Yuika / Tear Sweet
Our protagonist, and a fervent admirer of magical girls.
She has a Tear Crystal, technically making her a magical girl too, but she’s unable to use its powers.
And since she’s not recognized as a magical girl, she doesn’t have an official title,
but she came up with her own: Tear Sweet, which she uses whenever the opportunity arises.
Manager / Tear Wisp
A magical girl and the manager of a café.
User of magic that, frustratingly, only works in the dark.
But she’s invincible once she’s in the shadows.
Yuika’s close friend since childhood.
She’s always protecting and supporting the oblivious Yuika.
She, of course, gets top grades in class.
Shadows / ???
Shadows, enemies of all magical girls.
Their bodies are covered in a dark haze. They grow stronger by the day.
They’re driven by frustrations and dark emotions.
And these Shadows don’t seem to be acting alone…
Convince Shadows of their errors through a turn-based, menu-driven battle system.
Pick between [Encourage], [Comfort], [Scold] and [Nothing] depending on the situation!
Successfully convince Shadows to win!
But fail in your attempts, and…
Our protagonist this time, Yuika, is your typical student with a typical admiration for magical girls.
She’s so normal she can’t even use any magic!
All she can rely on are her will and her words.
Now she has to convince Shadows of their mistakes while borrowing the help of her childhood friend and a magical girl acquaintance.
Some enemies will charge at you with lustful energy!
Losing yourself to pleasure, and losing your stamina in the process, might lead to a Game Over.
Lust isn’t an enemy only to Tear Sweet. It’s a constant threat to Yuika in her daily life, too.
With her being as horny as she is.
Other characters get scenes, too!