Tag Archives: transformation
[HTML] [Deep Interactivity] Unholy Arts [v0.2.7]
Release Date: 2021-03-05
Developer: Deep Interactivity – Patreon – Itch.io – Discord
Censored: No
Version: 0.2.7
OS: Windows, Mac, Linux
Language: English
Passion, love and power are the cornerstones of the protagonists of Unholy Arts, an erotic fantasy dating sim where six women cooperate and compete to become the next Valley’s High Priestess, in an adventure full of yuri, romance and powerplay.
A Role-Playing Game, a Simulation and a “Choose Your Own Adventure” Game blended together to create an innovative system where each character makes their own choices according to their goals and desires, which in turn evolve along with their experiences. How will your actions change your companions and your relationships with them? Will they end up in your clutches? Or will you end up in theirs?
Story Events
– Added Story Event after day 10 (playable by starting on the second Quickstart bookmark), featuring the new merchants. There are a few ways that involves each Candidate leaving the event with a bondage item locked on her. There are many checks, mainly for will, but also charisma, agility, luck, and domination, submission and sexual tension between different characters.
* All previous story events that started after day 10 have been pushed one day forwards.
– Altered states may now have turn effects, which is custom functionality that gets executed every scene turn.
– Added scopes for altered states: days (the altered state will last for a set amount of days) and equipment (the altered state will last until the piece of equipment that caused it is taken off).
– Items may now have actions. Characters that equip an item will learn its associated actions, and they will lose them upon unequipping it.
New features
– Added ruined orgasms. When enabled, an orgasm may become a ruined orgasm if the proper circumstances are met: either the orgasming character is being denied that turn, or all of the character’s genitals (pussy, dick) are currently locked.
* Ruined orgasms provoke the character’s lust to be restored back to 80% of its max value, rather than 100%. The character’s energy, willpower and social drive are damaged by 10% of their max values. A character that only gets ruined orgasms will not be restored to maximum lust at the end of a scene.
* When a character is the bottom in a generic sex scene, ruined orgasms will reduce romance (-5) and love drive (-2), and increase sexual tension (+10), submission (+15), enmity (+5) and pleasure drive (+3). If this character only has ruined orgasms, they will also get high increases to sexual tension (+20), enmity (+20), submission (+20) and pleasure drive (+10).
* When a character participates in a generic sex scene with dynamic lead, ruined orgasms increase sexual tension (+5), enmity (+5), pleasure drive (+3), domination drive (+1) and submission (+5), and reduce romance (-2), love drive (-2) and cooperation drive (-2). If the character only has ruined orgasms, they will also gain sexual tension (+20), enmity (+20), pleasure drive (+10) and domination drive (+5), and lose romance (-20), love drive (-5) and cooperation drive (-5).
– Added punishments. Punishments are complications forced by the Priestess Regent on Candidates that gain excessive infamy.
* At a certain point, Drishtya will buy 18 random bondage items.
* Upon entering the personal room menu, each Candidate’s infamy will be compared to the infamy limit and two thresholds (120% and 140% of the current infamy limit, respectively), which will determine the amount of bondage items the character should be put in as punishment. If the amount of required punishment bondage exceeds the amount of currently worn punishment bondage, a random valid bondage item will be equipped on the character.
Items flavor
– The player now requires free eyes in order to know who is in adjacent rooms and which events are taking place in the current room.
– Nipple suckers and buttplug: Now provoke an altered state that deals a small amount of lust damage during scenes.
– All weapons now have a battle action (see below).
New actions
– Deny orgasm: Single target denial sex action. Requires free arms. If the target’s current lust is at 10% of its max value or below, provokes 15% of the max lust as lust damage, and sets the “denied” turn tag. Otherwise, the action does nothing. Requires ruined orgasms to be enabled in settings.
– Tease locked pussy and tease locked dick: Single target denial sex actions. Require free arms, require the target to have either a locked dick or pussy. Deal small lust damage. Additionally, if the target’s current lust is at a given threshold (ranging from 10% to 20% of the target’s max lust) or below, provoke 25% of the max lust as lust damage, and sets the “denied” turn tag. The base damage and the threshold scale with the actor’s charisma, empathy, agility and perception. Requires ruined orgasms to be enabled in settings.
– Staff swipe: Single target battle action. Requires free arms and staff of battle. Deals lust damage, controls damage, and recovers a small amount of control for the user. Damage scales with resilience and physique, hit chance scales with resilience, agility and perception. Costs 3 energy.
– Bold jab: Single target battle action. Requires free arms and knuckles. Deals lust damage and control damage, but it may damage the own actor’s control if it fails. Higher accuracy than other physical hit attacks. Damage scales with physique, resilience and agility, hit chance scales with agility, physique and perception. Costs 2 energy.
– Channel aether: Self recovery battle action. Requires a wand. Recovers a percentage of the actor’s willpower, scaling with the actor’s will and intelligence.
– Flaunt: Self buff battle action. Requires a hand fan. Gives the actor the altered state “Flaunting”, slightly increasing physique, agility, will, perception, charisma and sex actions’ dealt damage.
