Tag Archives: 2DCG

[RAGS] [Bedlam games] No Haven [v0.91 TF Edition]

Release Date: 2020-05-29
Developer: Bedlam Games PatreonTwitterPicartoPixivTumblr
Censored: No
Version: 0.91 TF Edition
OS: Windows (RAGS)
Language: English

No Haven is a side game to the dungeon crawler Whorelock’s Revenge (formerly Deeper Dungeons: Enhanced). Here you have command of a small group of slavers initially and from there you can send out your men, woman, assorted fantasy races, monsters and so on out on various assignments to earn gold, supplies and slaves.​

—Now slavers won’t just want to talk to you in the morning about random bits of in-setting lore and will instead have a variety of requests.
—Should happen more often than lore unlocks and should adjust how often they happen based on how many slavers you have in the encampment.
—Wisps don’t really have normal desires, and will just do what they like. Legion are also not really into asking permission for anything. Zharr, thugs, bimbos, obedient slavers, and other completely loyal ones are all far too content with their lot to ask for stuff. Mercenaries are just here to get paid and will also not bother you.
—There are twenty three different dilemmas to start off with at various levels of rarities in how often they’ll happen. Several of which have variation in outcomes, options, and reasoning.
—Slavers on negative reputations and on certain levels of morale will be far more likely to either ask to leave if disliked or insisting you do something about being lusted after.
—Lots more usage for the respect checking system with some using the initial check only, while others skip straight to needing to force the issue like making use of.
—Can gain new traits, rarer assignments, new slavers, cheap(ish) biomancy, and region buffs among others.
—Due to this I reworked how Trait Transmission worked where a slaver can learn a trait of another slaver. Currently this only affects one of the new dilemmas and one of the Coastal Caves outcomes, but there will be other uses including one in the near future. Previously it was in strict order of checking for and applying Depraved > Slutty > Unscrupulous > Friendly > Sneaky > Seductive > Aggressive > Brutal in turn. Now it’s more randomized (though still with a greater chance of picking up Depraved) and now can also potentially learn Connected, Cooperative, Creative, Dancer, Folklorist, Follower, Herbalist, Heroic, Honourable, Perceptive, Persuasive, Singer, Tactful, Tracker, Trainer, Trapper, any of the Faiths including Spiritual, and most of the Crafter traits.
—Can get your second-in-command to deal with it if they’re around. Due to this Persuasive (Per), Seductive (Sed), Hypnotic (Hyp), Dominator (Dtr), Malevolence (Mal) are now listed as positive traits and Bimbo (Bim), Sex Addict (Sex) are mixed. Also added a note that them having a decent reputation helps, as it does.
—If you do this second-in-commands on lower morale have a chance to dislike the role more making them easier to remove if you want to do that. They also have a chance to lose some reputation if they handle it really badly.
-New assignments:
—A Forest Goblins vs. Wood Elves themed Uncommon Slaving assignment in the Ever Forest for a new solid source of supplies. Critical success has two versions, one for getting a slave, and one for if you have no slave capacity/are not taking slaves.
—An Adventurers themed assignment Rare Marauding assignment in the Dreadsea Coast. The Critical Success has patron provided commissioned art. Findable from the second month and will apply a penalty to Dreadsea Coast assignments along with a lesser penalty to Great Plains assignments while it is active giving the choice of sending five slavers to deal with it at a high risk or waiting for the assignment to expire. Critical success has three versions, one first time getting a specific semi-unique slave, one for after that with more variation in who you get, and one for if you have no slave capacity/are not taking slaves.
-New commissions:
—Halt Draenei Caravan with two versions for intro and the success. Also used for Draenei female slavers and female slaves. Also used for now for Draenei Farm, but I’m getting something new for that.
—Forest goblin female slaves. Will also be used for an upcoming assignment in the Deep Mountains.
—Bred to be Broken. Also used for Quintari female slavers and Centaur slaves.
—Gone for a Soldier. Also used for Orc female slavers.
—Lago’Mae in Maid Outfits for both Submissive and non-Submissive options. Will be used for Basic/Advanced Maid Training in a future update.
-New patron provided commissions:
—Human Fancy. Part of a larger commission to be used for an upcoming assignment. Also used as an alternative to tentacle sex as appropriate with the existing beast on goblin one.
—Shadow Outcast. The larger commission just mentioned. Also has an alt for Shadow Outcast futanari.
—Planning out assignments/Winning the Golem Scenario. Has many variations being used, including zoomed versions, for having a Golem Second-in-Command, female Akir slaves, Noble slaves, and blowjob sex scenes. Like the encampment scene you won’t see it every time you do planning out assignments though there will be a greater chance if you are playing a Golem.
-Crafting additions:
—New race styles in Asanei, Ori’Nek, Unrefined, and Neko (which has a few extra cute variations).
—Will now correctly account for if the smith/seamstress is Slutty or Reserved.
—More than doubled the number of different messages. Small chance they will now show up on not specifically Slutty/Girly items.
