Tag Archives: Text based

[RAGS] [Bedlam games] No Haven [v0.94 TF Edition]

Release Date: 2020-12-15
Developer: Bedlam Games PatreonTwitterPicartoPixivTumblr
Censored: No
Version: 0.94 TF Edition
OS: Windows (RAGS)
Language: English

No Haven is a side game to the dungeon crawler Whorelock’s Revenge (formerly Deeper Dungeons: Enhanced). Here you have command of a small group of slavers initially and from there you can send out your men, woman, assorted fantasy races, monsters and so on out on various assignments to earn gold, supplies and slaves.​

New Race:

—Thornheart Nymphs have been added with a new Rare assignment in the Ever Forest. Can be Female or Futanari with commissioned art for both.
—With their racial will be very powerful though they do have some definite drawbacks making them quite the double edged sword.

—Has specific text to reflect their alternate way of inflicting Domination.

—Once found via the assignment will then start appearing rarely like any other character can as both slavers and slaves.
—Can be playable if one takes over the encampment after an overthrow event, or you can start as one as one of the Promoted Slaver options (TF Edition only). If you start as one then Nymphs will be in the generator from the start without you needing to do their assignment.

New Assignments (not counting the Nymphs one):

—An Uncommon Trading Amazon themed assignment in the Ever Forest. Has four goals where it can work similarly to the standard Great Plains Trading assignment including options for an alternate payment plan other than gold or supplies. Includes special text for Submissive playthroughs even if you don’t go as the alternate payment plan though there is a different special Disaster if you do. Also includes alternate text in some of the results for being Insatiable, being a wright, or having other ways to have limitless sexual energy, along with if you take a pair of slavers who won’t ask questions about what you get up to on this one.

—A reduced rarity Marauding legal themed assignment in the City of Aversol. Thank you to the patron who funded the two commissions used for this one. Includes the possibility of recruiting the hidden unique recruitable slaver featured in the art.

New Commissions:

—Decadence Like No Other. Features a new race of beastkin who will be added in a later update. Has non-female variants that will be used if you don’t send a female on that assignment and will be used as slave Examines down the line.

—Zharr females. Plan is to use it for a Zharr themed assignment on the Dreadsea Coast down the line.

—Nest of Vipers, also used for Fel Tainted Lamia slavers. Has alternate versions used for Fel Tainted Lamia futanari, and Fel Tainted Lamia slaves. Also has a crop for non-Fel Tainted Lamia that I’ll use for now until I can get something more suitable. Will be used down the line as a follow up to A Brief Foray.

—Drow female slavers, with a less dressed version used for Drow female slaves. Plan is to use her for a new start, and thank you to the patron who submitted this commission.

—Driders. Will be used for a new Deep Mountains assignment eventually, and does come with a zoomed version. I’ve also kept the Scout the City version as an Examine for Driders with Submissive.

—Fallen female slavers, with a less dressed versions used for Fallen female slaves. Also has alternate versions to replace the Demi-Angel female slaver and slavers examine to distinguish her from the unique that used the same commission. Thank you to the patron who submitted these new variations on that commission. I’ve kept the old Fallen placeholder art for now until I can get a commission featuring Futanari.

—Double Dicked Golems. Also has a variant for Golems doing punishment, and a zoomed in version that will alternate with the other Human Noble slaves. That version will also be used for any futanari doing double dicking.

Slave Training Review:

—Extended and improved the intro text for Basic Dominance Training, Basic Obedience Training, Orc Cum Addict, Basic Sissification Training, Advanced Sissification Training, Advanced Lesbian Training, Basic Blowjob Training, Advanced Blowjob Training, and Exquisite Fellatrix Training. Touched up some of the others to a more minor degree.

—Extended and improved the Critical Success result text for Advanced Bimbo Training, Basic Bimbo Training, Advanced Dominance Training, Exquisite Fellatrix Training, Basic Dominance Training, Advanced Lesbian Training, Advanced Blowjob Training, Basic Lesbian Training, Basic Anal Training, Advanced Sissification Training, Advanced Obedience Training, Basic Sissification Training, Heal Slut Training, and Basic Obedience Training.

