Tag Archives: Lesbian

[Toffi] Fallen Angel [v1.12]

Release Date: 2020-11-11
Developer: Toffi-sama PatreonBlog
Censorship: No
Version: 1.12
OS: Windows
Language: English

For the longest time, the realms lived in harmony. They were governed by the Angels, beings with immense magical power, who guided them with love – but also strict rules. One of these Angels was Marielle. She lived her life according to the teachings of her sisters, guiding those who would pray to her and making sure to pass on the teachings she herself received.

But she didn’t feel satisfied living this way.

It was forbidden for Angels to visit the realms below. Marielle didn’t even know who was praying to her or what the realms looked like. For the longest time, she didn’t question these rules… but one day, her curiosity got the better of her, and she went out to visit one of the realms below. This trip would change her life forever.

Marielle for the first time saw the suffering and corruption of the people inhabiting the realms below. It was incomprehensible for her how the Angels would allow for these things to happen. There was war, poverty, starvation and disease… things the Angels could very well fix with their magical powers. But they chose not to. “Why?”

Marielle rushed to Archangel Michaela and pleaded for a change. But, instead of listening to her request, Michaela punished her for her lack of loyalty. Going to the realms below was a grave violation of her teachings and Marielle received no pardon. Her wings were ripped of, her magical powers sealed and she was thrown into a lone prison cell, never to come out again.

Years went by. Being alone for so long made Marielle lose track of time. But, on the other hand, having so much time to ponder allowed her to find the answer to her question herself. It wasn’t the realms who were corrupted, it was the Angels. Sitting on their high throne they lived their life in comfort, holding their subjects on a tight leash.

But Marielle wasn’t going to be part of this anymore. Spending years in prison, her hatred for her sisters grew each day, as did her cynicism. She was eager to break free from her prison; but without magical powers, all she could do was train her body and wait for the right opportunity.

This opportunity presented itself after a few years, when Archangel Michaela visited her prison cell. “I am willing to pardon you for your crimes, if you take on a mission. One of the realms was corrupted beyond our expectations. We can’t remedy the situation from here, someone has to go down there to bring back order. If you do that… I’m willing to welcome you back as family.”

A smile formed on Marielle’s lips. This was her chance. Without hesitation she made her way to the corrupted realm. To the Angels it must have seemed like she was eager to atone for her crimes, but Marielle’s goal couldn’t have been more different.

What awaited her at the end of her trip was a giant tower formed by magical energy, shaping form almost like a living being. There was no doubt this was the center of the corruption. As Marielle set foot into the first floor, she pondered how she could use this tower in her quest for revenge against the Angels…

-Fixed a bug with the Nun
-Changed the Bestiary Entry for Tannit

-Added an option into the Pause menu to give up and force a Game Over
-Nerfed Final Boss 1st Phase (reduced HP, reduced Speed, increased AI-interval)
-Buffed the Uppercut (increased height, faster charge)
-Removed the Magical Reflection from Tannit
-Added the option to apply Magical Reflection to all enemies in Chaos-Mode
-Fixed a few bugs with the Death Mask’s tongue-grab
-Fixed a bug with the Sentinel’s grab
-Fixed an issue with the Holy Shot not appearing again after spawning it out of bounds once
-Fixed an issue with the Final Boss 2nd phase where Marielle would be stuck offscreen
-Fixed an issue with the Final Boss 2nd phase in the Chaos-Mode repeating
-Fixed some typos
-other misc. small fixes

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[RPGM] [Large Battleship Studios] Angelic Acceptor Alouette [February Edition]

Release Date: 2021-02-01
Developer: Large Battleship Studios Patreon
Censored: No
Version: February Edition
OS: Windows
Language: English

Simone Bradley is an ordinary everyday girl charged with the important mission of defending love and justice in the form of the invincible and adorable Angelic Acceptor: Alouette! (VXA)

One day our “completely ordinary girl,” Simone happens across a strange raffle in which she wins a seemingly normal magical girl toy that turns her life upside down! But what happens when something turns your upside down life upside down again? Does it turn right-side up, or does it simply start spinning out of control on its own?

Find out in this slightly western-flavored Magical Girl story that questions the meanings of love, purity and normalcy.


