Tag Archives: combat

[RPGM] [pizzacatmx] Immoral Sorceress [Demo 4b]

Release Date: 2020-09-07
Developer: pizzacatmx PatreonBlogSubscribeStar
Censored: No
Version: Demo 4b
OS: Windows
Language: English

Seifer, a 66 year old criminal, uses the main fruit of his teacher’s life research, “Young Maiden”, to become a young girl. Having also recently completed his own research on how to obtain unlimited mana, he now seeks to fulfill his desires for power, revenge, lust for beautiful girls, as well as regain the penis he lost from changing genders. Through moral degeneration and corruption, he seeks to turn these girls into extremely loyal, horny followers. For every girl he corrupts, his total mana grows and he inches closer to his perverse goals.​

Demo 4b
– Spelling/grammar fix

Demo 4a
– 2 new hscenes (no CGs for the hscenes yet though)
– Continuing the game’s storyline (focusing mainly on Kasumi).

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[Unity] [Anduo Games] Third Crisis [v0.27.0]

Release Date: 2020-09-10
Developer: Anduo Games Patreonitch.ioWordPress
Censored: No
Version: 0.27.0
OS: Windows, Android
Language: English

Third Crisis is an adult tactical-RPG that follows the adventurer and hero known as Vibe. After a mission gone wrong, she’s forced to adjust to her new way of life in the lust-ridden town of Carceburg. Whether she gives in to the bliss of submission or uses her sexual appeal to her advantage on the battlefield is all up to you! As you delve deeper into Carceburg’s mysteries, you’ll come to uncover the secrets surrounding the crisis that saw humanity defeated and enslaved by the sinister organization Peitho.​


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[Haremon Dev] Haremon [v0.28.0.2 Patreon]

Release Date: 2020-09-12
Developer: Haremon Dev PatreonItch.io
Censored: No
Version: Patreon
OS: Windows
Language: English

Haremon is a game about assembling a team of monstergirls and training them to fight evil… as well as seducing them along the way. There’s also titties, so there’s that!​

CHANGELOG (Alpha 0.28):

Major additions/changes:

– Added Professor Laurel’s first H scene. It is triggered by a text message upon completing the Trial and Error quest. If you’ve already completed it, importing your save will trigger the text message automatically.
– Added a new story event/sidequest after Chapter 2: “A Warm Welcome”. It’ll be triggered by an automatic text message if you’ve completed Chapter 2, and will take a couple hours to complete.
– Added a simple minigame that can be played at any time after completing the aforementioned story event. Completing this minigame unlocks dialogue and a new Keepsake item.
– Added a new minor NPC. She’s kind of a secret, but you can meet her during the aforementioned quest. This character is NOT romanceable.
– Added more voice acting for Aqua (monarch) including interactions in dungeons, on dates, and in the bedroom.

Minor additions/changes:

– Edited and relocated a previous H scene to occur at the completion of “A Warm Welcome”.
– Increased overall Shard yield from non-boss encounters by a factor of 25%.
– Added two new types of panties: Reflective Panties and Reflective Panties +. The base form can be bought from Kira, and the upgraded form is crafted with it, as usual. Also added Laurel’s Panties.
– Removed the restriction where you can’t talk to Annie while Kira is in the shop. She’ll now just tell Kira to go do something for a while.
– Added a new Research Note about the history of Longwood.
– Merged most 2-part research notes into 1 page, for organizational reasons.
– Slightly altered the Bramble Scramble event.
– You can now back out of the withdraw/deposit menus at the ranch.
– Lowered Circe’s max HP to 45, and Jet’s to 70.
– Your Haremon won’t be displayed on the town screen if you have an unread message from her; this is to prevent the awkward situation of texting a girl who’s literally right in front of you.
– Removed gold vouchers from chests.
– Raised Takedown’s recoil damage from 1/4 to 1/3, and lowered its base accuracy.
– Lowered the base HP of Mr. Leaky and Stinking Violet by 10.
– Breastmilk’s healing amount was boosted (was 25-50%, now 50-75%)
– Added a tooltip to Keepsake items showing whether or not they’re active; also added a tutorial explaining Keepsakes when you first obtain one.
– Added icons to the “tell me about yourself” menu in the bedroom that show which questions have already been asked.
– Improved the responsiveness of the debug console.
– The Crystalline Timepiece now removes choice timers altogether, rather than doubling their time limits.
– Moving between image variations in the Gallery app now uses the bumpers (or A/F), meaning you can go backwards. Also, the current and total # of variations is now displayed in the corner of the image.
– The Haremon displayed on the title screen will now begin with the one whose voice clip is played.
– Fixed the Cowprint Panties showing the wrong healing boost percentage in the item tooltip. Also altered that percentage.
– Added a cuica to the victory theme. Yes this is a very important addition. It’s like a whole new game. (It’s updated in the Special Edition folder too. You’re welcome.)


