Tag Archives: Text based

[RPGM] [Sierra Lee] The Last Sovereign [v0.50.0]

Release Date: 2020-04-11
Developer: Sierra Lee PatreonBlogWiki
Censored: No
Version: 0.50.0
OS: Windows
Language: English

The Last Sovereign is an adult fantasy RPG that plunges you into the saga of a world torn between forces of lust and purity. As you enter the complex conflict, you forge a new path that will change the course of history! …maybe. The thing is, acting like most heroes gets you killed, and most evil overlords’ plans make no sense. The Last Sovereign is a game that twists your expectations for adult games, while fully embracing a reconstruction of some familiar old tropes to provide a lot of fun, sexy content.​

TLS 0.50.0
– Grand art update: All scenes in Chapter 1 now have an illustrated image!
– Total added: 28 scenes, 5 joke scenes (52 images total)
Non-consistent art are the joke scenes involving the Chosen.

This update was more involved than you might think. I was only able to make everything work properly thanks to scripting assistance from Lamsey and Decanter. Future updates will be normal chunks of gameplay plus whatever new art is finished.

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[jammye.jones] The Sissy Girlfriend Experiment [v0.5.6]

Release Date: 2020-03-28
Developer: jammye.jones TFGameSitePatreon
Censored: No
Version: 0.5.6
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English

You will start with a male character living with his sister, during a special night you met an older woman which becomes your girlfriend. You also have a friend (which you can choose the gender) who is the only person that you really trust. As the story goes on, each of those characters will play a part in your transformation.​

– 116 new images
– 62 for Dominance Online while playing as dominatrix.
– 54 for GF story while picking her date.

– Small errors related to CSS and HTML code.
– Course won’t show twice on the first day.
– Smoking in the Bathroom. Chances changed from 25% to 50% of meeting the Janitor.

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[RPGM] [Pervy Fantasy Productions] Tales of Ameria [Final]

Released Date: 2018-05-06
Developer: Pervy Fantasy Productions BlogspotPatreon
Censored: No
Version: Final
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English

This is the first ark of Tales of Ameria. In this arc you will take on the role of one of the three main characters that will appear in the final game, Julia. Julia is a member of the “Agency of supernatural Phenomena”. As part of the agency, Julia will take on the mission to investigate a hospital that seems to be influence by an evil source. Will Julia be able to help the people before they turn into Nurses and Patients? Or will she succumb to it’s effect like every one else?

Features: Changing World depending on your own level of brainwashing, fights with messages that show your corruption, a unique TP system that will enslave your character for a short amount of time!

Design progress and scope: Tales of Ameria is a game that I hope will be enjoyable for people that love corruption and mind control. I want to add more and more different themes into the game in future Arks. More nasty stuff like transformations, nasty tentacles and evil mind suckers!

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[Unity] [Pyorgara] News Desk [v0.18]

Release Date: 2020-04-07
Developer: Pyorgara Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 0.18
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English

You will play as Garrick Reynolds, a news co-anchor. You and your female co-host, Cassandra Hamilton, are both alphas that clawed your ways to where you are now. The new problem is that the station is getting bought by a big news corporation and there will only be one anchor when the sale goes down. Both you and your colleague will try to sabotage each other to get that coveted spot. Maybe her college aged daughter would be a good place to start.​

– 3 new Emily scenes.
– 2 new Tiffany solo scenes. (finishing that tree.)
– 1 new Tiffany shared scene.
– New CG (Cassandra – Fucking)
– New CG (Cassandra – BDSM)
– New CG (Cassandra – Racy photos 2)
– New CG (Cassandra – Housewife)
– New CG (Cassandra – Say yes)
– 1 new card added + event. (comes out when you have at least 300 glory)
– fixed bug (When you clicked on Cassandra’s card to discard some of your cards and then hit the done button, you discarded cards on the next round as if the card was still active).

