Tag Archives: slave

[VN] [Ren’Py] [Ubarefeet] SPACE PRISON [v0.2]

Release Date: 2020-08-24
Developer: Ubarefeet PatreonItch.ioTwitter
Censored: No
Version: 0.2
OS: Windows, Linux, Android
Language: English

Who are you? Why are you here? And… How to survive? In this game, as in my other projects, you will have to choose how you will behave, each action will affect the consequences. Now the game is in English and you, dear player, can enjoy it. Become the head of a gang, create your own, become a slave, or be the one that everyone will be afraid of? Show me what people are really made of… Well, not literally, of course.​

So, I didn’t have to wait long, this time I did the update without any big problems.
Thank you all for your support, there are a lot of bed scenes in this update, as I plan to focus on the plot in the next one.
I immediately created versions on PC, Linux, and Android. Please do not leak Internet access, so as not to substitute other Patrons. I’ll share it myself when the time comes.
In updating:
-Added 6 additional save slots.
-Special ending with alpha wolf
-3 variable bed scenes with different characters
-Onlookers services
-More than 30 new arts
-Ability to learn about the main character’s past
-Day 4 is over.

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[VN] [Yukari] Thief & Sword [2020-09-07]

Release Date: Japanese 2009-09-18, English 2020-09-04
Developer: Yukari Website
Translator: Rogue Translator Blog & Avallac’h SubscribeStarF95zone
Censored: Yes (Mosaics)
Version: 2020-09-07
OS: Windows
Language: English
Voices: Japanese
Length: Short (2 – 10 hours)
VNDB: Thief & Sword

One day, Millwer steals a magic book, which includes various forbidden spells. A girl starts investigating the case to get back the book. At the same time, a statue is stolen in a village. To get it back, another girl leaves the village. Both girls head for a house Millwer lives. Well, what will happen to them there…?​

This translation patch will fill all the gaps of the anon translator left, completing Raika’s story and all her scenes, also I’ve re-translated some few critical points. The anon translator made a pretty decent work, but some of his files were left in Japanese (together with his English translation in the file) and other things lacking proper revise.

The translation took more work than I expected, the sex scenes took a long time to translate, but now I can say 100% of Raika’s route is done.

Now let’s talk about the other 2 translations inside the game: First, we have the Shalt’s route translation, which contains all her story and scenes translated, and a few scenes that appear in Raika’s route, all translated by Rouge translator.
The one I worked on is the incomplete Raika’s route translation, which contained about 40% to 50% of her story translated, but none of her scenes, and it was translated by an anonymous translator (I couldn’t find the name).

That’s why, right now, I’m working in a full-revise patch on Raika’s route, when I finish that I’ll post here and on my page.

And finally, Darksshades made 2 patches: One translating and editing images, and the other is a no voice cut, that will stop interrupting a voice when you skip to a text.

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[RPGM] [Sierra Lee] The Last Sovereign [v0.53.2]

Release Date: 2020-08-27
Developer: Sierra Lee PatreonBlogWiki
Censored: No
Version: 0.53.2
OS: Windows
Language: English

The Last Sovereign is an adult fantasy RPG that plunges you into the saga of a world torn between forces of lust and purity. As you enter the complex conflict, you forge a new path that will change the course of history! …maybe. The thing is, acting like most heroes gets you killed, and most evil overlords’ plans make no sense. The Last Sovereign is a game that twists your expectations for adult games, while fully embracing a reconstruction of some familiar old tropes to provide a lot of fun, sexy content.​

Time for the update! This one should be reasonably polished, but it needs to come with a warning: the balance for the entire Gathering is not finalized. Though I did my best, it’s possible that after the next update, I or someone else will realize the game would be better with a tweak to this section. If you’re highly concerned with game balance, I suggest keeping a save prior to this version.

That said, this one has quite a bit of different content I hope you will enjoy. ^-^ Though I want to continue working on Once Ever After, TLS 0.54.0 will be higher priority.

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[RPGM] [Huli] Project Stockholm [v0.23]

Release Date: 2020-09-01
Developer: Huli PatreonSubscribestarKo-fiDiscordBlog
Censorship: No
Version: 0.23
OS: Windows
Language: English

Play as a college student who impulsively kidnaps his classmate or teacher as he struggles with his past and deals with the present. With multiple endings, it is your choice to do the right thing or the lewd thing. Is the connection you two share real? All the things you two have done, the fun you two have had, were they all fake? Was any of this worth it?​

-remade and added art (character portraits, sprites, HUD)
-added pregnancy scene for Suzy (view in Suzy’s pure branch ending)

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[Wildside Comix] Monster Love Hotel [2020-08]

Release Date: 2020-09-01
Developer: Wildside comixs PatreonWebsite
Censored: No
Version: 2020-08
OS: Windows
Language: English

An adult game featuring sexy monster girls and monster boys! ^_^…basically farmville kinky DLC version

Gallery: horseboy
Gallery: groups
Money: monies

MLH: In this update, the futa spell for the battle with Kizzie the Bunny was added.

MLH 2: In this update, further areas have been added which you can explore a bit now (the new areas will have other music, although in this update this hasn’t been added yet). You can also see where each of the first 5 characters will be located, and when you pass one of the characters, you will get a message box saying that you can vote for them. Tomorrow I will add a poll where you can vote for which character to be added next ^_^

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[Maverik] Strive: Conquest [v0.3.1]

Release Date: 2020-08-16
Developer: Maverik PatreonItch.ioDiscord
Censored: No
Version: 0.3.1
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English

A tech demo of sequel for Strive for Power. This game represents core changes and mechanics of the second game, but does not represent main gameplay focus or content and should be treated as rough ideas.

-A whole new set of gameplay management, crafting and item mechanics.
-Dozens of classes with unique traits and abilities.
-Procedurally generated areas and dungeons

Added multiple GUI animations to some actions
Added new random events: New chest lock type traps, mimics, finding random resources, encounters
Added effect duration in tooltip for combat
Added race name to labels in hiring menu
Added exotic race slave trader shop every 2 weeks starting day 7 (requires new game)
Recruited characters won’t automatically travel to mansion anymore
Forcefully recruited characters will receive new debuff preventing them from gaining obedience from positive skills
Characters won’t participate in fight at 0 obedience
Breeder class is renamed to Breed Sow and now can be unlocked. Stats and reqs changed
Slightly readjusted Aliron’s slave race rates (Humans are more common than halfkins; elves are more common in general and rare races are equially as common as elves for slave market)
Fairies lose some stats but gain a racial healing skill
Main stats now grow slower at higher levels (starting at 40 base)
Kobold females now generate with smaller breast size
Trap events now deal percent damage
Drows have been renamed to dark elves
Slave escape chance is now present and depends on charcter’s authority and obedience (can escape if defiant and obdience < 15). Chance is based on timid factor
Food starvation debuff reworked
Defeat in combat now applies debuff preventing from participating in combat for 3 days (ticks faster when using rest)
Travel menu opens locations by default
Fixed craft menu opening on smithing even if its locked
Fixed inactive enemies not being deleted properly in some situtations
Fixed buffs not displaying in slave info
Fixed hp/mp not displaying in dungeon locations

New game heavily recommended.

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