– Reduced base assault infamy from 5 to 3.
– Hypnotic glance: Reduced actor’s will’s effect on damage from 0.15 to 0.1, reduced lust damage by 20%.
– Embers: Reduced willpower cost from 2 to 1. Increased actor’s intelligence’s effect on damage from 0.3 to 0.4, and target’s will’s negative effect on damage from 0.1 to 0.2.
– Nashillbyir now starts the game with a staff of battle.
Flavor ~ Relationships
– Added 46 different descriptions for levels distributions in relationships. This classification may be re-used later for story purposes.
* These descriptions are now shown in the personal room descriptions.
* These descriptions are now shown during the gossip interaction in generic conversations.
– Added short story scroll: “Punishing the Traitors”, which teaches the actions “Deny orgasm”, “Tease locked pussy” and “Tease locked dick”. It may only be found after day 10.
Battle Demands
– Added “Unequip bondage” battle demand, which forces the defeated character to unequip all bondage items on one character that doesn’t share a domination relationship with. If the freed character is anyone other than the winning character, this option will reduce infamy by 1 point and increase the freed character’s friendship with the winner.
* AI characters are highly likely to choose this option to free themselves from bondage. They are more likely to free a third character scaling with friendship, romance and cooperation drive, and less likely scaling with rivalry and enmity.
– Added sex preference “denial”, related to actions that seek to deny pleasure.
* Has a base weight of 40, adjusted to 30, 50 and 60 for Padmiri, Claw and Valtan, respectively.
* Adjusted weight for role to 10, 110, 80, 150, 10 and 200 for passive, active, romantic, competition, submission and domination, respectively.
– Added check to sex scenes’ AI algorithm to make sure denial actions may only be selected if the target is close to orgasm.
* Added another check to make sure AI characters won’t deny their own orgasms.
– Reduced weight of love and pleasure drives when selecting the target during sex scenes.
– Updated decision-making regarding the equipment of bondage on submissive characters at the end of the day.
* Usable bondage will be distributed accross all submissive characters that require extra bondage.
* A submissive will be considered to require extra bondage if their overall power compared to their dominant exceeds a given threshold. This threshold varies depending on the dominant’s drives (+cooperation, -domination), relation with the submissive (+friendship, +romance, -sexual tension, -enmity, -rivalry, -submission, +domination) and type of relationship.
* The selected bondage item during each iteration will depend on the target’s stats, the items’ strategic tags, and dice throws.
QoL improvements
– Added button to auto-resolve a scene when the player character is not participating, next to the “Next turn” button.
Supporter Rewards
– Added options to modify the infamy limit, the duration of special relationships, and the duration of forced equipment in the Cheat Menu.
– Added option to modify a character’s infamy in the Cheat Menu.
– Added items menu, which allows to create any item for any character, and unequip any item that is currently being worn by anyone.
– Several typos fixed through the game. Thanks to b-l-s-r–s and Critical Existence Failure for pointing out several of them.
– Various formatting fixes.
– Fixed issue that provoked some temporary effects from special relationships to never be finished.
– The following conversation interactions have been fixed to require a free mouth: Gossip about [character] and Ask about values.
– Refactored scene actions to get them stored in setup instead of State.variables. This will decrease the save file size and improve performance.
[Unity] [MercenaryMage] Unyielding [v0.3.4]
Release Date: 2021-03-25
Developer: MercenaryMage – Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 0.3.4
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
Language: English
Unyielding is a transformation based RPG game. I want it to feel like a tabletop RPG, with a living and interesting world. Choices should always matter.
Catelly was a man until he was cursed by a wizard trying to obtain immortality. Catelly happened to be a hardened mercenary before the curse and refuses to lose to it.
Added Sherry (both sides)
Added Kate Fight 11
Added Brandy into the Castle 2 scene
Added a CG into Castle 2
[VN] [Ren’Py] [Cinnamon Switch] Mice Tea [v0.9.14 Early Access]
Release Date: 2021-02-27
Developer: Cinnamon Switch Itch.io – Patreon – Twitter – Discord
Censored: No
Version: 0.9.14
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English
Mice Tea is an erotic human to anthro transformation visual novel that’s both cute and sexy. You’ll play the role of Margaret de Campos, a young bookstore clerk who’s frustrated with her life and looking for a change. She doesn’t know just how much things are going to change for her and her friends and co-workers.
Features: Four major paths, each with their own romantic interest (both F/F and F/M) and human to anthro transformation (sometimes multiple!)