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[RPGM] [Brandygang] The Hero We Need [v6.32]

Release Date: 2020-04-01
Developer: Brandygang PatreonTFGamesSite
Censored: No
Version: 6.32
OS: Windows
Language: English

The game follows “Bernida”, as she’s been transformed and redubbed on her quest to defeat the Demon Lord, Dark Queen Heliot. Stuck as girl and sucked into a strange world far from home with her new partner, a mousy maid, she’s got nothing to do with her time but train and hope to overcome the plentiful baddies ahead. Adventures aplenty await!​

Current TFsite version: Chapter 6.23 – Undersea Sunken Ship, Ship Dungeon and Crabwitche Lair, Learnable Aether Skills, Omake Episode 7, Aquadome, Teleportal Cabin and prologue for Time Temple II

Areas available publicly: Eden, Aerotown, Atlas Isles, LumaQuest, Nightgale Woods, Ingrissvern, Boarding School, Library Temple, Goblin Caves, Temporal Path, Elvenmire, Egrisway, Haunted Mansion, Reverence Cave, Zombie School, Cleaflow, Phantom Caves, Fey Dungeon, Bee Dungeon, Anthrubaysia, Sunnywood, The Omake Room, Bee Dungeon, Time Temple II, and Bee Hiveship, Sunken Ship and Underwater area content.

* – This is location is essentially finished and completed, or near complete.
* – This location has heavy development/ample progress but will be still Updated in the future.
* – A location more recently started, underdeveloped, will pave way for future content.
* – Patreon fresh, newly introduced

Now with a new expanded Map!

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[RAGS] [Bedlam games] No Haven [v0.90 TF Edition]

Release Date: 2020-03-21
Developer: Bedlam Games PatreonTwitterPicartoPixivTumblr
Censored: No
Version: 0.90 TF Edition
OS: Windows (RAGS)
Language: English

No Haven is a side game to the dungeon crawler Whorelock’s Revenge (formerly Deeper Dungeons: Enhanced). Here you have command of a small group of slavers initially and from there you can send out your men, woman, assorted fantasy races, monsters and so on out on various assignments to earn gold, supplies and slaves.​

