• New H-Scene
• Enemies can romance you during combat [read more about in the Steam’s community hub]
• Customize your character’s equipment – equip and unequip individual items: hair, glasses, gloves etc etc.. [read more about in the Steam’s community hub]
• New Character type – Mutant.
• New Character type – Slime.
• Navigation System – Compass Points of Interest.And much more…
Week 1:
• Skippable prologue (while playing it and from the menu).
• Checkpoints are now working correctly.
• Hold ‘E’ is converted to just Press ‘E’ in most of the cases, where it’s still hold, you will see a UI popup letting you know you should hold.
• The shooting range tutorial has only 1 task, which is a combination of the static & dynamic targets.
• The shooting targets count for the tutorial is reduced from 30 to 10 (but its repeatable if you wish).
• Enemy difficulty is toned down during the first level.
• If you break the collision in the cave level you won’t fall down, but be teleported inside the cave again.
• Saving your progress after the level has been completed is fully working.
• Fixed full screen and windowed mode not switching.
• Small localization errors were fixed.
• Fixed small bugs in the UI.
Week 2 + 3:
• A new AI that stays in place and attacks – it will be used for tentacles and tanky characters that are optional to kill, but drop a decent loot.
• A new AI with low health, low movement speed, and a small target detection radius – Oh, am I making this guy weak on purpose? Exactly! This will be used as a pretty much lvl 1 creep that you can easily kill to heal yourself and it won’t be required to be eliminated in order to progress the level. I thought this could be much better than just spawning a lot of health packs you can freely pick.
• Added a default inventory when you first start the game – Melany’s Pigtails + Lab Girl’s outfit + M4 Rifle (+ A UI Update) – This will prepare it for v0.3 when you will be able to customize each individual item from your inventory and take it off.
• Pressing the “I” key opens the inventory rather than pressing ESC and then opening it manually.
• Updated the controller’s physics to be more consistent – should solve some going through walls issues while dashing.
•Changes to the romance scenes ability UI.
Week 4:
• Enemies can drop items that heal you upon interaction.
• Limit the amount of enemies and enemies of the same type that can attack you concurrently.
• Default crosshair, which is always visible even if you don’t aim with a gun. You can turn it off from the game settings, if you don’t want to see it.
• The player camera was moved to the right to give you a better view and going from non-ADS to ADS mode easier.
• Changes to lvl 1 in the Campaign’s combat during quest ‘Find the Lead’ – added health pickups, decreased the amount of enemies on wave 3 and spawned more lower health creeps that drop health pickups when killed.