Tag Archives: 2D game

[RPGM] [danbo-rumansion] Ghost Party [v1.2]

Release Date: Japanese 2014-10-01, English 2020-07-06
Developer: danbo-rumansion DLsiteCi-en
Translator: bazeeeng ULMFF95zone
Censored: Yes (Mosaics)
Version: 1.2
OS: Windows
Language: English

Mio encounters ghosts in the haunted town of Tepidwater.
Drawing on the power of Kyutoh the Spirit, she finds her own strength as a ghostbusting shrine maiden.
For the sake of Tepidwater, Mio will expunge the ghosts!​

* System
A classic RPG with simple systems.
In a short time you’ll be making progress!
No game over or setbacks if you lose a battle (with a certain exception).

* Animation
Battle scenes and H scenes feature sometimes fierce, sometimes bouncy motion graphics.
The enemy attacks are also animated! Gut punches and bear hugs, etc. light ryona.

39 animation CGs
8 mini animations
Lots of variations and other character battle anime

31 scenes, with text variations

About the game :
– Has 2 ending : 1 BAD END and 1 NORMAL/TRUE END.
– You can do virgin run right away, if that’s your thing.
– All the scenes and CGs will be unlocked once you complete the game. No need to grind for that.

About Translation :
– Kyuto original name was キュトー and can be translated as Cute.
– Hanako Toilet? Yes, that’s her real name (or alias) (トイレの華虚).
– Ayamo (彩茂). His name is the only one that has no Kana version listed, so not sure if I read it in the right way.
– The “Shrine Maiden” actually can also be (and perhaps should be) translated as “Exorcist”.
– I translated the town’s name as Nurumayu, while the official DLsite page translated it as Tepidwater.
– The “Youkai Brothers” speak in Broken English (or Engrish, if you will).

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[RPGM] [Laxius Power] Laxius Power Trilogy [Final]

Release Date: December 2004
Developer: Laxius Power aka Indinera Falls aka Damianzeking (DZK)
Censored: No
Version: Final
OS: Windows
Language: English

Laxius Power is the first game of a popular trilogy of freeware roleplaying games released from 2001 to 2004. These series don’t belong to Aldorlea Games, but were also made by Indinera Falls. The trilogy focuses on the beginning of a long journey experienced by Random Pendragon, his girlfriend Sarah Brandolino and his best friend Luciana Vicenti, including much more characters.

The game focuses on the history of Random Pendragon, a young swordsman, gifted with talent and skills. He lives in Rillia, a town on the southern part of the Deport, the main world of the game. Bored of his training courses he decides to participate in a tournament at SankT Leona, a famous city in the deport. He takes some friends with him, Luciana and Coryool, and also his girlfriend Sarah.

But simultaneously, an organization called The Dark Order wish to annihilate the world, causing chaos and destruction by releasing the demons, and a powerful army of overboosted creatures. Random and his friends now will have to confront them before it’s too late.

Is it worth to play parts 1 and 2?
It is possible to use a savefile from Laxius Power 1 to Laxius Power 2, and from 2 to 3.
In this way, your actions in LP1 and 2 may have effects in part 3.
It works the same for spells learnt, items found and hidden characters.
If you have a great savefile, don’t forget to make backups!
There are characters you can use in LP3 ONLY if you found them in LP1 or 2.
However, it is absolutely okay to start a brand new file with LP3.

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[Kyrieru] Noaika [First Demo]

Release Date: 2014-08-31
Developer: Kyrieru BlogspotWordPressTwitterDLsiteSteam StorePatreonSoundcloudItch.io
Censored: No
Version: First Demo
OS: Windows
Language: English

A girl awakens from a crystal stasis chamber inside a strange facility. She sets out to explore the unknown armed with her blaster and powersuit
Supposed succesor to Kyrieru’s previous game Kurovadis. Featuring tight sidescrolling platforming action, delectable pixel art and spritework, atmospheric environemnt, and the usual lewding​

Left and Right arrow keys – Move left or right
Double tap Left or Right arrow keys – Dash.
*It is as a unlockable ability*
Down arrow key – Prone/Duck
X – Jump

