Tag Archives: Lesbian

[Unity] [Leopold Visette] Valor and Glory [v0.4.3 Knight]

Release date: 2024-07-07
Developer: Leopold Visette PatreonWebsite
Censorship: No
Version: 0.4.3 Knight
OS: Windows
Language: English

The game takes place in the world of Euthoria, a country ruled by counts that keep their subjects ‘safe’ from the creatures of the lands. Raised by nuns, trained by pitiful master and blamed for a crime that you didn’t commit, you now find yourself with nothing to your name. No other way, you must steel yourself for the world around you, or submit to its way of living.​



New features:

  • The system for player armor sprites has been implemented – Now you can look less awkward running around in your undies.
    – The player character now start with a ragged set of robes upon character creation, no matter the race.
    – Armor can be removed, leaving the player nude. Naked bits will be added in the next patch.
  • Armor pieces that’s received visuals:
    – Default loincloth (new)
    – Default top piece (new – female/herm only)
    – Leaf helmet
    – Leaf chest piece
    – Leaf leggings
    – Leaf shoes
    – Arachnid skull helmet
  • Smut scenes:
    – Added animation to the Rodham bar bang scene (flat color only)
    – Added animation to the Uthgarr romance scene (flat color only)
    – Added animation to the Feron double blowie scene
    – The moohma romance scene has been finished
    – The guard group bang scene has been finished
    – Sal’s licking scene has been finished
  • Added a new combat background: The cobblestone indoors arena. It’s used in some questlines.
  • More story images added + improvement of some of the old ones for the dragon catacombs


  • The Feron romance scene has been updated and proofread
  • The Rodham bar bang scene has been changed to be M/M


  • Added a new, red error graphic appearing upon game failure. If you experience it, be sure to mention it.
  • Fixed a bug with disband companion that had position number 1 of your companions



[RPGM] [TheHypnotizator] Nex(e)us Institute [v0.05.3]

Release Date: 2024-07-28
Developer: TheHypnotizator Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 0.05.3
OS: Windows
Language: English

Nicole Lowe is the principal of the prestigious Nexeus Institute, a school where promising students can aim for their ideal study path in order to be ready to make their mark on history. The school, however, hides a secret that only Nicole knows; whoever is inside the school walls loses any psychic defense, becoming much easier to hypnotize and control at will. Such power certainly cannot go to waste and Nicole is willing to exploit it in the best possible way… after all, with great powers comes great responsibilities and a harem ready to satisfy your every desire cannot just come out of nowhere. Nicole better be careful, though, as even her smallest mistake could lead her to become nothing more than an obedient slave.​


  • One new random event with Gracie
  • One new random event with Sarah
  • One new random event with Diana
  • More than 150 new images
  • Fixed a couple of bugs and typos



[VN] [Ren’Py] [drezmain] Become a Menace [v0.1.2]

Release Date: 2024-06-08
Developer: Drezmain PatreonKo-FiItch.io
Censored: No
Version: 0.1.2
OS: Windows, Linux
Language: English

Become a Menace by getting rich and having sex with beautiful ladies.
You play as Zach, a 20-year-old broke virgin who lives with their stepmom. With the help of your best friend Felix, you start earning money, and women take notice! Have sex with hookers, college students, and even Felix’s cousin!
Do everything in your power to make sure everyone knows who you are.


  • Added Felix’s questline
  • Added a new character: Grace
  • Added a new location: Grace’s house
  • Added a new Alex scene
  • The shop now has scenes available for purchase



[RPGM] [hnrdigitalstudio] Succubus Rejects [v0.75]

Release Date: 2024-07-11
Developer: hnrdigitalstudio Itch.io
Censored: No
Version: 0.75
OS: Windows
Language: English

A group of rookie adventurers who decided to explore the “Cursed” ruins were turned into succubi by the Demon Queen.
After that, they will travel and embrace their new powers, fighting for survival.​

– Added Chapter 3 – now we have Noble District and third boss, Isabella.
– Added recollection room after the game.
– Bought some custom music just for this project alone. OST.
– Every sex scene except for succubi can be bypassed. As usual.
– Small improvements here and there.
– Updated some portraits and enemies.


