[RPGM] [Dystopian Project] Overgrown: Genesis [v1.00.0]

Release Date: 2020-05-23
Developer: The Dystopian Project PatreonDiscord
Censored: No
Version: 1.00.0
OS: Windows
Language: English

You take the role of Juno, a survivor of the apocalypse and a trained engineer (a shout-out to Isaac from Dead Space), trying to navigate between a failing human society cloistered in fortified sanctuaries and an outside world ravaged by the infection.

– Game’s first “completed” status!

– Added Ending “B”, which triggers if losing to A.C.E units in the final level. Comes with a new breeding machine scene + a unique ending room.

– Added Ending “C1” and “C2”. They are basically the same outcome, except C2 is inherently evil. This comes with a group scene involving all the civilian leader girls + Juno (or without Juno, if you pick C2). The condition for this ending is to complete the game without doing any civilian leader sidequests or upgrading the shelter.

– Added Ending “D”, which is the neutral ending. You have to upgrade the shelter WITHOUT using soldier favours (Base Points only) and complete all civilian leader sidequests.

– Added Ending “E”, the ‘best’ ending. All conditions from “D” must be met, plus all sidequests finished, plus all 8 “Note” items collected.

– Added a great EXPLOSIONNNN effect to killing infected enemies. Call me ArchiGumin.

– Fixed huge bug where you can’t complete General Hawke’s sidequest before the switch order was screwed up

– Fixed buying duplicate weapons from Taylor and upgrades allowing for repetition

– Went back and rewrote the story for Zara and Feinstein to make more sense from Hamilton onwards. Retcon text in hospital, also, revised background stories for Zara and Feinstein

– Added infection behaviour / masturbation trigger. Basically, if your infection gets too high, Juno will stop and start masturbating uncontrollably after a set number of steps. This dissuades players from stacking infection as the only penalty previously was when resting.

– Reload timers added to weapons, which adds a subtle level of difficulty, especially with high damage but high reload time weapons like shotguns

– Bugged morale requirement to get into the University fixed.

– General Hawke sprite and portrait changed

– Unique and rather sexy BGS soundtrack added to Ending Room A! Also, added the base girl sprites.

– Changed the Area 66 staffer to have unique portrait and sprite

– Removed minimap function for now, kind of makes game too easy.

– Added infection removal before departing Brookside #2 during evacuation

– Added four unique SFW “Acts” images, really sets a more professional tone for the game overall!

– Removed a switch that flips when using the Police HQ computer that screws up Natasha’s sidequest

– Minor typo in dog swarm ending fixed

– Fixed being able to go up to Suits Office’s 2nd floor after completing Billy’s task without talking to the ground floor Suit

– Suits’ faces and spirtes reskinned

– Fixed bug where Fort Patton B3 Lab couldn’t be accesed from B1 in Fort Patton; also, lighting change was not applied to B3, so, fixed that too

– Fixed a huge bug where Dryad goes into harmless “statue” mode and is disabled when you are forced out of University then re-enter the Main Campus

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