Tag Archives: Gay

[RPGM] [boobsgames] Warlock and Boobs [v0.340.1 Hotfix 1]

Release Date: 2021-06-11
Developer: boobsgames PatreonTumblrGumroad (Tip Jar) – Twitter
Censored: No
Version: 0.340.1 Hotfix 1
OS: Windows
Language: English, Russian

Krowly always wanted to learn magic, hunt for monster girls, and most of all, get laid. Help guide Krowley in fulfilling his dreams!

What s new:

Hunt system update – Now game, before choosing random encounter or dungeon will be going through the list of possible encounters or dungeons and checking if the player have seen it already. If not, it will have 33% extra chance to be triggered. After being triggered first time the encounter will be getting normal chances in the next hunts.

This should make it so if there is, for example, only one dungeon the player haven’t seen yet it will get most chances to be triggered. Specifically it will be good for newly added encounters and dungeons.

Also at Krowly lvl 3 there will be decreased chance to get “standard” events with slimes or fairies attack, and at Krowly lvl 6 these events will be disabled.

On the old saves it will work for dungeons but for encounters the game will think that the player haven’t seen any of them and will go through all the list – most likely you will get encounter with the orcs chasing Jaina and Rose first. After getting every encounter it will return to normal. Juliette’s encounters won’t be having this problem.

Outfit system for Jaina – Now you can change Jaina’s outfit during the hunt. She can be wearing her normal clothes, nothing, or black lingerie. The game will automatically change her sprite, illustration, and portraits in all the dialogues.

Animated titfuck scene with Jill. This new scene has 33% chance to be triggered if Krowly has a hardon at the morning (Lust 100 or higher) in his bed, if his relationship with Jill 20 or higher and if Jill lives with him.

New scenes:

  • Jill’s titfuck scene (animated).
  • Astra’s playing with her ass. After finishing quest “Terrible secret of Fina Ironheart” if Krowly fapped more then 3 times peeking on somebody talk to Fina at the morning (Wednesday or Friday). It will trigger small dialogue scene and unlock scene with Astra at Wednesday and Friday night. Scene with Astra has 2 variant depending on the relationship with her.
  • Krowly can now join Rose and Jaina behind the tavern fucking Rose from behind.

New pictures:

  • Jill’s titfuck (+9 variants);
  • Eric under waterfall (+1 variant);
  • Jaina in the lingerie (+2 variants);
  • Astra’s playing with her ass (variant of the old illustration);
  • Krowly fucks Rose while she blows Jaina (variant of the old illustration).

Updated pictures:

  • Meril’s sex scene (+1 variant).

Small thing:

  • Scene where Krowly fucks Eric now has a variant that can be triggered at the hunt via the flirt menu.


  • Krowly’s illustration stuck at the screen if Jill visited him at night.

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[Savin/Salamander Studios] Corruption of Champions II [v0.4.0]

Release Date: 2021-06-11
Developer: Savin/Salamander Studios PatreonFenoxo
Censored: 0.4.0
OS: Windows, Android
Language: English

There are many, many worlds.

One, called Mareth, was perhaps the heart of them all. Cracks in the space between worlds, called portals, all seemed to lead there. Many portals led to Mareth, but none left it.
One sacrifice came from the village of Ingnam. This so-called ‘Champion’ was but a pawn in the village elders’ long plot to extend their lives, but the Champion escaped her fate by beating back the demons’ minions waiting on the other side of the portal, and set out on a one woman crusade to bring an end to the Demon menace once and for all. That was a year ago, and a world away.

You have never heard of a world called Mareth, nor a village named Ingnam. Nearly a year ago, you set off on your own, leaving your former life behind to seek your fortunes on the wild frontier – a year of traveling, exploring, fighting, and surviving alone. You’ve earned yourself a little coin in your travels, enough to book passage to the furthest reaches of the known world: the Frost Marches.​


  • You can now gain access to the next region of the main story quest — the Undermountain! Whether by invitation as the Champion of Frost or by brute force at any point in the story, you can now get past the Chargers at the gates to Khor’minos and enter the vast subterranean labyrinth between the Foothills and the city of the minotaurs. Do note — you won’t be getting into the city itself just yet!
  • New encounter and bad end: the Khor’minoan Chargers! Mess with the bulls, you get the horn(ie)s.
  • New encounter: Hobgoblins! What happens when you cross goblins with minos? These brutes! (Written by TheObserver)
  • New event: There’s some new imp types down in the depths, and you’re in for a memorable introduction to them — and to the mighty warrior that’s been holding Khor’minos back from the brink of defeat!
  • New mechanic: Fog of War! It’s damned dark in the depths of Khor’minos, and even when light can be found, it’s hard to tell which way is which with a demonic invasion underway! If only you could find some source of light to carry with you…
  • New Busts by Moira: Calise, Hobgoblins