Known issues:
– Questlog doing weird things – will replace it completely in the final game with other one.
– Some bosses may give an error because of boss hud on saves from older versions – I reccomend to start the game from beginning. Or just try to bypass boss battles on old saves.
– Old characters from 1 and 2 chapter may not appear in 3rd because of new switches the were absent on previous versions.



[VN] [Spicy Marmalade Studio] Summer Ice Cream [Final]

Release Date: 2024-03-15
Developer: Spicy Marmalade Studio Itch.io
Censored: No
Version: Final
OS: Windows, Android
Language: English

Join Misaki, who is self-conscious about his life in the city and depressed by the separation of his parents, and is sent to the rustic town of Shirakawa to distract himself. A tourist town surrounded by beautiful nature. There you will meet five girls who will teach you a little more about them as you move forward with their relationship, but hurry, the summer is short and opportunities go fast.​



[Unreal Engine] [Adeptus Steve] Wild Life [Patreon Test Build 2024.08.15]

Release Date: 2024-08-15
Developer: Adeptus Steve PatreonTwitterKickstarterWebsiteSteamDiscord
Censored: No
Version: Patreon Test Build 2024.08.15
OS: Windows 64Bit
Language: English

We live in a mad universe… indescribably vast… full of wonders… and terrors. And amidst all the chaos, sometimes things even turn out.. sexy! Play as one of many possible characters, female, male*, or creature* and fight and fuck your way through a wild experience. Our story plays on a small and rather unknown planet called K’apal. Only few civilized humans have ever ventured here, some miners guilds to claim the precious rare minerals that can be found here, scientists studying the natives and the flora and fauna. And also raiders and poachers trying to make a fortune selling rare creatures to rich and eccentric collectors and off-world beast arenas.
3D game with a lot of furry, monsters, futa, lesbian and gay sex.​

