Tag Archives: Character creation

[Unity] [KsT] Seaside Mystery [v0.25.0]

Release Date: 2024-06-29
Developer: KsT Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 0.25.0
OS: Windows, Mac
Language: English

Seaside Mystery is my new game, it is a visual novel, dating sim game for adults.
The protagonist is a college student who, after tragic loss of his parents, moves to a small town to start his new life. Later he discovers that the small town isn’t just an idyllic place as it might look from the first glance…
The game is Real Time 3D, click-to-walk type of game. In Seaside Mystery unlike The Twist your character can walk around and explore the locations.​

What’s new in the 0.25 Update:
New location:
Isabella’s apartment
Turns out special agent Isabella has apartment in the same apartment building as Janice, just a different entrance

New Event: Mysterious coins
Mysterious coins appeared in the game, it is scattered in various random places.
Find it and it will unlock various customization options!

Rachel’s Lingerie store
New item for sale

New diary entry

Updated scenes
All Brenda’s repeatable sex scenes, now will have option not to use condom after the certain progression point.

Progression update.
Customization unlocked.
New scenes.
Scene with different routes.

Progression update.
New scenes with options.
New outfit.

Progression update.
New scenes.
Bathroom hot tub scene new option added.
New outfit.

Britney, Nyomi, Rachel
Small progression update.
New scenes

Tons of other bug fixes, optimizations and other polishing works.


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[HTML] [GrimDark] Masters of Raana [v0.8.3.3]

Release Date: 2024-06-27
Developer: GrimDark Itch.ioDiscord
Censored: No
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English

You begin the game as a nobody trying to start up a new life in Ikaanos after inheriting a house from your deceased brother.

The city of Ikaanos is an abandoned colony on the densely forested planet of Raana. After a sudden separation from Earth, Ikaanos became a cauldron of despair and violence that forced almost half of its human population into slavery.

Today, two brutal centuries later, feudal-like kingdoms fight among themselves over power and influence, when they’re not busy dealing with the planet’s dangerous megafauna.


Gameplay changes

  • [Game Engine] Increased available save slots from 8 to 12.
  • [Locations] Going to The Mastersphere (first class) now increases Palace Rating with 100 points.
  • [Sex Engine] Critical rolls during vaginal sex (doggy/missionary) now increase the MC’s Copulation skill up to a maximum of 100.
  • [NPC] The toggle armor/clothing button is now personal for each NPC instead of having one global on/off state.
  • [NPC] Added Acrobatics, Dancing, Ranged combat and Melee combat to the Conclude Day Log.
  • [NPC] It is now much harder to use the Acrobatics homeschooling sessions for increasing DEXTERITY.
  • [NPC] Ansel will no longer steal from you (domestic events) if his Respect is 20+.
  • [NPC] Tweaked The Black Scorpion enemy capture NPC to be a little less powerful.
  • [NPC] Scavengers that are convicts or slaves and have an Affection that is Despising or worse, now receive a significant yield penalty (more or less useless unless they have scavvie trait).
  • [NPC] Added new trait: Unbreakable.
  • [NPC] NPCs with the Herculean body type (males only) now require Hearty food settings in order to avoid Happiness and Affection drops.
  • [NPC] There is now a -15 penalty to your household’s Herald Skill if the Herald is either a convict or a slave.
  • [NPC] Janitors that are convicts or slaves and have an Affection that is Despising or worse, or if they are Angry, will now be very bad at performing repair work.
  • [NPC ] Slaves/convicts that are assigned as Janitors, with WILLPOWER 10+ will now try to sabotage your household if they are Abhorred- or Angry.
  • [HOUSEHOLD] Added Discipline update scripts for external workshops.
  • [ECONOMY] You can now sell HULC armors (NPC) to private mercenaries through Redhaven Market contacts. The price scales with the same “remaining HULC armors” variable used at the transit department. Selling a HULC armor will not increase that value, however. This means that looting HULC parts and building a complete set in the late game can be a very rewarding crafting mission.
  • [ECONOMY] All armor SELL values are increased if City Control drops below 10 (market demand effect).

Random NPCs

  • Added 5 new random male enemy sets (Av312-Av316).
  • Added 2 new scripted male enemy/ally set (Av357, Av358).
  • Added 25 male and 10 female names.
  • Added 10 new last names.
  • Added 400 words of random dialogue.

