Tag Archives: Sandbox

[TheBerserkerLTD] Kredik [Ep.1 v1.1]

Release Date: 2020-10-23
Developer: TheBerserkerLTD Patreon
Censored: NO
Version: Episode 1 v1.1
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English

Your journey leads you to a small village in the middle of the Seyangard forest.
But black creatures haunt the forest and the villagers.
Prepare your spells, fight your way through this danger and explore this mystery.​

Episode 1 (v1.1)
Lewd Scenes:
4x Naked
1x HJ
3x BJ
4x Vaginal sex
2x Various

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[Unity] [Feodosiy] The Lewd Knight [v0.35]

Release Date: 2020-10-16
Developer: Feodosiy: Patreon WebsiteDiscord
Censored: No
Version: 0.35
OS: Windows, Mac
Language: English, Russian

One girl in a big city. There are enormous difficulties on her way, but she has big heart and big… You will have to help her achieve her main dream, clean her hometown of crime.
Formerly known as ‘Sluterella: Boobs and Honor’​

New events to the fight and victory over the boss of bikers gang has been added.

DO NOT use “New Game ++”

1. Now she’s working in big office room.
2. It’s plot based, so check your journal.
3. If you have only “famous level” task – go to the night raid. The number of points required has been greatly reduced so as not to annoy you with the grind.
4. Task about money does not count, this is a constant task.
5. End of this update – comics about defeating the biker boss(second fight, not first. Do not try to defeat him first time).

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[Ren’Py] [Kompas Productions] Summertime Saga [v0.20.6]

Release Date: 2020-10-23
Developer: Kompas Productions PatreonWebsiteWikiDiscordBug ReportProgress Tracker
Censored: No
Version: 0.20.6
OS: Windows, Mac, Android, Linux
Language: English

Set in a small suburban town, a young man just entering college is struck by the death of his father. Mysterious circumstances surrounding the death are only the beginning of his adventures as he learns that his father was in debt to a group of shady criminals. Adding to the list of problems, our young hero needs to save enough money for his college semester and find a date for prom night!​

New Content:

  • An eerie mini-route for a certain someone.
  • A brand new cookie jar scene with that person.
  • A spooky new location.

New Features:

  • Wait … did the moon always look like that?
  • A new collection of flag images for use with community translation packs.


  • Re-organised and trimmed down fonts directory and reviewed licenses.
  • Expanded font support for East Asian languages for use with translations.
  • Improved performance of the credits screen for low end devices.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed some minor missing punctuation issues.
  • Removed superfluous dialogue line from Tina’s recovery room interaction.
  • Fixed some minor typos in Anon’s route hints.
  • Restored the infamous helicopter scene so it can be repeated after the mayor’s arrest.
  • Added stat notifications to Iwanka’s pregnancy notification phone call.
  • Fixed the missing church bell closeup when viewed after dark.
  • Improved save migration to repair Jenny’s ability to get pregnant after her route completes.
  • Tweaked load sequence to attempt repair of timer seed missing in some upgraded saves.
  • Corrected a line of dialogue in the recovery room when Tina has has twins.
  • Revisited Grace & Odette’s end game interactions to have them play out as intended.
  • Prevented some debug menu functions from triggering Anon’s sleep-cycle.
  • Removed some broken and unnecessary debug menu buttons.
  • Ensured Anon exits to the mall parking lot (not concourse) if triggering the toilet scene after dark.
  • Fixed page insertion for Jenny’s diary to avoid duplicate pages showing up.
  • Restored Yumi’s donuts dialogue while she’s outside Debbie’s house to assist with Mia’s route.
  • Prevented Yumi being outside Debbie’s house from blocking Mia’s finding Harold quest.
  • Allowed Anon to visit the bank location at night (it’s still closed, but it looks pretty!)
  • Prevented Rump’s mall toilet scene occurring while he’s campaigning or in jail.
  • Fixed tick and sleep triggers firing before the timer had been updated, causing unwanted behaviour.
  • Ensured tick triggers fully fire reliably and consistently.
  • Restored missing sleep pop-up and unused background when Jenny stays the night.
  • Fixed pregnancies not being updated correctly after refusing Jenny sex the previous night.
  • Delayed sleep events when the player is being forced to sleep to avoid game bricks.
  • Repaired Connie’s outfit state if erroneously carried over from previous versions.
  • Removed unintentional player ability to trigger more than four ticks per day.
  • Curtailed player freedom following initial mugging to prevent game bricks in some scenarios.
  • Restored the dealership front desk in the evenings while Josie is bedridden at the hospital.
  • Fixed gender phrase in Melonia’s recovery room scene.
  • Updated Anon’s internal virginity tracking so he can be honest in the game with Eve. Again. >_>;;
  • Prevented Roxxy’s affection growing unchecked and breaking the game! Cold shower for you, missy!
  • Removed Anon’s double appendage problem during Tina’s initial naughty encounter.
  • Improved hinting to help players find Tina at the bank for the first time.
  • Ensured Grace remains in Sugar Tats after meeting Mia, even if she’d normally be upstairs.
  • Tweaked hints for Mia’s tattoo quest to focus on Saturday and speaking to Grace.
  • Stopped Eve, Grace, and Odette’s bring baby home dialogues playing while they were still bedridden.
  • Fixed layering on confirm screen to no longer clip play-time text when using accessibility tweaks.
  • Restored channel image on the living room TV after the naughty channel is unlocked.