Patreon Test Build 2024.08.15

• Added 56 new sandbox sex animations, see the full list here
• Added Max X Sadora Pool Scene sex minigame
• Added new character: Kylee, human female from Warrior Village
• Added new character: Tahani, human female, one of Gulhragg’s wives
• Added new character: Andorin, black panther Kerpali male
• Added new character: Janara, human female from Fisher Village
• Added new character: Gerrin, human male from Apoc
• Added new outfit: Fisher Villager for Shannon
• Added new outfit: Bone Warrior for Mercer
• Added new outfit: Lake Villager for Maya, Inola, Zianna, Shannon, Jenny, Jadeen, Lala
• Added new outfit: Bikini for Jadeen
• Added new outfit: Rat hunter, Blackrock Scientist for some Sethro based characters
• Added new outfit: Kerpali Warrior Male 2, Modern Outfit for Chakkar, Agon, Andorin
• Added new outfit: Kerpali Warrior Female 2 for Zuri and Sadora
• Added new outfit: Catsuit for Shey, Koodie
• Added new outfit: Office Dress for Denna, Koodie
• Added new outfit: Asian Dress for Leah and Janara
• Added new outfit: Black Dress, Tapes for Alissa
• Added new outfit: Warrior Healer for Karra, Rasha, Zuri
• Added new outfit: Bikini and Elegant Dress for Indra
• Added new outfit: Bunnysuit for Koodie
• Added new outfit: Azea Style for Maya
• Added new outfit: Umbar Masseur for Tanya
• Added new hair style: Dreadlocks for some Bol based characters
• Added new hair style: Messy for female human characters
• Added new hair style: Mohawk for all characters
• Added new quest: Akil has a new quest for Max. Patrol the pillar region and hunt for Ferals.
• Added 23 cave mini locations to open world level
• Added Lizard Crypts location to the backside of Apoc
• Added blockout foliage to Yterra
• Lua: Added new functions: wl_character_get_character_name, wl_character_get_presets_for_character, wl_character_get_presets_for_skeleton, wl_character_get_skeleton_name, wl_editor_focus_object, wl_set_character_controller, wl_get_screen_width, wl_get_screen_height, wl_sex_scene_get_camera_sequence, wl_sex_scene_get_camera_sequence_index, wl_sex_scene_set_camera_sequence, wl_sex_scene_set_camera_sequence_index, wl_sex_scene_get_num_controlled_characters, wl_sex_scene_get_controlled_characters, wl_sex_scene_get_controlled_character_at, wl_pose_get_controlled_character, wl_character_get_controller
• Sandbox editor: Added a bunch of new sky settings to the level manager
• Sandbox editor: Added character state switching support
• Sandbox editor: Added camera sequence editor for sex scenes
• Sandbox editor: Added the ability to move the sandbox save folder location
• Sandbox editor: Added the ability to rename custom materials
• Sandbox editor: Added the ability to clear unused custom materials
• Sandbox editor: Added the ability to add folders to custom material window
• Sandbox editor: Added auto-wrap option to UI text and speech bubble
• Sandbox editor: Added directional scale mode to the gizmo (Default key is T)
• Sandbox editor: Added a bone control manager window for easier bulk editing of bone controls
• Sandbox editor: Added duplication button for animation queue itemsImprovements:
• Upgraded engine to version 5.4.3
• Updated sclera color for all eye materials to reduce red border
• Resolved look at animations overriding dialog animations
• Resolved look at not working correctly if character is scaled
• Resolved broken shadow distance on dynamic meshes
• Improved look of overcast clouds in Showroom and Old Wild Life Map
• Quests: Kira moved to Umbar and is roommates with Zuri now
• Quests: Akil and his outpost moved. They are now located near Rhoc’s location and ‘guard’ the entrance to the pillar region.
• Quests: Akil’s dialogue has been partially reworked.
• Quests: The structure of the ‘We Come in Peace’ main quest has been reworked. There shouldn’t be a possible case of not having a quest marker anymore.
• Quests: The quests ‘Dr. Snoat’s Patient’ and ‘Going Into the Woods’ have been integrated into the main quest. Several quest steps have been added to guide the player more naturally towards Rhoc’s location.
• Quests: Nero’s quest has been improved. Several steps were added to better guide the player to Nero’s fishing spot. As a result, Janara has new dialogue outside the Koodie emergency now.
• Quests: Iterated the ‘Market Rivalry’ quest to make the whole thing less convoluted. Improved the dialogues of Djablo and the caravan trader.
• Quests: Reworked the ‘A Whisper in the Ear’ quest dialogues to match its new quest objectives.
• Quests: Added a ‘neutral’ option to Taurok’s and Nugget’s quest, in case the player doesn’t want to side with either of them.
• Quests: Morris can leave his prison cell again. Morris now wants to be escorted back to the drill station north of Apoc after saving him.
• Quests: Opened the gate to the Apoc cistern for now, until a missing feature is implemented.
• Quests: Reworked the ‘Kumaan’s Spear’ quest after finishing the ‘King of Thieves’ quest to better convey the motivation for stealing the spear in the first place and clarifying quest objectives.
• Quests: Added lots of log texts and set dialogue emotions (some skeletons miss the animations still and therefore don’t show them yet).
• Sandbox editor: Updated some face poses for Rawn and Kral
• Sandbox editor: Improved the Focus Object functionality for small objects and characters
• Sandbox editor: Copy/Pasting a sandbox object into a different parent will correct the scale difference now
• Sandbox editor: Using Ctrl while box selecting objects will now deselect objects in the scene or keyframes in animation sequence
• Sandbox editor: Searchable combo boxes only select filtered results now when using keyboard or scroll navigation
• Sandbox editor: Holding Shift while creating a group will now make that group match the transform of the active selected object
• Sandbox editor: Resolved bone control objects not being able to be changed via UI
• Sandbox editor: Resolved event list collapsing every time the selection changes
• Sandbox editor: Resolved duplication of objects (specifically rope attachments and animation sequence track objects) not redirecting to duplicated objects
• Sandbox editor: Resolved incorrect deletion behaviour on animation sequence editor tracks
• Sandbox editor: Resolved floating window moving and resizing getting stuck to cursor
• Sandbox editor: Resolved box selection not working when starting it on group/object tracks in animation editor
• Sandbox editor: Resolved hands and feet of poses occasionally pointing in a random direction instead of matching the pose control objects
• Various improvements to dialogues
• Various improvements to quests
• Various improvements to characters
• Various improvements to animations
• Various improvements to levels

