Tag Archives: transformation

[HTML] [Deedee] Secretary [v0.7.11.2]

Release Date: 2021-03-13
Developer: Deedee TFGamesitePatreonDiscord
Censored: No
OS: Windows, Mac, Linux
Language: English

Secretary is an erotic adventure life simulation game, where the character starts as an grown up, nearly 30 year old white collar worker in a well paid but dead end IT Job, when a few wrong decisions made his life fall apart, which lead him at the mercy of his new manager, whose personal opinion on how to motivate subordinates might differ from your typical work relationship​

  • Bugfixes
  • Added a few missing graphics

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[RPGM] [Stickyicky] Crossdressing in Camelot [v0.17.7 Public]

Release Date: 2021-03-14
Developer: Stickyicky Patreon TFGamesSite
Censored: No
Version: 0.17.7 Public
OS: Windows, Mac, Linux
Language: English

Crossdressing in Camelot is an adventure RPG, with transformation elements focusing on feminization. You play as a young man who wishes to become an adventurer, but ends up doing so in a rather unique way.
The main idea behind the transformation in this game is that the more the player transforms themselves, the stronger they become. The difficulty will be made to try and force you into feminizing yourself somewhat, while still making it possible to get through the game with very minimal changes if that is your goal. There is a variety of content though, and the player isn’t always forced into the submissive role (though the game leans more towards that).​

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[HTML] [Jpmaggers] The Repurposing Center [v0.4.16a]

Release Date: 2021-03-14
Developer: Jpmaggers Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 0.4.16a Public
OS: Windows, Mac, Linux
Language: English

“The Repurposing Center” is an interactive erotic fiction about a dystopian not too distant future in which undesirables are carted off the streets by government capture vans so they can be repurposed into something more valuable to society. You find yourself in this very situation, trapped within the facility, being changed both physically and mentally to suit the whims of potential buyers who are your only way out. The game is a sandbox life simulator within “The Repurposing Center” where players will need to partake in work, training and socialization in order to secure themselves a happy ending when they finally place themselves up for auction.​

The main content is; Adaptive Avatar System Expansion, Prenatal Training, Freckles, Cat-Girl Content.

1/ Adaptive Avatar System Expansion – Since the addition of the Adaptive Avatar System more avatar images have been provided by Anosse (the artist behind the image side of the avatar system). This expansion covers tails, penis sizes, many body shapes no previously covered, the first wing type, replacement balls, and many minor tweaks to make the system work better.

2/ Prenatal Training – Players can now undergo training with Monica through the training menu to become better at handling pregnancy. This set of training scenes will allow the player to increase their fertility with each session (up to mastery), and to decrease the amount of time the player will suffer from pregnancy exhaustion during pregnancy (1 stage less for each level of the skill).

3/ Freckles – A fun request I had, not having freckles added as an option sooner has been an oversight. Players now have two new stats, one for face freckles and one for body freckles, both of which go from; none -> light -> medium -> heavy. Freckles can be selected at character creation, and later increased or decreased through the clinic. Currently they are entirely cosmetic.

4/ Cat-Girl Content – 4 new cat-girl scenes have been added in this update, 3 for the cat-girl maid job (1 in each tier), and 1 to the sandbox location. This rounds out my plans to expand on the cat-girl content for the moment, and should see the cat-girl job feeling a lot more fleshed out as the player spends time with fans, has to work alongside Mipsy, and does some cleaning around the facility. Players who have 25 relationship with the cat-girl faction can also now spend 500 G.G.P to have sex with Lollipop in a complex scene where she’ll dominate and then sexually ride them.

Other additions include; Mostly more minor changes, many relating to better checks on various content (like hair colour changes) so the system doesn’t try to do things like transforming the hair colour of the player into the colour it currently is. Other than that it’s mainly new variables, bug fixes, and grammar edits.

Change Log:

– Adaptive Avatar System Expansion – Even more additions to the character avatar image system, including; penis sizes, body shapes, more tails, the first wings, replacement balls, and lots of minor alterations to make the system work better.

– (Polled) Prenatal Training – Players with pregnancy content active can now undergo prenatal training lessons to better be able to manage their pregnancy needs. This will ensure that the pregnancy exhaustion de-buff occurs for less time (and no time at all when mastered), and that the player will also have an increased fertility score.

– (Polled) Prenatal Training Framework – The framework of the new training option has been added, including the tablet entry regarding it.

– (Polled) Prenatal Training Main – The initial scene part that plays in every prenatal training session has been added.

– (Polled) Prenatal Training Consultation Session – In the first prenatal training lesson players will have a consultation session where they’re informed more about managing their pregnancy.

