Tag Archives: Possession

[Salty justice] House of Pandemonium ~Remastered~ [v3.02]

Release Date: 2020-12-14
Developer/Publisher: Starlight Studios SaltyjusticeBlog
Censorship: No
Version: 3.02
OS: Windows, Mac, Linux
Language: English

Chapter 1 follows Mei as she gets dragged out of her home in Hong Kong and thrown into a mansion filled with cultists. Help her escape the cultists and explore the world of Pandemonium to find out what happened and get her home.

Chapter 5 features Chris Dormer, a submissive tennis coach and English teacher who needs to adapt to not only being pulled through the void and deposited in the middle of a robotic society, but to an unplanned shift in gender, as well (they’re monstergirls, after all!).

Chapter 5 is currently about 60% complete. Chapter 1 is complete.

*Fixed the bug where you’d get stuck going through certain doors near Quantir.
*Added alternate “low-detail” descriptions for all abilities. You can toggle to high-detail with F2 if you need to see specific values.
These alternate descriptions also use a larger font to be easier to read.

*Added all remaining standard keyboard key images so you won’t see “ERROR” all over the place.
*Added Zombee relive scene.
*Added Alraune Volunteer relive scene.
*You can attempt to boop the statue at Polaris’ house for the corgi boop paper.
*You can now try to lockpick the sister superior’s door in the Dimensional Trap Basement.
*Stun and stun resistance now appears in the combat inspector.
*Added some more dialogue topics.

*Added ‘Mend’ ability to Mei’s Alraune form. This is a simple single-target heal.
*Added ‘Reserves’ ability to Mei’s Slime form. This generates 20 MP in exchange for your turn.
*Added ‘Entangle’ ability to Mei’s Slime form. Hits all enemies and reduces their evade, and can’t miss. Good for hitting dodgy little shits.
*Added ‘Hive Locus’ ability to Mei’s Bee form. Generates 40 MP and reduces accuracy by 100 for 1 turn, as a free action. Basically anti-Concentrate.
*Ripple (Mei/Nightshade) now costs 15 MP.
*Poison Darts (Florentina/Treasure Hunter) now deals more damage and lasts for 5 turns instead of 3.
*Trip (Mei/Fencer) now has +25% base accuracy.
*Fan of Leaves (Mei/Nightshade) deals 1.00x attack and costs 25 MP, from 0.80x and 30.
*Way of the Slime (Mei/Smarty Sage) corrected tooltip. It provides +10% Max HP, not +10 Max HP.
*Indomitable (Mei/Petraian) goes to +15% Max HP from +5%.
*Pounce (Mei/Prowler) now can only target stunned enemies, and will not let you waste MP attacking not-stunned enemies.
*Garrote (Mei/Prowler) now can only target bleeding enemies, and will not let you waste MP attacking not-bleeding enemies.
*The Warden boss now applies a debuff upon marking a target. Failure to remove it causes double damage from the follow up attack.
*Infirm now has a higher evade.
*Mycela now does a bit more damage. Her Shockwave attack was dealing 33% more damage than it was supposed to, and was reduced, but her other attacks deal more to compensate.
*Mycela’s Enveloping Spores lasts one more turn than before.
*Warm Socks now provide freeze resist. The game is now ‘Realistic’. IGN gives it a 10/10.

*Thrall Mei is now Thrall in the UI.
*Fixed Mei’s First Aid ability not animating and not removing bleeds.
*Fixed Zombee Boss AI such that the zombees actually *attack you*
*Fixed many small combat bugs
*Fixed many small map bugs

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[VN] [Unity] [KanashiiPanda] Book of Lust [v0.0.69.1a]

Release Date: 2020-11-22
Developer: KanashiiPanda SubscribeStarPatreon
Censored: No
Version: Good Boys Edition
OS: Windows, Mac & Linux
Language: English

You play as a guy who accidentally releases a succubus (with a bit of a catch) and gets access to both her spell book and herself​

-Fixed Dreamwalk on Jake returning and triggering Dominate mind instead.
-Added new UI for aspect interaction.
-Added Aspect sex scene with Valerie.
-Reworked how the aspects hunt. Player can now choose a target to send the aspects to. They’ll wait around in the target’s den until night. Target must be in their bedroom that night and not be possessed/swapped.
-Fixed dialogue portraits showing up at incorrect time.

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[VN] [Ren’Py] [kmalloc] Student Transfer [v5.0]

Release Date: 2020-11-08
Developer: kmalloc TFGamesSiteStudent-Transfer
Censored: Yes
Version: 5.0
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
Language: English

An ordinary high school student named John comes across an object of immense power on an otherwise ordinary day. Will he use it to pursue his own deepest desires? Or will he and his friends be caught between forces they don’t understand?​

Now with 867.000 words!

