Tag Archives: Futa protagonist

[VN] [Ren’Py] [Umbrelloid] Champion of Venus [v0.2.1]

Release Date: 2020-08-24
Developer: Umbrelloid | Patreon I Itch.io
Censored: No
Version: 0.2.1
OS: Windows, Mac, Linux
Language: English

Champion of Venus tells the story of Rayne, a socially awkward shut-in accidentally chosen as the champion of a goddess of lust.
Yuri abounds as Rayne faces the world’s most powerful thots in a tournament to decide the fate of love and lust, where the price of failure is eternal servitude.

Version 0.2.1 features:
– Connie now has a full-coloured sprite and expressions.
– The cliffhanger has been resolved, with a tentacular scene drawn by Sparrow!
– A not-so-secret new ‘ending!’
– Text speed for ease of reading! Text no longer appears all at once.

Version 0.2.1 features:
– Two brand-new, snuggly-and-lewd scenes featuring Rayne and Venus.

– More story stuff! – Some general improvements relating to text speed.

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[VN] [Ren’Py] [Davie Zwei] Healslut [v0.5C]

Release Date: 2020-09-11
Developer: Davie Zwei F95zonePatreonTFGamesSubscribeStarDiscordWebsite
Censored: No
Version: 0.5C
OS: Windows, Mac, Linux, Android
Language: English

Upon taking up the opportunity to join the brand-spanking-new expansion to the super-popular MMORPG Powerful Order Online as a beta-tester, you find yourself locked into the very odd (and apparently exclusive?) class of Healslut. Just how will you handle the power… and consequences?​

OLD SAVES WILL NOT WORK CORRECTLY. Sorry :( So many code and image changes!
You can opt to skip to Act 13 when you start a new game. You will have to make a few choices but then you can carry on from there instead of a complete restart!
Lots of new tracking variables added for fixes and future branches (hence why old stuff is broken)
All outfits now available for all bodies and variations
First part of ‘free use’ collar dinner (Champ takes round two)
IMPORTANT: right now all the dinner free-use sexytimes scenes will show the “All Dressed Up” collar but this will be corrected soon!
Bug/typo reporting now included (will create a file called _BUGGERY.txt that you can upload or send to me)
Dialog font choice now available in options
Waking up with Panki after a nap quickie (Panki or Panki+Lel routes)
‘Roopah always dead’ bugs fixed (hopefully)
Interesting/revealing dinner dialogs for all major characters
Ends abruptly after Kayden speech. :( Work continues!

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[RPGM] [FutaBox] Futa Quest [v0.75]

Release Date: 2020-09-26
Developer: FutaBox Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 0.75 P2
OS: Windows
Language: English

For some time now, things were going really bad for a young teacher Roxy.
All because of her bad reputation.
Being a futanari with a strong libido, she liked to take off the sexual tension using her young female students, but one day it all came out sideways when she had sex with the director’s daughter.
After that, all she could do is pack her things and get away from there before it was too late.
But after a while by the greatest piece of good luck, she suddenly got a call from an elite agency and she was offered a specific job.
Ah, if you only knew how happy she was when she found out she would work at the private camp for girls from very rich and powerful families. Her goal is to get the girls ready for adulthood and sexuality and to make the three richest girls pregnant with her child.
What could be easier than this wonderful task?
As it turns out, there are internal rules of the camp which will greatly complicate her life and make the task not that simple.​

It was a very hard time.

The world pandemic, me and the coder afflicted with COVID-19, the overall difficult situation.

But despite all the difficulties we still released a cool new update.


The second part of the game does not include files from the first part!

If you for some reason didn’t play the previous part, it’s better to start with it to fully understand the plot and motivation of the game characters.

What’s new:

– It’s probably the hottest update of all previous parts

– New beautiful game menu

– Сontinuation of the story of the most interesting characters who were victorious in the last vote

– 4 completely redrawn characters in the new graphics (Kate, Maiko, Princess, Maid)

– Full animation with a new plugin in a sex scene

– Hot confrontation with Maiko + new lewd toys and a secret character

– New location (+ some changes in the others)

– Romantic quests with Kate

– Interesting things with the princess’s maid and the princess herself

– New picture for the game over

– Due to high request, a room of memories in Roxy’s house has been added.

