Tag Archives: Parody

[RPGM] [Dok3i] Lethal Cumpany [Alpha v0.1b]

Release Date: 2024-04-11
Developer: Dok3i – Patreon
Censored: No
Version: Alpha 0.1b
OS: Windows
Language: English

Lethal Cumpany is an adult parody game of Lethal Company.
You play as Eva, a new employee at The Company. Your job is to scavenge abandoned facilities in different moons to collect scraps and sell them to the Company.
But remember, you must be careful to not get overwhelmed by the entities inside these facilities…​


Alpha v0.1b Hotfix:
Fixed ScreenBlood error.
Fixed profile numbers staying on the screen after closing the menu.
Fixed Aim Sim pictures staying on the screen after denying.
Fixed UI staying on top of the menu when inside a facility.
Hitbox for the inhumans increased by 1 tile. (Eva should be able to hit any part of their body now)
Added a option to always keep the suit when choosing it at the locker.


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[VN] [Ren’Py] [urimusha] Date a Live: Shattered Memories [Halloween Version Part 2]

Release Date: 2024-04-07
Developer: urimusha Itch.ioPatreonDiscord
Censored: No
Version: Halloween Version Part 2
OS: Windows, Linux, Android
Language: English, Spanish

Behind our main character’s suffering there is an entity only seeking for enjoyment, MC and his girls were victim of one of his set ups which will take our MC and his girls to different scenarios where they have to face their biggest fear in order to get out.

Join his journey to find out how he manages to escape and rescue our beloved girls and find out who is behind all this nightmare!​

Halloween Version Part 2
New decision mechanic
New open-area mechanic (just Mukuro for now)
Post-progressive effects tweaked
Characters tweaked
New animations teased
Ability to change angles in Hscenes added
Original plot added to side-story (this is a tease of the idea I have for main game)
Tons of dialogues fixed and tweaked
Mobile users now have an option to Hide dialogue box (don’t ask why it wasn’t there because I don’t know myself)
New insomia ability unlocked (only applies to dev)

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[VN] [Ren’Py] [The Magical Gurl] Projekt Moon [Ch.3.31]

Release Date: 2024-02-22
Developer: The Magical Gurl – Patreon Itch.ioDiscord
Censored: No
Version: Ch. 3.31
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English

A lonely guy seeks to view the stars as a reward for his hard work, but is abducted by aliens and turned into a “Magical Girl” against his will. A fate of transformation, catgirl aliens and deep space’s mysteries awaits our protagonist. Submitted for NaNoReNo 2023!​

Ch. 3.31:
Kelly path didn’t have an important option, that was fixed. Various grammar errors. Errors from earlier edits where Norah to Nora killed parts of Ch. 1 and 2. Forgot to add music to 3.3. Dagotto’s render added to elevator with commentary about Dagotto, Airell and The Devian (who proofreaded this) added. Clarity to post 3.3 added, to point people to meet your new god. ;)

Ch. 3.3:
New things: Meeting Kelly and Red. Potentially 1 scene (animated) with Kelly, if you choose. Side images throughout Ch. 3 part 2. New title screen. Pirate ending TEMPLATE completed (Will modify for PM Gold Edition). Various issues and problems solved. 69 images total added (nice).


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[Unity] [AngryAngelGames] Professor XXX [v2024.03.16]

Release Date: 2024-01-27
Developer: AngryAngelGames Patreon WebsiteSubscribeStarDiscord
Censored: No
Version: 2024.03.16
OS: Windows
Language: English

It’s a trainer-like corruption comic-based parody game,
heavily inspired by masterpieces such as Witch Trainer or Rogue-Like: Evolution.
Its story is a loose “what if” take on Charles Xavier personality.
What would happen when a strong entity takes over someone as strong as Professor X?
And then it decided to use such power for its own benefit?
Results can be unimaginable! You should definitely expect perversion!​

Save’s from ver 05.01.2024 will not work :(…. sorry, we will try to avoid such mishaps in the future.
Gameplay until Day 8.
Laura introduced and main update focus.
Continuation of Storm story .
Mission system .
Hate for mutants system .
Paperwork system.
Minor sprite motions introduced.
Shower peeking system.
Many bugs squashed.


