Tag Archives: Lesbian

[Shady Corner] Flambeau Deluxxx Edition [v1.02b]

Release Date: 2024-09-03
Developer: Shady Corner PatreonTwitterSteam
Censored: No
Version: 1.02b
OS: Windows 10
Language: English

The mansion is filled to the brim with treaters wanting a sweet reward…it’s your job to make sure they spend the rest of their afterlife enjoying the sweet nectar of Flambeau’s body.

About the game
Flambeau is a sexy thicc candle girl who needs souls to reach a peak of pleasure. With many traps and treats set its only a matter of time before Flambeau is oozing with excitment.
As you harvest souls you unlock lewd cards you can finger through. Adventures of Flambeau captured in a collector set. Get more souls needed and prepare to visit her bedroom.
Flambeau returns in a glow up Deluxxx version of her first adventure. With all new graphics and a complete coding overhaul! Sexy new unlockables, lost and cut content and the ability to play BOTH Original and Deluxxx versions of the game, Flambeau Deluxxx is the perfect love letter to our first lewd game!

Flambeau_Deluxxx_v1_02b Patch
Small Update / Patch Notes Posted Tue, October 8

– Eternal Climb Soft Lock Fixed


Flambeau Deluxxxv 1.02 Spooky Sexy Update!
Major Update Posted Tue, October 8

Thank you for awaiting the spooky sexy update! You peeps have given this game some stella reviews so we have come back with some new content and features. Bringing these extra features really gives the name Deluxxx a hell of a boost! With new unlocks, new mode and SFW for you streamers there should be something for everyone!

New features:
New SFW Mode
New Arcade – Eternal Climb NOTE: Unlock Eternal Climb by completing the game OR if you have finished the game just complete any level
includes 60 New levels
New Behind the Scenes Documents
New Jukebox NOTE: Unlock Jukebox by completing the game OR if you have finished the game just complete any level
3 New Achievements
4 New Fan art pieces

added T icons in the Story mode menu for cleared Torment floors
added info boxes to the Story and Arcade mode version select window
changed the achievement Yurei’s Chests so you can die in between checkpoints and the chest counter won’t reset

Bug fixes:
fixed fire animation in Deluxxx mode where you wouldn’t see it if you took damage from something else first
fixed Treaters rapidly changing directions while possessing Vacula
Flambeau won’t show up when you die while possessing Shadyleer
you can no longer lose wax hp while possessing Vacula, Waredrobe, or Minecart



[VN] [Ren’Py] [Bunny Devil] Unholy Angel: Wedding Adventures [v0.4 Teaser]

Release Date: 2024-11-24
Developer: Bunny Devil Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 0.4 Teaser
OS: Windows, Linux, MacOS
Language: English

Diana and Brian, a loving couple preparing to marry on the exotic island of El-Paraiso. As you progress, you’ll guide them through challenging situations, testing their morals and loyalty. Their path to happiness won’t be easy. The outcome depends on your decisions. Explore the complexities of romantic relationships and nature of desire.​

v0.4 Teaser
-New scenes and teaser for the 0.4.



[Unity] [Blue Fairy Media Games] The Restoration of Aphrodisia [v0.5.00]

Release Date: 2024-12-04
Developer: Blue Fairy Media Games Patreon Itch.ioTFGamesDiscord
Censorship: No
Version: 0.5.00
OS: Windows
Language: English

It has been over one hundred years since The Great Exile that saw nearly all of humanity in a desperate flight back to their ancestral homeworld. Now Aphrodisia is in more chaos than ever with a great multi-factional demon civil war all vying to call themselves the one and only Empress of the Demon Empire. After spending the past century trapped as a prisoner-guest of a mysterious Enchantress, you now return to the ruins of a kingdom you once called home and fulfill your destiny in The Restoration of Aphrodisia!​

Developer Notes:

The Restoration of Aphrodisia is an adult (18+) role-playing game with transformation elements.