—Several new decoration additions including asymmetric and tassels.
—To better reflect the style of the setting the oversized shoulder pads have been replaced with sensibly sized shoulder pads.
-Assignment generation:
—Extended the recent system where there’d be a reduction in rare assignments in the first month and a slight increase after the first six months. Now it is possible to increase the chance of getting a rare assignment based on it being a solid lead, a quality lead, or best lead for an increasingly large bonus.
—Most assignments will work as they did before with the following exceptions.
—The assignment you can get in the Tavern is a solid lead.
—The assignments from brought scouting upgrades will be either normal, solid, or quality based on the level purchased.
—The assignments from Inquisitor will be quality leads.
—The bonus assignments from the Scouting aspects on Critical Success will be best leads, and on a Success will be quality leads.
—A Critical Success on Scouting assignments along with Grove Creepers will be solid leads.
—The assignments from Decadence like No Other on a Critical Success will be best leads for the City of Aversol ones, and quality for the others. On a Success all assignments generated will be solid so this should hopefully make this assignment a lot more worthwhile than it was before.
—An edge case not likely ever to come up, but it amused me so why not, so on a Failure of Sudden Betrayal if you did try to get rid of a slaver with the A Friend in Every Tavern aspect the assignments generated will be best leads.
-Miscellaneous additions:
—Stats now shows how many free trait slots you, a slaver, or a slave can have. This is how many extra traits can be learned from most sources including corruptions (usually, as there are exceptions that ignore this limit such as training). The number of slots can be increased by levelling up.
—Used zoomed in versions of the Nymph commission for generic sex for elves or those that have been dominated performing oral on lady or futanari slavers.
—Reworded the Decadence like No Other intro a bit along with adding a note in the Special text.
—A few bits of text additions and formatting improvements to respect checking.
—Changed the colour of wood elf speech from maroon like other elves to match the one used also by Centaurs, Horned Ones, and Fae.
—Adjusted Critical Success/Success odd additions a bit if the chance of a Failure/Disaster falls well below negative at time of applying. They’ll still improve the chances and add to Crushing it, but by a slightly lower amount in the same way that the odds additions/subtractions are based on the numbers present so the more the assignment requires the less a Success trait is worth. This shouldn’t be noticeable unless you’re really, really overloading an assignment, and even then it shouldn’t be too harsh in terms of effect.
—Added a bunch of new succubus first name variations.
—With the cheerleader precedent Known Shark of the Cards will no longer be earned by having Magic: Illusion and such slavers now have more text on the Critical Success to reflect that.
Bug fixes:
—Big backend overhaul for how assignments generate specific other assignments along with how the expiry is applied that should fix some obscure issues.
—Fix for a critical bug where cancelling while assigning a slave to a slaver would break the game.
—Multiple fixes for forced encounters including who was doing it wasn’t being tracked correctly so the amount being taken wasn’t being increased so you could never get to the puppet leader event and that a bunch of text was being skipped over during the possessed variants. Also changed the forced encounter checks while I was there so rather than skipping days 1-10 to each month to having a penalty to the roll on days 1-10 of the first month.
—Fix for the assignment buff from the Critical Success from Complete Profane Ritual only lasting 3 days due to a cap on the variable used instead of 8 as was originally intended.
—Fix for an issue where some of the newest assignments may not have been clearing on a quick restart.
—Fix for golem butts being too small on average.
—Fix for heritage not being cleared on rerolling your start so could pick up incorrect racials if you swapped out of a demi-angel or succubus.
—Fix for some of the newer Diplomacy assignments not working with the Diplomacy rank up assignment generation correctly.
—Fix for Lady of Light being treated when started as a slaver recruiting assignment rather than a slave capturing one.
—Fix for unintended wing growth if you corrupted a winged character before examining them.
—Fix for an issue where a slave would be rated as the wrong value during sexytime.
—Fix for switch showing up twice after trait removal which happens most obviously for you at game start.
—Fix for some repeated text on forced encounters.
—Fix for trying to increase the height of a minimum height character being treated as a reduction attempt.
—Fix for Marauding Spectacle of the Sacred Clumsy/Magic: Corruption being swapped in the description but not in the actual checks.
—Fix for not being able to change a sissy’s chastity options if they were already wearing a cage when they made the transition.
—Fix for not being able to get the Succubus Summonee second-in-command given the change to corrupter.
—Fix for the broken night goblin’s traits from Coiled Tentacles which were well broken by a recent change in how specific slave rewards are generated.
—Fix for repicking during training showing the slave being trained.
—Some text fixes.