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[Unity] [Tvio Team] The Dog Days [v0.28]

Release Date: 2024-04-05
Developer: Tvio Team Itch.ioPatreonSubscribestarX (Twitter)Discord
Censored: No
Version: 0.28
OS: Windows
Language: English

Play as a hapless dog stranded in the middle of the Everfree Forest! However, it seems he wasn’t always a dog. Find out what happened while having fun doggy-style!
The Dog Days is interactive fiction for adults (and preferably perverts). The game plans a wide range of fetishes to be revealed as the story progresses, multiple endings, and multiple characters to “interact” with.

v0.28 FlutterPunch
New Character: Fluttershy (with a sex scene).
New Character: Berry Punch (with a sex scene).
– Completed “meat” quest with Twilight (with a guess what scene).
– Added a mini-events at the main square. At the moment they are purely for immersion, but we’ve got bigger plans for them.
– Added “rustling in the bushes” at night in the main square. Stuff happens there too, and you can meet Berry Punch there.
– Continuation of the main storyline (very short for now, but it will be developed properly in the next update).
– Added a “Gallery of Flashbacks” where you can relive the spicy moments of your adventures.
– Multiple fixes with missing/instantly skipped text, minor tweaks to QoL, spelling and game logic.
– Game engine upgrade.
– More misspellings and typos


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[RPGM] [daraku_y] Saimin-Saimin No Me [v0.1]

Release Date: 2024-04-03
Developer: daraku_y – Patreon – DiscordSubscribestar
Censored: No
Version: 0.1
OS: Windows
Language: English

You’re Tapioca Charlotte, a recent Totto Land deserter. Under the newfound care of Lu Feld, an influential figure in the underworld, you earn your keep through the use of your hypnotic devil fruit to subjugate women; the Saimin-Saimin no Mi!


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[RPGM] [Man Don’t Hop] Pokémon Cultivation [0.675.7 Demo]

Release Date: 2023-07-04
Developer: Man Don’t Hop Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 0.675.7 Demo
OS: Windows
Language: English


A Perverted reimagined version of Pokemon Emerald where you are visited by a mysterious woman in a dream. She informs you that while trying to have a bit of fun, she made a mistake that could potentially cause mass extinction if left uncorrected. After scrambling to come up with a solution you have been chosen to intervene and prevent the catastrophic outcome, while there will be great danger she almost promised you a great reward as well.

Without any warning, you find yourself transported from your world to the enchanting land of Pokémon. Upon arrival, you realize that you possess unique abilities that have been granted to you, including the power to command others to submit to your will under certain conditions and even mate with Pokémon with a special gene creating unique offspring. As you explore the Pokémon world, you will encounter familiar foes such as Team Magma, Aqua, and Rocket, all while attempting to stop the ever-looming catastrophe.


Intro changes!

  • You can now pick between Special Riolu or Special Absol!

New Special Pokemon!

  • Special Riolu has been added! (She doesn’t need friendship and evolves at level 25)
  • Special Lucario has been added! (Can Mega Evolve into Limit breaker Lucario with a Mega stone)
  • Special Absol has been added! (Hidden ability is Battlebond, which transforms her into Absol-Ur)
  • These Pokemon can also be gotten through Void Dunsparce

Dungeon changes!

  • All dungeon bosses have their own room! So you can pick who you wish to farm.
  • The level scaling has been fixed! Now the levels of enemies will be scaling as intended.
  • You no longer have to beat every trainer on the floor to progress, just find Dunsparce (Note: For the final boss ??? you do have to beat at least 1 trainer on the 4th floor of their dungeon)

New battles have been added:

  • Vs The Poke Knight, Dray
  • Vs The Ex-Cultist, Marnie
  • Vs The Sub Human Self, ???

New Hybrids have been added (You must defeat ??? to earn them):

  • Hybrid Sprigatito has been added
  • Hybrid Floragato has been added
  • Hybrid Meowscarada has been added
  • Hybrid Goomy has been added
  • Hybrid Sliggoo (my current favorite hybrid) has been added
  • Hybrid Goodra has been added
  • Hybrid Scorbunny has been added
  • Hybrid Raboot has been added
  • Hybrid Cinderace has been added

New Scenes have been added:

  • Valentine Scene has been added (Needs Hybrid Gardevoir, Strongest Dress Gardevoir)
  • May birthing scene has been added (Sleep in bed ten times after pregnant scene
  • Marnie after battle defeat scene as been added.
  • Roxanne pregnancy scene! (Have sex and sleep in your bed until it triggers)

More Mega Evolutions has been added (You get the stones every time you beat Cynthia in the dungeon):

  • Mega Flygon (Trapinch can now be found in Rusturf Tunnel)
  • Mega Milotic (Feebas can now be found while fishing in Dewford)
  • Mega Skarmory (Skarmory can now be found on route 116)
  • Mega Lapras (Lapras can be traded for while in Dewford)
  • Mega Honchkrow (Murkow can now be found in Petalburg woods. This Mega Stone is gotten from Marnie)
  • Mega Breloom

New Alt Hybrid has been added:

  • Sorcerer Delphox has been added (Introducing the new ability Five Magics)

New ability: Five Magics

  • Powers up Dark, Ghost, Psychic, Fire, and Electric-type moves by 1.3x

New item: Egg Hatcher

  • This item allow you got hold up to six more eggs at a time! This helps a lot with the next feature!