  • Foster relationships with loyal companions who will stay by your side as you pursue your own destiny.
  • Fight battles against a diverse array of enemies in strategic hexagon battlefields in your war against the demons.
  • Complete quests to help reunite lovers, defeat invaders, restore kingdoms, or even just to make a bit of gold to fill the party’s coffers.
  • Brew shape-altering potions from resources foraged in the wilds
  • Transform yourself, your companions, and your followers to suit particular needs for the party–but beware! Many other forces will seek to transform you as well!
  • Travel off the beaten paths and seek your quests where and when you want. But be careful, there many ways for you and your friends to fall victim to the magic, mischief, and malice that so saturates the continent…

Is the game free?

Currently, yes! Download it right here on Itch.io.
The early alpha releases of the game are free and are meant to gather feedback from the community. The game will remain free for at least several months, but we may make it a paid game similar to The Exile of Aphrodisia 2023 in the future as it matures. Like last time, patrons meeting a certain lifetime payment will receive FREE copies of the game.

What transformation themes are there currently in the game?
Sex transformations (primarily male to female), inanimate transformation, absorption / body part transformation, mental alterations, and bimbofication. You can enable or disable some theme tags to suppress quests that involve them from being discovered and started started. Sex transformations are core to the game’s plot and cannot be disabled.

What feature/content do you have planned next?
Random events system! Small, short repeatable encounters that happen due to a) your current map, b) certain transformations within the party, c) certain items in the party inventory, and more.
Afflictions! Like in the previous game, some transformations may progress into worse states if they are not treated quickly enough.
More companions! The third companion, Aros the lustful, poetic satyr man, is currently in the designing stages.
More companion relationship quests! Currently only Willow has one in the game upon a total relationship status of 10, but other companions will gain these private, sentimental events as well.
More quests and more transformation! Duh.
More terrains! As the party explores more of Aphrodisia, you’ll return to the desert, jungle, and snowy mountain environments present in Exile.

Is this game coming to Steam?
Eventually yes. The store page is currently a work in progress–we just need to film the trailer and submit it for review by Valve. The game will most likely be a paid product when it actually releases on Steam, similar to Exile 2023.

Will you be adding mod support?
Most likely! The game has been built so that almost all of its content is higher modular via XML files with extensive validation scripts. That said, there are some limitations around custom artwork and maps, so those are not yet mod-able at all.

Depending on public interest, will will continue to make these more user-friendly and make the addition of mods more seamless.

How does this game compare to The Exile of Aphrodisia?
The largest change is that this game is an RPG (role-playing game), instead of a survival/simulation/Oregon-trail-inspired game like Exile. Transformed party members stay in the party as often as not. Forms have advantages and disadvantages both in combat and in quests. Another large change is the player can and will transform many times throughout various quests. This does unfortunately mean that most transformations are quick and straight from form A to form B (poof transformations). This is because having inbetween stages for any two forms is not something we can do.

The new hexagonal battle system also adds a tactical element to the game that some testers have described as Fire Emblem-like.



[VN] [Ren’Py] [Daggum] The Beautiful Game [Ch. 1 v0.8]

Release Date: 2024-10-18
Developer: Daggum PatreonItch.ioDiscord
Censored: No
Version: 0.8
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
Language: English
Vndb: Link

In The Beautiful Game you jump into the life of a freshly graduated sports scientist and massage therapist who’s just landed his dream job at an elite all-girl sports team. But as it turns out, great things don’t always come easy. Meet an ensemble of gorgeous, diverse, and athletic girls – and maybe even find some romance along the way.




