Tag Archives: Real porn

[HTML] [Volen] Become Someone [v0.7.9.10]

Release Date: 2021-04-03
Developer: Volen PatreonDiscordWebsiteSubscribestar
Censored: No
OS: Windows, Mac, Linux
Language: English

Become someone is an adult life simulator game (HTML – Text Based) giving you the ability to choose a life path that will allow you to meet girls that will react to you in different ways depending on your stats. I didn’t make it to be hard to play, at least at the moment, and you should access porn content (and there is a lot) without too much difficulty. You have total freedom, so it is up to you to decide what you want to do with your life!​

This update brings bdsm content for Jessie Powers (the red head teacher). It also brings a few bug fixes and small improvements. We hope that you’ll like the new content!


  • Suki main quest (startup)


  • Random sister event at work
  • You can bring your sister to work with you if she is enslaved
  • Abigail startup interactions
  • Jade startup interactions
  • Suki startup interactions
  • You can now hire Jade
  • You can now hire Suki


  • left bar time buttons improvement
  • fixed a bug that occurred when you gave the stuffed animal to the cousin (her overlay wasn’t turning green in progress app)
  • Alice roaming freely fixed
  • Added a hint before enslaving (or giving the stuffed animal) cousin

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[HTML] [Wape] Incubus City [v1.11.3]

Release Date: 2021-03-28
Developer: Wape Blogspot
Censored: No
Version: 1.11.3
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English

In Incubus City you take the role of a man during a strange week-long change he occasionally experiences. Overcome with the intense desire to impregnate women, he must roam the streets at night seeking fertile wombs to knock up. During these times, he manifests strange abilities like enhanced strength and hypnotism, but the compulsion often drives him to do evil and places his life and freedom in danger.

Non-linear, multiple paths, 25 endings and 26 beginnings (unlockable New Game+ scenarios that provide player a different origin and set of starting bonuses), own slaves, recruit girls into prostitution, ruin families, and forge a destiny beyond mortal comprehension.

(The game is pretty damn rapey. You probably shouldn’t play it.)​

– you can now give an item if you have more than just 1 of it

– fixed porn filming macro bug
– fixed O’Shay rape not registering
– a few typos corrected

– addressed several more bugs

1.11 Brothel & Blackmail Edition
– several bugs fixed, including that ungettable token and a mod not working
– new ending
– new beginnings: Family Business/Blackmail Bastard

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[HTML] [Austinhaney6969] The Making of a Slut [v0.6.7]

Release Date: 2021-03-28
Developer: Austinhaney6969 PatreonTFGamesSiteDiscord
Censored: No
Version: 0.6.7
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English

You play as a young effeminate college student who is easily bored. You meet a woman who will definitely spice up your life, but will it be in the way you wanted?​

Room-mate scenes added, dom diner scenes added.

Modified the slider system somewhat, more avatar tweaks, introduced some dom scenes with Bailey, more classroom tweaks.

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[HTML] [Austinhaney6969] The Making of a Slut [v0.6.5]

Release Date: 2021-01-24
Developer: Austinhaney6969 PatreonTFGamesSiteDiscord
Censored: No
Version: 0.6.5
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English

You play as a young effeminate college student who is easily bored. You meet a woman who will definitely spice up your life, but will it be in the way you wanted?​

New slider system, cleaned up avatar, modifed gameplay variables, general update

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[HTML] [ThaumX] Accidental Woman [v0.41.1 Cheats]

Release Date: 2020-12-29
Developer: Thaumx PatreonWebsite
Censored: No
Version: 0.41.1 Cheats
OS: Windows, Mac, Linux, Android
Language: English

Accidental Woman is an interactive fiction life sim game for adults. It’s built in Twine Sugarcube, and can be played on most OSes and smartphones. In the game, you take the role of a recently single and unemployed man who takes the offer of a longtime friend to move to the secluded town of Appletree. Due to an unfortunate accident, you find yourself completely transformed into a woman, and will have to deal with far more than just transitioning to small-town life!​

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[HTML] [April Ryan] Perverted Education [v0.9900]

Release Date: 2020-11-30
Developer: April Ryan TFGamesPatreon
Censored: No
Version: 0.9900
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English

Perverted Education is erotic game where main character starts as an immature male of indeterminate (but legal) age, and is slowly corrupted on three sides by his Teacher, Therapist and Guardian (you can choose your mother, or a family friend).