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[VN] [Ren’Py] [Bam Media] Paradise Lofts [v0.15]

Release Date: 2020-06-01
Developer: Bam Media PatreonWebDiscord
Censored: No
Version: 0.15
OS: Windows, Mac, Linux, Android
Language: English

Paradise Lofts is a high-stakes, comedic and pornographic romp. Travel back in time to 1958 and become witness to a crime that leads you down a desperate path to find a killer and discover her motivations.​

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[PEdev] Porn Empire [v0.795]

Release Date: 2020-06-01
Developer: PEdev PatreonBlogmbmb
Censorship: No
Version: 0.795
OS: Windows, Mac, Linux, Android
Language: English

Porn Empire is a simulation/management with light RPG elements where you play as an amateur porn producer. Start small, shoot amateur porn and as you progress, you earn more money, buy better equipment, shoot with better girls and expand your empire.​

New bodies with outfits that now mostly fit. Some of the outfits for biggest bodies still have problems and like said before, they’ll have to be redrawn.
Not everything can be done with resizing. Although with the latest game engine update there’s some new stuff that might help. Didn’t want to update 2 days before release tho.
Anyway until then, try to look past that.

There’s few more things.
Reputation levels. You start with lvl 0 and can go up to lvl 4.
With each level new stuff unlocks.
At 0 you can only shoot with prostitutes, but it soon opens up. With some other balance changes it might be harder to play now.

Scenes you shoot at home are tagged Amateur and make less money than scenes shot in studio.

Also some new locations, special girls and QOL improvements.

The ground is also set for rival companies for the next update. Some simple AI companies to spice things up.

Changelog v0.795

-Resizing the outfits.
-7 female body types.
-4 male body types.
-3 new special characters.

Sauna, Jacuzzi, Massage all part of the wellness center (old beauty salon)
Yoga studio

-New backgrounds
-New outfits

-Different body sizes.
-Auto production options redesign.
-Reputation levels and unlocking game mechanics.
-Slider for staff salaries with satisfaction indicator.
-Expiring contract filter.
-Decreased popularity penalty.
-Models you’ve promised for using your pool, beach or yacht will be there.
-Girlfriends will also appear on those places.
-Default scene titles (thanks to user Hozchelaga).
-A lot of new local names (thanks to user Hozchelaga).
-Website financial data.
-Amateur tag when shooting at home. Brings less money than “Pro” studio scenes.
-Pregnancy chance bumped to 20% if you cum inside.
-Genghis Khan perk bumped to +50% pregnancy chance.
-Auto production options: Separate option for allowing agency models to be cast for each gender.

-Fixed country picker.
-Outfit selector for females.

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[Ren’Py] [Alienguy] Prepare Uranus: Part 1 [v1.0]

Release Date: 2020-06-02
Developer: Alienguy Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 1.0
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English

Adanot plans to open his own business after a bill is passed, legalizing the entertainment industry in the Milky Way. He sends out Tsir to find out the cost of obtaining a license to open a bar.​

What you can find in the game now:
-Original plot
-9 unique characters
-Scene for adults in the final
In the future, the first part will be updated and minor corrections will be added.
What to expect in the second part:
-New characters
-Bunch of adult scenes
-Advanced gameplay mechanics, with emphasis on characters training
-Economic part
I hope, you’ll enjoy my game!