– Fixed a crash in the beach shop.
– (Probably) Fixed a crash in the Bunnygirl fight.
– Fixed a bug where Horde battles didn’t trigger.
– Fixed a bug where Smokescreen (and possibly some other status moves) did nothing when used by an enemy.
– Fixed a bug where Scarlett’s “Special Training” could be accessed repeatedly.
– Fixed a bug where choices in the Gardens were timed.
– Fixed a bug where some voice clips could play even while the voice volume was turned to 0.
– Fixed an oversight where HP didn’t drop at the correct rate during Rush mode.
– Fixed certain guild quest completion prompts showing up multiple times.
– Fixed a bug where the early-game enemy HP reduction didn’t apply.
– Fixed a bug where you could buy multiple of the same swimsuit.
– Fixed a bug where pressing Back while upgrading a move would return you to the party menu.
– Fixed the order of subscreen icons on the Haremon app being wrong.
– Fixed a minor graphical bug on the settings menu that had been bugging me.
– Added a missing silhouette for the Kitsune.
– Fixed a few minor graphical bugs pertaining to playing cards.
– Fixed a bug where the “changename” command always resulted in a lowercase name. Also fixed a bug where you couldn’t use the True Name.


Fixed a crash when accessing the shop on certain days.


– Fixed a crash in certain early-game battles.

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[HTML] [SugarMint] Malevolent Planet [v0.1.1]

Release Date: 2020-09-13
Developer: SugarMint PatreonDiscord
Censored: No
Version: 0.1.1
OS: Windows, Mac, Linux
Language: English

Malevolent Planet is a text-based game set into a future not too far from our present. Humanity discovered a planet in another solar system that closely resembles Earth and decided to spend valuable resources on the discovery of the foreign planet, as Earth has gotten more and more polluted and famine has set scientists into a craze for any viable solutions that would save humanity from itself. The protagonist is a graduate of the International Space Academy and, by sheer luck, managed to land a spot on a reconnaissance mission to find out why the other missions failed to send a message back. You and your crew are set on a journey of a lifetime and your dream to explore the space has finally come true.​

