Hello! My name is Dagotto, and I’m creating Inn Another World!
A diverse cast awaits you, including:
A goblin adventurer, she is the first person to come to your inn.
Cheerful and straightforward, she doesn’t seem to want to get too close to anyone.
A dogkin slave, she is the first slave available to you for purchase.
Although she seems upbeat and positive, it she really okay with her place in life…?
An elf hunter, she seems standoffish and rude.
She seems to be overly concerned with other elves, but at the same time appears to be a loner.
Perhaps she could use a friend.
A centaur knight, her race carries a heavy reputation.
Though she seems different from what others expect, it’s hard to say if she is truly harmless.
She seems to be on some kind of quest.
A harpy shopkeeper, she is cheerful and amicable to a fault.
She runs the general store in town, and is eager to get to know newcomers to the area.
A lamia librarian, she is soft-spoken and nervous around strangers.
She loves books, but is frustrated with the state of the town’s library.
A cowkin farmer, she can be found selling her wares in the town’s market.
Kind and motherly, she has a young daughter at home that she is raising by herself.
A gnomish inventor, she can be found tinkering in her shop late into the night.
Optimistic, she wants to change the perception of new technology in the town.
An orc lumberjack, she works at the lumberyard in the outskirts of town.
Brutally honest to a fault, she says what’s on her mind whenever she speaks. She can often be found drinking the night away after work.
An oni blacksmith, she has trouble talking to people.
Her store has gotten a bad reputation due to her communication issues, but she doesn’t know how to fix the problem.
With more girls coming in the future!
Fetishes include:
- Monster Girls
- Dating
- Harem
- Short Stacks
- Size difference
- Voyeur
- Defloration
- …and more!
Planned fetishes include:
- Pregnancy
- Futanari
- Threesome
- Transformation
- Lactation
- …and more!
>Will never contain NTR/Cuckold<<
This update focuses mainly on random inn guests, Beth, and various quality of life changes, including new animations and scenes. There are over 40 unique animations (more if you count variations), all made with a new animating program.
New Content/Changes
-Beth’s artwork and scenes have been completely remade with new art, including all of her adult scenes
-Added one new animated scene, and one new non-animated scene for Beth
-Added ability to spend the night at Beth’s place
-Two of Alice’s scenes have been completely remade with new animations and artwork
-Added a new scene for Camilla
-Added indicators to shop tool tips to show players what they have bought before and how many pieces of furniture and decorations they have
-Increased size of shop tool tips for better readability
-Added the ability to talk to temporary guests
-Added one new animated adult scene for each temporary guest
-Added gifts, used for temporary inn guests
-Added Cheat Menu for subscribers (Available in the player’s bedroom for supporters)
-Added a new quest to add unique rooms to the inn
-Added 2 unique rooms: a lounge and a book lender
-Camilla will occasionally visit one of the unique inn rooms
-Maria and Beth can now be invited to the harem (scenes to come in the future)
-Maria will now visit the farm on weekends after a certain conversation
-Added a guest book to keep track of past guests and replay scenes
-Added an indicator to show current save slot for saving, and most recent save for loading
-Added 12 new furniture and decorations
-Fixed Decorations that were too close to rooms getting placed back in the player’s inventory upon opening the inn building screen
-Fixed several decorations having the wrong preview image
-Fixed an issue with the incorrect Alice sprite appearing in her room
-Fixed an issue with Beth appearing where she shouldn’t
-Fixed an issue with the game changing resolution and screen mode on every start up
-Fixed an issue preventing progress in Kirana’s quest (So help me if this doesn’t finally fix this issue…)
-Fixed several instances of missing, extra, or incorrect sprites in conversations
-Tweaked temporary guest stat weights and max rent
-Numerous dialogue changes and tweaks