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[Flash] [Ellabelle] Spirit rancher [v1.1]

Release Date: 2020-06-02
Developer: Ellabelle PatreonTwitterDiscord
Censored: No
Version: 1.1
OS: Windows, Mac, Linux
Language: English

Spirit breeder is a game about breeding special spirits with unique skillsets and traits, raising them as you see fit and earn gold from fighting with them in tournaments. The game is similar to titles like Pokémon and Monster rancher.​

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[Unity] [Male Doll] Summer Flowers [Demo v1.00]

Release Date: 2020-04-24
Developer: Male Doll | Itch.ioTwitterPatreonSteamDiscordInstagram
Censored: No
Version: Demo v1.00
OS: Windows
Language: English

Mary and Mike always had a good love relationship, but for a long time, she couldn’t accept the fact that she wasn’t completely happy with herself. During her process of self-discovery, Mike decided he didn’t like the woman she was becoming and abruptly ended their relationship.

Lost, feeling like the floor was falling out from under her, her life turned upside down.

During this time, she met Lilly, a girl who helped her understand herself. A new love relationship started, but now Mary’s family seems to be in denial about her changes. What will Mary do about this new relationship? Open up to her parents or will she live a life without acknowledging her feelings?

Discover it in the first collaboration between Male Doll and Kidakash.

  • Original Bisexual Furry Story
  • 10 Original CGs (only 3 available for the demo version)
  • Atmospheric songs
  • Gallery with all scenes

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[VN] [Ren’Py] [SuperWriter] SuperWriter2D’s Collection of Short Visual Novels [v0.2]

Release Date: 2020-09-02
Developer: SuperWriter2D PatreonWebsiteDiscord
Censored: No
Version: 0.2
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English

Here’s the first visual novel short of my collection called EAGER BEAVER about a tough lawyer 42 year-old Diane and 18 year-old YOU and how your relationship changes after she catches you peeking at her naked.
A lot more to come if I get some support for these expensive images!​

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[Ren’Py] [Lioness Entertainment] The Loud House : Lost Panties [v0.01]

Release Date: 2020-05-31
Original Title: Bienvenue chez les Loud : Culottes Perdues
Developer: Lioness Entertainment Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 0.0.1 Demo
OS: Windows / Mac / Linux
Language: French / English (Beta)

Incarnated Lincoln in a panty hunt that will take many naughty turns!
Between his 10 sisters, his mother and all the other beauties of all ages who live in Royal Wood.
This game is happening in the near future of the cartoon, the design of some character have been modified because of this (mainly the last 5 sisters).
Are you ready for these challenges?

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[RPGM] [Bad Kitty Games] Harem Collector [v0.46.2 Chill]

Release Date: 2020-05-28
Developer: Bad Kitty Games Patreon Websiteitch.ioWikiGameJoltPicartoDiscord
Censored: No
Version: 0.46.2 Chill
OS: Windows
Language: English

Harem Collector is an early access, open-world hentai RPG where you play as a destitute adventurer who is nonetheless convinced that he is the greatest Hero of the land. After experiencing an unexpected windfall in the form of a huge mansion, he embarks on a quest to gather a harem of 151 girls to attend to his needs. Soon, he gets involved in a tangle of intertwining plots, fighting off demonic cults, foreign invaders, ancient curses, rogue slavers, and a traitor within his own harem! Will our hero be able to triumph over these adversaries and complete his Harem collection?​

v0.46.2 Chill
-New quest for the Save the Elves plotline. An orcish emmissary has arrived in the elf village with news, you should probably check it out.
-Mod support has been implemented. There are probably a lot of kinks to sort out, but if you’re interested in diving right in and starting out with mods, please join us on our Discord server and hit up the relevant channel. We will be hosting our favourite mods on the website soon.
-Vignettes have been implemented! You can new use the Satisfaction menu to witness scenes between your harem girls that Hero isn’t necessarily privy to. Right now there are four to experience: a shared drink between Alina and Therese, Larelle teasing Felix, Florine making an illicit sale, and Princess Quinta hosting a tea party.
-New sex scene art for a bunch of Doll’s sex scenes, Therese’s Sex a la Carte, and Evanie’s sex scene.
-New banters for Therese and… everyone, plus Felix x Bronwyn banters
-Bell, Therese, Alina, Quinta, Chimei, Lilac, Violet, Larelle, Eulania, Nerys, Yeon and Elaiya have expanded chat options.
-The bug that made some enemy bosses invincible should be resolved. Not the Dorm Guardian though, you’re still out of luck there.

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