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[HTML] [April Ryan] Perverted Education [v1.2100]

Release Date: 2021-05-31
Developer: April Ryan TFGamesPatreonSubscribestar
Censored: No
Version: 1.2100
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English

Perverted Education is erotic game where main character starts as an immature male of indeterminate (but legal) age, and is slowly corrupted on three sides by his Teacher, Therapist and Guardian (you can choose your mother, or a family friend).

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[RPGM] [Yanmarumaa] Femboy Holy Order Rascal [Final]

Release Date: 2021-05-21
Develope: Yanmarumaa DLsite
Censored: Yes
Version: Final
OS: Windows
Language: English
Store: DLsite

This is a love story of two boys who have known each other since childhood and have lived together in a poor farming village, plagued by food shortages, but have vowed to love each other.
However, one day, due to a financial crisis in the village, Queen Mercedes of the Kingdom of Morkus, the taxpayer, sanctioned the imprisonment of everyone living in the village in a forced labor facility called “Satan’s Prison”.
Rascal, the main protagonist, who barely managed to escape thanks to Jessica’s substitute defense, then fled to the home of an elder in the distant village of Macaron.
The next morning, the boy offered to train with the elder, “Elder Macaronia, let me make everyone in the village …… stronger so that I can rescue my girlfriend Jessica…!,
“Fo fo fo, your eyes are full of stubbornness. …… Lord, have you no second thoughts?

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[Savin/Salamander Studios] Corruption of Champions II [v0.3.8]

Release Date: 2021-05-30
Developer: Savin/Salamander Studios PatreonFenoxo
Censored: No
Version: 0.3.48
OS: Windows, Android
Language: English

There are many, many worlds.

One, called Mareth, was perhaps the heart of them all. Cracks in the space between worlds, called portals, all seemed to lead there. Many portals led to Mareth, but none left it.
One sacrifice came from the village of Ingnam. This so-called ‘Champion’ was but a pawn in the village elders’ long plot to extend their lives, but the Champion escaped her fate by beating back the demons’ minions waiting on the other side of the portal, and set out on a one woman crusade to bring an end to the Demon menace once and for all. That was a year ago, and a world away.

You have never heard of a world called Mareth, nor a village named Ingnam. Nearly a year ago, you set off on your own, leaving your former life behind to seek your fortunes on the wild frontier – a year of traveling, exploring, fighting, and surviving alone. You’ve earned yourself a little coin in your travels, enough to book passage to the furthest reaches of the known world: the Frost Marches.​


  • Miko can be found struggling with extreme hunger, the kind that can only be sated by sloppy breeding sex! She has 3 new preg-exclusive sex scenes — one of which requires a heavily pregnant kiyoko in the party, and also has a new CG! Several other kitsune including Mai, Komari, Rindo, and Kinu all have updated talks about Miko’s pregnancy. (Written by TheObserver)
  • Darius, a frostscale salamander arcanist, has been added to the Temple of Mallach. (Written by TheObserver)
  • New suite of Miko busts, with 4 different pregnancy levels and post-pregnancy versions, all by Moira!

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[VN] [Ren’Py] [F.W.G.B.S.] Futadom World – Binding Sim [v0.7.5]

Release Date: 2021-05-27
Developer: FutadomWorld Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 0.7.5
OS: Windows, Mac, Linux, Android
Language: English

Futadom World – Binding Sim is a dating simulator game. If you’re familiar with the flash games Sim Girl or Ganguro Girls, you’ll see exactly what it is about. It is a kind a simulation game where you play a guy looking for love. This game is a bit different. Your goal is to choose a character among many, and seduce them… before someone else decides you might be better as a slave.
To do so, you’ll have to study, go to the gym, buy clothes, work, earn money, develop your sexual stats and talk to your futa crush.​

-Finally made Apartment 3 visitable
-Mallory Reform Content
-Mallory Cult Content
–Secret Abbesses Bad End
-Intense Demetria staredown action
–Now with eyes!
-Angela is now 40% more violent and insane
–Mallory actually not more violent or insane this path, you pretty much know her deal by now
-Some really Angela music

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[Savin/Salamander Studios] Corruption of Champions II [v0.3.47]

Release Date: 2021-05-26
Developer: Savin/Salamander Studios PatreonFenoxo
Censored: No
Version: 0.3.47
OS: Windows, Android
Language: English

There are many, many worlds.