v0.1.1 – 13th September 2020

• Life-Simulator System – Introduced a new system to the game to remove linearity from the story’s continuation and to give players more choices in how they want to pursue the new content. After the events of the last version, your character finds herself free to do whatever she wants. If you already finished the linear story or want to jump straight into a Life-Sim style of gameplay, go ahead and press the third link after you customize your character. The page will explain better.
• Skip System that allows you to skip straight to the LifeSim mechanic as mentioned above if you don’t have the patience or if you finished the first part already. I put a lot more effort in writing and interactions in the LifeSim part.
• Redesigned the Welcome page.
• Redesigned the sidebar. You now have a navigation bar that allows you to cycle through the relevant menus. Looks to see your character, Stats to see details like time and your character’s status bars, Items to see how wealthy you are in a currency called Krona which was designed in-house for the game. This removes a lot of the clutter from v0.0.5, no need to really scroll down anymore.
• Redesigned the Character Creation screen. In addition to v0.0.5, you will have more options such as: Cameltoe Type, Pubic Hair Type, Pubic Hair Color. There is an extra addition to the Body Type as well, thin.
• Added a right sidebar to see the enemy you’re fighting and their current status. It’ll also be used for NPC interactions and handjob/blowjob sex mechanic.
• Combat System – Introduced a new system that allows you to fight enemies. For now, there is only one enemy for one location, but the next versions will bring more locations and more enemies. A sex mechanic is also being built for sexual scenes like handjobs, blowjobs with the Combat System as reference.
• Maps – For the Life-Simulator system, you can now travel freely to any location by clicking on that location.
• Quests – Introduced a new system that allows you to start and complete quests at your own pace.
• Quests UI for Maps – Introduced an interface for the maps which allows you to see where you should go and if you hover your cursor over that location you will see a tooltip telling you when to visit that area to continue or begin or finish a quest.
• Quests UI Menu – Introduced an interface that shows your currently active quests, together with descriptions of where and when you should go. It serves an identical purpose to the Quests UI, but it’s a nice alternative.
• Tutorial Menu – It’s a tutorial that occurs after you skip to the life simulator system or after you finish the linear story. It will show you the Quests UI and how to cycle weapons because each of the (for now) two weapons has its special stats which might or might not work for the enemy/enemies you’re fighting.
• Animation System – Introduced a new animation system that acts as a gameplay mechanic, but it’s only used once right now in a quest.
• Wardrobe UI & System – Introduced a wardrobe in your character’s room where she can get dressed. It was redesigned recently, but it didn’t even exist in v0.0.5 so it’s not worth to mention it separately.
• Events System – Introduced an events system for.. events.
• Credits Menu – I received a lot of help with the development of Malevolent Planet so I made a menu to thank them personally. You can see every person’s contributions by hovering over their name.
• Preloading character assets when you start the game, preventing blinking in online versions and even local versions.
• Ship Upgrade System. You won’t see any of this yet, it’s a mechanic used in combination with the main story and it revolves around you helping your engineer, Alberto, with resources to upgrade parts of the ship. The engine at the next level allows you to travel to a city, and in the level after that interplanetary travel is possible. Other rooms will be upgradeable as well.
• Spent a ton of time on fixing bugs.

• More Character Assets, mentioned in the “Redesigned the Character Creation screen” bulletpoint.
• More digital drawings, every quest has at least one digital drawing. The public version has a few uncensored images in the Shower Event from the Sanitation Room, but all the others are censored and available only for $5+ Patrons.
• Assets for a few enemies and two digital drawings for the first enemy.
• More clothes. (bikini, dress, and more)
• More portraits.
• More backgrounds.
• Icons for the wardrobe clothes.

• An extra 80,000 words over v0.0.5, bringing the game to around 120,000 in v0.1.1.
• Continuation of the story from the events of v0.0.5.
• An event in the Sanitation Room with many choices at every turn, which turn into separate branches. The next version will bring more events in the Sanitation Room, but until then you can replay this one to reach a different ending if you want.
• Four quests. At least one for each crew member.
• Dialogues with your crew members. You can find more about them in these dialogues and also in the quests.
• Dialogues with the human camp people which happen at random times during the day.
• Texts for every location in the game. Many of them will be expanded upon with more content.
• Steadily added more and more content which builds up the lore around upgrading the ship and travelling to another city. Check the “Ship Upgrade System” bulletpoint from the writing section for more info.

Well, that’s enough for a changelog right now. I hope you’ll like this update. I’ve worked a lot on Malevolent Planet since the latest public release because finishing university allowed me the time I needed to dedicate myself fully to the game. If you like it, please consider supporting the project. Thank you!

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[Unity] [GuroGameSan] Nyctophobia [v0.2]

Release Date: 2020-08-30
Developer: GuroGameSan Ci-en
Censored: Yes
Version: 0.2
OS: Windows
Language: English

This is a simple 2D side scroller game featuring Rin, a bio-weapon created by the Lab to destroy the source of Infection in a world full of mutated monsters.​

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[Unity] [Team Nimbus] Cloud Meadow [v0.1.1.0g]

Release Date: 2020-06-04
Developer: Team Nimbus Patreon
Censored: No
Version: v0.1.1.0g
OS: Windows
Language: English

Cloud Meadow is a hybrid farming sim dungeon crawler, where the player can choose the solitude of a quiet sky high farm or the rushing adrenaline of a raging battle inside abandoned ruins, both of which benefit one another. Experience thrilling turn based combat versus a variety of enemies, using your own raised monsters, allies and an array of skills. Explore a huge variety of locations and hidden areas throughout the ever expansive world of Cloud Meadow. Among the three major towns the player will be able to fully navigate through it to discover quests, new npcs , stories and the lore behind the game. Farm to your hearts content and exchange your produce for goods and services, complete quests and raise your farms production! Breed and discover a large variety of monsters whom you can breed with one another AND breed with!​