New additions:

  • Going commando scene with friend – The main character heads over to the friends house going commando, and is swiftly taken on a shopping trip for new undies. However, friend doesn’t seem completely taken with the main character’s new lewd attitude.
  • Trophy Wife partner body checks – Text for this scene has been edited to final standards.
  • New Avatar (patreon-only) – Rookie Cheer uniform, Cheer shoes, Cheer bow, male causal clothes, casual dress, flats, and sneakers have been added for the new avatar.
  • Arousal now increases when awakened by the vibrating alarm in the morning.
  • Main character cannot put on a chastity cage if they are too aroused.
  • Main character may repeat waxing task at friend’s house.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug in the poise minigame that caused teacher to give the wrong response to players who chose “stand still” after choosing a correct position.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the cheer minigame to incorrectly keep track of the number of failures.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the cheer minigame to not properly track if the player had found temporary body augmentations.
  • Several improvements to friend’s “girliness check” when visiting towards mid-game.
  • Altered final friend catch-up scene to occur after visiting the park, as intended.
  • Several text fixes

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[HTML] [Austinhaney6969] The Making of a Slut [v0.6.4]

Release Date: 2020-11-27
Developer: Austinhaney6969 PatreonTFGamesSiteDiscord
Censored: No
Version: 0.6.4
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English

You play as a young effeminate college student who is easily bored. You meet a woman who will definitely spice up your life, but will it be in the way you wanted?​

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[HTML] [Austinhaney6969] The Making of a Slut [v0.6.2]

Release Date: 2020-10-28
Developer: Austinhaney6969 PatreonTFGamesSiteDiscord
Censored: No
Version: 0.6.2
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English

You play as a young effeminate college student who is easily bored. You meet a woman who will definitely spice up your life, but will it be in the way you wanted?​

Some new Bailey stuff, minor graphical changes, fixed a few bugs (gym related mostly), new outfit system.

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[HTML] [Austinhaney6969] The Making of a Slut [v0.6.1]

Release Date: 2020-08-27
Developer: Austinhaney6969 PatreonTFGamesSiteDiscord
Censored: No
Version: 0.6.1
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English

You play as a young effeminate college student who is easily bored. You meet a woman who will definitely spice up your life, but will it be in the way you wanted?​

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[Unity] [SelectaCorp] Spoils of War 2 [v1.0]

Release Date: 2020-04-01
Developer: SelctaCorp PatreonWebsite
Censored: No
Version: 1.0
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English

Spoils of War 2 is an incredibly ambitious sequel that seeks to build onto the ideas in the original, creating a fully fleshed-out 4X experience that pushes the gameplay and sexual content much further than any other Selectacorp game to date.
You play as a rebel leader during a post-colonial revolution tasked with taking over the Dominion of Primeva. As you grow, so too will your tech, policies and power over your ever-expanding captive population. However, with great power also comes great internal opposition.
Do you have what it takes to subjugate the world and keep rebellions of your own at bay? Will you be a benevolent king or rule with an iron fist? The choices are entirely up to you.​

– Fix to ministers getting scrambled when saving and loading. – Raiding now shows the battle results panel (I did that so I could show 2 Hannah missing clips). – Disabled sec gen party policies because there’s no images. Made many changes to the existing policies. – Policies can affect damage of defense of units now. – Fixes to bribes, seraglio lists, targets descriptions. – Added new units: paramilitaries (bonus chance to raid) and Mercenaries (cost only money). Also blocked advanced units behind policies so it makes sense to use the weaker units. – Fixed resistance and rebellion bugs (resistance goes back to zero for every conquest to avoid too many rebellions). – Added building descriptions, modified ministers bonuses, added extra help images and finally made several minor fixes that I found during testing.(edited)
I think the biggest issue that is still up is the balancing, some actions give too much resources, others too little. In general I think the game is way too easy and repetitive but that’s more of a design problem not a bug.

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