C – Shoot
V – Melee
Holding Up arrow key and pressing V – Uppercut *It is as a unlockable ability*
Holding Up arrow key and press C – Throw grenade. Distance and height are based on how long the C key is held. *It is as a unlockable ability*

H – Knock yourself down with a hefty knockback
Furious button mashing of arrow, X, C , and V keys – Only availible when downed or caught by enemy. Doing so fills a gauge to get back up.
Enter – Swap ammo type. Use Arrow keys to select and Enter to confirm choice. *Ammo types are unlockable*
Enter – Press to respawn at the last checkpoint when all HP is lost
Up arrow key – Save game when near a checkpoint.

F4 – Swap between Fullscreen and Windowed
Esc – Return to the main menu or quit the game

Sorry it took so freaking long. Couldn’t (and still can’t) think of a suitable name. The title is tentative.

Edit: There’s currently a bug that causes controls to become unresponsive in a couple ways. This is not an inherent flaw in the game, but rather an incompatibility that GM seems to have with certain computers and controller functions. I’ll be looking into this at some point, and it will be fixed once the game is actually finished. If you experience control problems, try unplugging your controller as a temporary fix (hopefully.)

There’s some temporary stuff, like the inventory, but for the most part it’s just shorter than the final demo will be. There are also some other minor differences.

Any time you see blocks, that signifies that the way is blocked because it’s just the demo. There is no real end to the demo, other than getting everything. The second checkpoint is where the game would normally progress to the first “level”, though.

No idea how buggy it is. I’ve done a ton of testing, and other people play-tested it, but obviously it’s easy to miss stuff.

Also, apparently Continue is misspelled…don’t ask me how not only I, but also none of the people who tested the game didn’t notice -__-

Problems I’m aware of,
-You can go through a wall,
-If your’re mashing the attack button when you die, you might re-spawn by mistake.
-Some footsteps don’t make sound
-You can hit the springs when knocked down.
-Pressing space during H-animations (a thing left over from debugging)

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[RPGM] [AzureEmblem] Heart-Throbbing “School” Life [Demo]

Release Date: 2020-07-14
Developer: AzureEmblem – Itch.io
Censored: No
Version: Demo
OS: Windows
Language: English

Have you ever wanted to date any of the Danganronpa girls and you also might be a bit of a perv? Boy do I have the game for you. In this game that plays very similar to the bonus game after you beat DR 1 / DR 2 you’ll have 50 days to accomplish your objective of building Monokuma’s. During this time you’ll also be able to date most of the female cast of the games, and not only date them but engage in sexual acts with them! That’s kind of neat… or really depressing depending on what type of person are you.

Currently the game is a DEMO to test the waters to see if the game is working as intended, and if there is enough demand or support for this project, right now there is 48 sex scenes (2 per girl) and each one of those as 3 costume variations (Bunnygirl, Gym Clothes and Swimsuit, so if any of those is a fetish of yours I gotchu) and there is a New Game Plus function, The thing that is missing the most is dialogue for the characters so I apologize if your looking for deep inmersion.

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[RPGM] [Naughty Netherpunch] Renryuu: Ascension [v20.07.14]

Release Date: 2020-07-14
Developer: Naughty Netherpunch PatreonBlogDiscordItch.io
Censored: No
Version: 20.07-14
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
Language: English

Renryuu: Ascension follows the story of Ryen, a half dragon-half human. After some sudden events Ryen becomes the King of his country and starts his dutys as the King in the castle while also traveling around when needed to take care of many problems inside and outside of the country.​

The update of the strategy battle system is finally done!

First of all, let me say that this update took waaay longer than I expected. Almost two month for an update is far beyond my normal schedule, but it was a rather complex system with many issues, instead of the normal events that are often pretty straight forward.
The next time I’ll work on such a large change, I’ll try to post more in between to keep you all up-to-date, and maybe squeeze in a little update in between, to make sure people stay busy. ;)

Changes in update 20.07.14:
– Skip and hide buttons were added to the dialog box. The skip button can quickly advance you through dialogs, and the hide button will make the text box disappear until you click or press something again. In the options, you can bind a specific key for the skip and hide action as well.

