Tag Archives: zombie

[RPGM] [Ark Thompson] The Hunter 2 [v0.21.1]

Release Date: 2022-06-26
Developer: Ark Thomson PatreonPixiv Fanbox
Censored: No
Version: 0.21.1
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English

You’re playing as a girl living in a women-only village who’ll get to learn how to become a “Hunter”. Basically, she’ll hunt male creatures for women requesting it. The goal is to find them, fight them with a sex-based combat system, train them and deliver them to the requester.​

The Hunter 2 v0.21.1 |
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– Corrected the fact that running shoes didn’t work anymore.
– Corrected the fact Catherine could disappear during her first quest.
– Corrected the fact that you could get hard lock during Jeanette’s quest.
– Corrected an infinite loop occuring during Caitlyn’s quest.
– Corrected images crash happening during battles with the new Kaya outfit.
– Corrected a visual bug on the money in Neves shop.
– Corrected the fact that Caitlyn’s quest wouldn’t disappear from the quest log even after being finished
– Corrected the fact that the screen would stay black after Kaya & Sasha’s conversation in Sasha’s room.
– Corrected the fact that the quest “Back to basics” would stay visible even if finished.
– Corrected the fact that the step “Talk to Biserka” was already noted as done before doing it in the “Kaya’s Secret Plan” quest.
– Corrected a bug that was locking the player inside Catherine’s bedroom.
– Corrected a bug that was preventing the player to open the creature side of the brothel.
– Corrected a possible softlock with money if the first $50 were spent at a precise moment. Now Zoey will give Kaya $50 no matter what during the restoration of the brothel façade.
– Corrected the text jumbling in the quest log when there’s a lot of text.
– Corrected the fact that Aren could appear twice after bringing Jimmy to Catherine.

Gameplay Modifications:

– The mini-map is now set at 50% opacity when launching a brand new game (without any config file.) This will allow to see stuff that can be hidden behind (notably Frank’s bar). The opacity won’t change in a game folder were the game has already been launched. The config.rpgsave can also be erased but might as well change the opacity directly in the options of the game.

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| The Hunter 2 v0.21 |
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– The mini-map now fades in/out like the screen when you’re changing map.
– Corrected a bug that could lead to a crash if a certan combination of factors was met during the selection of the girl in the brothel.
– Corrected the fact that if you already had a piece of wood without buying one to Zoey, the Quest Journal wouldn’t update properly after Tambara finished crafting you the dildo.
– Corrected the fact that the first time you could see a pixel animation of Kaya the first frame would make her invisible.
– Corrected the fact that Kaya’s sprite appeared under Ominira when entering the town through the world map.
– Corrected text repetition during the introduction.
– Slowed down all the characters that were on crack and walking too fast (especially animals.)
– Corrected the double jingle on the first quest of the game.
– Corrected the volume of some sound effects that were too big.
– Corrected typos, as always…
– Corrected the fact that the windows in the brothel bedroom disappeared between the dirty and clean state.
– Corrected a false “end quest” trigger after the scene with the frog
– Corrected the fact you could trigger the frog scene endlessly by leaving the village again right after it first occured.
– Corrected path problems in the house in the Oblivion Forest (some tiles were crossable while they shouldn’t as well the opposite)
– Corrected some occurences where the sound was louder than it should’ve been.
– Toned down a bit the dusk effect during the Edelbert cutscene to ease people’s eyes.
– Corrected the fact the in-map doors (doors leading to another part of the same map) were making the mini-map and the quest icons disappear during the transition.
– Tambara doesn’t sell the Pickaxe anymore (it’s not implemented yet.)
– Spread the top and bottom opening of the entrance of the Oblivion forest for more comfort of use.
– Corrected the fact that the right guard of Ambriosa’s entrance’s dialogue didn’t change her dialogue even after Kaya’s first meeting with Tambara.
– During battles, the “Defense” skill now works properly instead of triggering the kiss skill.

Art Additions:

– 87 new H pics have been added to the game.
– 9 new non-H pic have been added to the game.
– 7 new H scene has been added to the game.
– 2 H scenes offer a variation route depending on the fetish selector’s position (I might develop this idea in the future.)
– 1 new title screen variation has been added to the game.
– 11 Quickies have been added to the game.
– 7 Battle pics have an alternate outfit version + Kaya’s 4 battle sprites.
– 49 new facesets have been added to the game (13 new characters + Sophie who now has 4 expressions instead of 3 previously.)
– 19 new pixel characters have been added to the game + 4 new outfits for 4 already existing characters + 3 naked versions.
– 4 pixel characters have a new outfit.
– 1 H pixel animation has been added to the game.
– 3 new tileset packs have been added to the game to design the poor district.
– Items finally have icons! To differentiate them from the scavenging collectible and sexual experience, they have a green border and their own color.
– To make the game more lively and coherent with materials/sex stats, the icon along a color code are now showing up when you get an item.
– 14 icons have been added to the game.
– Some elements in the homeless part of the poor district were manually created by PeakJump.