New feature: Shiny Hybrids!

  • Most hybrids (Outside of the new ones) have a Shiny form now. So I want to see some shiny hunting going on!


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[Ren’Py] [Ceno Trainer] Dragonball Ceno Trainer [v0.7.1]

Release Date: 2023-12-04
Developer: Ceno Trainer – PatreonDiscord
Censored: No
Version: 0.7.1
OS: Windows, Android
Language: English

special marathon of the series we ended up exhausted and decided to take a nap,
when we sleep we hear a loud sound which makes us wake up and when we open our eyes
we appear in a strange and unknown place,
exploring the place a little we realize that we are in the world of Dragon ball
and before we can deduce what we are doing there we run into a girl who is nothing more and nothing less than Videl,
we talk with her and with her help we manage to integrate into this new world.​


-New main menu has been added
-A new stories section has been added to the main menu
-New map (Beach) has been added
-A nudist beach has been added to the beach map
-Three new characters have been added (Bikini, Cocoa and the cook)
-Added a new alternate route with Videl
-Added a new option to photograph Videl at night on the alternate route
-Added a new use for reminis with Videl, Bulma and Milk
-Changed the close friends event with Videl on the common route
-The friends event with Milk has been changed a little
-The close friends event (common route) with Milk has been changed a little
-The good friends event with Bulma has been changed a little
-The way to access Milk’s house map has been changed (now it is necessary to use the flight map)
-Gallery has been redesigned
-Some scenes from the 90th day event with Pizza have been redesigned
-The meet C-21 event scene has been redesigned
-Some scenes from the Good Friends event (common route) with Videl have been redesigned
-A good friends event scene (alternate route) with Milk has been redesigned
-The flight animation of the event where Gohan teaches PP to fly has been redesigned
-Ki bar has been redesigned
-Added Meet Bikini event
-Added a meet the cook event
-Added an event for the continuation of the main story (C-21)
-3 events with Erasa were added
-Added 12 events with Yurin
-Added an event with the reminis for Videl
-Added an event with the reminis for Bulma
-Added an event with reminis for Milk
-Added Bulma’s story to the “Stories of…” option in the main menu
-Added Milk’s story to the “Stories of…” option in the main menu
-Added Videl’s story to the “Stories of…” option in the main menu
-Fixed a bug with the turtle magazines
-Among other small changes

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[AhrpuXR] Image Delusion VR – SexVersion – [Final]

Release Date: 2023-10-30
Developer: AhrpuXR – Steam
Version: Final
Censored: Yes – Mosaics
Language: English
OS: Win, Mac, Linux
Store: Steam

Let’s have sex with your favorite 2D characters!
In this game, you can place your favorite images on VR or MR and play with them.​

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[VN] [Ren’Py] [Fin] Shaggy’s Power [v0.0.8.1 Public +Fix2]

Release Date: 2024-04-01
Developer: Fin PatreonTwitter
Censored: No
Version: Public +Fix2
OS: Windows, Linix, Mac, Android
Language: English

Team Scooby’s latest investigation ends in a complete nightmare!
Left with no money and no place to live, they are forced to stay in an unfamiliar town for an indefinite period of time.
And it seems that this town holds a lot of secrets and mysteries…​ Public +Fix2
Not available

0.0.8 Public+ Fix:
– Fixed the purchase of scooby cookies
– Rewritten the code for giving bonuses from a succubus, available when you have a good relationship with her.
Bonuses are now awarded randomly. Also the succubus gives different amounts of sin points.
– Fixed a bug with the quest of the man at the public restroom
– Removed traces of debugging peeping scenes
Appeared if you look into the room and get to the scene of the classic costume.
– Fixed a bug that caused Velma to wear a bikini instead of classic clothes in the evening.
– Optimized code. Now the game will work more stable and the error log will not be so long.
– Fixed a bug that made it possible to send clones to work at night in closed workplaces.
– Now if you send clones to work at the wrong time you will get a penalty.
– Fixed a bug that caused the background to not appear when peeping at girls.
– Fixed a bug that caused girls to wear classic costumes during sports and then the game would crash afterwards.


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