Political events and factions

  • Six new main Political events have been added, dealing with rebel and (2nd) republic doings. Some of these master events can split into other outcomes, which gives a total of 12 different flavor events.
  • The Republic now gains a daily tax based on random factors, Control and Prosperity.
  • Updated Earth’s and Raana’s timelines with more info and additional events.

Jail cell overhaul

  • Both jail cell upgrades now provide the same WILLPOWER-lowering effects (20% daily chance).
  • The upgraded jail cell will only lower Affection down to Despising (19) instead of Abhorred (9).
  • Paragons and ex-paragons have a 10% daily chance of decreasing their WILLPOWER compared other NPCs (20%).
  • Slave masters/mistresses now affect imprisoned NPCs if that NPC is assigned to them.
  • Tormentor effect: Slave masters/mistresses now have a daily 15% chance of lowering assigned, imprisoned NPCs’ WILLPOWER (down to a minimum of 4) if the slave master doesn’t have the Pure trait and has a Kindness below 50. A Kindness below 25 increases the Tormentor effect to 25%.

New Story NPC: Valerie Borsow
Valerie Borsow is now available at Furry’s Tavern, if you spend a number of nights listening to rumors and socialize with old friends. She comes with a small/medium quest (Amiable+ > Ask about background) that’s similar to the Cyber Cannon riddle – no handholding but with big rewards.

MAIN QUEST: New World Order (part 1 and part 2)
You’re now able to either ignore, help or smother Aria’s rebellion, depending on playstyle. Helping Aria’s cause sets you out on a grand adventure – from stealthy palace missions to high-tech hacking onboard USS Seneca. You’ll also play a vital part in strengthening the rebel faction before its final assault on The Palace.

You can also train and turn in a devoted/corrupted Aria for great rewards and appreciation from the ruling elite of Ikaanos, securing yet another century of Authoritarian rule.

Note! Phase 3 (the last assault) is still WIP, coming in

Increased NPC cap
You’re now able to house 96 NPCs instead of 80. Upgrade the dorms (lvl 3 – $50,000) and receive two extra pages of NPCs to fill out.

Combat overhaul

  • Nervous states: NPCs and enemies with WILLPOWER below 5 (25 on Grimdark difficulty) now have a 10% risk of becoming nervous in combat (-50 chance for one round) *if* both their Ranged and Melee skills are below 80.
  • Natural marksman: To compensate the growing power of melee combat, the ranged combat skill now scales exactly like STR damage bonus. This scaling begins at *Ranged combat 50+* and is potentially endless. A ranged skill of 120 should provide around 7 extra damage.
  • Decreased the maximum damage yield from power strikes (melee combat). Median damage from PS should now be roughly 4-5 points less.
  • NPCs with Discipline 24 or less now receive a -10 chance penalty in combat.

New random captives system
Kymanto now offers drunkards, brawlers, unlucky fortune seekers and other rabble to all their licensed slavers. This is a rather new system that’ll be further enhanced in later versions. For this release (0833), we have a semi-scripted randie called Aaron, who also introduces a completely new trait (Berserker).

Follower groups
You can now assign up to six different follower groups and switch between each group with just one click. All *current* followers are automatically reassigned to old jobs when dismissed. Switching groups can be performed at home or when in Redhaven unless you build the Stables (horse lvl. 2+).


  • The “Won Combat” window now alternates between four different scenes.
  • Replaced or added many interior/exterior scenes (taverns, arena, bathrooms etc).
  • Added 4 new harness + collar/chain wardrobe pics for Adrienne and Laika (Tier request).
  • Replaced 6 Aria sex scenes.
  • Added Aria’s Morning BJ set.
  • Added 5 sex scenes for Valerie Borsow.
  • Added 20 wardrobe pics for Valerie Borsow.
  • Added 21 Arena scenes (Nicole, Caitlin, Dakota, Aisha, Averil, Loren, Mai-Lynn).
  • Added 7 wardrobe pics for The Valkyria (mostly armor).
  • Added 2 bathing scenes (Caitlin, Aisha).
  • Added 5 Office missionary scenes (Kelly, Nichole x2, Adora, Kate) Tier request.
  • Added 3 new random hangar scenes for The Mastersphere.
  • Added combat sprites for the Cultist Monk NPC.


