Tag Archives: urination

[Unity] [Sonpih] Lust for Adventure [v4.6]

Release Date: 2020-10-06
Developer: Sonpih Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 4.6
OS: Windows
Language: English

Hi everyone, I’m Sonpih, and I’m creating an adult game called Lust for Adventure, this is a 2D RPG game based on the world of Warcraft where you are an adventurer in search of fame, fortune and obviously sex! The inspiration for this game came from other adult games like “Corruption of Champions” or “Trials in Tainted Space”, games where you have a sense of freedom in a world of monsters and sex. In this game you can create a character with some customisation options, complete quests for NPCs, fight (or fuck) different enemies in turn-based combat, and experience multiple events.​

Haunted Mansion
This version adds the first part of the Haunted Mansion, a new place in Duskwood that works as a small puzzle game where you have to do things in a specific way in order to break four seals and confront the lord of the mansion. When you make mistakes you’ll get a sex scene, something that right now is weird because you get nothing if you do things right, but until the mansion is finished this is how things will work.
For now you can interact with the Vampire Room and the Cemetery, and you can always reset the Mansion by talking with Igor at the entrance, just in case you reach a dead end.

Sex Scenes
2 Scenes with Skeleton/Ashes (1M/1F)
2 Scenes with Zombie Hands (1M/1F)
2 Scenes with Night Elf Ghost (1M/1F)
2 Scenes with Statue (1M/1F)
2 Scenes with Blood Fiends (1M/1F)
2 Scenes with Vampire (1M/1F)

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