Tag Archives: Titfuck

[RPGM] [Asakiyumemishi/Kagura Games] Kozue’s Strange Journey [Final]

Release Date: 2020-08-07
Developer/Publisher: Asakiyumemishi /Kagura Games
Censored: No (Patched)
Version: Final
OS: Windows
Language: English
Store: Steam

One night, when Kozue Kato realizes she’s forgotten some paperwork at her university, she decides to make a late-night trip to grab it.
However, when large dark beasts appear during her errand, she barely escapes with her life thanks to the help of a mysterious woman named Sayuri Shirasagi.
Not all is well, though. Soon reports of people going missing begin to spread. Kozue and Sayuri suspect the creatures and disappearances are related, and they decide to team up to investigate.
Having barely escaped with her life after being attacked by shadowy monsters, Kozue, and the woman who helped save her decide to team up to investigate the creatures and their connection to reports of mysterious disappearances around town.​


  • Classic RPG Experience
  • Turn-based RPG
  • Contemporary Fantasy Setting
  • Enemy Knockdown System
  • Bonus Turn System

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[RPGM] [Yeehaw Games] Yorna: Monster Girl’s Secret [v1.2.5]

Release Date: 2020-06-18
Developer: Yeehaw Games Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 1.2.5
OS: Windows, Mac, Linux, Android
Language: English

A young mage from a noble family arrives at a distant castle to find it ruined and her sister missing. Will she able to recover lost monster girls and restore the peace with their power? What price will she have to pay?

Ada, the female protagonist, is a prodigal mage with the ability to use monster girl’s power as her own. Combine them to create your own play style from a powerful battle-mage to a delicate temptress. Will you overcome your enemies through force or make them into your toys? It’s up to you!

Yorna adjusts to your actions in narrative and quests so both slutty and pure walk-through will be enjoyable. Each scene has 2 versions and I’m thinking about adding the third option where Ada takes the lead completely. Though this stuff is for the future.

Anubis sprite will arrive shortly during this week and the artist will focus on a scene for her. And the second scene for the lord of the desert is already in works. The new dress should be finished before Wednesday.
I’m done with the maps and tilesets, currently focusing on applying the logic. There are several updates on this front:
The second puzzle is ready and this time I want to see how players will react to QTE minigame. It’s not hard to complete and will serve as a feedback test.
The kitsune quest’s ending is ready. Ada will get her alter kitsune dress (with a surprise) and see how the whole mini-story will end. As always, expect a bit of weirdness mixed with cuteness – the usual kitsune stuff.
Also, I’m thinking about adding another soundbar in the options menu. It will regulate new ambiance sounds you can hear in some zones. Since I’m planning to add more of these tracks, a way to mute or make them louder can be handy for players.
New monster girls 1 / 2
New H scenes 0 / 4
New puzzles & trap tracks 2 / 2
New dresses 0 / 1

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[Ren’Py] [Exiscoming] Paprika Trainer [v0.11.1.2]

Release Date: 2020-07-30
Developer: Exiscoming – PatreonTwitter
Censored: No
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English

From the author of Orange Trainer, this parody is based on Totally Spies.​

Clover sex animation
New sex CG for capturing Muffy Peprich
Stripclub quest, plus background dancers (stripping CG coming next month).
Photo quests rewards added: buttplugs, slave collars, gags (beta).
Mission environment interact with gun (beta)
Made lootable mission items more clear
Bar decorations for Aces, Punks and Outsiders
Added new character model who can be used as backup during missions
Hire staff for a passive daily income
Take the path of the Brewer (allows reading at night and serve milkshakes during the day for money)
New mission backgrounds (beta)
Increased chance to get nanobot injectors when going undercover.
New Drift Punk lt. can be captured (CG coming soon)
New character art (Jerry)

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[RPGM] [A Memory of Eternity] Memoirs of a Battle Brothel [v0.065]

Release Date: 2020-08-05
Developer: A Memory of Eternity DiscordPatreonSteamTwitterWebsiteKickstarterYoutube@Tyranicon
Censored: No
Version: 0.065
OS: Windows
Language: English

Memoirs of a Battle Brothel is a narrative-driven, tactical turn-based RPG with mechanics inspired by Final Fantasy Tactics and D&D 5e. Players assume the role of a Facilitator, an associate of the Courtesan’s Guild that provides much-needed services for guild members, including lodging and upkeep of facilities that attracts a wealthy clientele.

Of course, in the cyberpunk setting of MoonFall, even luxuries are often undercut with the threat of violence. Whether it’s pressure from one of the ruling crime syndicates, disgruntled nobles or even a blood contract from a private military company, the Guild finds itself beset on all sides, sometimes even from within. In order to maintain its political standing and position in the MoonFall underworld, the Guild must occasionally meet force with force, and while its members are much more renowned for their other… talents, the Guild has retained a formidable martial reputation since its founding.