Simone Bradley, Our ordinary girl.

The new girl in Sunshine town, having recently moved in with her Aunt after some trouble at home.

Loves cartoons, especially her current favorite import, a magical reality show called Cat Girls that might have lost some of its mature elements in the transition from Japanese to American television.

Has more courage, affection and enthusiasm than her small body really ought to have room for.

Mille Parker, Simone’s best friend.

A Sunshine City Local who’s spent her entire life in town. She has a strong protective streak towards Simone, and acts a shield against some of the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune that seem to be unerringly attracted to her new bestie. Keeps her true feelings close to her chest.

Eva, an angel, probably.

A magical being of pure light that acts as Simone’s conduit to a world of magic and mystery beyond her imagination.

Has an awful lot of bad habits for an angel.

Accresciator Lasca, Locally-Sourced Magical Girl.

Another protector of love and justice who’s been around long enough to act as a mentor for Angelic Acceptor Alouette.

Despite having been around longer, Lasca doesn’t have a large number of accomplishments to boast about, but has a firm understanding of the more nuanced elements of the job. An eager companion with a somewhat mysterious streak right down the middle of her personal information.

She’s also unusually shapely for a Magical Girl.

————-<3<3<3<3February Edition<3<3<3<3—————-
Working on Alouette in 2021
From FTB ver.
>Added a prototype system to differentiate “Play Next Episode” from “Continue” interludes. Let me know if it doesn’t look like it makes sense.
>Fixed some loops
>Alouette no longer pretends to be a car in episode 10 free-time.

>Added episode 9’s core material. It’s got a lot of holes that I hope to patch up in the next month. Right now it’s like a skyscraper with no walls. You can get to the top, but there are a lot of businesses that would really appreciate a working phone network and maybe some floors.
>FINALLY FOUND what was causing Cassidy’s event to repeat. Oops.
>Added an experimental toggle to stop skeletons and Loveless from chasing you when you’re texting and stuff.
>Vampy now coughs up a proper reward.
>Added a little splash screen after the preview for episode 10 denoting the end of the current build. You can continue playing without worry. Episode 10 will pick up the next time you get a “THE NEXT DAY” sequence. (in the next build)
>Though likely, next month will mostly be spent catching up on character events, which are woefully behind. Oops.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!January: Come On Lasca! We Have to Save Christmas! Edition!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>Episode 8 now completable.
>Preview for Episode 9 available.
>Doogenheim Museum (mildly) explorable
>You can now stand Anastasia up for a date.

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[Wolf RPG] [クラフトビール飲むところ] Rignetta’s Adventure [v0.71]

Release Date: 2020-11-27
Developer: クラフトビール飲むところ Ci-EnFantiaTwitterFanbox
Censored: No
Version: 0.71
OS: Windows
Language: English (partialy translated, Player monologue are japanese)

Simple game to play. It’s a pixel animated with lots of H content already even though it’s in development. The gameplay is similar to The Holy Grail of Alharan

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[VN] [Ren’Py] [Hizor Games] Uni [v0.29.86]

Release Date: 2021-02-01
Developer: Hizor Games PatreonDiscord
Censored: No
Version: 0.29.86
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
Language: English

Uni it’s the name of the city that the game takes place in and you play as a female protagonist, a girl whose fate is entirely up to you. Much like a date-sim game, you’ll attend school, walk around, take on a job, etc etc. As this game goes on you’ll be able to put her in different situations and experience different storylines.​


  • -Gallery Fixed and overhauled
  • -Stripclub event trigger fixes
  • -New Blue Dress from Violet Submissive route
  • -School Restroom Background added
  • -New Kate Selfie CG
  • -Raised Text event chances
  • -New Sub Violet Dinner Date CG Scene
  • -New Violet Sub Bedroom CG Scene
  • -Dialog Changes to a few scenes such as the catcall events and other random events.
  • -Fixed a bug with Matt where the route would continue even if you went to the restroom and refused his advances.
  • -Fixed a bug where you would not receive your paycheck during the Kate Sleepover event.