  • Fixed a serious bug that would freeze the game if certain slaves ran away during camping trips.
  • Fixed a serious bug that wouldn’t unassign arena NPCs from their slots when sold or killed.
  • Fixed a serious bug that would unset the “Days in Bondage” variable.
  • Fixed a serious bug that would add a ghost arena NPC when unassigning tavern goldwalkers.
  • Fixed a serious bug that allowed you to train (Dojo) unconscious or seriously hurt NPCs to obscene skill and attribute levels.
  • Fixed a serious bug that wouldn’t reset the head chef title if you “clear all titles” in the debug menu. Use the “clear all titles” command again to properly reset it.
  • Fixed a bug that would throw a red error when adding Aisha to your household in the Penthouse.
  • Fixed a bug that would display blank screens for certain NPCs during the evening.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed you to add more NPCs than allowed.
  • Fixed a bug that would execute Master Hemme’s course automatically when entering The Academy.
  • Fixed the broken make out image for old Issid NPCs.
  • You can no longer assign convicts and slaves as foremen.
  • The Preacher trait should now provide its +15 conversion bonus.
  • Fixed a bug that would screw up birthday proclamations for NPCs if the MC’s age was set to Freeze.
  • You can no longer have a private session with Eliana while doing her quest.
  • You can no longer interact with (and add) Raana-dwelling NPCs while up at The Mastersphere.
  • Fixed a bug that wouldn’t increase DEX and Discipline from horse riding assignments.
  • Fixed a bug that would deduct $2500 instead of $1900 for the second camp upgrade.
  • Fixed a bug that wouldn’t assign the Techie trait (MC) during character creation.
  • Fixed a bug that enabled to you gain the Engineer trait for free by selecting and then deselecting it during character creation.
  • Fixed a bug that would apply player/NPC damage reduction to enemies under certain circumstances (combat).
  • Fixed a bug that wouldn’t allow you to turn around (view behind) NPCs in the randies container (Adora).
  • Fixed a bug that would leave a blank interaction pane if interacting with gardeners after 5 pm.
  • Fixed a bug that wouldn’t deduct money for the IMS Ulthar event.
  • Fixed a bug that would screw up the quest log for The Goonies if you took them out after freeing Rosita Ice.
  • Replaced several arena pics that were too tall (10px), creating overlapping issues.
  • Fixed a bug that would display double win/loss pics for Aria at the Arena.
  • Fixed a bug that wouldn’t display Morning BJ placeholders.
  • Fixed many typos.

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[HTML] [Airell] Love and Corruption [v0.3.16a]

Release Date: 2024-06-27
Developer: Airell – PatreonDiscordItchioWikiNewgrounds
Censored: No
Version: 0.3.16a
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English

Love and Corruption is a text-based, turn-based combat game where you’ll be able to explore a growing universe, discover a world with different types of creatures, races, spells, and locations to explore. You will play as a man who has just suffered a wave of loss, and finds himself in the midst of a total change in his life, and you will make the decisions that will affect his life after all that.​

  • Lisbeth & Renee Threesome Events
    • Some new dialogues and expanded threesome routine
    • Expanded Interactions – Bathing Together
      • First Dual Lotus (Unique)
      • Wet Dual Lotus
      • Dual Pussy Massage (Aelrie+)
      • Spending Time Together (Some preggo flavor)
      • Morning Sweet Footjob
  • Lisbeth’s Family Event (Picnic) – After Ruby, Lauryn, and Nathan are teenagers
  • Some new dialogues, especially for Liana – She will comment on the kiddos for now (After they are teenagers)
  • Slight changes to Usanna and Ansye’s appearance – Should fit better with the leader of the Garakh
  • Gallery Updated – Lisbeth and Renee Events (Monarch tier)
  • New Artworks
    • Ansye – Character Rework
    • Usanna – New Leader Outfit (Preggo and non-preggo)
    • Lisbeth Family Event – Truly sweet…
    • Lisbeth and Renee – Threesone Cunnilingus (Preggo variations)


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[VN] [Ren’Py] [Salmon Run] Heroes University H [v0.2.8.2]

Release Date: 2024-06-10
Developer: Salmon Run PatreonItch.ioTwitterInstagram
Censored: No
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
Language: English, Spanish (WiP)

Heroes University H is an eroge visual novel that takes place in a university of heroes. You are the new student and now you have the mission of finding a hidden menace inside the campus.

You must establish relationships with different girls of the University to find a villain secret agent

To achieve that, you can create your own character. Earn their trust, talk, go on a date, do several activities for different girls, but first, you must find them, navigate the campus with the map, play minigames and more important, take the right decision when it comes to use your own very special power: your wonder shapeshifter dick that adapts to be perfect for every girl.​


  • 4 new hot arts
  • 3 new animated scene! (+1 variant)
  • New side quest with Cindy
  • 1 new mini-game
  • Continuation of the story
  • New cheat codes (skip mini-games, topless and gallery) for Salmon shoal tier patrons and up
  • Save files from the previous build 0.2.7 are fully supported.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause Cindy and Mugi not to appear in some situations.