And a lot of other things that I won’t write about now to avoid spoilers.

Since this is a test version, there may be bugs in it. If you notice them, please write to us about it so we can make the game even better.

P.S.: Thank you very much for your support, in gratitude, we tried our best to meet the deadline and successfully dealt with it.

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[RPGM] [Baron Vampson] Battletits [v0.3.0.55 Demo]


Release Date: 2020-09-08
Developer: Baron Vampson – Patreon
Censored: No
OS: Windows
Language: English

The game is a combat focused turn-based RPG with 3 separate game modes adjacent to the default Main Storyline along with 2 completely unrelated modes; Tower mode (arena battles) and infinite dungeons (a procedurally generated dungeon).​


>Fixed small segment of code that was possibly preventing the decrease of lust whilst battlefucking
>Enemies in the bandit dungeon should now respawn incrementally each time you leave the dungeon before beating Jeren in her sanctum
>Slightly edited the code for Lust gains increases/decreases, it now should no longer end with a decimal place, unless this has been superceded by the engine.
>General tidy-up of the plugins
>Kelpvale tour guide will now no longer point you in the *opposite* direction(west) in order to access the undercaverns
>Overhauled exp boost items and made them accessible from shops
>Changed coin pouch Item into “Loot Bags”. Loot bags provide the player with a roll which grants the player an opportunity to acquire potions, coins and resurrection items in the field from a single item rather than just a random amount of coins (though the old coin bag is still a RNG drop from the bag itself as well).
>Characters being battlefucked should now no longer be able to evade
>Fixed Faulty lighting in initial bandit cave
>Overhauled Health Potions
>Fixed Bandit Recruitment in prison
>Fixed Missing Jenele Boss Fights in the prison levels

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[RPGM] [Baron Vampson] Battletits [v0.3.0.5 Demo]


Release Date: 2020-09-08
Developer: Baron Vampson Patreon
Censored: No
Version: Demo
OS: Windows
Language: English

The game is a combat focused turn-based RPG with 3 seperate game modes adjacent to the default Main Storyline along with 2 completely unrelated modes; Tower mode (arena battles) and infinite dungeons (a procedurally generated dungeon).
Sorry about the jump in version names, I just thought since there were so many changes that just didn’t reflect the progression of the game anymore.. Still troubleshooting some of these problems of course though.

Base game
>Fixed another potential crash in close up sex on battle mode
>Fixed issue with coin sack dispensing 0 gold
>Fixed issues with lighting in certain areas/overhauled some of the lighting systems. If there are any issues with the system as it currently stands, please don’t hesitate to let me know
>Overhaul of the goblin caves in story mode, instead of an area transition leading to total darkness I’ve added some treasure instead.
>Added rod of resurrection to shop menu. For those looking for items that can revive, there are also several potions which can also do the job available from the same shop.
>Overhaul of Fuck Party Member menu to include names of party members instead of Party Member 1, 2, 3, etc.
>Resurrection Items should now be working as intended; targetable on any dead ally. Should work as described in the available description.
>Fixed Inconsistency with shopkeeper in Kelpvale having inconsistent inventories
>Fixed Swalian Merc in the bar being infinitely(?) recruitable
>Fixed Dialogue showing at the wrong time on the ship in story mode (you only find this if you try interacting with the cabin when freeroaming the ship, has since been removed.)
>At certain points in the game Avatar graphics don’t disappear properly, the ones that have been found I’ve seen to but there still could be more.. If there is an avatar graphic onscreen without a dialogue box, chances are that it *is* in fact unintentional, however rarely this might occur..
>The paving in Kelpvale in certain areas was subpar, sometimes NPCs would block routes etc.. This isn’t fixed for all routes mind you, but there should be considerably less than before for the time being.

Transformation Girl Mode:
Managed to fix some things with Transformation Girl Mode but not everything as of yet

>Changed Clarissa Sex scene to standard multiple choice party member sex.. Unfortunately this means that the raunchy dialogue is now gone, but I’m currently unable to incorporate both unfortunately.
>Fixed collision of first door in Transformation Girl Mode
>Fixed Collision of flames in burning village segment
>Repeating event in Kelpvale outskirts should now be fixed
>Repeating event outside the ivory stream with Fenix and her crew should be fixed, and progression should be possible

This is quite a few changes as you can tell.. If you find any inconsistency’s/broken features in this latest update please don’t hesitate to let me know.

