Tag Archives: Text based

[HTML] [Stone flower] Routes of Life [v1.3.5]

Release Date: 2023-10-15
Developer: Stone Flower PatreonItch.io
Censored: No
Version: 1.3.5
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English

You are someone who spent the entire youth playing MMOs, not thinking about anything else and ignoring your youth. But life catches up with you. Now, living a life that is just studying, working, and sleeping, you feel empty. However, an update in your favorite game during your summer break leads you to discover a strange AI that finds a way to bring you back and relive the routes you didn’t pursue.

State of the game:
The game focuses on having diverse and fun characters, allowing you to play and interact with the story in your own way, offering both f/m and m/m . All content can be avoided, and the story will feature at least 2 branches in the future, enabling you to choose between a more wholesome experience or a more corrupt one.

New Content:

  • Continuation of the Main Quest
  • Continuation of Oliver’s story
  • Continuation of Luna’s story
  • Continuation of Linda story
  • The second quest for Data’s story for the public
  • Continuation of Data’s story (Tier 3 Patreon and above)
  • Two new skills in the Maya shop
  • Two new scenes for Maya in the game world

Bugs and Small Fixes:

  • Remade the guide; now all information is up to date
  • Maya can only be spotted in the park in the morning and evenings now.
  • Re-edited some of the early photos in the game


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[HTML] [Turtleguy007] Vendetta [v0.1]

Release Date: 2023-10-31
Developer: Turtleguy007 – Ko-fi
Censored: No
Version: 0.1
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English

26-year-old John Doe’s (Customizable Name) entire life is often plagued by the shadow of his parents’ death. There are many dreams and ambitions he wants to pursue in life, but he knows that to find true peace and happiness among the people he cherishes, he must first banish the shadow of the past by uncovering its secret and after burying it six feet deep until it no longer has any power over him. To achieve this goal, he needs to be ready; at the end of the day, it’s not only his hands that will end up dirty.​

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[HTML] [mypphurtss] The Nuclear Wife [WOQ Update]

Release Date: 2023-10-29
Developer: mypphurtss
Censored: No
Version: The Way Of The Queen Update
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English

If the old testaments were to be believed, it would have been 138 Years since the bombs fell. Not that it matters, You and your wife run a motel, the somewhat good life in the wasteland. The motel isn’t doing much good nowadays, and as the eight months long nuclear winters are imminent, there isn’t much room for hope this year. With new opportunities banging on your door every night and raiders making the hard survival impossible, what “unconventional” ways would you sort to cling to life? P.S. This game was just lying around for some time, so I decided to share it here anyway for others to enjoy.​

WOQ Storyline completed

Developer Notes:

The game is to be divided into three if not four parts with a “DLC” pattern. The “Way of the Queen” is completed. The next update will be the full “Way of the Jack” DLC. And then at least one more which will stay a secret, for now (If there is a decent fan base.)
Am I being overly ambitious? Maybe
Am I just a one-man team planning too much? Maybe


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[Novus Operandi Game Design] Sanctuary in Time [v0.4.1]

Release Date: 2023-10-05
Developer: Novus Operandi Game Design – Itch.ioPatreonTwitter
Censored: No
Version: 0.4.1
OS: Windows 8.1 or newer
Language: English

A text-based, adult game with sci-fi & RPG elements!

Your father’s just been murdered. He was the God of Time.
Now, it’s your turn! Save damsels from dark corners of history; train them as warriors, courtesans, or workers.
Build your forces.
Expand & upgrade your citadel.
And survive the enemies that seek your death!

Content: m/f, voyeurism, incest, oral, anal, female masturbation, female muscle growth, genetic manipulation, female body hair, player as god.​



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[RAGS] [Bedlam games] No Haven [v0.983 TF Edition]

Release Date: 2023-10-05
Developer: Bedlam Games PatreonTwitterPicartoPixivTumblr
Censored: No
Version: 0.983 TF Edition
OS: Windows (RAGS)
Language: English

No Haven is a side game to the dungeon crawler Whorelock’s Revenge (formerly Deeper Dungeons: Enhanced). Here you have command of a small group of slavers initially and from there you can send out your men, woman, assorted fantasy races, monsters and so on out on various assignments to earn gold, supplies and slaves.​



Well that proved to be much more complex than planned, but hey ain’t that always the case.