Combine the Companions from Firefly, the girls of old town from Sin City, a dash of Shadowrun and The Last Sovereign, and this is what you get.

v0.065 Demo
Content added:

– Female anatomy MC is now implemented. Player appearance is not locked to anatomy.

– Companions and NPCs will behave differently towards the player depending on their chosen anatomy, and this is most noticeable during sex scenes.

– The background Former Courtesan can now be chosen.

– Anatomy can be changed for 5,000 credits at Golgo’s Augmentation shop. The ability to change your appearance has not been implemented yet, but will likely be in-game by the next update.

– New engine enhancements mean better lighting and hopefully, a slight uptick to performance. I’ve started adding lighting to objects that need it, such as windows, store signs, lights, etc.

– New cheat to improve companion trust levels

– New sex scenes with Thassia

– New female MC sex scenes with Kore

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[RPGM] [Towerfag] Princess & Conquest [v0.17.10]

Release Date: 2020-06-25
Developer: Towerfag DiscordPatreonSubscribeStarTwitterWebsiteWikiWikia Fandom
Censored: No
Version: 0.17.10
OS: Windows
Language: English
Store: Itch.ioSteam

Princess & Conquest is a hybrid RPG game where you, the Knight, will have to decide the fortunes of a Kingdom, plunged into chaos after a certain “incident”!

The sudden disappearance of a powerful dragon is the spring for a series of events that have brought chaos to the Kingdom!

The combat is action-packed, there are unique skills for every party member, there are sieges, boss-battles, traps and everything you need to add the right amount of challenge.

You can also distribute points to your party members as you level them up, influencing the fighting and adult mechanics regarding them!

The player can interact with princesses and NPCs, gaining Affinity Points with them, that will eventually permit you to access the fluff ‘n lewds.

Every NPC race has its own set of animations, that will adapt to the NPC you’re “lewding”!
Meet monstergirls (or humans), see places, you will always find someone that wants to have fun with you!