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[VN] [Ren’Py] [Chthonic Chrome Studio] FFS, Another Northern Duke [Spicy v1.0]

Release Date: 2024-06-11
Developer: Chthonic Chrome Studio Itch.ioTumblrKo-fiTiktok
Censored: No
Version: Spicy 1.0
OS: Windows, Linux
Language: English
Length: 10-11 Hours
VNDB: Link
Store: Itch.io

Expelled from the modern world into a novel, you occupy the body of a minor villainess, on her way to marry the beastly Duke of the North.
(Why does that sound familiar…)
Your mission? To have him falling for you. Should be easy, right?
Or maybe this is all a dream?
You decide.

Developer Notes:

  • Customizable Female MC (clothes and appearance) who interacts with the world in two (choosable) ways,
  • Story-rich visual novel (VN) with both plot-affecting choices + flavor choices,
  • Romantic + Platonic choices/scenes,
  • Landscape backgrounds with variations + 18 CGs,
  • [Spicy: 4 additional scenes + 5 additional CGs]
  • Mini items CGs + chibi CGs,
  • 5 ending achievements to collect,
  • In-game endings guide in achievements (after completing one ending),
  • Over 100k words and around 10-11 hours of play time (one ending),
  • Your guide – a sassy bird who talks shit!
  • One (1) Male Romance Option:

Duke of the North – Cold and stoic, your new ‘betrothed’ is said to be an untamable beast rather than a man. Despite those rumors, there’s something undeniably soft about him…

Roy Venn Varley (right) – Duke’s advisor for everything ranging from the dukedom to the royal family. The words he says are kind on the surface, but don’t you know that he’s toxic?
Kal Umnia (left) – A holy paladin of The All-Encompassing, and Duke’s personal knight. For such a devout man, he sure has a mouth on him.

Zofia (right) – One of the maids. Loyal to a fault, serious and knowledgeable.
Cassandra (left) – Your personal maid, sent to the manor all the way from the Capital City. She’s elegant and well-mannered, with an excitable side to her.

Kid – The game’s mascot. Just kidding, he’s your pet guide. Foul-mouthed and rude, he’s not exactly the most favorable company to have, but at least you’re not alone.


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[Unreal Engine] [Axyos Games] Anime vs Evil: Apocalypse – Hentai Edition [Final + DLC]

Release Date: 2023-02-16
Developer: Axyos Games SteamWebsiteYoutube
Censored: No
Version: Final + DLC
OS: Windows
Language: English, Spanish, Russian, Japanese
Voice: English
Store: Steam

Defeat evil forces together with those cute anime girls! This fast-paced anime shooter thrusts you into a vibrant world under siege by malevolent forces, and only a squad of adorable yet formidable anime girls can save the day.

Developer Notes:

Anime vs Evil
you will fight the monsters that take over the whole world by mystical polygonal magic. Find the survivors, look for the supplies, beat the story mode and finally finish with this mess!

Do you want to play an enjoyable shooter with beautiful characters? You’re in the right place! Shoot all those enemies in various game modes, use different weapons to stop them. Unlock secret safes solving mini-games. Beat the story mode to collect all characters in your anti-zombie harem!


  • Story mode;
  • Good and bad endings;
  • Mini games;
  • Lovely character customization;
  • x8 cute playable characters;
  • x4 large main levels;
  • x3 game modes;
  • Various types enemies;
  • Various types weapons;

DLC Notes
In this adult DLC you will access the uncensored version of Anime vs Evil.
It includes naked character skins, torn clothes and an additional level with sexual scenes.


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[Ano犬] Elona+ [v2.23]

Release Date: 2024-06-10
Developer: Ano犬 BlogWikiWiki
Censored: Yes
Version: 2.23
OS: Windows
Language: English, Japanese

Elona+ is a roguelike D&D-esque adventure RPG game, with a ton of customizable content.

Elona+ is an extensive modification being developed by Ano犬 based on the original “Elona” by Noa, released in 2007. Elona+ is not an official continuation of Elona. The original Elona has been on official development hold for years. This game has adult content, but it is not a main point of the game.