– (Polled) Prenatal Training Exercise Session – In the second prenatal training lesson the player will be instructed about a variety of small exercises which will help them manage their pregnancy better.

– (Polled) Prenatal Training Life Plan Session – In the third prenatal training lesson the player will have a lifestyle plan put together for them, helping them to make minor alterations to their routine to further increase their pregnancy health and fertility.

– (Polled) Prenatal Training Extras – Three variants of the previous training scenes have been added for players who have mastered the prenatal training skill.

– (Polled) Lollipop Special Service Fem-Dom – Players with 25 cat-girl relationship (might lower that number still), can pay 500 G.G.P to have sex with Lollipop through the cat-girl services menu. In the scene Lollipop will boss about the player, demand praise and head pats, and then ride them (with allowances for penis/vagina/strap-on sex).

– Cat-girl Job Staff Room Cleaning Job Encounter – In a new tier 1 cat-girl job encounter the player will meet Agent Davis briefly whilst cleaning a staff break room.

– Cat-girl Job Serving With Mipsy Job Encounter – This tier 2 cat-girl job encounter sees the player working with Mipsy to serve a table.

– Cat-girl Job Fan Meet And Greet Job Encounter – The tier 3 cat-girl job encounter has the player meet a male or female fan (depending on their sexual preferences) who gets a bit too handsy, and explains a little more about fans of the cat-maids.

– Freckles – Freckles have been added to the game in various ways, consisting of two types; face freckles and body freckles. (Suggested by patchestf)

– Freckles Intro – Freckles have been added to the intro, now a selectable character appearance trait during character creation, and mentioned within the shower character description scene. (Suggested by patchestf)

– Freckles Examine – Freckles have been added to the examine window description. (Suggested by patchestf)

– Freckles Face Add Clinic Procedure – A clinic procedure to increase face freckling has been added. (Suggested by patchestf)

– Freckles Face Remove Clinic Procedure – A clinic procedure to decrease face freckling has been added. (Suggested by patchestf)

– Freckles Body Add Clinic Procedure – A clinic procedure to increase body freckling has been added. (Suggested by patchestf)

– Freckles Body Remove Clinic Procedure – A clinic procedure to decrease body freckling has been added. (Suggested by patchestf)

– Agent Gary can now impregnate players (though the encounter where he will have the chance to has yet to be added)

– Ringlet avatar fix (Thank you Carl)

– Milk gain rounding checks (Thank you PBKurisu)

– Pink hair fix (Thank you Thunderman1984)

– Hair colour change fixes (Thank you TriniTDM)

– ABDL bib shop fix (Thank you TriniTDM)

– Job sweat checks (Thank you MagPie)
– Side tab return buttons (Thank you MagPie)
– Wait watersports fix (Thank you faith_eclipse)
– Lollipop service scene tag fix (Thank you Carl)
– Lollipop service image fix (Thank you Carl)
– Diaper interactions with watersports scenes fix (Thank you Alter Sky)
– Background tag fix (Thank you Schumbawumba)
– Extra ABDL diaper change options (Thank you Faker)
– Pregnancy fertility bug fixes (Thank you sparrow_rose)
– More Anosse avatar part images
– More variables.
– A few minor bug fixes.

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[RPGM] [boobsgames] Warlock and Boobs [v0.339]

Release Date: 2021-03-12
Developer: boobsgames PatreonTumblrGumroad (Tip Jar) – Twitter
Censored: No
Version: 0.339
OS: Windows
Language: English, Russian

Krowly always wanted to learn magic, hunt for monster girls, and most of all, get laid. Help guide Krowley in fulfilling his dreams!

New quest about restoration of Krowly’s house second floor. Just go upstairs to start the quest. You will need to bring Taisha in town to progress this quest and completing the quest “Lost delivery” will help you to save money. After finishing new quest you may want to talk to Jill. During the quest it’s possible to repeat oral scene with Derek.

Field work. Krowly can expand the amount of plants he can grow at some time by clearing his field. This one needs to be tested – let me know if it’s causing problem with movements.

Stepbro system. Jill now will refer to Krowly as a stepbro by default. When you will meet her first time the game will ask you if you want to keep it this way, or if you want to change it. If you will want to change it you will have to type in the way you want her to call Krowly (and Krowly call her) manually. The words you will type in will be used in all their dialogues.

Later in game you can go to cheat room if you want to make changes. I was thinking about how to make this change less impactful as possible, and I think this solution is good enough Same thing was done for Jenna and Eric.

Let me know if you will notice that something is wrong. I went through all their dialogues and scenes, probably created a lot of bugs, but might miss something anyway.