Known Issues:
• Nav mesh generation is very slow for performance reasons, so NPCs can get stuck in the middle of their path, but will continue once the nav mesh is generated
• Setting animation speed and amplitude to zero causes sex toys to disappear
• Clothes textures will not fully load in the character creator
• Physics break if you scale characters in the sandbox editor
• Rendering issue on moving characters – most noticeable on hair and clothing
• Switching the player character to a new pose or sex scene causes issues when exiting edit mode



[RPGM] [Jujumatsu] Fern Adventures [Alpha Demo]

Release Date: 2024-08-17
Developer: JujumatsuPatreonSubscribestarBoosty
Censored: No
Version: Alpha Demo
OS: Windows
Language: English

Fern has broken her staff and is now forced to use third-party items to create and use magical tomes for self-defense. However, along the way, she encounters another problem – poorly balanced internal mana. The solution to this temporary problem will become Fern’s strange little adventure.​



[Ren’Py] [Mirrodin] The Pleasuremancer [v0.4.02 Steam]

Release Date: 2024-08-13
Developer: Mirrodin PatreonDiscordTwitterWikiF95zone
Censored: No
Version: 0.4.02 Steam
OS: Windows, Mac, Linux, Android
Language: English, French

In this game you play a necromancer who lived a long time ago and who lost all these powers. Your goal is to escape all the problem a weak man have, being stronger, have your tower and conquer the world, noneless. For that you will be helped by your stupid stooge and by the characters with whom you will bind. Being sarcastic myself the tone of the universe is sarcastic and humorous. Ah yes, little detail, your powers being distorted, you can only gain power by generating feminine pleasure.



[Ren’Py] [Fooxied] Steps of Debauchery [Episode 3.1 – Patreon]

Developer: Fooxied SteamPatreonWebsiteTwitterDiscord
Censored: No
Version: Episode 3.1 – Patreon
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English, Chinese, Turkish

Follow the steps of Riley, a girl who moves from a small town to the city to help her husband pursue his dreams. While Mike is busy with his bar, Riley supports him wholeheartedly and often puts others’ well-being above her own. This leads her into unexpected situations, where she discovers more about her true self and deepest desires. She explores her sexuality in college and unravels her fantasies, takes on the role of a waitress at the bar, engages in activities with an elderly neighbor, streams adventures with his grandson and that’s just the tip of the mountain. Riley’s world is opening wide in front of her, and she waits for you to explore it.​

Episode 3.1
– 7 new scenes (5 plot related),
– 1059 new renders,
– 13 new animations,
– 11750 script words.
We added two new achievements.
We added an option to turn off naming saves.
We added new levels for the school bathroom scenes and the pole dance scenes at the bar.



[Unity] [Lust Zone Studio] Sexy Futa: Mecha Battles of Islands [Final]

Release Date: 2024-08-09
Developer: Lust Zone Studio Steam
Censored: No
Version: Final
OS: Window
Language: English

Every 100 years, a futa warrior (Icarus Media) appears on the islands of Shizuyaki province, who must pass difficult tests and subjugate the islanders. In this he is opposed by anime girls, who are the guardians of these islands. In return, futa will receive the power of battle robots and the favor of the most beautiful anime girls, who will be ready to do any order.​

You will be able to customize the battle mech to your liking
Different attack and defense system choices to help you win battles against other mechs
More than 10 unique anime girls with unique characters

Hot Content

After completing each challenge, racy scenes with a futa warrior and anime girls will open up for you. The scenes include a choice of poses. None of the strawberry scene will leave you indifferent.

and more…

Exciting battles, exciting story and lots of hot strawberry content are waiting for you. Destroy enemies with incredible attacks to pass missions. Win battles and get parts to improve your mech. You will also be able to customize Futari to your taste and color.

Become the emperor of the islands and gain power over all the islands!