Thank you.

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[RPGM] [Baron Vampson] Battletits [v0.3.0.25 Demo]


Release Date: 2020-09-01
Developer: Baron Vampson Patreon
Censored: No
Version: Demo
OS: Windows
Language: English

The game is a combat focused turn-based RPG with 3 seperate game modes adjacent to the default Main Storyline along with 2 completely unrelated modes; Tower mode (arena battles) and infinite dungeons (a procedurally generated dungeon).​
With the new update there was a plethora of bugs in the story mode, which I apologise for, this was an oversight made by me.
>There was a progression bug with a missing NPC at the start of story mode, I wrongly assumed that this was spawning in when it actually wasn’t..
As irritating as this was to find (and probably play through for all players!) it has now been fixed. Yes; the demo wasn’t meant to be THAT short.
Hopefully now you can enjoy it as it was meant to be played, I do apologise for that!

>Fixed Cumshot Transformation at the start of story mode
>Enemies should now use Jizz strike more often, expect a difficulty spike!
>Fixed issues battlespeed was having with Enemy Lust
>Fixed Battlespeed storymode application

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[Maverik] Strive: Conquest [v0.3.1]

Release Date: 2020-08-16
Developer: Maverik PatreonItch.ioDiscord
Censored: No
Version: 0.3.1
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English

A tech demo of sequel for Strive for Power. This game represents core changes and mechanics of the second game, but does not represent main gameplay focus or content and should be treated as rough ideas.

-A whole new set of gameplay management, crafting and item mechanics.
-Dozens of classes with unique traits and abilities.
-Procedurally generated areas and dungeons

Added multiple GUI animations to some actions
Added new random events: New chest lock type traps, mimics, finding random resources, encounters
Added effect duration in tooltip for combat
Added race name to labels in hiring menu
Added exotic race slave trader shop every 2 weeks starting day 7 (requires new game)
Recruited characters won’t automatically travel to mansion anymore
Forcefully recruited characters will receive new debuff preventing them from gaining obedience from positive skills
Characters won’t participate in fight at 0 obedience
Breeder class is renamed to Breed Sow and now can be unlocked. Stats and reqs changed
Slightly readjusted Aliron’s slave race rates (Humans are more common than halfkins; elves are more common in general and rare races are equially as common as elves for slave market)
Fairies lose some stats but gain a racial healing skill
Main stats now grow slower at higher levels (starting at 40 base)
Kobold females now generate with smaller breast size
Trap events now deal percent damage
Drows have been renamed to dark elves
Slave escape chance is now present and depends on charcter’s authority and obedience (can escape if defiant and obdience < 15). Chance is based on timid factor
Food starvation debuff reworked
Defeat in combat now applies debuff preventing from participating in combat for 3 days (ticks faster when using rest)
Travel menu opens locations by default
Fixed craft menu opening on smithing even if its locked
Fixed inactive enemies not being deleted properly in some situtations
Fixed buffs not displaying in slave info
Fixed hp/mp not displaying in dungeon locations

New game heavily recommended.

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[Unity] [Syvaron] Portals of Phereon [v0.13.0.1]

Release Date: 2020-06-17
Developer: Syvaron PatreonDiscordWiki
Censored: No
OS: Windows, Linux
Language: English

Portals of Phereon is an exploration/ management/ breeding / turnbased (on tilemaps) strategy game with Monstergirls.

There are 3 different maincharacters (female, male, futa) with a different set of abilities/ goals etc.
There will be a lot of base species
(currently 10 (Beast, Centaur, Harpy, Succubus, Mermaid, Plant,Insect, Lavagirl,Lizard and a Light Creature))
and ALL possible combinations as hybrids as your characterpool to recruit from/ breed.
(+ some special hybrids with more than 2 bases)
Npcs will mostly be variants of those species or completely unique ones.

Go through randomly generated Portals, discovering/ recruiting new Species, finding interesting items/ events etc. and bring your rewards back home.
Some portals may need flying characters etc. to access.
The overworld map is also tile based.