Hope you enjoy the update, and will talk about it more on the Fortnightly tomorrow.

-Odds Floors:

—Added a breakdown of how the odds floors work to the Glossary, Help, and Options.

—Added a new mechanic where based on the slaves in the encampment, and how much your slavers enjoy using them, will reduce the odds floors to potentially much lower than they were before. There are three tiers to this with the best one being both decidedly powerful and rather tricky to obtain.

—Now when the odds calculator is trying to get back to within the limits and to ensure that the total odds add up to 100%, the adjustments have been changed in terms of what gets reduced first, and by how much. The net result should be better for the player.

-Assignment Rewrites:

—Sky-Shaman. Critical Success will now always get an Icewyld harpy. Risk reduced from High to Medium, and now only has wounding/removals on the Disaster. Has a commission, and now has variants used for Icewyld Harpy Slavers and another one for Icewyld Harpy slaves.

—Raid Horned One Camp.

-New Commissions :

—Barbarous Bargains (Ever Forest). Has three versions that will be used for the results based on who you send in the third position if you trade using other means. Also used for the Examines of Amazon Futanari slavers, Quintari Futanari slaves, and Marlsune Male/Sissy slaves.

—Personal: Encampment, as an alternative once Shadriel has finished her storyline (assuming of course you let her come out on top), and a crop will also be used for the examines for the two drow involved, again for once that storyline is completed. Another crop will be used for the examine of the Ori’Nek depicted if you make her a Seamstress or if Severina ends up as Dominant.

-New Corruptions:

—Three new Debauched Exultations and two new Gifts of the Warped.

—The unique Rizette has gained one of the new Debauched Exultations, and has ditched her old regular Anointed One title for Shaytan Kabir.

-Miscellaneous additions :

—Slaver Display Options. Available under Glossary, Help, and Option. Adds some new ways to display your slavers on the main display including different ways to show that a level up is available and to show the wearability of custom outfits.

—Reduced the amount of morale changes caused by weather. There’s now several new results that are just descriptions to reduce the repetition in the change of day texts. Some of which are rarer to represent things that you might see in the sky above the Great Plains that aren’t just clouds.

—Freckles descriptions. Very small chance to have them normally, much better chance if the slaver or slave has red hair.

—Four new enchanted items to find from the Chest of Wonders. Two dominant themed ones, and two submissive ones.

—The Promoted Male Human Northerner may now take Feminine in a Full Custom Start (TF Edition only)

-Bug fixes :

—Fix for the Female/Futa Dwarf Tunnel Runner not having a portrait, and also not having the right description. Also memo to self even if the fix looks obvious it really is worth double checking it actually worked as it’s quite possible that something might also be wrong…

—Fix for Green Wooden Door in the Deep Mountains not correctly setting a really liked/craved race.

—Fix for some tracking issues with Burning Passions where the Assignment would get confused about whether the noble had a wife or husband.

—Fix for the Far Hunta start being incorrectly also listed with the decidedly hummie title Ranger.

—Fix for the unique Corin DuPaix duel wielding his swords.

—Fix for Shadriel’s Strap-on’s description being shown in full on trait checks.

—Fix for Spiteful not being checked directly on Assignments. It was working when Friendly was listed and it was being applied as the inverse, but not on certain Assignments like House Sitting or Share the Wealth where it was being listed specifically as a check.

—Fix for the creation of a phantom slaver if you have a zharr slave and start a one slaver Assignment.

—Fix for the unique Baela Justsworn being shown as not female.

—Fix for slaver distinctions not working with Marshlands Survival.

—Fix for doing Price of Freedom in the Yo Ho scenario breaking the playthrough.

—Fix for a number of issues with Slithering Lonely as a Cloud.

—Some text fixes.

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[Sombreve] Dawn of Corruption [v0.7.11]

Release Date: 2023-10-01
Developer: Sombreve WebsitePatreonSteam Itch
Version: 0.7.11
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android, iPhone
Language: English

Dawn of Corruption is a Dark Fantasy M/M NSFW RPG.
Your village is attacked by strange beast who seem to grow stronger every day.
As the new salvager, you must venture forth and discover what lies in the Barrens.
What will you grow into? Will corruption seep into your being?​

Added “Apex Predator” ability that grants you size for every batte you win.
-It also grants the “Unnatural Growth” fight move (instead of the “Ascended Prisoner” achievement).

