Release Date: 2021-06-11
Developer: boobsgames Patreon – Tumblr – Gumroad (Tip Jar) – Twitter
Censored: No
Version: 0.340.1 Hotfix 1
OS: Windows
Language: English, Russian
Krowly always wanted to learn magic, hunt for monster girls, and most of all, get laid. Help guide Krowley in fulfilling his dreams!
What s new:
Hunt system update – Now game, before choosing random encounter or dungeon will be going through the list of possible encounters or dungeons and checking if the player have seen it already. If not, it will have 33% extra chance to be triggered. After being triggered first time the encounter will be getting normal chances in the next hunts.
This should make it so if there is, for example, only one dungeon the player haven’t seen yet it will get most chances to be triggered. Specifically it will be good for newly added encounters and dungeons.
Also at Krowly lvl 3 there will be decreased chance to get “standard” events with slimes or fairies attack, and at Krowly lvl 6 these events will be disabled.
On the old saves it will work for dungeons but for encounters the game will think that the player haven’t seen any of them and will go through all the list – most likely you will get encounter with the orcs chasing Jaina and Rose first. After getting every encounter it will return to normal. Juliette’s encounters won’t be having this problem.
Outfit system for Jaina – Now you can change Jaina’s outfit during the hunt. She can be wearing her normal clothes, nothing, or black lingerie. The game will automatically change her sprite, illustration, and portraits in all the dialogues.

Animated titfuck scene with Jill. This new scene has 33% chance to be triggered if Krowly has a hardon at the morning (Lust 100 or higher) in his bed, if his relationship with Jill 20 or higher and if Jill lives with him.
New scenes:
- Jill’s titfuck scene (animated).
- Astra’s playing with her ass. After finishing quest “Terrible secret of Fina Ironheart” if Krowly fapped more then 3 times peeking on somebody talk to Fina at the morning (Wednesday or Friday). It will trigger small dialogue scene and unlock scene with Astra at Wednesday and Friday night. Scene with Astra has 2 variant depending on the relationship with her.
- Krowly can now join Rose and Jaina behind the tavern fucking Rose from behind.
New pictures:
- Jill’s titfuck (+9 variants);
- Eric under waterfall (+1 variant);
- Jaina in the lingerie (+2 variants);
- Astra’s playing with her ass (variant of the old illustration);
- Krowly fucks Rose while she blows Jaina (variant of the old illustration).
Updated pictures:
- Meril’s sex scene (+1 variant).
Small thing:
- Scene where Krowly fucks Eric now has a variant that can be triggered at the hunt via the flirt menu.
- Krowly’s illustration stuck at the screen if Jill visited him at night.
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