Tag Archives: Oral sex

[RPGM] [Zem] Paccsu [v0.21]

Release Date: 2020-04-04
Developer: Zem PatreonNewgrounds
Censored: No
Version: 0.21
OS: Windows
Language: English

Paccsu – Namu’s Journey is a LEWD RPG game set in a fantasy world called Paccsu. You take control of a Muh’kean girl called Namu, who was taken away from her birth parents at a young age to be a part of a holy ritual in Muh’kea’s desperate attempt to fight The Undying King, the King of Zombies.

She was taken to the Kingdom of Ruo’ho by a human refugee couple to live by the shadow of the mystical Tukeva Tower, where she would live her life, train and grow strong. 18 years later, Namu is ready for the adventure with the help of her adoptive parents. Namu has no idea what happened in her past or has any memory of it or what kind of power she holds inside her. Soon, Namu finds herself in the middle of a crisis that threatens the whole world.
Namu’s journey begins when she is sent to investigate the mines where dangerous and bootylicious snakes from the Clan Tiss’i have been attacking the innocent human workers. It’s Namu’s job to save the world.

There is a distraught elf girl called Maria Elfenbooben in Ran’ta and she is looking for help. A Thief stole her family heirloom from her home and she needs help retrieving it from the Bandit Hideout.

This sidemission is available after you’ve finished the Temple of Shadows, Maria Elfenbooben is in Town of Ran’ta – South.

New Areas:

– Tower of Memories, Bandit Hideout

– Maria’s Location

– Bandit Hideout Location

New Enemies (Bandit Hideout):

– Bandit Warlock

– Bandit Knight

– Bandit Martial Artist

– Summoned Battlegolem (Boss)

New Lewd Scenes:

– Namu Kaupun’ki Bar Scene 2 Extended, Animated (Kaupun’ki, Bar) (Gfycat)
Remember, when you have completed the first scene, you need to go sleep at the Kaupun’ki Inn to make this scene available!

– Namu’s butt tentacled, sideway view, belly bulge, animated (Bandit Warlock, Bandit Hideout)(Gfycat)

– Lohik’s Buttslam (Male, Female) Lohik’s Special Attack in the Tower of Lohik’


Increased the price of Elixir from 500g to 1200g

Increased the TP cost of Lightning Reflexes from 18 to 25

Increased the TP cost of Heightened Reflexes from 8 to 10

Kiva receives a new power called Motherly Slime (lvl 28), Regeneration, Ally Debuff remover

Kiva receives a new power called Slimediho (lvl 29), Debuffer, Physical Damage

Kiva receives a new power called Slime Cascade (Lvl 30), High Physical Damage

Kiva receives a new power called Crushing Slime Prison (Lvl 31), Paralyze, Physical Debuff, High Physical Damage

Kiva receives a new power called Plagueslime (lvl 32), High Physical Damage, Applies Plague’d (DOT)

Namu receives a new power called Glacial Slash (Lvl 28), Tier 3 Ice Slash

Namu receives a new power called Blessing of the Blue Dragon (lvl 29), Party heal, Defense buff

Namu receives a new power called Storm Slash (lvl 30), Tier 3 Lightning Slash

Namu receives a new power called Encourage (lvl 31), Party Damage & Defense boost

Namu receives a new power called Meditation (lvl 32), TP and MP regeneration

Namu receives a new power called Judgment of the Golden Dragon (lvl 33), Light Defense Debuff, DOT

Purnima receives a new power called Massacre (lvl 29), 2 Random target, Bleed, Shredded

Purnima receives a new power called Throat Cut (lvl 30), Deep cut, Rupture (Massive DOT)

Purnima receives a new power called Smoke Bomb (lvl 31), Party Evasion Buff, Blind Immunity

Purnima receives a new power called Sucker Punch (lvl 32), Disorient, Confusion

Slightly Increased the damage of Slimeburst, Slimespit, Slimespike Barrage and Massive Slime Bomb. (Kiva)

Increased Damage of Hellfire (Inferno Orb)

Stormcharge is no longer Instant Cast (Storm Lord’s Orb), Magic Attack Bonus increased from 25% to 30%.

Decreased the TP cost of Namu’s elemental slash attacks (Fire Slash, Ice Slash, etc.)