Leonaswap – Adjustments to existing content
Magic Sayaka
Sadie Cheer
Antics – Rita morph path

Fixed Irene’s expression numbering, she can count properly now.
Fixed screenfilters not updating properly sometimes. Now they update properly all the time.
Slight skip-proofing for Vanessa content to prevent people from flying all over the place, which is likely not very comfortable.
Fixed the scenario loading bar getting stuck at the top of the screen in rare cases, mostly by wiping off the sticky gunk that somehow got on there. Strange.
Slight sprite fix for Kyoko’s a_13 expression while wearing glasses. We overlooked it. Maybe we should’ve worn glasses, too.
Slight sprite fix for Katrina’s a_10 expression.
Tori was so emotive, she had the same expression twice. We thus replaced a_10 with a new expression.
Surgically added blood vessels to Riley’s cheeks so he can blush now.
Fixed an animation issue in the Cheer path, which is strange because that is normally the cheerleader’s job.
Removed ghost code that existed without anyone knowing about it. Spooky, and it’s not even halloween yet.
Fixed a bug that affected the visibility of expression banks in the Sprite Viewer under certain circumstances.
The morph effect now properly respects the zoom levels of the affected sprites.
The blur effect now properly respects image sizes. A lot of respect to go around.
Many, many fixes for Skeleton and Character Database content. Wording, typos, contradictions, they’re all fixed now. We hope.
Small fix for accessory state in the Sprite Viewer.
Made the character loader properly respect the values of “center_width” and “center_height”.
The usual bucket load of typo fixes.
Fixed a few leaks so that Wall-o-Texts now don’t overflow as much on mobile phones.
Removed the John apparition.

Reading time is now shown with fractional values. No more estimates of “1 hour” when your scenario is 1.9 hours long.
The blur effect is now much more performant.
Normalized the volume of the entire soundtrack. Less ear rape when switching tracks, more pleasant listening experience overall. Still, audiophiles need not apply.
Made the character loader more robust to prevent issues with non-game files. Screw you, Windows.
The morph command now properly supports Ghosts. If you happen to receive the voice of your dead grandfather while perusing this command, please contact a medical professional immediately, just to be on the safe side.
Removed experimental RAR support. Good Riddance.
We now support chinese and cyrillic characters. Do with this information what you will.
Switched from JSON to YAML as our configuration language of choice. Find further details below.
You can now send images as message in the phone system. All images and even character sprites are supported. Now you can finally write that scenario about an OnlyFans e-Girl that you always wanted to make!
The phone GUI is now rendered in high resolution. Lookin’ sharp, if I do say so myself.
Automated the entire release pipeline for less stress. A small item for you, but a giant leap for dev-kind.
The “scenario” object now exposes new properties to get the reading time and word count programmatically. Read more in the Scenario Guide. Or don’t, we’re not your bosses.
Reworked Yuuna’s spriteset with new expressions and a whole new base look. Fancy!
Replaced the default “ease” transitions with custom Dissolve-Move compound transitions for a better and smoother effect.
Cool new progress bar at startup. At least now you’ll know that it’ll still take a while.
Much fancier character introduction segments. You should replay the game from the start to catch them all!
Dual dialogue boxes are now supported. Let’s see who can figure this one out.
Tweaks to falling particle animations for a smoother look. They’ve fallen and they can’t get up.
Moved Giggs to another country and replaced her with a superior impostor named Genny. No take-backs, this is the future.
Updated uniforms for Allison, Cornelia, Giggs/Genny, Katrina, Kiyoshi, and Sayaka, as well as modified gym uniform for Giggs/Genny. No, this is not a hint at a future route.
Added entirely new outfits for Sayaka, Cornelia, Sadie, Allison, Irene, Cassie, and John. Feel free to gawk at them in the sprite viewer for hours instead of actually playing the game.
Added the ability to highlight choices you’ve seen before. Can be turned off in the settings. We don’t have scene select, but we do have this.
Massive performance and RAM usage improvements. We spent a lot of time optimizing and hopefully it has paid off. The game should now use quite a bit less RAM as well as boot up a lot quicker. Pain and suffering await beyond the veil of performance debugging, so we hope we’ll never have to go there again.
Watch us perform a magic trick as we cut the size of the game in half using nothing but wizardry, a chainsaw and the power of next-generation image formats! Overall we converted all non-user-servicable game files to WebP for a massive decrease in overall size. Your internet connection will be thankful.
Added a search bar to the BG and CG galleries for easier navigation. Smooth searchin’!
All of our music now loops seamlessly by default. Massive thanks to Lunalight for making this possible!
Revamped and updated content in the Character Database. It will now dynamically update as you play the game, where appropriate!
Enabled Online Scenario Mode for Desktop versions.
Added an option to toggle whether save games are shared across all installed instances or not.
Silhouettes can now use sprite state after the start of the game, making it more useful.
Characters now support multi-state accessories, meaning that one accessory can now have one “off” state and multiple “on” states.
The log now mentions the exact in-game name that each asset was loaded into. Electric eye, electric spy.
We will now reveal great mysteries to you on the scenario screen, more specifically the location of the currently active scenario folder. Android users rejoice!
ST is packing its bags and moving house, and it’s taking the children, too, Karen! More specifically it’s moving to a more robust storage implementation in anticipation of Android 11, such that your treasured scenarios will keep running, even if you update.
Everybody’s becoming a smooth criminal, because we’ve added fancy expression transitions, making everything look much nicer!

Added line action effects. We’re anime now.
Added a “phase” transition. We’re Sci-Fi now.
New high-res version of Anuja
New high-res version of Brad
New high-res version of Carrie
New high-res version of Cornelia
New high-res version of Eric
New high-res version of Katrina
New high-res version of Kiyoshi
New high-res version of Kyoko
New high-res version of Maria
New high-res version of Michelle
New high-res version of Sayaka
New high-res version of Setsuna
New high-res version of Zoey
New expressions for Yuuna

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