Art Update:

– All the recent scenes have been passed through a PNG compressor to save space on the game. The gallery size has been almost halved from 300Mb to 180Mb
– Changed Sophie’s model. She now looks much better than the previous version. Her pixel version has been changed accordingly.
– Made major modifications to Ominira’s tileset: Vegetation is using a different set of texture that has been tweaked to be more comfortable to the eye. Lani & Wiola’s shop have been tweaked too because of mistakenly placed tiles.
– Corrected the lack of glow around Sophie and Svetlana’s faceset
– Corrected a couple of facesets which had a pixel offset between the different expression (especially Catherine who had more)
– Tweaked the namebox so that it looks a bit more rusty like the textbox.
– Also tweaked the textbox and the namebox size/positionning.
– Added the missing accent on Léonie’s name during her presentation.
– Kaya’s damage sprite during battles has been changed into something a bit better visually.
– A new script has been integrated to manually color spots in the mini-map so it can be faithful in terms of crossing/blocking tiles.
– Updated the BA Logo to the new one.
– The Gallery UI has been tweaked with new background/foreground images as well as new images for locked scenes. Those are not definitive.

Gameplay Additions:

– 2 new main quests have been added to the game.
– 5 new side quests have been added to the game.
– A whole new district is now available: The Poor District. It’s the second of Ambriosa’s 6 districts.
– With the new district available, there is now a possibility to teleport between specific spots in Ambriosa to move more quickly.
– Two new spots are available on the world map.
– 14 new maps have been added to the game.
– The Outfit crafting mechanic has been added to the game! You can now gather elements to craft outfits for either NPCs or Kaya!
– A slut outfit has been added for Biserka and for Sasha.
– Quickies have been added to the game! Quickies are very short H scenes you can witness while walking around or triggering specific events.
– Kaya can now equip new outfits! When Kaya gets her hand on a custom outfit she can equip it anytime. In order to prevent my own sanity, custom outfits don’t work in friendly areas. They work in dungeons. As such, Kaya’s outfit will change her sprite, her animations, her look in the menu and her battle animations. In the future, Kaya will aslo be able to get “specific” outfits which will be outfits that work only in a certain area or in a certain situation. Those outfits will NOT be wearable throught the menu.
– About outfits for Kaya #2: Kaya’s wearable outfit only work in dungeons BUT, having them in the inventory can create specific scenes in friendly areas. In those cases, it doesn’t matter if you’re wearing it or not (the base outfit will always be displayed anyway), as long as you have the right outfit in your inventory, the scene can be triggered.
– A new outfit has been added for Kaya.
– When unlocking an outfit in the game, the title screen becomes available with said outfit.
– It’s now possible to make NPCs wear situational outfits. Unlike slut outfits which are meant to be worn anytime an NPC has sex outside, those outfits are situational and will be necessited to trigger very specific scenes.
– A new outfit has also been added for Halcyon.
– The inventory has been completely reworked to fit the needs of the game.
– 8 scripts have been added to the game to deal respectively with day changing, outfit equipement, the outfit shop, maps exits, the mini-map manual coloring, keeping datas stored outside a loaded game, text parsing and inventory.

Gameplay Modifications:

– Increased the number of save slot from 20 to 50.
– Nathalie won’t be in her house after Tambara has been met as both the conversation and the settings need Nathalie to leave after that moment.
– The text for the remaining elements to clear in the brothel is now color coded.
– The camera now moves towards the newly found places on the world map so they can be easier to see.
– The “Cleaning Step” text is now on the bottom left of the screen to avoid overlapping with the mini-map.
– The “Cleaning Step” now features green/red coloring for a better contrast.
– A couple of changes have been made to the quest log: some textual rewards are now visible (brothel recruitement and slutiffication completed), difficulty is now color coded and there are only three difficulties remainig (easy, normal, hard).
– Removed the text forbidding Kaya to go on Biserka’s house 1st floor.
– The text in the textbox is now working like in Slice of School: it’s a text parser automatically going to the next line when needed. It allows a much more coherent alignment. The text that was written BEFORE this update will be updated to this new layout in the next update (Too many possible bugs to do it for that one.)

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