Added new content after ascending the Lost Prisoner
-Lets you have intimate moments with him (dominant or submissive)
-Whoever is dominant learns the “Apex Predator” ability at the end of the encounter.
-He can now join you in battle.
-He can tell you directly where the entrance to Nyx’s Realm is so you can find it in your next expedition.
-You can spar him at any time.
-You can change his attack timing like other teammates.

Added audio to the Lost Naga. (Voiced by Mithane!)
-His voice changes based on his arousal and his size.

Added ascended character art of the Lost Prisoner(By Winty!).
-Includes infested variant
This version is NOT compatible with saves from 0.7.10 but you can restart the game with your Essence, Achievements and Exp from older saves.


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[midsan] Underneath the Labyrinth [v0.1.36]

Release Date: 2023-09-25
Developer: midsan Patreon WebsiteDiscord
Censored: No
Version: 0.1.36
OS: Windows, Mac
Language: English

A veteran knight searching for his battle brothers found himself in a small remote mining town with a strange phenomenon. A calling that prying on his desire, Sense of duty, Take advantage in a moment of weakness. Would he succeed in his quest? Or found himself tranform and fell to the alluring corruption?​

v0.1.36 Full build

New content

  1. Add more image and extended scene to Corruption stage 3 work scene in the brothel. Now featuring choices that allow players to get more coins or stop the scene to avoid gaining anymore corruption.
  2. Add Relationship menu support to the brothel NPC.

Quality of life

  1. Rework Relationship menu to allow for easier navigation.

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[HTML] [flutters.] Riya’s Lucky Catch [v1.0.2]

Release Date: 2023-09-25
Developer: flutters.
Censored: No
Version: 1.0.2
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English
Length: Short – Up to an hour to find every ending

You are an Ausar adventurer who’s just starting out, but you’ve apparently caught the eye of a very troublesome futanari space-cop.​

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[HTML] [Kitsune Dragoon] Ooze Wizard Apprentice [v0.3995]

Release Date: 2015-08-20
Developer: Kitsune Dragoon – PatreonWikiTFGames.site
Censored: No
Version: 0.3995
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English

You are Raphael, a young hopeful applying to Svernhoff Academy, one of the most prestigious Magical Institutions on the continent. You hope to begin training as a Wizard’s Apprentice, but there are other forces at work, and while fate has given you the chance to become an Apprentice, it’s not exactly the position you were hoping for.​

– Day 8 of Momo’s Prologue (Clocking in at around 14,652 words, 95,958 words total for the Prologue).
– Expanded the Singer Job at Luna de Lune’s (Two Potential Scenes).
– Added Artwork for Barmaid Service (Momo Prologue and Hourglass).
– Added Artwork for Singer Service (Momo Prologue and Luna de Lune).
– Added Artwork for Pisces Perfume Clerk (Momo Prologue and Heavenscent).
– Added Selfie Artwork for Hourglass Uniform.
– Added Selfie Artwork for Bubblegum Dress.
– Added Special Instance in the Stables depending on time of day and week.
– Added Perfumes as a mechanic in the game. You can procure different types from Heavenscent, a Perfume Store in Uptown.
– Added Heavenscent as a location that can be visited. They sell Perfumes that can alter the amount of Ooze Points earned or alter combat enemies’ abilities.
– Added Ability to Transmute Black Ooze Points into Lacma for experimentation.
– Made numerous Bug Fixes.


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[Ren’Py] [Tangerinelo] Help, I’m the Only Man in This Town! [v0.2]

Release Date: 2023-09-26
Developer: Tangerinelo Patreon Itch.io
Censored: No
Version: 0.2
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
Language: English
Voiced: Kissing Sound’s

Help, I’m the Only Man in This Town!
is semi-linear visual novel where you can play with the many women available to you in this new world of Celesterra.
You begin in the humble but exciting town of Rivenbrook

Content Warning: This visual novel features many sexual scenes.
Does HITOMITT contain NSFW content?
Yes, but it is entirely textual and auditory.


  • Work for money (3 variants; 1 NSFW)


  • Talk to Elara (3 variants)
  • Learn from Elara (3 variants)


  • Combat training (1 variant)
  • Talk to the guards (3 variants)


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