Turn based on a tile map with permadeath. Characters have a lot of unique abilities, passives based on species. First all your characters act then all enemy characters. To make permadeath/injuries in this system not too frustrating, ranged abilities are very limited so enemies couldnt just focus all their attacks on one of your characters, instantly killing it. Instead characters are able to seduce others from far away, increasing their lust. While their lust is above 50% they get a lot worse (take double dmg, deal half etc.), so “ranged” characters still have a big influence on the game while not feeling too unfair. At 100% lust characters cant do anything except masturbate/fuck, effectively stunning them for a round.
mana and hp never regen naturally and the gametime passes during combat, making every single battle important, forcing you to think about how you want to prioritize your ressources (hp, mana, time, characters, etc.). (I always hate completely meaningless filler battles in games).

Breed your characters’ traits/stats to create a team specially tailored to your playstyle and/or portal environments or to prepare for certain fights/fullfill requests etc.

fight in arenas
train your characters/your sexSkills and put them to use in the brothel
build upgrades etc.
do quests/ interact with npcs

They will mostly be Image slideshows with descriptions etc. (maybe sometimes animated)
There will be a lot of random events that occur based on your party/ biome/ rng etc.
Npcs will have more complex scenes where you have a lot of choices.
I try to have everything porn related to also have gameplay consequences, so seeing sexScenes etc. is not the reward in itself, otherwise it would feel weird to be punished for it gameplay-wise.

  • servicing didn’t clear lust when target had no energy
  • rng for some things didn’t change each day in some occasions (spawned same tavernquests etc.)
  • “enticed” made ai behave weirdly even when no character is presenting
  • full restore wasn’t useable
  • shelldrakes dropped invalid materials
  • could collect infinite mushrooms from one spot
  • genetic size/gender for crea summons weren’t always accurate
  • some overworld event pics weren’t shown
  • enemies in new merchant event were all bosses
  • needed to have more basic resources to craft something (instead of equal+)
  • eggs from an event were always lava type
  • some uniques didn’t have the unique trait
  • evo lost lavaimmunity trait after normal transformations
  • enemy evo in special forms showed (wrong) clothing overlay
  • removed automatic milking upgrade as its kinda redundant now
  • gallery pics for evel didn’t unlock
  • tentacle research event couldn’t trigger, as the loccation was inaccessible. (moved to guild)
  • couldn’t mindcontrol lustbound characters
  • petite/busty/Wellendowed traits didn’t affect energy/milk
  • sexmaster/god affects recruiting chance now.
  • recruit chance no longer capped between 1 and 90%. (can be higher than 100 to show skills more clearly)
  • producer increased production by +2 and *2, instead of just +2
  • equalising room upgrade behaved weirdly/opposite
  • stored eggs were weirdly aligned
  • could have same trait multiple times in tavernquest requirements
  • fixed some weird behaviour for quickruns right after doing a random battle
  • gallery didn’t show loot/produced materials for creatures
  • avy’s familiar has maxlv 10 now. avy has increased potion uses
  • manaworms can spawn in the wild now and gained mount trait
  • added some recipes for previously unused materials
  • can now get sexmaster/god traits with mc when reaching lv 10/15 in any skill
  • devil/angel pacts change stats more (and change base stats)
  • added some pics to gallery

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[Maverik] Strive: Conquest [v0.3.1]

Release Date: 2020-07-16
Developer: Maverik PatreonItch.ioDiscord
Censored: No
Version: 0.3.1
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English

A tech demo of sequel for Strive for Power. This game represents core changes and mechanics of the second game, but does not represent main gameplay focus or content and should be treated as rough ideas.

-A whole new set of gameplay management, crafting and item mechanics.
-Dozens of classes with unique traits and abilities.
-Procedurally generated areas and dungeons

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[Unity] [Plague Studios] Tamer [v0.02a]

Release Date: 2020-02-22
Developer: Plague Studios PatreonDiscordItch.ioWebsite
Censored: No
Version: 0.02a
OS: Windows
Language: English

It’s a Tame or Be Tamed world!

Create your own very custom character, human or monster, and start taming your own furry harem!

-Roguelite style death system
-Side on turn based battle structure
-Top down exploration
-Animated sex and combat scenes

-Arrow keys to move
-Esc key to open menu
-Space-bar to talk to NPCs
-Mouse to interact with menus

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