[RPGM] [NymphValley] Nymphwars [v0.1]

Release Date: 2024-12-06
Developer: NymphValley Itch.io
Censored: No
Version: 0.1
OS: Windows
Language: English

Where to start? I guess it’s time to introduce myself. I’m Roz, the only known male lustnymph in my generation and a resident of the unseen world of Thiria.
I’m gonna be thrown into a strange world with humans everywhere, most of them insane, and most of them women. There are some problems with breeding here, and it’ll be up to me to help people out. Sadly, I’m a bit inexperienced with all that “save the world” stuff, so I’m really happy that my big sister Lucya comes with me to keep me safe. And of course, our youngest sister Joy wants to tag along as well, and yes, she’s a bit of a goofball, but at least, she is fun, providing comical relief and brightens our mood.

Lucya: Hey, Roz, you’re messing everything up! And Joy, you’re not helping. Put those things away! I meant the things in the box…the other things are just a part of your physiology and nothing to be ashamed of.
There, let me introduce the players to the game.
Welcome to the World of the Three countries, a place far from here. I am Lucya, and will be your guide here. The world of men has a some serious problems , people are going insane. Less and less people are born healthy and among the ones who survive birth, most are doomed to turn into violent maniacs. Most of the men are born mad, if they are born at all. The women? Yeah, they may turn mad an time after puberty and go on a rampage. Because of this, the World has way more women than men.
Apart from the humans, who are the dominant species, the world is populated by nymphs of different kinds, like the woodnymphs, the frostnymphs, the shadownymphs and the waternymphs. Nymphkind is an all female species relying on human men or elves to breed, with one exception. The elusive lustnymphs are kind of like powers of nature. We embody different aspects of lust.

Developer Notes:

These people are The Main Characters:

  • Roz Shagwell – The main character and the lustnymph Prince from the unseen World dreaming of adventures and women. Roz happens to be the only known male nymph in a generation. I know that he said that already, but he’s a bit chaotic at times. Roz embodies the power of love.
  • Lucya Shagwell – The Lustnymph Princess from the unseen World. A young woman torn between the heavy burden of being the responsible big sister and being the free spirited decadent nymph she longs to be. Being the hier to the throne, I enjoy letting others take command in a more private setting, which is pretty neat since I embody powerplay.
  • Joy Danger Shagwell – the youngest of the lustnymph siblings and a bit of a goofball, but with a heart of gold, right there…in between… I mean, behind those massive tits. Apart from having huge breasts, she also has a foot fetish and loves anything fun. Our sweet Joy embody the power of kink.
  • Snowflake – A frostnymph warrior from the North, one of the few nymphs who have ever managed to be outlawed for being too horny. This girl looooooves orgies.
  • Dandalya – A battlefae, small but lethal. She loves the thrill of battle, but due to her size, she has way less hitpoints than the rest of the gang, so keep an eye on her health. That being said, there are few, if any, who does more damage than her. She loves bodily fluids of the…erotic kind.
  • Feu – Something as rare as a half-elf, light and agile with mystical powers that make her deadly despite using only knives. Her attacks steals gold and she can pick locks. She’s the half-elf next-door and joins Joy to explore the pleasures of fetish sex.
  • Mitalya – A human rockstar using rock-based attacks to smash her less musically blessed enemies. Mitalya’s rock stardom has given her a taste of hard sex and leather. Despite not being very strong, she uses heavy armor and huge axes, because, duh, it’s freakin’ metal!
  • Zaceba – A demon Princess from the netherwold, or Hell, as we call it. Something of a “vegan”, not killing unless she really wants to. Her father, the King of Hell, who want’s nothing more than getting her a babysitter, so that he can relax and enjoy his extramarital adventures. Her fire attacks are powerful but if she releases her inner demon, she can tear even the toughest enemies limb from limb with her bare hands. She loves sexual humiliation.
  • Angelica – A holy angel of the Lord, or Lady, or someone…? Her light attacks are very effective against undead enemies. Enjoys watersports of “that kind”, you know the one I mean.
  • Lady Tiana Olia – A real Knight, a noblewoman from a disgraced house and one of the few people who can wield a greatsword doing damage to all enemies. She loves her long purple hair and well…you’ll see.
  • Salea Rosewood – an archaeologist researching the ancients armed with shotguns, and any other ancient technology she can get her hands on. Her sexual preferences are…her’s to share if you play the game.
  • Thea Rosewood – Salea’s twin sister and an explorer who has joines her sister on many expeditions. Thea uses another kind of ancient technology, the awesome flamethrowers. Her sexual desires…well, ask her yourself.
  • Cookie – An elf, but not the kind that shoots arrows and gazes into magic mirrors, but the kind that wraps gifts up in colorful paper and runs around in red clothes, working for a guy who says ho ho ho a lot. Sadly, Cookie is in charge of manufacturing adult toys, and since anyone who wishes for them must be too naughty to get a present at all, Cookie is in a bit of a bind. She might try her toys out, though…
  • Shay – A mystery that will not be revealed until later on in the game.

