Tag Archives: PoV

[Ren’Py] [Outbreak Inn] Fantasy Inn [v0.1.7a]

Release Date: 2022-07-15
Developer: Outbreak Inn PatreonDiscord ServerF95zoneTwitterLinktrItch.io
Censored: No
Version: 0.1.7a
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
Language: English

Overview: Welcome to Fantasy Inn. In this management RPG you need to help magical waifus to improve your relationships with them.
Fight monsters (sexy and not), find treasures and expand your domain! Please note that fighting and management is still in development and will be drastically changed within next updates! Girls to romance for now: Chandra, the dragon lady. Mia, the little fairy. Raven, the Vampire woman.​

A new barbarian scene, that continues the previously added waitress quest line.
Fixed a bug that allowed getting the amulet of power for free.
Added a way to look at your gold account in the shop menu.
Changed Chandra’s quest requirements. Made those clearer.
Weekly income will now grow after buying and upgrading inn rooms.
Fixed a bug where the third vampiress scene started immediately after the second one.
A new face for MC.
Added bartending (will be improved later).
Added one new ability and changed way of getting new abilities.
Changed balance and loot chance.
Added a quest system, where each quest gives you a reward.

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[Ren’Py] [BigBoiMarkus] Love Loss [v0.01c]

Release Date: 2022-06-16
Developer: BigBoiMarkus PatreonbuymecoffeeDiscord
Censored: No
Version: 0.01c
OS: Windows
Language: English

Woke up in car? No memories? Your family is dead? What has happend? In this game youll play as young MC who is given another chance in life! But now the MC is now selfaware of their actions so beware. Can you as the player help the MC build relationships all over again? Or waste their young years in the gutter​

– Bug fixes
– Added Music Playlist
– Change 5+ Bgs
– Improved message system
– Added New Clothes for Jules
– Added New expressions for Jules
– Added new expressions for Rose
– Added a Gender select screen
– New Charather Introduced
– Fixed Multiple Grammar Mistakes
– Added Music to Main Menu
– Fixed Artwork Scene
– Better Transtion scene (Blinking)

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[VN] [Ren’Py] [Kyomasune] 25Days: Hideout [0.1]

Release Date: 2022-05-26
Developer: Kyomasune PatreonItch.ioDiscord
Censored: No
Version: 0.1
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English

You are a college drop-out, wannabe manga artist, who exiles himself in the countryside with the intent of reclaiming the onsen of your grandfather, left to decay.
However, between your incapacity to settle a publishing contract, a hot-headed tenant who refuses to pay her rent, and a growing addiction to alcohol and melancholy, your getaway from the real world is gradually shaping up into yet another failure.
It is only then, that an old lost acquaintance resurfaces, begging you to hide a young girl with pointy ears from mysterious wrongdoers…​

v0.1 (2022-05-26)
Day 0 complete
– 8,689 Words
– 635 Renders
– 2 Animations
– 24 Music Tracks

Hi guys, 25Days: Hideout is my first project and I hope that you’ll like it!

However, you should know that, above all, this game is story-driven. So, if you’re out for quickie, this might not be the best option for you. Especially since 0.1 (the current version) is poor in adult content.

As a dating simulator, you’re going to encounter various types of girls, all of them with their own quirks and whatnot, and it wouldn’t be fair to draw them as easy to get, don’t you think?
I would like for you to have a chance to discover them in their whole depth, with their own fears, loves, laughs and dreams. That’s also why there’s no stat system rewarding you with +1 each time you take a decision you were meant to take. Sure, you may think that you have screwed up from time to time, but don’t we all at some point? In the end, it’s all going to be part of your journey, and that’s what is going to make it so special. Because you’re special too. *wink wink*
Don’t worry, as story progresses you’ll have plenty of opportunities to adjust your shot after a decision that you, afterwards, consider to be a mistake. So, give yourself some slack and try to enjoy the moment without too much of calculation, or with the urge to try to please anybody at any cost. What you may consider at first as a misfire could in reality open to some interesting possibilites…

In the end, my biggest goal with 25Days: Hideout is to propose a thrilling story with rich characters.