One, called Mareth, was perhaps the heart of them all. Cracks in the space between worlds, called portals, all seemed to lead there. Many portals led to Mareth, but none left it.
One sacrifice came from the village of Ingnam. This so-called ‘Champion’ was but a pawn in the village elders’ long plot to extend their lives, but the Champion escaped her fate by beating back the demons’ minions waiting on the other side of the portal, and set out on a one woman crusade to bring an end to the Demon menace once and for all. That was a year ago, and a world away.

You have never heard of a world called Mareth, nor a village named Ingnam. Nearly a year ago, you set off on your own, leaving your former life behind to seek your fortunes on the wild frontier – a year of traveling, exploring, fighting, and surviving alone. You’ve earned yourself a little coin in your travels, enough to book passage to the furthest reaches of the known world: the Frost Marches.​


  • After completing the centaur dungeon, you can now ask Eubicha to follow you around as your personal packmule — she’ll increase your storage capacity, and let you access it from camps. She also has a new host of repeatable sex scenes, and can even be bred! Mayternity still, innit? (Written by Gardeford)
  • A whole load of bugfixes, and some under the hood tweaks for the Wayfort expansion coming on the horizon.
  • New Busts: Eubicha follower/pregnant busts by Moira!

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[Unity] [Kiwi & Melon] Monster Ambassador: Redux [May 21 Release]

Release Date: 2021-05-21
Developer: Kiwi & Melon – Patreon Itch.io
Censored: No
Version: May 21 Release
OS: Windows
Language: English

Explore new lands!
Monsters of all shapes and sizes dwell across the land! Who will you find in the forests? The mountains? Start your quest!

Seduce monsters!
You’re an ambassador, and the monsters in this land are very sex-positive! How far will you go to make peace?

Customize your experience!
Choose what gender(s) of monsters you want to encounter! Sex scenes are customized to your chosen appearance!​

May 21 Release:


  • x4 new monster species
  • The quest continues – travel to the sweltering rainforests and dive back into the ocean to find new species!
  • More nsfw scenes
  • Gallery of scenes for patrons, with exclusive nsfw scenes
  • A bundle of Wiki updates including game pages, history, and monster page updates
  • Fresh new menu music & look for attack bubbles


  • Quests are easier to find & complete

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[Flash] [Fenoxo] Trials in Tainted Space [v0.8.146]

Release Date: 2021-05-21
Developer: Fenoxo WebsitePatreon
Censored: No
Version: 0.8.146
OS: Windows, Mac, Android, Air, Linux
Language: English

Trials in Tainted Space is a text game about exploring the universe, yourself, and its myriad inhabitants in fun and customizable ways. Because the entire game is made in text, it’s easy to change scenes on the fly. The game is built to accommodate everything from you playing a studly ship captain to a busty space-slattern to a masculine-looking hermaphrodite to a hard-working mercenary just looking for his next job.​


  • New Azariah scene: Marathon! Have a marathon bang with Azariah and her harem. Depending on the player character’s libido, this scene can extend on for quite a while…
  • New Azariah scene: Share (w/Harem)! Have fun with one part of Azariah while her harem helps with the other.
  • Cleaned up a few small bugs in Azariah and probably introduced a bunch more in the process.

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[RPGM] [Stickyicky] Crossdressing in Camelot [v0.19.8 Public]

Release Date: 2021-04-24
Developer: Stickyicky Patreon TFGamesSite
Censored: No
Version: 0.19.8 Public
OS: Windows, Mac, Linux
Language: English

Crossdressing in Camelot is an adventure RPG, with transformation elements focusing on feminization. You play as a young man who wishes to become an adventurer, but ends up doing so in a rather unique way.
The main idea behind the transformation in this game is that the more the player transforms themselves, the stronger they become. The difficulty will be made to try and force you into feminizing yourself somewhat, while still making it possible to get through the game with very minimal changes if that is your goal. There is a variety of content though, and the player isn’t always forced into the submissive role (though the game leans more towards that).​

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