Tag Archives: 2D game

[RPGM] [Sierra Lee] The Last Sovereign [v0.50.0]

Release Date: 2020-04-11
Developer: Sierra Lee PatreonBlogWiki
Censored: No
Version: 0.50.0
OS: Windows
Language: English

The Last Sovereign is an adult fantasy RPG that plunges you into the saga of a world torn between forces of lust and purity. As you enter the complex conflict, you forge a new path that will change the course of history! …maybe. The thing is, acting like most heroes gets you killed, and most evil overlords’ plans make no sense. The Last Sovereign is a game that twists your expectations for adult games, while fully embracing a reconstruction of some familiar old tropes to provide a lot of fun, sexy content.​

TLS 0.50.0
– Grand art update: All scenes in Chapter 1 now have an illustrated image!
– Total added: 28 scenes, 5 joke scenes (52 images total)
Non-consistent art are the joke scenes involving the Chosen.

This update was more involved than you might think. I was only able to make everything work properly thanks to scripting assistance from Lamsey and Decanter. Future updates will be normal chunks of gameplay plus whatever new art is finished.

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[VN] [choloco] My Summer in Tokyo [v0.8.4]

Release Date: 2020-04-12
Developer/Publisher: choloco
Censorship: Unconfirmed
Version: 0.8.4
OS: Windows
Language: English

You are Hayato Shima and your parents have just moved to Tokyo at the start of the summer holidays since your father found a high-profile job in the city center. What are you going to do while waiting for the new school year? You do not know anyone here. You decide to go around the neighborhood to find new friends of your age.

All this seems rather trivial but that’s how this extraordinary adventure will begin. What mysteries will you discover and what new friends will you make?

Don’t read below if you want to keep the story a mystery!

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[VN] [choloco] Ninjas and priestess [v0.0.5]

Release Date: 2020-04-12
Developer/Publisher: choloco
Censorship: Uncomfirmed
Version: 0.0.5
OS: Windows
Language: English

Your mission is to defeat the evil forces that invaded the city of Edo (Tokyo) and rescue the hostages. Explore Edo with your team of heroes, a new one will join you during the adventure. You will meet various women too. Some of them will help you and will be very close to you but the others are very dangerous, don’t fall into their traps!

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[Unity] [Diary of Sakiba] Succubus Affection [v1.06]

Release Date: 2020-04-12
Developer/Publisher: Diary of Sakiba
Censorship: Yes – Mosaics
Version: 1.06
OS: Windows
Language: English

MTL : Race of human beings of legend-class demon daughters of world hero human boy that has been brought up in the phrase of the countryside village picked up in the succubus of the village on the border a day in It will be attacked by a demon girl outside …​

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[VN] [choloco] The revenge of Tara [Final]

Release Date: 2020-04-12
Developer/Publisher: choloco
Censorship: Unconfirmed
Version: Final
OS: Windows
Language: English

Trapped in the Demonia dungeon, Tara was rescue by her brother Erik (in my previous game “Erik no densetsu”). Angry after suffering the tortures of Demonia, she decided to devote her life to eliminate the minions of Evil Lord by becoming a experienced warrior Priest.

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[RPGM] [boobsgames] Warlock and Boobs [v0.335.1]

Release Date: 2020-04-12
Developer: boobsgames PatreonTumblrGumroad (Tip Jar)
Censored: No
Version: 0.335.1
OS: Windows
Language: English, Russian

Krowly always wanted to learn magic, hunt for monster girls, and most of all, get laid. Help guide Krowley in fulfilling his dreams!

What s new:

Sebastian’t quest – the “lost delivery” quest can be finished now ^^ After starting the quest go to the goblin caves and find the goblins’ village. Or go the the Orcs’ camp first.

This quest leads to the two other quest lines, with the new lab for Krowly and with the new wife for Derek. These quest lines isn’t ready yet, but we made a big step forward.

Secret quest – read the attached file for info. Don’t read it if you want to avoid spoilers.

New enemies – the bandits. Butt bandit from the beginning of the game get an illustration, new tricks and a band (and a small event on the hunt). Masked bandits will be roaming around “the rocks” area. In the future they will get their own location and more events.

New monster – Gelatinous cube. The battle with him can be a bit tricky. It will require the luck, or the proper preparation ;)

New locations:

  • Orcs’ camp
  • Goblins’ village
  • Deep tonnels
  • Derek’s house (reopen)
  • Stables

New pictures:

  • Goblins caves battle background
  • Gelatinous cube
  • Butt bandit +portraits
  • Masked bandit (variant)
  • Goblin leader (variant)
  • 3 orcs’ variants

Small things:

Derek was slightly updated as a character. He is now fishing at some times of the day. A few lines about his backstory were added to his house (it’s open now). And his horse get the stables.

UPD: Hotfix 1 was uploaded. It fixes the bug at the beginning of the game when you lose to the succubus

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[VN] [Ren’Py] [noeybodys] Dungeons & Lesbians [v1.2]

Release Date: 2020-04-12
Developer/Publisher: noeybodys
Censorship: No Sexual Content
Version: 1.2
OS: Linux, macOS, Windows
Language: English

Have too much money? Ever wanted to spend exactly 4 bucks for a 30~min( x4? ) illusion of having both love and friendship?? Ever wanted to be a LESBIAN with NO DISCERNABLE EYES seducing her/their GAY BEST FRIENDS???