Changed the music of Town of Ran’ta

Increased the prices of items that increase stats

Party members will now receive Experience Points even if they are defeated at the end of the battle

Lightning Reflexes and Heightened Reflexes can no longer be stacked (They will remove one another)

Some itty bitty things

Bug Fix:

none (whaaat??)

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[VN] [Ren’Py] [Winged Cloud] Sakura Succubus [v1.0]

Release Date: 2020-04-01
Developer: Winged Cloud PatreonTwitter
Censored: No
Version: 1.0
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English, Chinese
Store: Steam

Sakura Succubus is a lewd visual novel about amassing a harem of sexy succubi. Featuring a cute idol, a domineering businesswoman, and a spacey social media star, there’s no shortage of women to woo!

Ogasawara Hiroki is a thoroughly average man. A photographer by trade, he works long and demanding hours every day, all the while overseen by his tyrannical boss.

Living in the middle of Tokyo on a paltry salary, Hiroki resides in a small, run-down apartment, and eats instant noodles to survive.

His life can hardly be called ‘glamorous’…

Until one day, that is, when he’s tasked with taking photos of Japan’s top idol, Ikue Ayu.

One thing leads to another, and Hiroki soon finds himself at the mercy of three beautiful women – all of them celebrities. There’s the cute idol Ayu, the sultry businesswoman Marina, and the airheaded social media star Cosmos. They’re all rich, famous, and extremely well-endowed, and they should be utterly unattainable…

But, for some reason, they’re insatiably attracted to Hiroki!

According to Marina, these three women are all succubi, and they find Hiroki’s scent intoxicating. They can’t get enough of him – and soon, Hiroki’s average life becomes anything but.

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[RPGM] [Yeehaw Games] Yorna: Monster Girl’s Secret [v1.05]

Release Date: 2020-04-05
Developer: Yeehaw Games Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 1.05
OS: Windows, Mac, Linux, Android
Language: English

A young mage from a noble family arrives at a distant castle to find it ruined and her sister missing. Will she able to recover lost monster girls and restore the peace with their power? What price will she have to pay?

Ada, the female protagonist, is a prodigal mage with the ability to use monster girl’s power as her own. Combine them to create your own play style from a powerful battle-mage to a delicate temptress. Will you overcome your enemies through force or make them into your toys? It’s up to you!

Yorna adjusts to your actions in narrative and quests so both slutty and pure walk-through will be enjoyable. Each scene has 2 versions and I’m thinking about adding the third option where Ada takes the lead completely. Though this stuff is for the future.

Yorna v1.0.5 is up for download! Aside from the new story content and customary puzzle & treasure hunting, players will meet 3 new monster girls on the new island. Did you love Ayane? Well, now Ada will have 3 kitsune around. Will she be able to contain herself? Existing monster girls will get some love too, including players’ favorite mini-cutscenes.

You don’t need to start over if you already finished the game in v1.0.3, both new players and veterans can continue the story. If you finished Yorna in the previous version, just check out the ”Help” function in the on-map menu. The hint will lead you to the next step in the docks. Otherwise, Ada will make a new comment after defeating Yorna.

H content

This update brings two new scenes with the werewolf. They use the same logic is preview scenes: normal and slutty variations based on Ada’s lewd level at the moment of getting the scene. Don’t forget you can use items to adjust Ada’s lewd level.

You can find new scenes after all H events on the main island. This way, you can easily distinguish between the main game and addon’s content.

Since v1.0.5 is a switch-over release, it has a smaller amount of H content yet I’m planning to return the usual 4 scenes per update in the next content pack.

Gameplay changes

Alt no longer turns on the auto-battle feature. Some players were pretty surprised during alt-tabbing out of the game but from v1.0.5 it’s no longer an issue.

Changed alchemy crafting lab in Ada’s room. The default room will reduce crafting cost for all potions. Some players didn’t understand that money cost for brewing implied smaller consumable ingredients like wood, coal or bottles to hold the liquid. Since getting too strong too fast is no longer an issue, Ada’s upgraded room will allow you to brew potions for 0 coins.

Ada’s physical skills like overpower or enrage will no longer be sealed during silence effects. Now, these work as intended and allow bigger damage output even if you can’t use spells.

Interface changes

Players no longer will be able to use the 30th save slot for manual saving to avoid possible confusion when the autosave feature was overwriting your data. You can still use this slot for loading purposes. If you try to use it for saving, you’ll hear the standard negative buzzer.

