashley’s viability as the true Demon Queen. Her answer may or may not surprise you.
  • Maya got a chonky new affection scene, which has her being almost suspiciously cute when she has her guard down. It also has doggo ear rubs. This is very important.
  • Ina trust 4 and 6, delving heavily into Sahuagin lore and her feelings about it. Not all are positive, but it’s a good bonding experience.
  • Metatron gets a new trust 18, with a lot of emotions running rampant and a reveal of something that has been bothering her for some time. Robo-angel-wife has been going through a lot, please support her.
  • As always, I’ll take a few days off to recuperate and fix bugs as needed, then get to work on the next update. Not sure exactly how long it will take – I don’t wanna do any more giant 2 month updates, so probably more in the 2-4 week range, depends a bit on how much I want to fit in.



[Ren’Py] [Cryswar] Divine Dawn [v0.12a]

Release Date: 2021-07-14
Developer: Cryswar – PatreonDiscord (regular status updates!)
Censored: No
Version: 0.12a
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
Language: English

Divine Dawn is a text-based RPG in which you step into the role of a would-be hero, with dreams of greatness and no likelihood of achieving any of them in a peaceful world with no real genocidal threats. Then you nearly die several times in a row, discover traces of an ancient mystery and (possibly) impending doom, and go on a road trip with a colorful cast of comrades to save the world! Maybe. You’ve got a lot of fighting, therapy, adventure, and monster girls to deal with before we get to that point. Fortunately, you’ll usually have a partner at your side to help you out in fights and offer witty(?) banter(?). But only you can decide if it’s worth trading your humanity for the power you need – otherworldly energies offer much, but will change your body over time.​

(7/14) 0.12a

  • Sam has proper art now! With three outfits and a variety of expressions, she should have no shortage of personalititty. Previous events (hopefully) updated. Battle art is not yet implemented.
  • Sam’s fire training part 1 is done; parts 2 and 3 will come at a later date.
  • Metatron got new Trust and Affection scenes, the beginnings of her martial arts and romance plotlines respectively.

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