[New item]

  • potion plug
    • Junk item that does not spawn randomly.
    • Spawns at the feet of targets when they are attacked with a potioman.
    • When picked up they increase the number of potion plugs directly without going into the inventory.

[New field state]

  • [Reprimand Room]
    • Whenever any character on the map kills someone who was not hostile to that character, they will roll to have Wince and Punishment inflicted on them.
    • Potency of status ailment and debuff are dependent on the level of the character killed.
    • This means that you can debuff enemies by baiting them into hitting other enemies with their AOE attacks.

[New special actions]

  • Saint Blade
    • Learned upon getting the Saint feat.
    • A PV/DV element attack dependent on Will and Faith skill. Range of 3 tiles.
    • Deals more damage depending on the user’s character level.
    • Damage also increases depending on Karma, capping at 1.4 times base damage. Unusable at 0 or less Karma.
    • When used by NPCs, it assumes their Karma is 20.
    • Gives a small amount of Faith skill experience when used.
    • healer, sister (level 50 town NPC), sister (level 5 Noyel NPC), and <Rovid> now have a decent chance of using this when their target is 3 tiles away or closer. (This change affects instances of NPCs spawned in previous versions of the game.)
  • Purification
    • A ‘W’ide-area special action.
    • Learned upon leveling up when Saint feat has been acquired and Faith skill is 30 or greater.
    • Deals constitution-element Faith skill-dependent damage to all enemies within sight.
    • Deals more damage depending on the user’s character level.
    • Damage also increases depending on Karma, capping at 1.4 times base damage. Unusable at 0 or less Karma.
    • When used by NPCs, it assumes their Karma is 20.
    • Deals 4 times more damage to undead.
    • Gives a small amount of Faith skill experience when used.
    • holy beast, <Jure>, <Blesssed Jure>, and <Ether Generator> now have a low chance of using this. (This change affects instances of NPCs spawned in previous versions of the game.)
  • Angel Halo
    • A ‘W’ide-area special action.
    • Learned upon leveling up when Saint feat has been acquired and Faith skill is 60 or greater.
    • ALL characters in sight (including the user) have their power gauge reduced by 15% and guard break gauge increased by 15%. It does not increase guard break beyond 90%.
    • Gives a small amount of Faith skill experience when used.
    • <Isca> the fallen angel, arkhai, dominion, and fallen angel now have a high chance of using this whenever their power gauge is 15% or greater and their target’s power gauge is 90% or greater. (This change affects instances of NPCs spawned in previous versions of the game.)
  • Reprimand
    • A ‘W’ide-area special action.
    • Learned upon leveling up when Saint feat has been acquired and Faith skill is 80 or greater.
    • When used, deals Will-dependent damage to all enemies in sight (the damage formula is the same as that of gauge attacks except this deals less damage), apply 5 turns of Wince to them, and changes the field state to [Reprimand Room].
    • Gives a small amount of Faith skill experience when used.
    • kirin, seraph, cupid inspector, and <Sist> the older sister now have a high chance of using this whenever their power gauge is 80% or greater.
  • ShikiOrigami-______
    • There are 3 different variations of this – Crane, Shuriken, and Airplane. All are ‘W’ide-area special actions.
    • The prerequisites for learning these are as follows:
      • Acquiring the ShikiOrigami feat
      • Having the feat and leveling up when Literacy skill is 20 or greater
      • Having the feat and leveling up when Literacy skill is 60 or greater.
    • Expend 20% of MP and one spellbook of your choice to summon (remaining charges x 2) of the special action’s corresponding NPC.
    • The type of spellbook does not matter. Ancient books and spellbooks of wishing cannot be used.
    • Grants Literacy skill experience when used, so you don’t need to read spellbooks that you don’t need stock of in order to train Literacy.
    • NPCs summoned in this manner will disappear upon changing maps. Astral light pen can be used on them.
    • No more than 15 of these NPCs can be summoned per map – this is the total including every subtype.
    • Character level of summoned NPCs is dependent on Literacy skill level, and the level cap depends on lowest dungeon floor cleared.
    • These also have a maximum character level of 1,000 and their maximum HP is 1/10 of the usual because you can summon these a lot more easily than summoned undead.

[New NPCs]

  • kamioriduru
    • Base level 3 spirit. Does not spawn randomly. Weak to fire. Has float bit flag.
    • Uses Mind Thorn and Nightmare.
  • kamishuriken
    • Base level 4 spirit. Does not spawn randomly. Weak to fire. Has float bit flag.
    • Has a low-potency bleed melee attack. Uses Clash Rush.
  • kamihikouki
    • Base level 5 spirit. Does not spawn randomly. Weak to fire. Has float bit flag.
    • Uses Close Suicide.