- Multiple short paths
- Art by KDhynamo, UltraBondageFairy, and Neropan
- Backgrounds by Artist-chan
- Story and development by Gunzil and Zoe S. Figueroa
Major themes explored in the main paths
- Male → Female
- Female → Female w/ penis
- Sizeplay/micro
- Femdom
- Body Expansion
- Bondage and Exhibitionism
- Mental and personality changes
Other themes explored in short ends and path divergences
- Female → Male
- Human → Animal
- Camming
New CGs – Sylvia Oral and Gavin Domination
We took your votes in this month’s poll and passed them along to UBF to determine what pieces got completed. That means CGs for the intimate scenes ending Sylvia Day 4 and Gavin Day 4 were both finished for you to enjoy. Both are quite spicy and involve a lot of fun twists that take advantage of our characters’ transformed states. We hope you like them! There’s also a new CG by the artist MooMaid that appears in the story “Swine Flu,” one of the options in the Felicia Day 2 computer research scene. We thank Moomaid for contributing to the game!
New UI Elements – Chapter Select and Character Viewer
Players will remember our new, overhauled UI treatment we recently added, but we didn’t have time to fully integrate all the new pages. The chapter select and character viewer were particularly intricate, so they were left a little unfinished. But with a month to focus on it we managed to apply that fresh coat of paint to those pages. There are also a number of other subtle UI tweaks, including a new textbox for CGs that should work better for mobile users.
New Sketch Backgrounds – Arcade, Rooftop, Bookstore Storage, and Changing Booth
HeartGear once again graced us with a new slate of sketched backgrounds for scenes appearing early on in the game. We’re still focusing on sketched versions right now so that there’s fewer distracting MSPaint backgrounds (the ones we affectionately call Zeppo Backgrounds). Even so, they’re already adding a great deal of tone and polish to their scenes.
New Music – Felicia’s Theme
“But wait,” you might ask, “didn’t Felicia get a theme back in November’s update?” Yes, but now we have two variations on that theme for the character before and after the TF! In fact, you can hear the variations transition between each other in the café scene on Day 2 of the Felicia path. That’s right, we’re so into transformation here even our music TFs!
New Story – Cameo scenes for Billie and Regys, Tense Conversion, and more
Even in a makeup month we have new story content for you to enjoy. If you read the sexy TF stories featuring a certain pig or a certain fox you might have been disappointed to read that the conclusions of their stories weren’t present in past versions. Now their concluding scenes have been added, including some sketched sprites for each character. We think there’s a lot of cute and funny scenes featuring the two, and we hope you enjoy them. Additionally, we finally finished converting the entirety of the story to present tense! It was a bit tedious, but this was the perfect month to finish the project. Going over some of the first content to be written also gave us a chance to bring the early writing up to snuff with the current quality of the game.
And as one final bonus, we’ve included a new secret easter egg in the writing. We won’t tell you what it is, but we’ll at least let you know it involves completing Felicia’s path. :3c
That’s all for this update! Our artist KDhynamo has settled into his new job and he and the rest of the team will be back next month to continue the story of Mice Tea! See you then!
[Savin/Salamander Studios] Corruption of Champions II [v0.3.38]
Release Date: 2021-03-24
Developer: Savin/Salamander Studios Patreon – Fenoxo
Censored: No
Version: 0.3.38
OS: Windows, Android
Language: English
There are many, many worlds.
One, called Mareth, was perhaps the heart of them all. Cracks in the space between worlds, called portals, all seemed to lead there. Many portals led to Mareth, but none left it.
One sacrifice came from the village of Ingnam. This so-called ‘Champion’ was but a pawn in the village elders’ long plot to extend their lives, but the Champion escaped her fate by beating back the demons’ minions waiting on the other side of the portal, and set out on a one woman crusade to bring an end to the Demon menace once and for all. That was a year ago, and a world away.
You have never heard of a world called Mareth, nor a village named Ingnam. Nearly a year ago, you set off on your own, leaving your former life behind to seek your fortunes on the wild frontier – a year of traveling, exploring, fighting, and surviving alone. You’ve earned yourself a little coin in your travels, enough to book passage to the furthest reaches of the known world: the Frost Marches.
- Zo the Lupine Monk can now be encounter in Harvest Valley. Help her out, learn kung fu, maybe learn a little about each others’ bodies. (Written by B!)
- You can now finally catch up with Infrith after the Right of Conquest questline — and have some fun. She looks pretty breedable, doesn’t she? (Written by Gardeford)
- There’s now a GALLERY feature accessible from the game’s main menu, showing CGs and busts.
- Busts seen were not previously tracked; you’ll need to see them on your save to unlock them.
- Roughly one metric fuckton of bugfixes courtesy of Leek.
[VN] [Ren’Py] [Sissy Dreams] Earn Your Freedom [v0.12a]
Release Date: 2021-03-22
Developer: Sissy Dreams Patreon – itch.io – TFgames – Picarto – Discord
Censored: No
Version: 0.12a
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
Language: English
This is a game about a young guy (18yo) who is captured by some bad guys and is forced to work in a brothel. Play the game to find out what will happen to him and if he’ll become an obedient little slut
– Added scenes replay and hints on how to unlock them for the new events
– Rearranged and combined some of the scenes in the scenes menu
– Added the possibility to change the names of 3 characters (Alex, Amanda, Jennifer). You could do it from the “cheats” menu in MC’s room
– Fixed bug with a female customer, event. Now it no longer shows up unless MC is caged
– Fixed some typos