  1. ~Featured in this build~
  2. Slime Ending
  3. Weapon update
  5. And much, MUCH, more, see below!
  6. Additions and changes:
  7. * Slime Princess Route is now complete!
  8. * Sonnet, the Book Fairy, is available in the Monastery’s Library in NG+ (after reaching one of the Princess’ endings)
  9. * Sonnet’s “Faerie Tales” book, showing illustrations of routes you’ve completed, is available
  10. * Added descriptions to every “Faerie Book” ending illustration
  11. * Komachi NSFW Animation #1 added
  12. * Battle System update!
  13. * Added simple command references to the combat HUD
  14. * Swords are standard slashing shit
  15. * Fists and Daggers have greatly reduced range
  16. * Spears and Whips have increased range
  17. * Daggers and Spears have thrust attacks
  18. * Maces and Axes attack speed got reduced by a lot, but they can now SPIN if you don’t move and attack repeatedly
  19. * Special categories like Rapiers (thrusting Swords) and Scythes (slashing Spears) have been added
  20. * Added “Peak Slime Performance” Achievement
  21. * Added “Sisters in Peril” Achievement
  22. * Added “Slime Good Ending” Achievement
  23. * Added “You Spin My Head” Achievement
  24. * Updated Ghost Princess first event / flashbacks to use her Living Form portraits and sprites
  25. * Updated younger mermaid sister (Doris) lines when saving her from the goblin slavers
  26. * Added new Game Over mechanic: “Corruption Fog”
  27. * Added new Game Over event and illustration: “Corrupt King Silenus”
  28. * Added system option to disable Kingdom Lewdness/Silenus game over
  29. * Vesta, the Hearth Maiden, added
  30. * New forging system added! Guts & Gets!
  31. * Updated drop mechanics and added new drops for King Cucco, Queen Cocca, Hippopotus, Chiseled Crab, Giant Tsuchinoko and Pumpking
  32. * Reworked Elite monsters drops! Now everything “elite”, from bats to the new Chongers, drop unique materials you can sell or craft into something!
  33. * Added new weapons and armors to be forged at Vesta’s:
  34. * New weapon added: Cucco Sickle!
  35. * New weapon added: POTUS Mallet!
  36. * New weapon added: Crunchy RAD!
  37. * New weapon added: Tsuchinoko Saber!
  38. * New weapon added: King Leash!
  39. * New weapon added: Tactical Bat!
  40. * New weapon added: Slingaxe!
  41. * New armor added: Scarab Cover!
  42. * New armor added: Molten Core!
  43. * New armor added: Gaze o’ the Abyss!
  44. * New armor added: Spongy Shirty!
  45. * New armor added: Cucco Style!
  46. * New armor added: POTUS Shield!
  47. * Drider Princess mechanics reworked! Spiders now drop Silk Strings that she can forge into her Magic Silk with the Guts&Gets system
  48. * Reworked Lump on a Stick (Merchant Princess) and Beast Choker (Mouse Tinkerer in Wyvern’s Route) to be forged with the Guts&Gets system
  49. * Added Guts&Gets forging mechanics to R-005TY (Sacred Candle -> Hen Hunter Suit)
  50. * Momoko, Minister of Style, added
  51. * New haircuts and hair colors for moth Progeny! These new styles can’t be passed down by breeding (the “natural” hair style/color is)
  52. * Frog Princess won’t eat moths with dyed hair (!!!)
  53. * New monsters! Chongers + their Chilly and Elite variants added to certain water zones
  54. * New weapon added: Frozen Core
  55. * Bunnysuits for goblin Progeny added
  56. * New costume for Amelie added! Mitra’s Paladin
  57. * THICC Progeny of many races added! These new NPCs you can meet in the Kingdom have a unique body, an unique costume and can be recruited by them usual means!
  58. * Kobold THICC Progeny added!
  59. * Human THICC Progeny added!
  60. * Desert THICC Progeny added!
  61. * Harvest THICC Progeny added!
  62. * Moth THICC Progeny added!
  63. * Mouse THICC Progeny added!
  64. * Cat THICC Progeny added!
  65. * Rabbit THICC Progeny added!
  66. * Harvest THICC Progeny added!
  67. * Finhead THICC Progeny added!
  68. * Slime THICC Progeny added!
  69. * Dragon THICC Progeny added!
  70. * Golem THICC Progeny added!
  71. * Ghost THICC Progeny added!
  72. * Goblin THICC Progeny added!
  73. * Queen’s Milk now has a 50% chance of causing Progeny to be born THICC, if used on a pregnant Princess
  74. Fixes:
  75. * Spriteless mermaids
  76. * Big Mermaid portrait size and position adjusted in the Progeny Box
  77. * Lina now sells standard costumes for finheads and mermaids
  78. * Slime Titan Game Over freezing the game as she destroys 3 Reigns
  79. * Digital Hourglass not working correctly in Mermaid Reign
  80. * Lapin Headband breaking stats
  81. * Cardinal Bell not updating stats
  82. * Cardinal Bell crashing with fairies
  83. * Wyvern / Mermaid Princess not going to their SUCC form at 10 Corruption
  84. * Sphinx Fortress not resetting correctly after its first completion
  85. * Various optimizations during character sprite calls
  86. * Framerate drops in rooms crowded by enemies almost completely removed
  87. * MYSTERY BOX crashing when too many items are in
  88. * Placing of certain races’ portraits in menus
  89. * Shiny fairies and crystals
  90. * Cat/Goblin/Desert Princess wonky portraits in the latest Beta
  91. * Spinning attacks’ kill counter going up when attacking rocks
  92. * Some Trait bonuses sticking on the Knight even after going to NG+
  93. * Many portraits (Progeny and Shade Princesses) not centered in menus
  94. * “Cat Princess-Bad End” now results in being sent to NG+ rather than a Game Over
  95. * Flying during auto-saves with a Progeny causing its sprite to be stuck as the flying one, even on land
  96. * Crashes when shopping for the “Till the Cows Come Home” quest
  97. * Mimic Princess rewarding with a MYSTERY BOX even if the Player already has 1
  98. * Various typos and minor bugs

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[Ren’Py] [Adn700] Dungeon Slaves [v0.452]

Release Date: 2020-06-03
Developer/Publisher: Adn700 Patreon
Censorship: No
Version: v0.452
OS: Windows
Language: English

In this world full of magic, you play as Amy, an elvish maid. After an orc raid on your village, it’s your quest to deliver the girls that were taken away before they end up as sex slave. Make potions, deepen your relations with the village inhabitant, fight the monster in your way, and pay the sex price for losing to them. Or maybe it’s just what you really want ?​

V0.452 Log:
– New Area : Forest ( unlock with save Dephy slave )
– Dephy : Win and unlock new Great Attack Skill
– You can find the witch
– Update Gui ( Inventary + Quest + Stats + Slaves Info )
– You gain +1 Power by level ( and + 1 life )
– Better gain with potions ( add your max life )
– Level up is faster
– Satyr Extra Sex Scene
– Garrick always in statue place in night ( after 3 dates )
– ADD NPJ Amazone in wood
– Pixie Sex after give her 5 flowers ( + Futa )
– Build a Potion cost 5 to 3 gold

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[VN] [Ren’Py] [Magic Fingers] Forbidden Fruit [v0.7.2]

Release Date: 2020-08-02
Developer: Magic Fingers PatreonDiscordWeb
Censored: No
Version: 0.7.2
OS: Windows, Mac, Linux
Language: English, Russian

Would you like to be on a bright island full of adventures, secrets, funny characters, exciting story, of course, a bunch of friends and scary monsters? Then discover the Forbidden Fruit!
Maya and Leo – brother and sister, the main characters of the game, around which the events unfold. The most interesting part of their story begins when, after graduation, they decided to visit their parents. But on arrival home, they were surprised that the whole family will not be able to get together as before…​

– 3 new scenes ( one for the storyline , two for the dungeon)
– New outfit for Maya
– New storyline
– Reworked dungeon
In patreon build:
– More variants to the main scene
– A new outfit from the patron
– New quest from patron ( +scene)
– New variations for the main scene
– New characters for dungeon scenes.