We have two large CG Scenes coming in this update, including a few others. First being the Dinner Date CG Scene, which some of you got a glimpse of during the stream a few days ago as we were fixing bugs in the game, this scene progresses across the dinner date that you have with Submissive Violet.
Next up is the Violet Submissive variant of the Violet Dominant scene in the bedroom that you have so that gives you an idea of what to expect with this CG Scene.
We also have the new Kate Selfie CG that appears in a texting event when texting Kate, that many of you may have seen already, but it definitely embodies the cuteness factor of Kate.
Lastly during Violets Sub route Violet gives you a new dress to where to the fancy restaurant she takes you out to; this gets added to Chelsea’s wardrobe after the date so don’t worry about having it as a one event thing.

With the stripclub writing being pushed into the 0.30 update, and the Violet writing on hold for the moment there is not a lot of writing in this update as you can imagine, but there have been dialog changes and edits all around the game. One such instance is with during the catcall events where one of the events has a rather extreme outcome has been changed to be a bit more tame and make more sense for the situation. Other additions are new dialog that appear due to other conditions such as owning the cat or encountering the Alley scene with Alex and Matt.

A lot has been done on this front with this update, mainly reinstating the new gallery, which will look mostly the same to you with a new “Extra” category for backgrounds and other images. Largely the overhaul is under the hood with how the gallery functions so that we will longer run into complications in the future. There has been a hint of lag when switching through categories so let us know if this becomes severe for you at all.
Taking another deeper look at the stripclub event chain we found a few more problems with it’s triggers and have cleaned up those problems so any previous problems you may have had with it should now be fixed.
The chances for people to respond to your text have been increased, now they shouldn’t ghost you as much. Also should note that if a character doesn’t respond multiple times it’s either there are no more events or you haven’t progressed down their route far enough to unlock any new ones.
There’s plenty of other small fixes across the board like repositioning sprites, adding missing periods, changing how many acts a certain event will use, etc.

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[Unity] [DaScoot] Carnal Coup [v0.48.1]

Release Date: 2021-01-01
Developer: DaScoot PatreonBlogspotDiscordItch.io
Censored: No
Version: 0.48.1
OS: Windows
Language: English

Carnal Coup is a Text-based game in a sci-fi setting! You take the role of a shapeshifting alien who has infiltrated an invasion force led by those uptight Terrans. Alien by alien, department by department, it’s up to you to stop the invasion! …Sexily! You’ll encounter eight featured main alien races, each with their own interests, kinks, and unique individuals to discover. Furthermore, the gender of the majority of the game’s characters is selectable as a starting game option, allowing you to play the game the way you want!​

Game Functions:

  • Some preliminary code work on Director Endgame decisions. Costs are now being calculated and displayed for each path, however these costs are not yet active and the values will be adjusted before they are activated.

Mission Content:

  • None

Scene Content:

  • Roboticists Director Scene 5 added.
  • Cloners Director Scene 5 added.
  • Secret Police Director Scene 5 added.
  • Playing the above scenes does not have a ‘cost’ yet and they are currently replayable.
  • Reminder: If you played through a Specialist’s ‘Relationship’ scene before, you may need to play it again to get their special input on the above scenes.

Art Content:

  • Piledriver/Grunt Threesome CGs added to Scenes and Gallery (6 variants).
  • ‘Holiday Roth’ Random Citizen Encounter CG added to Scene and Gallery.

Codex Entries:

  • Station Exterior CG is now visible from the Setting – Watch Station entry.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed bug where text color tags may not be properly applied if a random citizen encounter played immediately on returning to the office in some situations.
  • Fixed an issue where, if you chose NPCs to be male by default where available, the Vessian Director’s portrait would not appear during meetings.

Known Issues:

  • TTS dialogue cannot be interrupted once begun. May have issues if triggered on multiple screens at once. TTS support is 64-bit Windows only.
  • WebGL Issues: Be warned that save game data in WebGL mode is less permanent than PC standalone. May also be more prone to memory and other issues.