-New assignments:
—Wayward Temptations. A new uncommon Dreadsea Coast assignment with specifically commissioned art and a hidden reward. Also used for the recruitable slaver unique Kaara de Sindero Oscuro’s examine which gives you a pretty big clue of what that hidden reward might involve. Crit and Success have different descriptions on the outcomes based on your slaver’s traits and aspects to reflect how they might go about accomplishing it. Specifically there’s ones for Anointed One, Submissive, Depraved, mental powers like Dominator, Mind Reader, Faith: Shallya, and Seductive in that order along with the more basic approach for none of the above. All with altered/expanded versions when you go personally.
—Quicker than they Like. A new rare assignment on the Great Plains, and a follow up with some impressive rewards to the first QAYL. Only available for player characters who have run that first assignment themselves and were fortunate to return relatively unscathed. As part of this there’s now a bonus to QAYL for you based on how many times you’ve run it yourself up to a maximum of five times which will also increase the chances of having a forced encounter.
—Spectacle of the Sacred. A new rare assignment on the Dreadsa Coast using patron provided commissioned art. Available from the second month onwards. First time you go on it has unique rewards (including an encampment buff), and text with two alternate approaches. Can be repeated after that with the two goals but with somewhat different text and rewards.
-Other new commissions:
—To Hunt a Paladin. First part for the assignment and then another part for the successes.
—Raid Human Village. Also used for Human Commoner male slaves. Now should always respect the gender to enslave general order with specific traits if you get a male on the Crit.
—Raid Goblin Village. Now moved to the Dreadsea Coast, and has expanded text to reflect that. Two day version is no more and has been replaced by a five day version with improved rewards to reflect the additional time taken. Has alternate versions of the commission including one only seen if you do send an ogre futanari and succeed there. Now should always respect the gender to enslave general order.
—The Encampment. Will be used on finish day to show up randomly along with the title page, the blank background, your character’s examine, and the map. It also will be replaced if there’s an assignment completing or a slave is being used. Crops of it are now used for the Male Wright and Female Neko slaver examine (the old Female Neko slaver examine is used for now as the Futanari one with the old Futanari one being removed).
—The Encampment for the Golem Scenario. Crops with variants of it are now used for Kreen and Cathayan slave examines. Due to this I’ve added a new placeholder for Female Cathayan slavers.
—Female/Futa Human Cityborn Slaver Examine, Female/Futa Marlsune Slaver, and Female/Futa Marlsune Slave Examines depending on the version used. There’s also another version to be used in a later update when a certain advanced race is added.
-Forced Encounter expansion:
—Failing to implant a trigger can now result in the target slaver returning the favour if they are Hypnotic/Dominator/Psionic and will be more likely to attempt to start a forced encounter. It’s also a bit more risky to fail to use a trigger or dominate during a respect check against a Hypnotic/Dominator/Psionic slaver.
—New text with variations for forced encounters due to being subjected to Malevolence and being Possessed.
—New variations based on whether they’ve done it before, and new variations with improvements for being subjected to Hypnotic and Dominator.
—Possible now to gain the Puppet Leader status with enough repeated visits and if the right requirements are met.
-New racials:
—Kestrae Harpies now better reflect their forest flying abilities.
—Demi-Angels boost healing both in encampment and on assignment by being present.
—Neko may ignore the first Disaster gained on Infiltration assignments.
—Kitsune now do better on Diplomacy against the easily fooled, but less so against the more cultured.
—Humans help other races work better together.
—Fallen having gotten so corrupted to fall from being demi-angels now get even more corrupted.
-Two new unique starts:
—A seductive Sea Elf male using the Chained Melody commissioned art with a new aspect and lore page.
—A big Forest Goblin male using commissioned generously provided by a patron with a new aspect and lore page.
-Updated the Art Sources to include all current commissions including for some future assignments.
-Overhauled the text on Hard Reality. Mainly the critical success which is now twice as long as it used to be, but there’s also improvements to the success and intro. Also fixed the issue where she was not coming with Magic: Illusion.
-You can now get level ups from the encampment even when you’re at the max aspect slots meaning you can get a chance at getting free aspects like Dark Pact and Practitioner to Arch-Practitioner.
-Jacked up the odds on the scouting upgrades for the mid level and most expensive ones.
-The recruitable form of Kat is now inexperienced, has picked up a new outfit, seductive and a more specific lore page, along with pumping up her ass to the next level.
-Biomancy flexibility may now be done if the target is agile but hasn’t got the exceptional result and is not an elf. Also corrected the breasts to show when they’ve hit maximum.
-Arisin’ on the Storm will only be generated now from the second month onwards.
-Convent slavers and slaves will now come wearing their habits like in the Heretic scenario.
-Convent rather than having their own specific skin description now track what they were before joining the sisters. Using the skin description tables from their various possible origins and will have extra description noting what they were before. This will also come with some potential extra value bonuses. Witches already worked like this before with the various human subtypes, but now have a chance to also be elves and neko like Convent can with their own set of new specific descriptions.
-Expanded the Convent lore pages a bit mainly to better flesh out some of the faith’s hidden places of worship.
-Small expansion to the City Elf lore page.
-Added a check so that Shadriel has to be a slaver for the owned relationship when her former matriarch is promoted to happen.
-Added a note to the start and to the Art Sources that all non-commissioned art is now considered placeholders with the intention to replace in time with commissions. As part of this replaced the petrified examine for the Artistry in Flesh assignment art.
-Reduced the bonus gold and supplies from Marauding rank ups as at max rank they could be way, way too high. Bonus is increased now on Rare/Special assignments.
-Reduced the rate that the recruited ooze caller calls oozes.
-Reduced the expiry length of all versions of Saving Glory by 40 days, and increased all versions of Shark of the Cards Expiry lengths by 4 days and Board the Crossbones by 2 days.
-Mad Schemes due to potential inconsistencies based on how that aspect is worked out will no longer show in suggestions.
-Biomancy Flexibility will no longer show as completed if the slaver hasn’t got Elven Flexibility and can be attempted if they already have Agile.
-Forest Goblins have some skin colour variations rather than just the one.
-Added some tall male descriptions where they have dancer, sneaky or agile which would make the ‘built like an orc’ mention inappropriate.
-Fix for an issue with Reputations where on a positive result you could still go down in an illogical manner.
-Fix for the check for hates it on guard assigning was using the camp bitch one instead.
-Fix for Switch not generally doing what it should do when it comes to trait checks.
-Fix for formatting on Ballet of Brutality, Queen’s Gaze, Private Dancer, Rules of Nature, Scourge Artiste, The Seven Veils, Dawn’s Radiance, and Shallya’s Mercy.
-Fix for the following having the wrong short abbreviation for their Trapper trait which was preventing them from getting the Booty Snatcher aspect: One of the Forest Goblin trait packages, The Ooze Caller start, and the unique from Deluge of Oozes.
-Fix for Obedient slavers not getting the Sub crit version on Decadence Like No Other.
-Fix for the description for Beautiful not being shown under Full Custom.
-Fix for an issue with Brief Foray where there was only a minimal amount of gold rewarded.
-Fix for getting the sub version of possession despite being dom/corrupt due to running out of trait slots.
-Fix for the abbreviations of Greedy being incorrect which could result in drow ex-soldiers picking up double greedy from corruption.
-Fix for an issue with high value/veteran rewards such as the Asanei leader from Best Left Sealed. Due to them getting the chance for extra traits the minus for that was potentially setting them back to 0 making the game think they didn’t have any traits and so when they got the generated one the fixed ones were being overwritten.
-Fix for the outfit from Ponygirl training turning up on random assignments.
-Fix for dominant characters not having access to zoomed driders.
-Fix for Arrogance Subjugated only being able to be done once.
-Fix for being able to take Strong Right Arm with 6-7 points.
-Fix for the unique starts keeping their set physical attributes after taking different physical attributes in full custom.
-Fix for being able to start Advanced Blowjob Training with only a partial in Basic Blowjob Training.
-Fix for Corner of your very Own being set as Uncommon causing expiry issues.
-Fix for an issue with Slave Wear, Street Walking Attire, and Dresses were incorrectly changing the clothing total and could result in a message saying there’s no clothing available.
-Fix for change of liking encampment roles in the morning text only showing if the slaver had a status effect. Thank you to Donna the helpful Werebear for highlighting this!
-Some text fixes.