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[Dirty Sock Games] Life in Woodchester [v0.3.0]

Release Date: 2020-10-20
Developer: Dirty Sock Games Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 0.3.0
OS: Windows
Language: English

It’s a top quality Adult Visual Novel, Dating Sim, Adventure game being developed by Dirty Sock Games!

Planned Game Features
Main & Side Quests
A Popular & flexible game engine GMS2
Customize all characters Hair, Skin, Eye color using shaders.
Live2d for fluid and interactive animations
Texting Characters w/ In Game Phone
Quality Mini Games using GMS2 templates. Games like Poker, BlackJack, Arcade etc.
Inventory, Stats, Energy, Money, Dating Game Systems

New Content
New Character Lily Added
4 New Janice Story Scenes
5 New Lily Story Scenes
6 New Tara Story Scenes
2 New Shower Scenes

New Features
Saving & Loading is now working (your old saves wont work for this build, but we’re working on backwards compatibility moving forward, after our next update.
Quick Save & Quick Load are working, this feature is for those that like to dig through every dialogue box. You can quick save in one part of the dialogue, then quickload to jump back. Does not actually save the game, only keeps your “spot in line” for that dialogue scene.
Shaders can be enabled or disabled in the settings.
New GMS2 Runtime This runtime should make garbage collection easer on all devices. Will keep an eye on Mobile devices to see if it has memory improvements.
Exposed Dialogue We have exposed the dialogue to text files in the dialogue folder. Want to spice things up on your own? Go ahead! This also opens things up for localization. We’ve only exposed dialogue so no room text yet. Also new lines are not supported, just adding and tweaking existing text.
Bug Fixes Galore Believe us! There were many.

Known Issues
Audio sliders are not working for resolutions under 1080p (working)
Minor Visual Bugs involving particles
Auto button in the VN bar works, but doesn’t really work well

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[VN] [Ren’Py] [Nun Ya] Summoner’s Legacy [Ep.1 v1.0 Elite]

Release Date: 2020-10-11
Developer: Nun Ya PatreonSlusheWebsite
Censored: No
Version: 1.0 Elite
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English

You’re the descendant of the infamous occultist Aleister Crowley, and coincidentally you also have a fetish for the occult. So when you have an encounter with a sexy futa in the shower of your school it’s almost like you were overcome with lust and weren’t in control of your own actions. Later on you found a slip of paper stuffed into your blouse pocket that led you to an old bookstore and a book that was reportedly given to Aleister Crowley by a powerful demon lord. With that kind of backstory you could not help but bring the book home with you and peruse it’s contents in the security of your own bedroom.

Character Outlines

Lilith is the first wife of the mythical Adam that ran away from him and the garden of Eden because she refused to be subservient to Adam. Upon fleeing the garden three angels pleaded with her to return to the garden, each of which was refused and each of them placed a curse on Lilith for disobeying their will. In a rage Lilith vowed that she would take her revenge on mankind by killing infants in the crib within their first three months. It is also believed that she was courted by satan and would spawn 100 demons every night, becoming the Mother of Demons.

When Lilith heard of an influential occultist named Aleister Crowley she had the seemingly brilliant idea to use him to further corrupt mankind and whispered ideas into the sleeping mind of Aleister of a powerful book that could be aquired through means of a compact with a powerful demon lord. Little did she know that she was sowing the seeds of her own downfall. After the offspring of Aleister Crowley managed to overthrow the ruling demon lord Behemoth she quickly set her sights on the throne of hell and became the new Queen of Hell, leaving Lilith stranded on earth. Since this time Lilith has been scheming and plotting a way to overthrow the upstart queen and regain her throne, hence her plan to use the MC to overthrow her ancestor.

Aleister Crowley:
Aleister Crowley was a very prolific occultist that was often called the “Wickedest Man Alive” and often referred to as “The Beast”. It is said that he received knowledge of a powerful book that would make him immortal in a dream. A book that he would only receive by making a pact with a demon and sacrificing the thing he loved the most, his daughter. Upon receiving the book he quickly rose to power and seemingly vanished from the face of the earth. It is believed that he achieved immortality and went underground and continues to operate to this day.

The Queen:
The Queen is the daughter of Aleister Crowley, She was used against her will in a ritual with her father as a sacrifice for him and his goal for power. However during her sexual encounter with the demon lord Behemoth she was cursed by the demon Asteroth, the curse had the opposite affect that Asteroth had intended and instead turned Aleisters daughter into a powerful demon. Power which she used to defeat the demon lord Behemoth and eventually take the throne of Hell, where she resides to this day.