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[RPGM] [Arvus Games] Roundscape Adorevia [v5.2]

Release Date: 2021-02-01
Developer: Kaliyo PatreonDiscordYoutube twitter
Censored: No
Version: 5.2
OS: Windows x64
Language: English

So the game starts out in one of 5 ways of your choice, eventually you end up in a small town and go on a quest to prevent some evil being. You can choose your gender and there are some exclusive scenes for each gender.
The world of Adorevia is one fraught with danger, but also adventure for those brave enough to seek it. Walk the lush forests, see the magnificent dwarven city-states, and help stop a terrible threat that could spell doom to countless innocents as you head out on your quest! Of course, along the way, you’ll find other brave souls willing to share in your adventures, and perhaps, your bed.​

Cheat codes
1700 – Super Speed
1819 – Gold
2931 – Skip Combat Skill

  • Player Brothel – You can now visit and manage your own brothel. The brothel is consideren mid/endgame content. Upgrade your brothel and hire new characters to rise your brothel’s reputation level!Your brothel comes together with several new characters, including Veronica who’ll help you manage your new location!
  • Hire several characters – Five different characters you can recruit and we’ll double that number with the second brothel update in february! Four of them can be recruited by all players, one of them is exclusive to the farm origin.
  • Sexy time Of course every brothel characters comes with their own erotic scene. But there’s als one additional erotic scene per gender, so seven in total.Some of those scenes have variations and one new character has two different paths to chose from. Will you obey madame Veronica or try to show her who’s the boss?
  • Fixes – We’ve fixed several bugs related to the questlog, especially in act 2. No more confusing “go to sleep” journal entries. We’ve also added new hints to locations to make progressing Act 2 easier.

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[Unity] [MercenaryMage] Unyielding [v0.3.0]

Release Date: 2021-01-31
Developer: MercenaryMage – Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 0.3.0
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
Language: English

Unyielding is a transformation based RPG game. I want it to feel like a tabletop RPG, with a living and interesting world. Choices should always matter.
Catelly was a man until he was cursed by a wizard trying to obtain immortality. Catelly happened to be a hardened mercenary before the curse and refuses to lose to it.​

Added Willem reacting to Cat’s long hair
Added Blackfire reacting to Cat’s blonde hair
Updated Perjury’s portrait
Gave Varuna a portrait
Ash’s story got a new background
Latte got a theme song (it will probably appear in places other than her scenes)
Added a healing line to Fray
Tons of new combat abilities
Added Kate fight 8

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[Ren’Py] [Mouseguru] Tentacle Slave [v0.20]

Release Date: 2021-1-31
Developer: Mouseguru / TFGames / Patreon / Discord
Censorship: none
Remake Version: 0.20 (Renpy)
Original Version: 0.14.5 (Twine)
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English

Two years ago, you moved to the city of Tyrmidon, a wealthy merchant city, and made a name for yourself there. Now you’re finally moving into your own house. But after running into a mysterious woman, you’ve begun experiencing unwanted (possibly wanted?) attention from tentacle creatures. Now you must solve the mystery of why they’re suddenly seeking you out…

This open-world, text-based adventure game involves a heavy focus on tentacles and a moderate focus on transformation.​


  • Some backgrounds added!
  • Night events, morning events, and travel events are all implemented.
  • You can view your inventory.
  • You can go home and do the nightly sex training.
  • You can randomly encounter tentacles in the city as you move around.
  • You can visit Sensua in the Church.
  • You can get a herm cock from Sensua or get help with your dream molesting problem.
  • You can explore the forest.
  • You can purchase items from the Odd Merchant in the forest glen.
  • You can meet Karnul (Sensua’s father) in the forest glen late at night, once you free him.
  • You can gather alchemical reagents in the forest
  • You can prepare alchemical reagents
  • You can brew potions (anywhere, not just in your magic shop!)
  • You can visit the wizard in the ruined tower in the forest, and get his help with being molested in your dreams
  • You can encounter tentacles in the forest
  • In addition to Alchemist and Sorceress, Patrons can play as a Witch

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[VN] [Ren’Py] [Dream Team Studio] re:Dreamer [v0.5.5]

Release Date: 2021-01-03
Developer: DreamTeamStudio PatreonTFGames.SiteDiscordVndb
Censored: Mosaic on certain placeholder HCGs, though everything is planned to be uncensored
Version: 0.5.5
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
Language: English
Length: 14 hours as of 0.5.0 (based on word count of 180k within dialogue blocks and an average non-technical English reading speed of 200-250 words per minute)

Zach, a chronic underachiever who’s been coasting through life without a purpose, just found a curious ecchi game called re: Dreamer, after idly wasting his time playing various mobile games as a broke freshman in college. This incredible phone app has world-bending powers, and he even accidentally turned himself into a girl! Now he’s forced to collect points in a competitive sex tournament to rank up, and unless he wins, he’ll never be able to go back to his old life!