The strategie battle system on the overview map was almost complele re-made. Changes include:
– New event and quest at the repaired barracks (where you met Mira), which will unlock the strategie battle system after you finished the quest.
– New overview of all squads of the vanguard forces. Every squad now has a unique leader and abilities, rather than a class based on it’s weapon.
– Squads can now change equipment, and use abilities and items during combat.
– Base movement for all troops is now 3 tiles. It can be increased up to 5 tiles by equipping a horse. Every squad that uses a horse takes additional damage from enemies with lances.
– All squads heal automatically after a battle now.
– Squads gain stats when they level up.
– New research options for the army section of the laboratory.
– Enemies have a chance to drop loot now, and every map gives you loot for completing it.
– New arena function to fight up to 5 1on1 duels with one of your squads.
– All battles now start instantly, without having to wait for your vanguard to move there for several turns, and they can be repeated endlessly. Only exception is the bonus battle, which has a small chance to appear every turn and will disappear when you advanced a turn again or fought the battle once.
– Destroyable barricades were added. (You don’t need to destroy them to win the battle)
– Enemy cavaliers will now walk a set path until they an enemy got in range, to simulate a patrol.
– Agility, crit chance, and evasion were added to the stats of the squads.
– Moral now affects the crit chance of your squad instead of the pure damage.
– Damage is not a fix value anymore, but has a range of +/-20%. Together with the chance of critical strikes and misses, this makes the result of the attack less predictable.
– Added a low chance each turn for a caravan to appear, which sells items for the vanguard forces.

– Two squad leaders introduce themselves with full body CGs. The artist is already working on the other 4, but they were not done in time for the update.
– Due to the complexity of the system, I’m almost certain that some bugs still hide in it. I’d appreciate every help to find them, so please don’t hesitate to report any bugs or issues you find.
I’d also be happy to hear your opinion on the balancing of the new enemies, to improve it some more.
– Currently only 6 new squad leaders can be played, but the system is made for up to 20 unique squad leaders. They’ll be added step by step in future updates.
– The focus for the next few updates will be on the main character(again) and the sex scenes for the Orchel elves.

Thanks for your patience and enjoy the new update.

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[KeyCock] Trixys Treasures [Final]

Release Date: 2020-06-07
Developer: KeyCock – Patreon
Censored: No
Version: Final
OS: Windows
Language: English

Our heroine Trixy, Enters the dungeon in search of the legendary treasury.
But she has to be careful, because she will not reach her goal without a fight.
It’s a good thing that she is well armed with a dual magic wand​

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[RPGM] [boobsgames] Warlock and Boobs [v0.335.6]

Release Date: 2020-07-12
Developer: boobsgames PatreonTumblrGumroad (Tip Jar)
Censored: No
Version: 0.335.6
OS: Windows
Language: English, Russian

Krowly always wanted to learn magic, hunt for monster girls, and most of all, get laid. Help guide Krowley in fulfilling his dreams!

Possibility to meet Mabel during the hunt.

The hunt event with wine merchant being attacked by the butt bandits.

Jaina, Eric and Rose got new skills.

  • Shield bash – for Eric and Jaina, only if the shield is equiped. Deals demage and 70% chance to stun.
  • Precise hit – for Jaina. This attack ignores armor
  • Dirty move – for Jaina. Jaina throws dirt into enemy face to temporary blind it.
  • Jump attack – for Jaina. Strong attack but makes Jaina’s defence lower, temorary.
  • Kick – for Jaina. Deals less demage but adds agility debuff. This skill cost 0 TP.
  • Mighty slash – for Eric, only if the mighty sword is equiped. Strong attack.
  • Call to battle – for Eric. Adds buff to the party’s attacks for 5 turns.
  • Sticky potion – for Rose. Adds agility debuff and makes the target very vulnerable to freezing.

It wont work in the old saves by default, but you can update your Eric, Jaina and Rose in the cheat room (it will also destroy all the equipment you gave them, so make a note of it.)