Ep.1 v1.0 Elite
Two are morning scenes with the Landlady in the MC’s bedroom and another one is a morning scene with the MC and the Landlady in the kitchen and the fourth is the scene with the MC, Synn and desire at their apartment after working the Glory Hole.

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[RPGM] [Eventidegames] Barkeeper [v0.06a]

Release Date: 2020-10-19
Developer: EventideGames Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 0.06a
OS: Windows
Language: English

Barkeeper is a sandbox where you take on the role of Steph, a soldier who decided to retire and run a bar, with the help of her Aunt Cass and Dahlia the bartender/bookkeeper she begins her journey as a barkeeper. Work as a waitress and deal with customers who get a bit touchy after a few drinks, whether you tell them off or actively encourage it is up to you, though your tips might be lower if they don’t cop a feel. Explore the small town of Ember and interact with its citizens, from the perverted masseuse to the magician in the park, you’ll have plenty to encounter. The town of Ember has much to find and do, as you progress through the game you’ll learn more about Steph’s past and unlock new content, so make sure you revisit some places as there may be more to find.

Fixed onsen variable.


  • Most main NPC now have different conversations you can have with them that talk about the world and things you can do in the world.
  • No more free baths, you can now no longer enter the baths if you’re broke. How you managed to go broke in a game with little to buy is beyond me, but it’s fixed.
  • Nude NPC, no more bathing suits in the female baths.
  • Baths clothes: you can now choose what to wear when leaving the bath.
  • Tutorial is now mandatory, you can no longer avoid Dahlia by going into the garden.
  • Night time now has more light in the bar.
  • Debug room is still open, but fixed some old code.
  • Added in a quick sleep system, no more going into the bedroom if you’re grinding.
  • Item/costume/souls descriptions added

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[RPGM] [ExtraFantasyGames] The Ballot Box [Beta]

Release Date: 2020-09-23
Developer: ExtraFantasyGames | Patreon
Censored: No
Version: Beta
OS: Windows
Language: English

The Ballot Box

It’s election day, and you’re on the ballot! The citizens of Fethishville need a new mayor. Could it be you? Running for mayor isn’t easy though. There are six contrasting demographics that you need to win over to secure victory. Master photo ops, rallies, talk shows, and win the debate to become the next mayor elect.​

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[Ren’Py] [Discreen Vision] Discreen Vision Game Collection [Demo]

Release Date: 2020-10-14
Developer: Discreen VisionPatreon
Censored: No
Version: in Development
OS: Windows
Language: English

Discreen Vision Game Collection

The Factotum
I am allready working on version 2 wich will contain some hot girls, milfs and our hero can play with them:)

If you Do 1 and 2
You can play the roll of a Prince and get to know hot women all around your country. Build up you own village and get as many peasants as you can!

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[RPGM] [masqetch] Tales of Aselia [v0.0715]

Release Date: 2020-10-11
Developer: masqetch Blog
Censored: No
Version: 0.0715
OS: Windows
Language: English

The world of Aselia is filled with bandits, perverts, maniacs, and disgusting creatures of the abyss.
The discovered part of the world was divided into five parts: Gelbour – the northern, peace province. Meizaizy – Southern kingdoms settled in the deserts, they securely defend against the scum. Kindii – an uncharted jungle with no end in sight. Svaria – the western kingdom located in the mountains, which thanks to the strong will of the dwarf remained strong and independent. And finally – Lemia – a middle kingdom rotten inside and out.
Prostitution, slavery, and violence, though prohibited, continue to thrive under the nose of the king.
Honda is not a powerful hero or soldier, there are hardly any heroes in this world at all. She is a simple young girl, raised near a peaceful Gelbour village.
She can not fight with the terrible monsters of this world or crazy bandits, she will have to look for detours, use cunning and intelligence.
It’s up to you who she eventually becomes, whether she stays an innocent young girl or becomes a slutty whore…​

– Fixed crash in “Weapon Shop”
– Fixed some minor bugs

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[VN] [Ren’Py] [JuiceShooters] Fairy Fixer [v0.0.3]

Release Date: 2020-10-11
Developer: JuiceShooters PatreonItch.io
Censored: No
Version: 0.0.3
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
Language: English

Fairy fixer is a NSFW Visual Novel (in development) which takes place in the universe of Winx Club!
You’ll meet many characters from the series like Bloom, Stella, Musa, Flora and Tecna, but also many others!
Get to know yourself, uncover the secrets of the magix dimensions and have some fun with the girls while you’re exploring Magix and other kingdoms.​

– Added Musa

– Added 2 h-scenes (1 of them has multiple variations.)

– Added a new location: Disco Dance (which is only open at night)

– Added some Fighting mechanics/minigame

– Added ability to level up in combat

– Added random fight encounters at a certain location (Ghoul only for now)

– Updated Stella’s photo’s item thumbnail

– Fixed Tecna’s and Darcy’s art (Tecna missing her earring, Darcy’s make-up)


– Removed the ability to switch locations while talking (mostly).

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