I decided to switch the default scene length to the shorter option. This change will only affect new players since they don’t have any save files. Others won’t be affected – you don’t need to do anything to keep your preferred settings.

All Android versions no longer use the default RPG Maker icon. I hope it helps with identification on your phone/tablet.

Added the “Non-silenced” category to Ada’s skill menu so players could check what options they will have under the “silence” effect.

Fixed an issue with combat surrender’s positioning. Now, r letter is no longer cut out.

Small fixes and improvements

I did a number of improvements from the original EX version based on player feedback. For example, I made a new ledge in the desert zone with a resource node on it so players could easily understand that roots/vines can serve as paths too.

Fixed visual glitch during the map loading process when players could see the map before the internal logic made its magic. Players should no longer see graphic switches during the map loading.

Improved several hints from the help menu and renamed the first floor of Mortimer’s tower to help in navigation. Added sparks to interactable rubble during the search for Desona so players would immediately understand what’s new in the zone.

Added a small path towards Oni’s sand caves since some players had trouble finding it. Expanded the map to show more water on the right side and demonstrate whirlpool disappearance once Yorna is defeated.

Medium mana potion no longer shares the icon with weak mana potion.

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[VN] [Smee] Making*Lovers [v1.02]

Release Date: 2020-04-03
Original Title: メイキング・ラバーズ
Developer: Smee Website
Publisher: NekoNyan Website
Censored: No
Version: 1.02
OS: Windows
Language: English
Voices: Japanese
Store: SteamNutakuMangaGamerJast UsaDenpasoftNekoNyan
VNDB: Making*Lovers
Length: Medium (10 – 30 hours)

Making*Lovers A story about the way love can bloom after dating begins. The focus in Making*Lovers is on the things that come after a relationship’s beginning. With “start dating, then fall in love” as the concept, you will work towards the moment when love truly blooms.

“For my whole life, I never had a girlfriend.
People could laugh at me all they want, but I refused to give up on my ideals when it came to love.

I had always pictured a first encounter where I knew right away she was my destined one.

After several chance run-ins, we would exchange numbers. Then we would hang out together on the weekends.
Only once we’ve grown close enough would it be time for a real date.

I wouldn’t have accepted any love that didn’t develop like a storybook romance.

Picking up girls at a club or going on blind dates was out of the question for me.

And so was arranged dates. How could it be romantic when someone else set you up?

I had stood unwavering in my beliefs for my entire life.

Until, that is, when the words of a certain girl turned my view on love inside-out.”

The patch fixes some minor text issues as well as an untranslated choice.

Fixed text issues
If the game still displays MS Gothic font (overlapping characters) go into the text settings and hit restore defaults, and it should change to Segoe UI Semi.

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[Unity] [SmallSqurriel] Eve Story – Hero’s Practice [v1.18]

Release Date: 2018-08-08
Developer/Publisher: SmallSqurriel
Censorship: No
Version: 1.18
OS: Windows
Language: English (machine translation)/Chinese/Japanese

When an oracle tells that the demon lord will arise again, people are seized with fear.
However, some heroes stand up against the fear! This story begins with a certain female thief…

Eve Rukia has just started her adventure aiming to be the second-ranked
hero for which she has longed. However, her way of practice is not that smooth.
Will she be able to be a hero? Otherwise……

– 6x violation scenes + 3x events
– 6x costumes + naked
– Easy card battle like rock paper scissors

* Genre: RPG
* Platform: PC
* Supporting languages: Traditional Chinese, Japanese and English (switchable in gameplay)
* Costume Collection & Defeat Violation

v1.18 2020-04-04
New & Uncensored Steam version

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[Unity] [Circle Meimitei] Grim Reaper RPG [v1.0.28]

Release Date: 2020-04-03
Developer: Circle Meimitei DLsite / ci-en
Censored: Yes/Mosaics
Version: 1.0.28
OS: Windows
Language: English/Japanese (Machine translation)
Length: Very long (> 50 hours)

This game is basically a mix of the anime: Re Zero/Goblin Slayer and some harem heaven lol
you will know what i mean once you play it