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[VN] [Unity] [UberPie] Taffy Tales [v0.22.0a]

Release Date: 2020-08-02
Developer: UberPie PatreonTwitterDiscord
Censored: No
Version: 0.22.0a
OS: Windows 64bit, Linux, Mac, Android
Language: English

In “Taffy Tales” you will see the story of a regular guy with a split personality and his journey in a small town where almost every common citizen has his uncommon dark side. Dozens of characters with their families and relations, an original story, lots of side quests and a lot of adult art awaits you!​

•Added/Continued 11 storylines involving Mary, MC, Clara, Becca, Violet, Harry, Danny, Sara, Walter, Ryoko, and Mia.
• Added 105+ new full scenes with 300+ unique images (including new unique backgrounds).
• Added 9 new locations(Library, Park, Cinema, Violet’s Diner, Violet’s Office, The Fox Club, The Fox Club Dance Area, The Fox Club Back Alley, The Fox Club WC) with unique background images.
• Added new character Violet(Jessica’s sister).
• Added two new minigames.
• Added FULL character animation for Violet, Sara, Gerda.
• Added many new skins and animations for Mary, MC, Clara, Becca, and Violet.
• Added new unique animations and effects for the in-game scenes.
• Added many types and variations of choices in new scenes.
• Added new items to discover.
• Added new quests & tasks.
• Improved color balance of many scenes, backgrounds and etc.
• Updated in-game gallery.
• Reworked a LOT of characters poses.
• Fixed a bunch of known bugs and errors.
• Updated cheat code is “qcjvhfli”.
• Updated save code is “gnkdoxbe”.
• Extended the music library in-game.
• New amazing and unique dialogues in the new scenes of this update are made by Lostraven! You can find his page here.

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[VN] [Ren’Py] [Davie Zwei] Healslut [v0.5]

Release Date: 2020-08-01
Developer: Davie Zwei F95zonePatreonTFGamesSubscribeStarDiscordWebsite
Censored: No
Version: 0.5
OS: Windows, Mac, Linux, Android
Language: English

Upon taking up the opportunity to join the brand-spanking-new expansion to the super-popular MMORPG Powerful Order Online as a beta-tester, you find yourself locked into the very odd (and apparently exclusive?) class of Healslut. Just how will you handle the power… and consequences?​

Healslut 0.5 Release
Been a long road here and this will not be the last 0.5 version because there is a lot of setup to satisfy before 0.6. So expect an A/B/C soon enough. The A update will include the upcoming dinner and will focus mainly on sexytimes with your current partner(s) and/or new partner(s).

UPDATE (AGAIN): Links have been updated to fix three annoying bugs that got by me.

  • Gaggie baby-swap bug fixed
  • Dialog fixes for Sparkle statuses and variations
  • Wejit/Ooyum “speaking while not there” bug fixed
  • Sparkle sword missing bug fixed
  • (Preggers route has been tabled for now)
  • Waking up after a change and handling who’s dead
  • (or) Wandering about all pooched up
  • Kayden awakens most grumpily
  • Meeting a possible hunky RO with Lel
  • Two new outfits to choose from
  • Ship ahoy! A parlay with slavers
  • Meeting Jane in-game
  • Choosing from 4 collar outfits (on free-use route)

The game contains 879 images and 20,184 dialogue blocks which contain 183,233 words and 988,736 characters for an average of 9.1 words and 49 characters per block.

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[Ren’Py] [Winterlook] S.H.E.L.T.E.R. [v0.20]

Release Date: 2020-07-30
Developer: Winterlook Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 0.20
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
Language: English

The day everyone feared, the day everyone hoped would never come, arrived in the form of a nuclear cloud. The government shelters, built to save and protect the lives of its citizens soon crumbled from overpopulation and lack of food.
With no other choice, many tried to find another life by returning to the surface. Unfortunately for them, they traded a slow death from starvation for the painful death from radiation. These were the only options for those who survived so far… but not for you.

MB stands for Mind Break

1) Melisa can now get pregnant and give birth to your child. There is also 4 (2 per route) H scenes when she is in her late pregnancy.
2) Melisa can now have a job if you propose her to have one. Comes with 4 (2 per route) H scenes and bonuses related to that job.

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