Release Date: 2020-01-20
Developer: Dream Chaser HentHighSchool
Censored: Yes
Version: 0.4.0
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English
This is a completely rewritten version of Ashford Academy. Ashford Academy is a game where you take the role of the newly appointed principal (male). From this point it’s up to you to decide what happens next.
0.4.0 – catch them all
– added event gallery / seen events to the game, showing all events/images/variants unlocked overall or in the current save game
– since you select the event collection by mod and by location, there is now a place where the game shows which (new-style) mods have been recognized (displayed even with no events yet unlocked)
– added name, description and variant metadata to all events
– events which are completely unlocked (all images and all variants) get a gold star in the gallery (upper right corner)
– when you load a save, the game ensures all events unlocked in the save are unlocked in the game wide gallery
– replaced the screen between events: the new one shows unlocks with gold and silver stars
– game object changes show on the event summary screen (outlook change, new unlocks, new policies, …)
– if the preference “More Numbers” is enabled, stat changes are shown on event summary screen
– When in rollback, you can’t change your choices anymore. Done so unlocked event variants are in sync with what you have actually seen
– the lust stat now stays hidden until the surveillance has been build, no matter what “More Numbers” is set to
– added pictures for all policy options of human_anatomy_depiction, teacher_leeway and entrance_req_focus
– added pictures for all policy options which where still missing them (kindly donated by scorpionswamp)
– bad ends implemented: reputation<=0 (fired), behavior<2 (school burned down, 5% chance/day), staff_support<0 (fired)
– susan+marina event pictures are now unpixelated (thank you 08/15Wixxer!)
– added stat level descriptions for lust and reputation
– displayed names of policies adjusted: do not contain the policy name anymore
– selection screens now have a title above their choices
– “Stat Changes” now shows the policy name and choice instead of only the choice
– “Stat Changes” now shows the weekly reduction in temp stress
– “Stat Changes” now shows the effect from new students (“Entrance requirement focus”)
– set config.developer = “auto”, no need to change it for distribution anymore
– completely rewritten seduction logic used by Susan and Marina. They will now notice many more reasons they can get sexual with the principal
– merged events: class9 into class3; class42 into class18; class4,class17,class18,half of class19,class20,class25 into class3; pool35 into pool6; pool30 into pool22
– new events: class9 (spanking)
– expanded events: sensuality12 (dress up and role play), class18 (fell on ass)
– fixed event library19 so it can run with any dresscode up to sexy
– animal policy is now actually remembered (in school_grounds11), other cat themed events adjust to it
– pictures added to existing events (making events available for more dresscodes)
– doubled default event.img / img_e group_count to 2, and any custom group_counts set by events
allows for more granular likeliness of events, makes classic events (if any) less likely by half
– Reputation income now rises in steps as the description changes. Reputation income is not hard coded in the engine anymore.
new reputation income: <5: none, <15: lower (2/3 of current), <30: equal to current, >=30: higher, >=90: double of current
– surveillance income now rises in steps as the lust description changes.
new surveillance income: <5: none, <20: lower, <30: equal to current, >=30: higher, >=90: 2.5 times current
– cafeteria income per student reworked: instead of being flat, it now depends on morale and reputation (smooth scaling)
new cafeteria income: game start(12 reputation, 10 morale): half of current, endgame(100 reputation and morale): 4.5 times current
– conservative dresscode doesn’t reduce morale at inhibition 100. Weekly morale drop now smoothly increases to 2 at inhibition 80
– pool now also lowers inhibition as weekly effect
– careful or resisting outlooks now avoid some of the changing room situations that cost reputation
– sensuality events now give higher deviance and inhibition changes
– bugfix: <stat>_o.contr_max_go returned wrong data. It only led to more generic text in a single event though 
– bugfix: never show a stat change of 0.0
API Changes:
– imp_prefix now sets current_eventgroup and current_mod (needed for event collection) – Documentation adjusted
– stat.value_old renamed to stat.value_day, stat.change renamed to stat.change_day
– random_select: removed ‘else’ pool, added default
– renamed policy levels called “normal” to better distinguish them (e.g. in Budget screen):
–teaching_materials “normal” renamed to “used”
–staff_salary “normal” renamed to “average”
–human_anatomy_depiction “normal” renamed to “correct”
–class_size “normal” renamed to “middle”
–(the one policy choice still called “normal” is the dresscode)
– new function fucked_teacher() now used to track whether the principal had sex with a teacher
Debug Mode:
– shows dare points on main GUI
– events in “Seen Events” display internal event name, whether the event can occur (banned/True/False) and the value of the event variable
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