Please, if you want to leave a comment about this, keep in mind that there are certain words that aren’t appreciated on patreon

New scenes:

Rose pussyfuck. Has a chance to be triggered first time when you help Rose test her potions if your relationship with her is 50 or higher. After that can be triggered during the hunt via sex menu

Jaina handjob. Thursday morning, talk to Rose. Relationship with Jaina should be 20 or higher. Krowly should already have sucked Jaina’s dick. No illustration for now. Scene is written by Idler

New pictures:

Rose pussyfucking + 3 variants
Krowly defeated by an orc +5 variants
Updated pictures:

Futa elf mouthfuck +variant
Fina in the spa + variant
Small thing:

Illustration of Diana without her helmet is used when she is relaxing.
When daytime is changing Krowly mentions if he is hungry or too horny.
After winning a battle against busty fairies Krowly not caw choose to fuck one in the ass or to get a triple titfuck (same scene as when he loses)

Lizzy is now working right when she stays in Krowly’s house
Now you don’t have to trigger Jenna’s topless Friday every time

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[Flash] [Fenoxo] Trials in Tainted Space [v0.8.136]

Release Date: 2021-03-07
Developer: Fenoxo WebsitePatreon
Censored: No
Version: 0.8.136
OS: Windows, Mac, Android, Air, Linux
Language: English

Trials in Tainted Space is a text game about exploring the universe, yourself, and its myriad inhabitants in fun and customizable ways. Because the entire game is made in text, it’s easy to change scenes on the fly. The game is built to accommodate everything from you playing a studly ship captain to a busty space-slattern to a masculine-looking hermaphrodite to a hard-working mercenary just looking for his next job.​

  • Fixed an issue with Anyxine having two separate flags tracking if you had met her. This should address issues people were having with getting her sauna event to start.
  • Made the spelling of Anyxine’s last name consistent across the game. It was nice remembering the Agrosh/Argosh/Argrosh debace from back in the day!
  • New busts: Nastizia, Jack, Jill, Cat Jack, Cat Jill.
  • Did you know that DrunkZombie coded Kaithrit pregnancy a while back? He did, and it’s in game.
  • Anyxine should no longer email you about Shade quite so freely.

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[Unity] [MercenaryMage] Unyielding [v0.3.3]

Release Date: 2021-03-11
Developer: MercenaryMage – Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 0.3.3
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
Language: English

Unyielding is a transformation based RPG game. I want it to feel like a tabletop RPG, with a living and interesting world. Choices should always matter.
Catelly was a man until he was cursed by a wizard trying to obtain immortality. Catelly happened to be a hardened mercenary before the curse and refuses to lose to it.​

Added Ran’s Island (Both routes)
Added the 10th Kate Fight
Added a special version of Birthday Party (Complete Ran’s Island)

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[VN] [Unity] [KanashiiPanda] Book of Lust [v0.0.73.1a]

Release Date: 2021-03-11
Developer: KanashiiPanda SubscribeStarPatreon
Censored: No
: Windows, Mac & Linux
Language: English

You play as a guy who accidentally releases a succubus (with a bit of a catch) and gets access to both her spell book and herself​

v0.0.73.1a (SubscribeStar Version)
-Lined and Colored Caroline’s One piece suit sex scene.
-Lined and colored image of Caroline’s Body Swap.
-Changed some minimum/maximum values for npc inf/love/lust stats depending on who’s body Jake is in.
-Olivia passively gains lust every night irregardless of her Love stat.
-Lust goes up to 100 on Possession target when initially cast on them.
-Fixed Fullscreen mode making everything blurry.
-Fixed characters referring to Donovan as “Valerie” when offering sex as Donovan.
-Fixed softlock while having sex with Delved Cassandra while playing as Donovan.
-Fixed Donovan’s Soul Passenger Displaying/Altering Mel’s stats instead of his own.
-Fixed Placeholder scene for Sex with Olivia displaying no when playing as Donovan/Valerie.
-Fixed Aspects not being interactable in the Woods’ Masterbedroom when playing as Donovan.
-Fixed Various Characters not changing properly upon body swap.
-Fixed Various Typos.

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[HTML] [Aof] Monster Girl Farmer [v0.13]

Release Date: 2021-03-09
Developer: AoF PatreonDiscord
Censored: No
Version: 0.13
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English

Your farm is failing, but your fortune takes a turn when a starving Monster Girl barges into your home during breakfast. In exchange for taking her in, she’ll help you start the world’s first Monster Girl Farm!
Collect harpy eggs, milk hucows, ride unicorns (in more ways than one)! All this and more await you in this free, comedic, NSFW RPG.

Monster Girl Farmer is currently in development and already boasts complex characters, engaging gameplay, and an open world to explore.​

change log.

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