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[Ren’Py] [Elrath Creations] God & Void [v0.1.5.B1]

Release Date: 2021-12–31
Developer: Elrath Creations – PatreonDiscord
Censored: No
Version: 0.1.5.B1
OS: Windows, Linux and Mac
Language: English

Why? Why me? What did I do to deserve this? What… did I do…? Who… am I? You open your eyes with no recollection of the past. Soon you find yourself in a ridiculous situation and everything seems like a big joke. As you reach adulthood one thing slowly becomes clearer and clearer: the joke isn’t funny anymore.​


  • Main story continuation
  • Filine & Lilith’s story continuation
  • Added talk events with multiple characters
  • Graphics overhaul starting from after the introduction
  • Updated main menu

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[Ren’Py] [HelotGames] Examination Day [v0.1.3.1]

Release Date: 2022-05-09
Developer: HelotGames Patreon
Censored: No
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English


Hello this is HelotGames.
I am a single person dedicated to creating adult games.
Examination Day is my only current title, and it is only in early access right now.The story:
One day you get a call from the school’s headmaster who explains that because of a recent economical crisis, the school has to keep as many students from graduating as possible. Therefore he instructs you to “distract” the girls taking their examination (by various means). In the beginning the girls will be very scared of you, and not be very corrupt, however over time, as you keep them from graduating, they will get more and more used to being “distracted“. This has it’s positives and negatives. In the game you have a bunch of choices when it comes to “distraction“, one of those being literally to steal the panties of the girls. Anyway, good luck Head Teacher.About Examination Day:
Examination Day is a sandbox/corruption/school game, where you play as the Head Teacher of an only-girls high school. The game is heavily inspired by some other games which I definitely recommend checking out!:
The headmaster
Professional School
As the game is in very early access at the time being, the game can be considered a demo. There is not a lot of content yet, however, I already have a bunch of ideas for game mechanics that can/will be implemented in the future.
That being said, I am only one person who has to take care of private stuff as well, meaning that updates on the game may vary from time to time, however, I aim to release a new update every three weeks if possible until I consider the game done.
v0.1.3.1 Demo:

  • The possibility of praising students who potentially are not wearing the correct set of underwear.


  • Distraction description sometimes being lower than they are supposed to
  • Pantystash soft-breaking in 0.1.3
  • Spanking punishment of disobeying students (Clothing and underwear rules)
  • Game crashing when selecting slutty underwear rule


  • Huge thanks to Marc0815 from Patreon for discovering these bugs and reporting them to me. The game was initially undertested, which had its issues, but Marc really helped fixing these!

v0.1.2 Demo:

  • Faces for the girls on the exam screen (Huge thanks to Ninoss, check out his mod, WTM)
  • Differences in girl’s bodies, so now girl can have a set of different kinds of bodyparts when stripped (Huge thanks to Ninoss, check out his mod, WTM)
  • Visuals regarding HP, answer progress and correct answers (Huge thanks to Ninoss, check out his mod, WTM)
  • Visuals regarding how many girls are left in the class (Huge thanks to Ninoss, check out his mod, WTM)
  • Visual chances for pulling down girl’s clothes.
  • Preparation stat for the girls. The girls now get more prepared for the exam each time they retake it.
  • Sex addict mechanic. The girls can now become addicted to sex after their corruption reaches a certain threshold. Sex addicts do are not able to complete the exam.
  • Events for sex addicts in the class, raising their own as well as the other girls’ arousal.
  • Different levels for sex addicts, the higher their level, the more addicted they are.
  • A wincondition if the player reaches 15 sex addicts.
  • A “Do nothing” button if the player wants to not do anything on a turn of the exam.
  • Creampie effect, which now damages girls a lot!


  • Difficulty logic. Now changes the amount of questions the girl has to get right, rather than the amount of rounds the exam consists of.
  • Random stat changes to only affect girls who just attended the exam rather than all girls in the class.
  • The overall rounds to 15 from 12 and correct answers from 5 to 5, 6 and 7, depending on the difficulty.
  • Capped the amount of girls in class to 20 from otherwise endless.
  • More things to be dependant on difficulty, making easy mode easier, hard mode harder and normal stay roughly the same in terms of difficulty
  • Number of starting girls to 10
  • Max hp to grow with a random amount instead of 50.
  • Girls cuming takes a percentage based damage of their max hp instead of flat 75, making it a bit better for the player in the late game


  • Balanced the chances of pulling down clothes on a girl to be more in favor of the player overall.
  • CTRL glitch from crashing the game – now skips text as intended in most cases.
  • Information about whose panties are taken after the exam is done.
  • Intelligence from endlessly growing. Will now change a little bit over time, but generally only increase if it’s low to begin with.
  • Player being able to pull up a dress while the girl has something on, covering the dress.
  • Player being able to give a girl without panties on a wedgie.