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[Unity] [DaScoot] Carnal Coup [v0.38.1]

Release Date: 2020-02-28
Developer: DaScoot PatreonBlogspotDiscordItch.io
Censored: No
Version: 0.38.1
OS: Windows
Language: English

Carnal Coup is a Text-based game in a sci-fi setting! You take the role of a shapeshifting alien who has infiltrated an invasion force led by those uptight Terrans. Alien by alien, department by department, it’s up to you to stop the invasion! …Sexily! You’ll encounter eight featured main alien races, each with their own interests, kinks, and unique individuals to discover. Furthermore, the gender of the majority of the game’s characters is selectable as a starting game option, allowing you to play the game the way you want!​

Game Functions:

  • Monthly Cheat Code Updated
  • Added support for CGs in Specialist scenes.

Mission Content:

  • Mission Map generation has been implemented, requiring some navigation during exploration missions.
  • Mission Difficulty has been implemented, with the following levels:
    • Easy – Has two short paths and 2 Secondary Encounters
    • Medium – Has one short path, one medium path and 3 Secondary Encounters
    • Hard – Has one long path and 4 Secondary Encounters
    • Specialist Loyalty Missions will always have 2 Secondary Encounters
  • 8 ‘Bonus’ Encounters have been added to randomized Missions, 2 to each location. Each randomized (ie, non-Specialist Loyalty) Mission will have 1 random bonus encounter added per run.

Scene Content:

  • Specialist Octo Romance Scene 1 added.

Art Content:

  • Male Hellfire/Female Overseer Missionary CGs added to scenes and gallery.
  • Hellfire ‘Something New’ CG, Male Hellfire/Male Overseer variants added to scene and gallery (3 variants).
  • Double D Romance Scene 1 CG added to scene and gallery (6 variants).

Codex Entries:

  • None

Bug Fixes:

  • Several typos fixed in Specialist and Director scenes.

Known Issues:

  • TTS dialogue cannot be interrupted once begun. May have issues if triggered on multiple screens at once. TTS support is 64-bit Windows only.
  • WebGL Issues: Be warned that save game data in WebGL mode is less permanent than PC standalone. May also be more prone to memory and other issues.

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[Ren’Py] [Threshold] Monster Girl Dreams [Alpha v22.3a]

Release Date: 2019-10-28
Developer/Publisher: Threshold | Itch.io | Discord | Twitter
Censorship: No
Version: Alpha v22.2a
OS: Windows, Mac, Linux
Language: English

Monster Girl Dreams is a text based BFRPG made in Ren’Py. (The BF stands for Battle Fuck.)
The game is currently in alpha and is in active development, and while primarily text based there is character art for many of the lovely ladies in game.
Erotic content contained withing is primarily vanilla, M/F, femdom, and of course monster girls.

In Monster Girl Dreams you play as a male adventurer, freshly graduated from the adventuring school, Adventum!
Now you must venture across the home continent of the monster girls, Lucidia, in an attempt to get rich, or get fucked into submission trying. Also defeat the Demon Queen. Maybe.