Seducing your best friends(x3), gaily. (gay-ly)
Seducing 1 (one) D&D commoner without a face
Seducing a skeleton, but platonically
Romantic Cryptid Hunting
Romantic Watching-Your-Date-Be-Really-Really-Dumb
Romantic Thievery, except it’s Yu-Gi-Oh cards, winning (stealing) them from crying seven-year-olds with your date.
Getting Ding-Dong-Blocked by your Date’s twin
Not Suffering From Existential Crisis (Wow!)
Partake in Redecorating Your Friends’ New House by Hiding All Her Toilet Paper
Ability to say ‘Wack’
Fight Prozac
Implied touching of Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson
Criticise your friend’s pants
Milk babies(?)
Paying $4 for something not worth $4
Regret for aforementioned activity
Regret in General

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[MenZ] Atelier Tia [v0.81]

Game Relaesed: 2020-04-07
Developer: MenZ BlogPatreonItch.io
Platform: Windows
Version: 0.81
Language: English
Censored: No

You play as alchemist girl name “Tia”. She live with (cute?)monster name “Poppo” in an atelier outside of the town. One day, Tia travel to the town for send alchemist items to her customers but a strange event happening in the town. This event change her peaceful life and she have to travel in many areas to collects many ingredients for create item that can help people in the town.

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[RPGM] [Bokki Guy] #2 Free for all [Final]

Release Date: 2020-03-28
Developer: Bokki Guy DL-Site
Censored: Yes
Version: Final
OS: Windows
Language: English

A pixel art game about communication and touching.

There is a loli rescue unit, nicknamed #2.
After winning an event draw, you get a chance to be with her one-on-one for a full day.
You won’t let this chance slip by, so you’re going to do various things with her…

When you clear stages, unlock event illustrations and mini-games!​

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[RPGM] [SteamUP] High Pressure [Demo 3f]

Release Date: 2020-04-10
Developer: SteamUP PatreonSubscribe Staritch.ioko-fiDiscordTwitter
Censored: No.
Version: Demo 3f
OS: Windows, Mac, Linux
Language: English

High Pressure is an adult RPG game built in RPGMaker MV where decisions matter.
Depending on your choices Adelina will be able to remain pure or fall into lustful wanton. Keep her loyalty to the Empire, side with the Rebels or simply remain impartial as a true journalist. Earn fame and claim her prize in the contest or fade into obscurity.
The decisions you take will change what Adelina is willing to do. Such as changing her clothing or being more willing to engage in lewd activities.

Adelina Steinmeyer is heir to a small noble house that has fallen on hard times. Working as a journalist for the “Small Times” an independent publishing house in the capital of the Endar Empire.
Opportunity knocks at her door as the head of the office intends to retire, offering her a chance to inherit the newspapers by taking part in a contest.
With the winds of rebellions and dissatisfaction brewing in the distant colonies of the empire. She must travel to the regions of conflict and write the best stories she can in hopes of earning her prize and restoring her house to its former glory.
Her missions is easier said than done. The pressure to censor the events in favor of the Empire. The potential to use her writing to rally the Rebels. Or remain truly impartial and report the events as they happen. And adding to her troubles a string of robberies in the colony leave her with just the clothes on her back.
Which road will she walk? What will she be willing to do in order to claim her prize? And what misadventures await her?

Demo 3f
What was added:
– Basic tutorial to pub mini-game
– Proper cursor with animation to pub mini-game
What was fixed:
– “File is missing”-errors
– Other critical errors that leaded to game crash
– A lot of grammar mistakes (great thank’s to DogDogDogDogDog for made a very intense job in proofreading and bug-hunting)
– Messages won’t mes into one when they shouldn’t
– Pictures that not disappearing from the screen, when they should
– Cursor in bar will triggers needed objects on touch
– Bug with speed decreased after 2-nd encounter in “Court”
– Animation was redone, so now it will shows, as it should
– Fixed unfinished conditions and switches in events
What was optimized:
– Removed few unnecessary confirmation choices here and there to make game experience more smooth
– Pictures was optimized and which decrease memory usage and reduce time, that need to show picture

  • Look for various information to help you write a story. Talk with different characters, read the signs. Information can hide anywhere.
  • Even the smallest choice can lead you to an alternative development of events, or to other results. It will also influence the mood and character of Adelina.
  • Develop relationships with various characters, and open their storylines.
  • In order to shore up her finances after getting robbed Adelina will have to engage in various odd jobs, presented as simple mini-games. Each with their own potential to lead her into interesting situations. Some workplaces will demand certain attire from her. This will in turn help with changing what she is willing to do in order to keep herself afloat while waiting for her next big break.
  • Look for blueprints and details to modify your gun.
  • Engage in a custom built battle system. Manage your turn by using your action points in the most effective way. Quick but weak multiple attacks per turn, regular attacks or the costly aimed attack for greater damage. Tide things to your advantage by engaging in special actions! Take cover, try to dodge incoming shots or try to expose a weakness. Use items when the situation gets dire and need a special edge.
  • Adelina will be able to join an elite squad of “Judges” as they explore the sewers and try to root out the rebellion. In these missions smart management of resources will be key.Or instead take part in missions that support the rebellion. Everything in order to get her next big story and win the prize she is after.
  • Also in the course of the story, you will be able to take part in stealth missions.


  • Clothing change module.
  • Own combat system.
  • Gun modification.
  • System of changing the time of day.
  • Lighting system with shadows.
  • Story development through various interactions.
  • Beautiful menu.

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