—Extended and improved the Success result text for Advanced Titfuck Training, Basic Titfuck Training, Advanced Bimbo Training, Basic Bimbo Training, Heal Slut Training, Endurance Training, Advanced Dominance Training, Orc Cum Addict (including all orc, no orc, and shakko versions), Exquisite Fellatrix Training, Basic Dominance Training, Advanced Lesbian Training, Advanced Blowjob Training, Basic Lesbian Training, Advanced Sissification Training, Advanced Obedience Training, Basic Blowjob Training, and Basic Obedience Training (including Stubborn and Defiant removal versions). There’s a few of the redone Successes which are now longer than the Critical Success results which I don’t think I’ve done before, and if I have, it’s definitely pretty rare for them to be so.

—Extended and improved the Failure result text for Advanced Bimbo Training, Advanced Titfuck Training, Basic Titfuck Training, Basic Bimbo Training, Ponygirl Training, Endurance Training (including adding the previously missed You version), Advanced Dominance Training (mainly the You Sub version), Orc Cum Addict (again including all orc, no orc, and shakko versions), Exquisite Fellatrix Training, Advanced Lesbian Training, Advanced Blowjob Training, Basic Lesbian Training, Advanced Sissification Training (as a bit of an experiment added some dialogue from you here), Advanced Obedience Training, Basic Blowjob Training, Basic Sissification Training, and Basic Obedience Training.

—Extended and improved the Disaster result text for Orc Cum Addict (again including all versions with the Shakko version in my opinion being the highlight), Endurance Training, Heal Slut Training, Basic Bimbo Training (Includes the alternate Obedient version for those two, the otherwise unchanged Anal Training Disaster result also uses that updated version if applicable), the generic ‘Be Gentle’ options (now includes versions for your doing it and for them being Obedient), the generic ‘Be Brutal’/Sadist/Aggressive/Brutal/Unscrupulous options (also now includes versions for your doing it and for them being Obedient), and Exquisite Fellatrix Training where it’s not either of the previous two generic options.

—Added extra morale losses for the Disaster results for Orc Cum Addict (with the all orc version being by far the heaviest)

—Being Obedient now blocks the generic nothing else applies ‘more ready and willing to resist the shackles of slavery’ Disaster result where the slave got a Willpower boost and there was a -10 Morale Hit. Uses the same text as the Heal Slut Training, Basic Bimbo Training, and Anal Training.

—Bimbos can now do bimbo training so you can bimbo your bimbos to an even greater degree.

—Advanced Dominance Training now has an alternate result text for slavers with Dominant (Dom), including Switch and hidden Dominants, on the Critical Success. If they don’t the slaver can now pick up Submissive (Sub) along with a damaged reputation.

—Basic Bimbo Critical Success now gives Sex Addict (Sex) instead of Insatiable (Sex+)

—Advanced Bimbo Critical Success only applies Insatiable (Sex+) with Resilient (Res) and 80+ Condition. This is to make that trait more of a specific thing for Trollops and Lago’Mae rather than being quite so easy to maintain.

—Advanced Obedience Training now as text on the Critical Success if already Obedient (Sub+). I don’t think that’s possible given the training paths, but it’s there now just in case.

—Advanced Obedience Training Critical Success only applies Obedient (Sub+) with 80+ Willpower along with Submissive (Sub) which it need before to make it trickier to get so relatively early on in a slave’s training, and to make the other sources of getting that trait more desirable. There’s alternate text to both versions based on Willpower if they have Submissive (Sub) going into the assignment.

—Advanced Lesbian Critical Success can give Lesbian Desires if the slave doesn’t get it on Basic version. Added a estimate value bonus to Lesbian Desires.

—Advanced Blowjob Training also now can give Cocksucking Natural on the Critical Success if they didn’t get it on the basic version.

—Advanced Dominance Training now removes Sympathetic (Sym) on both Critical Success and Success results.

—To replace the aspect Bimboborn which Advanced Bimbo Critical Success used to give I’ve added a new aspect to that result called Ditzy Doll. This aspect will also replace Bimboborn as a Level Up option so that aspect will only be available from Corruption for now to reflect the nature of that aspect being about having one of the naughtier powers watching over them no matter the trouble that they might get into. Ditzy Doll is the first aspect to scale in power with the character’s experience which is an idea I like and one that I’ll revisit when I get round to adding more aspects. Like with slaver gear upgrades you’ll use assignment ranks up instead, and yes you can take this aspect on a Level Up unlike Bimboborn.

—To expand on the mechanic where mantras could be embedded by having someone with Hypnotic (Hyp), Dominator (Dtr), Magic: Corruption (M:Co) (also Corrupter), or Malevolence (Mal) twenty four new Critical and Success results now have the potential to ad the relevant mantras at various stages from Light all the way to Fully Embedded.