Now you can give Eric, Jaina or Rose a glass of beer, minotaur milk or futa elf sperm or other drink and see their reaction.

Works for:

  • Wine
  • Beer
  • Goblin ale
  • Elven futa sperm
  • Elven milk
  • Minotaur sperm
  • Minotaur milk

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[RPGM] [AVANTGARDE] Furry Ear Girls Never Betray [v1.20]

Release Date: 2020-04-20
Developer: AVANTGARDE DLsite
Translator: johanaxel007 F95zone
Censored: No (Decensored)
Version: 1.20
OS: Windows
Language: English (MTL)
Voices: Japanese
Store: DLsite

A story about traveling with cute friends!
This time, we will go on a journey to restore the Republic full of lewd heroes with the male hero and the main heroine, and their sub characters!
Confess to one of the heroines on the way. , She can however, the end you receive will change depending on your actions.
Happy end by protecting her from horny eyes.
NTR end where you can not return because you have sex with the opponent of the enemy many times and it is hard to compare with the main character. There are a total of 5 ends including the extra Harlem ends.
Defeat H in the main story, other service H for Huairou, many also H in the sub-events!
And manners H of the dot picture to wandering the city at night in the man hero, sexual harassment in the wandering in the heroine, prostitution There are various scenes such as working as a customs.

H scene features
Various situations such as battle defeat, prostitution, insults, heterosexualism, Kimeseku, pure love H!
H scene full heroine full voice, unspoken slang uncensored
action is also reflected firmly in erotic status!
Soggy blowjob
vulgar while getting pants wet horny part-time job in the costume
exposure walk while inserting a thick vibe as punishment jailbreak
naked kneeling down on the ground in the ass slapping and topped ejaculation
aphrodisiac and thick Bae ○ be inserted in the complete fallen NTR Sex
淫紋, remodeled Big Fucking body with nipple piercing
Exhibited as a betrayal of “Hentai Masturbation Bote belly sex while giving out breast milk and so on!
Virgin play: Yes
Circular play: Yes
Ending branch
Difficulty setting: Yes
Voice ON/OFF function
Animation ON/OFF function
message skip
window erase
recollection mode
there Standing picture clothes change
13+ hours of game

MTL is imperfect. Some phrases are JAP.
It’s not perfect and might have some issues with some standing pictures not disappearing & text overflow but had no crashes with them so far (13h 04m 35s play time).
– The “JS” folder is there for the translation of the Recolection room and some UI elements.
– Translator++ source file is included in case anyone want’s to polish it up bit.

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[RPGM] [moriA] Absolute Power Corruption [v0.40]

Release Date: 2020-07-12
Developer: moriA SubStar
Censored: No
Version: 0.40
OS: Windows
Language: English

Absolute power corrupts, absolutely. Explore the kingdom of Bellute and use your demonic magic to have some fun. Your spells can even change the nature of the game itself, and allow you to toggle fetish tags on or off as you desire.​

v 0.40
new Sylvia/Kath scene
new scenes and CG for City characters
other stuff (see below!)

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[VN] [Ren’Py] [Cheisst] Greystone City Episode 0 [v0.5]

Release Date: 2020-07-12
Developer: Cheisst Patreon
Censored: No
Version: v0.5
OS: Windows, Linux
Language: English

Greystone City Episode 0 is a small game created by Cheisst that is a small introductory episode for a future game. The story follows Thomas; a young man attending university in Greystone City. Follow Thomas’ story in the world of Greystone City; a world of elves, gnomes, humans and other creatures. A world filled with magic.​

Hi to all!!! My name is Cheisst.

I want to share my game with you. It is called Greystone City Episode 0. The world of game is the world of elves, gnomes, humans and other creatures. A world filled with magic.

It is almost a complete small game. Episode 0 is the small prehistory for a future big game. It tells about the beginning of the adventures of a young guy. The game was created by one person.

In the future game I plan to add a map and add freedom of action. In a future game, I plan to add a map and add freedom of action. And also add more animations, more emotions to the characters, more sounds…

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