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[Unity] [SilverStorm Studios] Titans Trainer [v0.0.1b Demo]

Release Date: 2020-09-12
Developer: SilverStorm Studios Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 0.0.1
OS: Windows
Language: English

A parody game of animated series show “Teen Titans”, Taking place in an alternate universe of the Teen Titans where Terra is free from her own demise 3 years later, you get to play as Jericho, who was tasked to infiltrate their ranks in the body of Kid Flash. Your mission is to corrupt the Titans and ultimately tear them apart from the inside, without them suspecting anything.​

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[RPGM] [boobsgames] Warlock and Boobs [v0.335.8]

Release Date: 2020-09-12
Developer: boobsgames PatreonTumblrGumroad (Tip Jar)
Censored: No
Version: 0.335.8
OS: Windows
Language: English, Russian

Krowly always wanted to learn magic, hunt for monster girls, and most of all, get laid. Help guide Krowley in fulfilling his dreams!


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[RPGM] [Ninhalf/HGameArtMan] Horny Mage Academy: Dark Tower [v0.11.1]

Release Date: 2020-09-12
Developer: Ninhalf/HGameArtMan WebsiteWikiTwitter
Censored: No
Version: 0.11.1
OS: Windows, Mac
Language: English

Enter a world of magic and romance, fantasy and adventure, where your wildest dreams can come true….
As long as those dreams involve attending an ancient magic college and learning magic, of course!
Horny Mage Academy: Dark Tower is a top-down action-RPG inspired by such games as Violated Heroine.
It’s currently in development and in need of some feedback!

The game currently contains a mixture of time-management and dungeon-crawling, along with the expected
bit of lewdness!​

V0.11.1 Bugfixes
-Lengthened the first set of floors of the main dungeon by 1 floor
-Enabled Saving in the Nekomata Village
-Made the stairs/crystal in the main dungeon able to be passed over, requires interaction to procede now

-Fixed states(specifically move speed) not properly being reset on death.
-Fixed saving bug that placed your character into a wall or furniture
-Fixed Kitchen PTJ pantry minigame freezes on start
-Fixed route to boss in Nekomata Village being blocked off at times
-Fixed transport to upper floors breaking once you reach end of content

Known Issues-
-Possible issues with battle system failing to enable in waterway dungeon?
-Nekomatas jump through walls for funtime, not intentional at all
-Comm bank won’t let you deposit last coin
-Paper writing and research page counts wonkey still
-Allowing nekomatas to play with you past 0hp can break stuff… might be fixed now actually
-Neko Babies names turn to default when they start walking around
-Neko caretaker arousal scene doesn’t reset arousal properly
-Field Skills seem to be broken for now
-Can escape dungeons using COMM to spend time together with people
-Fire 4 quest asking for wrong skill in questlog(possibly in class too!)

-Many more still likely, but please report any you find! Especially anything concerning defeat scenes, such as stuck blackscreens, failed transports, etc etc

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[Flash] [Sp3ktr3] Pussymon [Ep. 63 Special Edition]

Release Date: 2020-09-09
Developer: SP3KTR3 Patreon
Censored: No
Version: Ep. 63 Special Edition
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English

Your main objective in the game is hunt and tame wild Pussymon. With more than 100 Pussymon till now, you need to battle using elemental properties to defeat enemies and complete quests in order to unlock new areas and discover the mysteries of Pussymon world.

You control the main character, a pervert dude who lost his memory and can’t remember anything from his past. Between your companions you have Bridget The virgin Witch and her loyal Cat-Pussymon Valentina, the bot DOT and his innocent sister DASH and your two main Pussymon, the wild and bossy Lizardish and the dual personality bunny Lepllanny. With the help of other friends like Bolf (the archer) and Joan (the pirate) your group travel through Pussymon World in name of Pussymon Hunter Society, solving the problems related to Pussymon behavior and trying to prevent the Brutemon invasion.

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