—Added a small chance for a mantra to be applied during those specific training Critical Success results even without the usually needed traits to represent an especially powerful breakthrough.

—Heal Slut Training will no longer give Lay on Hands if they already have the usual maximum of five aspects.

—Heal Slut Training, Basic Titfuck Training, Advanced Titfuck Training, and Ponygirl Training are now all counted as Obedience Training assignments for the purpose of getting a bonus from the Obedience Mantra.

—Ponygirl Training now adds Resilient (Res) on both Success results.

—Removed the feminine pronouns on the various Blowjob results that assumed the trainee was a ‘her’ to reflect it can be done by males too. Exquisite Fellatrix Training Critical Success now has specific male slave text so you can now have a Prince of Blowjobs to go with the Queen.

—Exquisite Fellatrix Training on a Disaster now sets the slave back to Basic Blowjob Training, though not if you treat then gently or they are Obedient.

—Updated some formatting for better visibility, and some other more minor text additions not mentioned above.

-Miscellaneous additions:

—Due to adding Thornheart Nymphs more than doubled the number of Horned One female first names and surnames for both genders in the generator including some specific ones just for Nymphs.

—Added Kitsune, Lago’Mae, Shadow Outcasts, and Asanei to the rare races table so they’ll be slightly more common than before where they only had a very low chance to be found on their usual tables, and will now have a better chance to be found as higher quality characters.

—To make the Golem Commander unique commission more specific I’ve changed the Wastelander slave commission that uses the same art to a closer crop than before.

—Increased the Will/Condition loss for slaves if they’d get that instead of getting Shattered/Exhausted

—Adjusted the Shattered/Exhaustion calculations so the risk has more of an effect each way, if it’s not for wounding/removal then being Aggressive will no longer make things worse while Fleet or Flying can no longer help avoiding being overly tired. So no longer will being able to ride a pegasus help you out in the glorybox.

—Asanei have lost their crest in favour of the hair-tentacles in the commissions, and the come in three variations.

—Updated the lamia lore page to expand it, and to ditch some obsolete information about their race.

—Made a change so Ecstatica should stack better with Fae Flying, Size Queen’d, and Sapphic High.

—Replaced Sapphic High on the Fully Embedded Sissy mantra (which they weren’t getting anyway) with a new effect that allows a slaver using them to count as Dominant if it would be a positive on the next assignment.

—Changed the wording of Fully Embedded Bimbo mantra to represent they can get extra mantras later via training.

—Lesbian Hypnotic Mantra is now available to Non-Males with a different version with the same effects to reflect that. Also includes some alternate dialogue lines during sex text for when slaves have this mantra.

—Added a new Glossary page for Hypnotic Mantras.

—Standardised how extra morale loss works on assignments with a more consistent formatting display. Also removed an odd inconsistency where the third position on Hold Back the Dark was losing 10 morale less than the others.

—Added some checks at the end of corruption to prevent anyone going over 100 morale.

—By request Golems may no longer purchase the rank III Slaver Upgrades.

—Legacy Decim-Vex has sorted out her unconventional hairstyle and has gained some height in the process.

—Sea Elves and Golems will now be unable to have a secret desire to be the Spiritual Leader, and will not have a faith that they’ve been keeping quiet about. The new Nymphs will work the same way.

—Krystal has had a visit from the boob reduction fairy.

—Removed the deeply inappropriate witchy-looking outfit for Magic: Nature users for a new look. Also Hedge-Witch is now Wise-Woman.

—Added skin colour variation for Asanei.

-Bug fixes:

—Fix for the Best Left Sealed Asanei popping up during end of day sexy times instead of what should have been there.

—Fix for the extra Diplomacy XP not applying on Glimpse of Paradise.

—Fix for the Tavern Drow having such an obsession for a specific tattoo for the guys.

—Fix for Persuasive (Per) check only working in the suggestions for Listening to Whispers.

—Fix for Scout the Deep Mountains being claimed to only last six days rather than seven.

—Fix for High Elf not being checked correctly on assignments. Might just be Imperial Muses, but if there’s others, it would have not worked for those too.

—Some text fixes.