At the start of the game you create your character and define their combat stats and weaknesses in a point buy system, and must choose at least one fetish for the monster girls to exploit with their temptations.
Gameplay functions similar to many standard turn based rpg games, but you utilize numerous sex techniques to defeat your female opponents, all while not trying to give into the enticing pleasures they offer.
Monster girls will have an array of status effects and temptations to throw at you, as well as the ability to put you into multiple sexual stances. They will probably also use their numbers to pin you down and fuck you silly!
But you’ll be able to get the edge of your opposition by leveling up and choosing perks to help define your play style as well as equipping various items to boost your sexual powers even further, or to help make up for a weakness.
Or you could just say screw that, running forward without any planning, and get ravished into unconsciousness by the lewd monster girls.

You can also spend time getting immersed in the games whimsical setting and (usually) upbeat tone as you get to know some of the monster girls.
They might even hold your hand instead of trying to fuck you silly.

V22.3a Change Log

Remember to update your save in town.


-The Alraune now has an optional sex scene when defeated.

-Revised Alraune’s Sex Invitation to be a skill check combat event.


-Fixed a crash related to victory events and calling ClearMonsterEncounter. This also fixed the issue sending people back to town.

-Losing to Feng in her room now super for sure clears all status effects including surrender.

-Fixed an issue that could cause a combat variable to stay on when it shouldn’t, causing the oni twins duo fight to not start at all due to a nested function in a swap line if triggering something it shouldn’t be able to due to that variable being on.

-Assorted typo fixes and editing.

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[HTML] [Nekon] Dryad Quest RPG [v0.1.0]

Release Date: 2020-03-28
Developer: Nekon – Patreonko-fiDiscord
Censored: No
Version: 0.1.0
OS: Windows, Mac, Linux
Language: English

Dryad Quest is an adult, text-based RPG set in a fantasy world filled with magic, faeries and all kinds of monster-girls with extra bits for you to play with.

You take the role of a young Dryad, a member of an ancient race whose roots go straight to The Aos Sí, the first children and worshipers of Nature – an omnipresent entity responsible for the creation of all living things. In this day and age, it is your people’s duty to preserve the cycle of life and contain the spread of the corruption to where your ancestors sealed it many thousands years ago at a great cost of blood and effort and half of the planet that had already been too tainted to try to save it.

To fulfill their arduous task and keep the other part of the world safe from the demon’s decay, Dryads draw their power from Nature, devoting their whole lives to serving Her. When other more primitive races use the essence of life, colloquially known as semen, to follow the most basic postulate of Nature – to propagate and spread, a Dryad uses her body to conduct the almost boundless amount of energy hidden in this potent substance for much more practical purposes, ranging from basic life improvement tricks to the most powerful feats of sorcery rivaling demigods, depending on how skilled the Dryad is. Will you become the hero this world needs or will you succumb to the corruption and join the ranks of those you’re meant to fight? Depends entirely on you!

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[HTML] [NoodleJacuzzi] Hentai University [v8]

Release Date: 2020-03-27
Developers: NoodleJacuzzi: WebsitePatreonTFgames – Discord Server & CryptoGreek: Reddit
Censored: Yes
Version: v8
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
Language: English

Hentai University follows you, a hypnotist recently employed as a student-councilor for the local university, going around the town and getting sexually involved with people from both the university itself and the surrounding town. The characters are taken from CG sets by artists like Oreteki18kin, Nagi Ichi, and Enomshima Iki. This game can be played in-browser and does include a mobile version.

The game is currently unfinished, but there is still a good amount of content to unlock. Any feedback you can provide is appreciated!
You can find an up-to-date list of the game’s cheat codes here.

New Content:
– New scenes for Cassandra and Emma Hamilton, taking them from no scenes to finished, involving Cassandra tempting you with other characters if you’ve already met and progressed at least a little with them. These characters are: Emily, Mary & Margaret, Steph, Tia, and Victoria.
– 5 new scenes for Tia Sun, culminating in her hypnosis-route ending.
– 2 new scenes for Anri Ramona the femboi-maid. Each scene has two outcomes totaling in 7.5k words.
– The mod characters by SlackerSavior are now included with the game. Head over to the game console, click load mod character, then type in coach to load his characters into the game. Only Zoe and Amy have content but hoo boy do they have a lot of it.

— Bugfixes
– Added a transparent jogging outfit for Tia in the persona style.

— Other Changes:
– I did not have a chance to get Master of Puppets/Wild Bill’s window backdrops or the save to / load from file system working. Soon, I promise!

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