Well, one last warning… The characters depicted in sexual situations are all adults and consent to whatever they are doing. That being said, there are very few limits in this game. The characters do swear and show their nipples and even more private parts. There is alcohol in this game but no heavier drugs. Whatever the characters do to each other, this is just a game and you should not try these things at home, but I don’t need to tell you that, right. You wouldn’t go out fighting goblins just because you see that in a game, right? The same rule apply here. These are actions used for entertainment only and to create a nice gaming experience for real perverts. ;)

Included sexual actions:
Fetish sex
Sibling sex
Girl on girl
and…some milder stuff as well.

So… play the demo and let me know what you think. If you dare, for kink awaits you, with huge nasty kinky tits…



[Unity] [ALLDICE] Hypnosis of Corruption [v1.0.2]

Release Date: JPN 2023-11-04 / ENG 2024-12-07
Original Title: 侵蝕のヒプノシス【PC・スマホ版】
Developer: ALLDICE DLsiteCi-en
Publisher: Kagura Games SteamWebsiteTwitterDiscordYoutube
Censored: No
Version: 1.0.2
OS: Windows, Mac, Linux
Language: English, Japanese, Chinese (Simplefied)
Store: SteamDLsite

Hinata Yuzuzaka is highly respected and admired among her peers. When strange things start to occur at her school and the surrounding town, it will be up to her to get to the bottom of it all.

Developer Notes:

Something strange is going on around town. People are starting to disappear, and others are acting strange, with no memory of those who’ve gone missing. Hinata Yuzuzaka takes it upon herself to investigate the disappearances and find the truth behind the bizarre occurrences! But as she investigates around town, she falls prey to a mysterious phone application that has been wiping her memories! She would wake up, realizing that time has sped past, and she would have no recollection of what happened. Accompany Hinata on her mission to stop whatever is behind this malicious application and the hypnosis that is dominating her world!

Over the span of 100 days, follow Hinata as she explores the town and meets the townsfolk. You’ll find missions to complete while you train to improve your stats. Don’t forget to rest, though! Uncover the mysteries of the academy and find the truth behind the application that has taken over the minds of this small town. The truth is never as simple as it seems…

Numerous events to unlock!
As you progress, Hinata will be able to explore various places and trigger events that will deepen your understanding of her world and the mysterious goings-on involving the hypnosis application.

Multiple ways to play!
Keep an eye on Hinata’s stats to stay safe, or plunge into the dangers head-first! The player holds all the power over Hinata’s day-to-day life.



[RPGM] [Ruhut Soft] Senpai and the Mysterious Island [v1.0 Steam]

Release Date: JPN 2023-08-19 / ENG 2024-12-06
Developer: Ruhut Soft DLsiteCi-en
Publisher: Saikey Studios – PatreonDiscordSteamTwitterWebsite
Censored: No
Version: 1.0 Steam
OS: Windows
Language: English, Chinese, Japanese
Store: DLsiteSteam

Hundreds of years ago, this place boasted amazingly advanced technology before it was all wiped out in a mysterious natural disaster. Now there’s nothing but ruins… Will Fuura and Sonia find remnants of the old civilization?
This time around, you can switch between both girls!