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[VN] [Ren’Py] [FuzzyBunny23] BabySitting Cream FuzzyBunny-Mod Ren’py Port [v0.3.1]

Release Date: 2020-11-23
Developer: Original Dev: AvalOnx Patreon, Porter: FuzzyBunny23 Discord
Censored: No
Version: 0.3.1
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English

The player takes the role of Sonic the Hedgehog, whose across-the-street neighbor, Vanilla the Rabbit, has a huge favor to ask: she needs to go away for a week and can’t take Cream with her. Amy is busy this week. Would Sonic babysit Cream? She gives him the keys to the house, and money for expenses, promising both Sonic and Cream “BIG” rewards when she returns.

This Ren’Py port of the last AvalOnx version is updated with more dialog, new scenes, and more images, plus the never finished mystery ending is finally being put in place!

This is a beta version at present, please comment with feedback on dialog, image application/quality (we already know it needs more images though!).

NOT A HACKED VERSION! You actually have to play it.​

All bugs noted under 0.3.0 have been fixed
Primary update is the Backyard pool scenes.
Backyard location is now complete! First one!!

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[HTML] [Deedee] Secretary [v0.7.10.1]

Release Date: 2020-12-10
Developer: Deedee TFGamesitePatreonDiscord
Censored: No
OS: Windows, Mac, Linux
Language: English

Secretary is an erotic adventure life simulation game, where the character starts as an grown up, nearly 30 year old white collar worker in a well paid but dead end IT Job, when a few wrong decisions made his life fall apart, which lead him at the mercy of his new manager, whose personal opinion on how to motivate subordinates might differ from your typical work relationship​


Let’s get technical

  • Develop your relationship with that cute girl from IT
  • A new 1 on 1 roleplaying campaign!
  • Take charge or submit, this relationship is all up to you!

The reason attendance is so consistent…

  • Discover what happens to naughty players that fail to meet their commitment to showing up to RPG sessions…
  • additional consequences for showing up to game with “gamer smell.”

Let’s take this online…

  • Pickup the latest MOBA game all the cool people are talking about (also, the Tech Wizard really likes it)
  • Endure PUGs or play with a friend as you work on you skills and get those unlocks!
  • Three different character classes to choose from!

The Peak of Perfection

  • New maid café event to unlock the maximum value for heels skill

Sissy In Charge?

  • Dip your toe into taking on a dominant role…

Let’s go to the mall!

  • New random events in the mall, and in its restrooms…

Known Issues:

  • The game is not yet finished. Please take a look at the current build and changelog to see whats new!

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[Flash] [Fenoxo] Trials in Tainted Space [v0.8.126]

Release Date: 2020-12-06
Developer: Fenoxo WebsitePatreon
Censored: No
Version: 0.8.126
OS: Windows, Mac, Android, Air, Linux
Language: English

Trials in Tainted Space is a text game about exploring the universe, yourself, and its myriad inhabitants in fun and customizable ways. Because the entire game is made in text, it’s easy to change scenes on the fly. The game is built to accommodate everything from you playing a studly ship captain to a busty space-slattern to a masculine-looking hermaphrodite to a hard-working mercenary just looking for his next job.​


  • New busts by Morgore: Shekka (including new futa variants!)
  • More typos fixed.
  • Fixed some references to incorrect penises during an Anno scene or two.
  • Reporting Doctor Badger to Penny’s replacement no longer displays Penny’s bust.
  • Dom Siegwulfe can no longer be offered during the Valden discussions of Syriquest.
  • Lucifer can now remove non-demon horns.
  • Fixed some combat text for proper grammar with “plural” enemies.
  • Made some changes to the Gabilani pilots to keep them from being killed by normal weapons

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[Savin/Salamander Studios] Corruption of Champions II [v0.3.26]

Release Date: 2020-12-12
Developer: Savin/Salamander Studios PatreonFenoxo
Censored: No
Version: 0.3.26
OS: Windows, Android
Language: English

There are many, many worlds.

One, called Mareth, was perhaps the heart of them all. Cracks in the space between worlds, called portals, all seemed to lead there. Many portals led to Mareth, but none left it.
One sacrifice came from the village of Ingnam. This so-called ‘Champion’ was but a pawn in the village elders’ long plot to extend their lives, but the Champion escaped her fate by beating back the demons’ minions waiting on the other side of the portal, and set out on a one woman crusade to bring an end to the Demon menace once and for all. That was a year ago, and a world away.