The Story is about a young man who dies and awakes to find himself in a fantasy world of sword and sorcery. (Isekai)
The man who picked up as a hero by Shine the Shinigami “WAIFU DESU”
It turns out a death god has chosen him to become an underling, and help them prevent the world from a catastrophe.
It’s up to you to manage a certain guild / pleasure house, and gather up the strongest of adventurers to overcome this incoming disaster.​

Bug fixes
Add content

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[VN] [Ren’Py] [Smiling Dog] Jikage Rising [v0.10d]

Release Date: 2020-04-04
Developer: Smiling Dog PatreonSubscribeStarDiscord
Artist: Jiisuri
Censored: No
Version: 0.10d
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
Language: English

Never having achieved much in Konoha, you suddenly find yourself back to the past. With the help of the mysterious Saru, you unlocked the power of your clan and gained the ability to turn others into your followers. You will have have to track down and indoctrinate key kunoichi that will be useful in your quest to revive your clan.​

-Tenten lvl 5 event
-Bonus girl 1 second scene
-Sakura x Tenten scene
-Ino x Tenten scene
-Fixed some issues with the the item screen
-Updated some UI issues
-Made the options at night neater
-Added passive lust gain, making her unable to cum will reflect it
-Updated images in the girl’s status, their level 5 outfit will be shown with the right expression now
-Fixed some issues with the names of items in the general store
-Increased drop rate of leather as per feedback
-Added Tenten’s outfit event
-Fixed error with 50 foot Tenten in Hinata’s night intro scene

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[Ren’Py] [Andrealphus] Love & Sex: Second Base [v20.3.5]

Release Date: 2020-03-26
Developer: Andrealphus PatreonTwitterko-fiDiscorditch.ioWiki
Censored: No
Version: 20.3.5
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
Language: English

Love & Sex: Second Base is a dating sim where a geeky guy (hopefully you) gets to be a roommate with two very hot girls and meet others in is daily life. The main purpose of the game his to get lucky and maybe marry the girl of your wet dreams, to do so you must make choices and raise your stats.

– 4 new story events
– 3 new CG
– New sexy dress & swimsuit for Shiori
– More variations for Shiori’s fall & doggy scene
– Bug fixes

Sex scenes breakdown:
– Beach sex with Shiori
– Office sex with Shiori
– Tittyfuck with Anna
– Threesome with Kleio and Morgan

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[RPGM] [Team Cactus] Malleus Maleficarum [Chapter 3]

Release Date: 2020-04-04
Developer: Team Cactus PatreonItch.ioDiscord
Censored: No
Version: Chapter 3
OS: Windows
Language: English

Malleus Maleficarum
is an adventure game mixed with some RPG elements about adventures (and misadventures!) of a young Witch Hunter, inspired by the worldbuilding of Warhammer Fantasy universe and some other fantasy settings. Still, we try to stay away from many cliches of the genre, like mindless grind, needless battle systems or lack of any meaningful events. Plus one of our main goals is to give the players the ability to forge their own journey with many different decisions impacting both the story and the gameplay.​

  • Continuation of the main storyline, plenty of new characters to meet with all new quests and stories to discover.
  • Older parts of the game were remade from scratch to match the quality of newer episodes, all old CG got updated as well to match the new style.
  • Expanded map with many new locations for you to visit and explore.
  • 3 new CG scenes plus older scenes tweaked or completely remade.
  • Lots of bugfixes, text corrections and general tweaks.

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[Unity] [Tiny Devil Studio] Monster Girl Hunt [v0.1.4]

Release Date: 2020-04-04
Developer: Tiny Devil Studio Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 0.1.4
OS: Windows
Language: English

Capture, battle, and breed your monster girls in this 2D pocket monster game. Explore the top down over world, battle in high quality turn based encounters, and experience erotic monster events with frame to frame animation!​

  • Always back up your save! Save located in C:\Users\YourUserNameHere\AppData\LocalLow\Tiny Devil Studio\Monster Girl Hunt
  • New Monster Archive, check the journal.
  • 4 new events. 1 cow, 3 slime.
  • Can now zoom and drag events.
  • Event hotkeys. A = back, d = forward, h = hide text.
  • Rearranged event’s to “flow” better. If you are coming from an old save, you will have new events already unlocked and some previously unlocked events will be locked again. It’s just a consequence of the reorder.
  • Bug fixes like clothing display, clothing unlocks, experience, player name displaying wrong, etc.
  • Small changes to things like event speeds and spelling/grammar.

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