Play as Zach as he finds his way through this predatory game, placing his full faith into one accomplice he’s allowed to invite. Will he be able to get enough sex points to win the game, without sacrificing too much of his masculinity and pride? Or will he end up in an irreversible situation in one of many bad ends?​

0.5.5 (01/03/2021):

  • Heavy cuts to Britney writing after the “Just ask her to come to your room.” menu choice, but the cuts have largely been replaced with new content that is better and more concise (seriously, what is up with a lot of my earlier writing tapdancing around the point it is trying to get to?).
  • The closet scene has been cut for now as it needs to either be replaced with something new or reworked so that Zach doesn’t do something as stupid as light a road flare inside of 13 sq ft enclosure.
  • Edits to Britney writing after the “Try to tell her the details over text.” menu choice, as well as new content.
  • Slight edits to the Keisuke shower sex scene.
  • The usual slew of minor edits for stylistic consistency.
  • T.E.A.C.H. has been replaced with C.H.E.A.T.S. Previously, ‘self_worth’ had been a separate variable originally meant for use exclusively in Keisuke’s route, but it’s been used like the T.E.A.C.H. stats for a while now, and this is a logical change that’s been a long time coming.
  • Some of the C.H.E.A.T.S. variables have been renamed (“Horny” is now “Horniness”, “Emotion” is now “Emotionality”, “Autism” is now “Aloofness”, “Trans” is now “Transexuality (Femininity)”, and “Self-Worth” is now “Self-Esteem”). This doesn’t change how the variables function but helps to better explain what they mean.
  • The personality quiz at the very start of the game has been slightly revamped to better explain what each variable affects.
  • Extremely large swathes of borrowed Student Transfer code have been cut out of the game to drastically increase performance. Student Transfer goes for a complicated body swap system that uses character abstractions which re:/Dreamer has no need for.
  • One of the biggest parts of this change is that re:/Dreamer no longer uses any of Student Transfer’s code to display images. That code was rather unoptimized, and layeredimage displays take their place.
  • Every last cg and character sprite in the game (including the placeholders) has been redone and scaled with waifu2x to give them that extra bit of visual pop. It’s most noticeable on the Keisuke mall cg, masturbation, dream sex, and the mirror self-voyeurism.
  • An Android-breaking bug with two of the shopping mall background images has been fixed (the JPEG files were encoded in an awful way that causes Android to have issues a PCs wouldn’t).
  • An extremely minor issue with the bitmap font used during variations of the Keisuke mirror sex scene has been fixed so that Ren’Py’s error checker no longer yells at me for something that actually works.
  • Outfits are no longer declared by hand with every scene change and are now a stored variable, which fixes two loose bugs. Why wasn’t I doing this in the first place?

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[RPGM] [Sierra Lee] The Last Sovereign [v0.55.2 Public]

Release Date: 2021-01-23
Developer: Sierra Lee PatreonBlogWikiWiki
Censored: No
Version: 0.55.2 Public
OS: Windows
Language: English

The Last Sovereign is an adult fantasy RPG that plunges you into the saga of a world torn between forces of lust and purity. As you enter the complex conflict, you forge a new path that will change the course of history! …maybe. The thing is, acting like most heroes gets you killed, and most evil overlords’ plans make no sense. The Last Sovereign is a game that twists your expectations for adult games, while fully embracing a reconstruction of some familiar old tropes to provide a lot of fun, sexy content.​

v0.55.2 Public
– More polishing and bugfixing.
– A succubus in the Orgasmic Empire library now shows the map of Renthnor.
– The Renthnor map is added to the teleportation room maps after being viewed.
– Hilstara RP shifted, Balia RP added to orc investment.
– Xestris RP added to her first headquarters conversation.

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