Known issues:

  • In some cases, CTRL might still close the game, if the player attempts to skip when there is no text to skip. If anyone knows how to fix this, please contact me :)
  • Sex addicts does sometimes not like to be fucked. This is only a textual description error, and behind that they do actually enjoy it. Will be fixed in the next patch.

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[RPGM] [Aikawa Aiko] Lost in Immoral Grounds [Ch.2]

Released Date: 2022-05-03
Developer: Aikawa Aiko Patreon
Censored: No
Version: Chapter 2
OS: Windows
Language: English

You control Honoka (from Dead or Alive) as she wakes up in a mysterious place, an immense residence full of dangers in every corner. Soon enough it is made clear that most of the strange beings in this place seek our hero to sate their dark desires.. Help her find an escape while avoiding (or not) the various monsters and traps located in the mansion! Find iconic fan service characters to serve as allies to help in the journey, increase your relationship with them to unlock special scenes.

Lost in Immoral Grounds is made on the Rpg Maker MV engine using 3DCGs made on Honey Select. Solve puzzles, defeat enemies with special combat skills, find clothes for the characters to wear and engage with the friendly NPCs to further the story while viewing many erotic scenes (currently there are over 60 scenes !).​

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[Ren’Py] [Bakachan] Ganahan [v0.8]

Release Date: 2022-05-02
Developer: Bakachan Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 0.8
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
Language: English, Indonesian

After graduating from school, MC got a job call, but the place of work was close to his aunt’s house… which meant that MC had to go out of town and settle in the city where he worked, MC was very lucky, his aunt wanted MC to stay with him while he worked here… beautiful aunty and have daughter beautiful and cute, An innocent man who lives alone with the angels, what will he do..??? make your choice!!​

– Re-work Scenario
– Re-Work And Fix Scene Toilet
– Re-Work UI If Not In Home
– Fix Scene Video (1280×720)
– Fix Bugs
– Re-Work Overtime Pay Work
– Add Language : English And Indonesian
– Add Map Icon and Place (Cafe, School, Hospital, Home, Work, And Park)
– Add Scene With Aunt
– Add Scene With Cousin
– Add New Scenario And Quest
– Add Replay Scene With Aunt And Cousin

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[VN] [Ren’Py] [Velkami] The Secret Ingredient Is … [v1.0]

Release Date: 2022-04-29
Developer: Velkami – PatreonLoversLab
Censored: No
Version: 1.0
OS: Windows, Linux
Language: English

On his unyielding quest for employment, the MC picks up an odd job request at the townsboard from the local alchemist.

A straightforward, kinetic novel made with Ren’Py and a version of Skyrim SE, heavily modded for the creation of novels such as this one.
The game is not necessarily intended to take place in the world of The Elder Scrolls, so having played Skyrim is not required to understand the plot.
It features a few choices for dialogue variety but they do not alter the overall story, hence the kinetic novel tag.
It’s primarily intended to be a one-shot story, with some light humor and romance elements.
A modlist is attached as a .txt file in the /game folder if you’re interested.

Thanks for checking my game out. If you like it or have feedback, let me know.​

v1.0 Release
804 Images, 23 Animations, ~18000 Words

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[Ren’Py] [Neytan] Reverse Psychology [v0.10.0 Public]

Release Date: 2022-04-21
Developer: Neytan PatreonItch.ioDiscordTwitter
Censored: No
Version: 0.10.0 Public
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
Language: English, Español

In Reverse Psychology you will be able to live the story of “MC”, a boy who, due to certain events, developed a great problem of insecurity, but does not show it. On his way, he will meet the right people who will help him overcome it while he helps them.

+ 330 renders.
+ 19 animations.
+ New map: Main stage of the club.
+ Working system and shows inside the club.

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[Ren’Py] [MironY] Moving Down [Ch.3 Part 1]

Release Date: 2022-04-20
Developer: MironY PatreonSubscribestar
Censored: No
Version: Chapter 3, Part 1
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English, Russian

The game tells the story of a young couple who recently got married and started living together. It would seem that nothing should interfere with family happiness, but life circumstances and surrounding people will gradually push the wife of the main character to the idea of non-standard relationships in marriage, where she tries on the role of a dominant, the role of a Mistress …
To avoid unnecessary questions, before you download and run the game, be sure to read the developer’s notes!

Chapter 3 Part 1:

  • Added 3,5 days of plot

Chapter 2 Part 2:

  • Added 3,5 days of plot (chapter end)

Chapter 2 Part 1:

  • Added 3,5 days of plot
  • Added official android version

Chapter 1 Part 2:

  • Added 3 days of plot (chapter end)

Chapter 1 Part 1:

  • Added 3 days of plot

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