Uncensored Steam version 1.0 added

– Added content and costumes

– Characters will no longer be naked when their picture is not being taken.
– Saving is not possible in the gallery.
– Fixed a bug where BGS would not stop
– Fixed an issue where the player would attack the opponent when setting skills during the first training session.
– Other minor bug fixes



[Unity] [mtrellex] LeMOMnade: Family Squeeze! [v1.2]

Release Date: 2024-08-01
Developer: mtrellex Itch.ioTwitter
Censored: No
Version: 1.2
OS: Windows, Android
Language: English

Play as a mischievous young man who uses his hypnotical powers to
submit all the milf’s of the neighborhood into becoming his sexual toys.
To accomplish your objective, you will run a ‘Lemonade sales’ scheme, a facade for the milf sex empire you are building.
Will the milf’s surrender to mind breaking pleasure or will you get caught by their husbands before having any fun?
*A short interactive light novel (30min – 1hour) with simple straight forward gameplay (No hard annoying mechanics like most hentai games).*
Pregnancy system (optional).

Developer Notes:

*3 Female characters
*5 Interactive Sex Minigames (Lemonade Sale, Bathing, Cooking, Cumshot and Insemination)
*18 Unique illustrations + fertilization and penetration x-ray edits (in some cases)
*A lot of flavor added by dialogue and storyline.*Pregnancy system (optional).

Who this game is for:
-If you are searching for a fresh and unique hentai concept.
-If you love Milfs
-If you like funny cringe hentai plots.
-If you know what “Saimin” means…
-If you like darker themes but treated with humor (no gore)
-Even if you don’t like visual novels, or reading.
Tags planned: NSFW, Hentai, NTR, Mind break, Mind Control, Hypnosis, Idle, Visual novel, Interactive, short.



[Unity] [Sonpih] Lust for Adventure [v9.7]

Release Date: 2024-12-06
Developer: Sonpih Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 9.7
OS: Windows
Language: English

Hi everyone, I’m Sonpih, and I’m creating an adult game called Lust for Adventure, this is a 2D RPG game based on the world of Warcraft where you are an adventurer in search of fame, fortune and obviously sex! The inspiration for this game came from other adult games like “Corruption of Champions” or “Trials in Tainted Space”, games where you have a sense of freedom in a world of monsters and sex. In this game you can create a character with some customisation options, complete quests for NPCs, fight (or fuck) different enemies in turn-based combat, and experience multiple events.​



[VN] [Ren’Py] [FapYeah] No Fap Island [Ch.2]

Release Date: 2024-11-28
Developer: FapYeah Steam PatreonItch.io
Censored: No
Version: Chapter 2
OS: Windows, Mac
Language: English

Welcome to Fapno Island, a tropical paradise where your wildest dreams – and biggest challenges – await!

You play as the only male participant in a sizzling new reality show with an impossible twist: survive five nights surrounded by five gorgeous women without succumbing to temptation. Or that’s what you’re supposed to do anyway. Find a way to disable the cameras, beat the system and get freaky with the ladies.

This is a dating simulation game where you romance the women on the island and have sex with them. Despite cameras watching every corner of the island, you will find a loophole where you can secretly have sex (in subsequent chapters).

Disclaimer: The tags reflect only what is currently in this chapter. I would have added more but it’s against the rules to add tags that only appear later on.


Developer Notes:

THIS GAME IS A PASSION PROJECT – I have created SFW games in the past and work in the games industry. However my dream is to be able to work on these games full time and with your support I hope to make that a reality. I have high standards and my aim is to deliver a high quality game that players will love.
Also, if you want to support me for free, please wishlist the game on Steam so that it’ll boost the game’s visibility.


Chapter 2
New chapter release

Chapter 1 version 2
Added 6 extra CGs
Replaced all character images with animated ones
Added a post credit scene