Release Date: 2024-11-11
Developer: Blue Swallow – Subscribestar
OS: Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS
Language: English
Claire is a normal girl in a normal world, just living life. Without warning, her life becomes upended. She is recruited to save her country.
No training, no experience, but now a spy with everything on the line.
You control the action of our main protagonist, our heroine who has been thrust from a normal life into going undercover to save her family and save her country.
Who is she?
How did she end up in this position?
Will she succeed?
…What will she have to do to accomplish her mission?
YOU decide.
new University extracurricular story arc – Feeling lazy? You don’t have to do anything with your freetime!
new flavor images for start of University and Act 1 (+ another pinup to set the mood before Act 1 finale). Intro images for beach/lifeguard and church vignettes in the Character Creation chapter.
Expansion of the Dossier — please give us your feedback in the Discord!
UNI partner no longer shows up twice on the sexlist.
UNI roommate and girlfriend shows up as the correct gender.
Taylor (he / she) displays as the correct gender throughout.
undefined polluting sex partners list is gone.
Fixed broken postgrad path choice.
Ahri clothing variations will now show correct preview.
Fixed blankscreen following Ahri outfit choices.
Updated story experience and balance for High School sports competition story arc.
Flavor text based on chosen SexSkills now properly activate during GapYear bearings passage.
GapYear Africa path scenes improvements
a lot story bits with doll updated to reflect current scene.
and a lot more stability, UX and text flow improvements.
No duplicate passages while backpacking during GY.
red hair fix + extra rave hair colors in the hair salon with help from @Kerae Irae
- More interludes each morning in Home Base reflecting what Claire did the previous day.
- Each Club Arc has a choice for Claire to be passive or active in her investigation.
- Two of the three Club Arcs are nearing the end of the first ‘phase’.
- Identifying features has been added to the Dossier — and the Legendary tattoo is now reflected!
- Modeling in high school is no longer an arc, but a possible additional vignette path!
- New random ‘bodies’ for HS and College models.
- The opportunity for trying out modeling in College! — four new outfits!! (HD in future release)
- 85 more HD-ified assets for the doll on top of the hundreds already in-game.
- A toggle to turn off the ‘hometown’ accessory on the doll.
- ‘Final Form’ is fully new and improved. Better responsiveness, hovering over choices to see them reflected on the doll before choosing!
- Claire’s measurements are now in the Dossier
- MORE passage art!
- Coding in significantly more speech bubbles for easier, better play