You have never heard of a world called Mareth, nor a village named Ingnam. Nearly a year ago, you set off on your own, leaving your former life behind to seek your fortunes on the wild frontier – a year of traveling, exploring, fighting, and surviving alone. You’ve earned yourself a little coin in your travels, enough to book passage to the furthest reaches of the known world: the Frost Marches.​


  • Etheryn and Elthara will invite you to the annual winter ball from the palace’s throne room. Enjoy a truly enormous holiday event! Primarily written by TheObserver and Alypia, with contributions from several others!
  • You can now get a new lust-based set for Azzy, which (temporarily) gives her a bit of a personality shift! After purifying the hive, take her to Ogrish to start setting her up.
  • You can now stop the Azzy/Brienne double milkings, and re-enable them from Brienne’s milking.
  • Oh yeah, and you can hit Level 6 now, too!

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[HTML] [Deep Interactivity] Unholy Arts [v0.2.2]

Release Date: 2020-12-12
Developer: Deep Interactivity – PatreonItch.ioDiscord
Censored: No
Version: 0.2.2
OS: Windows, Mac, Linux
Language: English

Passion, love and power are the cornerstones of the protagonists of Unholy Arts, an erotic fantasy dating sim where six women cooperate and compete to become the next Valley’s High Priestess, in an adventure full of yuri, romance and powerplay.

A Role-Playing Game, a Simulation and a “Choose Your Own Adventure” Game blended together to create an innovative system where each character makes their own choices according to their goals and desires, which in turn evolve along with their experiences. How will your actions change your companions and your relationships with them? Will they end up in your clutches? Or will you end up in theirs?​

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[VN] [Ren’Py] [Dream Team Studio] re:Dreamer [v0.5.1]

Release Date: 2020-12-05
Developer: DreamTeamStudio PatreonTFGames.SiteDiscordVndb
Censored: Mosaic on certain placeholder HCGs, though everything is planned to be uncensored
Version: 0.5.1
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
Language: English
Length: 14 hours as of 0.5.0 (based on word count of 180k within dialogue blocks and an average non-technical English reading speed of 200-250 words per minute)

Zach, a chronic underachiever who’s been coasting through life without a purpose, just found a curious ecchi game called re: Dreamer, after idly wasting his time playing various mobile games as a broke freshman in college. This incredible phone app has world-bending powers, and he even accidentally turned himself into a girl! Now he’s forced to collect points in a competitive sex tournament to rank up, and unless he wins, he’ll never be able to go back to his old life!

Play as Zach as he finds his way through this predatory game, placing his full faith into one accomplice he’s allowed to invite. Will he be able to get enough sex points to win the game, without sacrificing too much of his masculinity and pride? Or will he end up in an irreversible situation in one of many bad ends?​

0.5.1 (11/07/2020):
New Keiuske Day 4 content with Zoey going to her first day of classes.
Zoey’s sprites have been redone from being in Student Transfer’s custom method to Ren’Py’s propietary ‘layeredimage’ method.
Bug fixes, particularly for the Android version.

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[Unity] [MercenaryMage] Unyielding [v0.2.22]

Release Date: 2020-12-03
Developer: MercenaryMage – Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 0.2.22
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
Language: English

Unyielding is a transformation based RPG game. I want it to feel like a tabletop RPG, with a living and interesting world. Choices should always matter.
Catelly was a man until he was cursed by a wizard trying to obtain immortality. Catelly happened to be a hardened mercenary before the curse and refuses to lose to it.​

Added Carnival’s Returner (Carnival 3)
Added Kate Fight 4
Reskinned the Kate Fights

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[HTML] [Lynortis] Milk Farm Manager [Final]

Release Date: 2020-11-29
Developer: Lynortis – DLsite
Censored: No
Version: Final
OS: Windows
Language: English

Start you own milk farm business. Carefully adjust daily doses of hormones, food and exercise for the cows to produce lots of high quality milk and make enough profit to buy additional cows, slaves and equipment.​

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[Unity] [DaScoot] Carnal Coup [v0.46.1]

Release Date: 2020-12-02
Developer: DaScoot PatreonBlogspotDiscordItch.io
Censored: No
Version: 0.46.1
OS: Windows
Language: English

Carnal Coup is a Text-based game in a sci-fi setting! You take the role of a shapeshifting alien who has infiltrated an invasion force led by those uptight Terrans. Alien by alien, department by department, it’s up to you to stop the invasion! …Sexily! You’ll encounter eight featured main alien races, each with their own interests, kinks, and unique individuals to discover. Furthermore, the gender of the majority of the game’s characters is selectable as a starting game option, allowing you to play the game the way you want!​

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