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[Unity] [Redicion Studio] Anime Girl Playroom [v1.0]

Release Date: 2020-12-15
Developer: Redicion Studio DLSite
Censored: Yes (Mosaics)
Version: 1.0
OS: Windows
Language: English, Japanese
Store: DLSite

Customize your anime girl and play with her as you like.​

Key Features:

– Fully animated in 3D
– Choose between objects, like a dildo to satisfy her
– She can ejaculate
– Choose the outfit you want her to wear
– Open her individual clothes, pull them down or completely off
– Breast physics
– Customize her breast size
– Customize her look, like hairstyle, eyes and lips
– Control her
– Let her interact with objects
– Freedom of perspective, freedom of mobility


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[Ren’Py] [Silac] My World Isekai [v0.0.58]

Release Date: 2024-06-17
Developer: Silac – PatreonItch.ioTwitterDiscord
Censored: No
Version: 0.0.58
OS: Windows, Mac, Linux
Language: English

You play as Anon, the typical nerd salaryman on his late twenties.
Meet and romance various female characters.
Harem you say? You bet.
But keep in mind that not every one is an adept of sharing lover. Be wary of the ones whose jealousy may be expressed in… a virulent manner.​

v0.0.58 Bugfixes

v0.0.57 Release

  • Intimate System implemented
  • Demon girl handjob
  • Location and NPCs generator
  • Some writing for Anna’s route


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[Flash] [Fenoxo] Trials in Tainted Space [v0.9.1000]

Release Date: 2024-06-12
Developer: Fenoxo WebsitePatreon
Censored: No
Version: 0.9.1000
OS: Windows, Mac, Android, Air, Linux
Language: English

Trials in Tainted Space is a text game about exploring the universe, yourself, and its myriad inhabitants in fun and customizable ways. Because the entire game is made in text, it’s easy to change scenes on the fly. The game is built to accommodate everything from you playing a studly ship captain to a busty space-slattern to a masculine-looking hermaphrodite to a hard-working mercenary just looking for his next job.​


  • ANDROID WARNING: Due to changes made to our deployment pipeline, the new version cannot access old save slot data. Make sure to back up with save to file before updating!
  • [Backers] Experience Dhaal’s infamous Mindstream entertainment at Paragon Playground! To give it a shot, select the ‘VR Space’ option the Paragon Playground’s menu. (Written by William, coded by Leek.)
  • [Public] Velta’s Workout Option
  • [Public] Edan’s Bi-curious Expansion
  • [Android] Gedan reworked the android build deployment for both TiTS and the CoC2 folks to better keep up with Google’s bullshittery.
  • New Bust: Horkenn (by Adjatha)
  • New CG: Gabilani Cyborg loss (see this post’s image, by ToonNik)
  • Siegwulfe’s “Domwulfe” mode should now activate whether you are carrying her or not while in “Crew Toy” mode. (Leek)
  • Gravitational Anomaly now applies the kinetic-reduction effect on all foes when upgraded. (Fenoxo)
  • Restored missing combat texts for Goo Armor. (lowercase donkey)
  • Fixes for Tika vanishing for public build players. (lowercase donkey)
  • More blinding attacks now respect blind immunity. (lowercase donkey)
  • Fixed stubborn Shalin Shaman issues that have persisted because of an obvious oversight on how the Shaman’s data connects between the two halves. (Gedan)
  • Olympia’s “Crew Toy” content should be fixed. (Not sure who to credit, but I was told at meeting it was fixed! -F)
  • Fixed bug which caused Deepsea Lab elevator to be open/closed incorrectly. (Drunk Zombie)
  • Fixed bug in Deepsea Lab airlock to ocean that allowed use without depthsuit. (Drunk Zombie)
  • Various fixes to Flurry’s pureblood pregnancy. Correct scene variants should now be used and codex will increment pureblood kips. (Drunk Zombie)
  • Cleaned up some Phaedran codices with references to “Xandam”.
  • Buttloads of fixes and tweaks to combat systems! Having both Gedan and I chunking at big, multi-NPC fights has done a lot to reveal minor issues we can sand down. (Gedan & Fenners)
  • And many more smaller fixes for things like lone typos, slight word adjustments, etc. (The Team)


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