Tag Archives: Turn Based Combat

[RPGM] [Yeehaw Games] Yorna: Monster Girl’s Secret [v1.1]

Release Date: 2020-05-06
Developer: Yeehaw Games Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 1.1
OS: Windows, Mac, Linux, Android
Language: English

A young mage from a noble family arrives at a distant castle to find it ruined and her sister missing. Will she able to recover lost monster girls and restore the peace with their power? What price will she have to pay?

Ada, the female protagonist, is a prodigal mage with the ability to use monster girl’s power as her own. Combine them to create your own play style from a powerful battle-mage to a delicate temptress. Will you overcome your enemies through force or make them into your toys? It’s up to you!

Yorna adjusts to your actions in narrative and quests so both slutty and pure walk-through will be enjoyable. Each scene has 2 versions and I’m thinking about adding the third option where Ada takes the lead completely. Though this stuff is for the future.

H content

The update brings 3 new H events with 2 options each. So, 6 in total. The first pair is tied with Kejourou in the new explorable location – the deep mine on Ikko island. The second pair features Sarana and her boss fight. The third pair is inside the mansion’s basement – check out the rooms to find the new encounter.

New features

v1.1 brings a new feature – FAQ and feature button in the main menu. Some players didn’t find the FAQ file I put in each release and played without using quality of life features like auto-battle, textbox hiding or Ada’s sprite concealing. So, I decided to make a separate button for this.

After hitting the FAQ button, the game will open a new window with the information. To make the file automatically accessible on all platforms, I remade it into the txt format. Hope it will help with your playthrough and make it more enjoyable.

Also, v1.1 will bring the first step of kitsune shrine maidens’ optional questline and a new dress. Similar to Octa church and the vagabonds, you don’t need to complete it to progress with the main story, but it will bring its own rewards and funny scenes.

This questline line will feature a new labyrinth-like subzone. If players will like the idea, I’ll add a similar area to upcoming releases too.

Added new alchemy brewbook and the most powerful potions. These will help you beat even the most powerful enemies. Added strong potions to castle’s and Ikko camp’s vendor lists for convenience.

Minor tweaks and fixes

Added Miko dress, it will be a pretty interesting choice for a mage with good stats and a passive skill that boosts magic attack and defense.

Added new hidden treasure to the new “Crystal mine” zone. It will be the new focus map for v1.1 – don’t forget to check out your inventory and dig up the cache!

Adjusted “Features” interface on mobile platforms, namely moved scroll buttons towards the middle of the screen for better comfort.

Fixed partly cut 3rd text line for skill and item descriptions. Their logic stays the same.

Fixed a typo in the Pandarian dress’s description. Stats, skills and visuals are the same.

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[RPGM] [Eeny, meeny, miny, moe?] BLACKSOULS II [v1.13]

Release Date: 2020-05-05
Developer/Publisher: Eeny, meeny, miny, moe? | Store
Censorship: Yes – Mosaics
Version: 1.13 HotFix
OS: Windows
Language: English

An adult-only RPG. Contains cruel depictions. Please be warned. This is a sequel to “BLACK SOULS”.

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[RPGM] [Spooky Pillow] Berrywood Chronicles [v0.1]

Release Date: 2020-05-03
Developer: Spooky Pillow Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 0.1
OS: Windows
Language: English

Berrywood Chronicles
is an adult fantasy RPG for PC, made with RPG Maker MV, and in developing.
The game is inspired by old school RPGs but includes many features typical of visual novels, dating simulators, and games in which it’s important to build relationships with other characters, such as, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, or Fire Emblem.
Play as Dana or Flint, two apprentice mages, unravel the mysteries of Berrywood’s village, explore, fight formidable enemies in turn-based battles, learn and combine spells, meet many allies, build relationships and obviously have sex with them! Who knows, maybe you’ll meet up with your true love. You will find humans, elves, orcs, monsters, and much more!​

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[Wildside Comix] Monster Love Hotel [2020-04]

Release Date: 2020-04-01
Developer: Wildside comixs PatreonWebsite
Censored: No
Version: 2020-04
OS: Windows
Language: English

An adult game featuring sexy monster girls and monster boys! ^_^…basically farmville kinky DLC version

Gallery: horseboy
Gallery: groups
Money: monies

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[Unity] [Feodosiy] Sluterella: Boobs and Honor (The Lewd Knight) [v0.26]

Release Date: 2020-04-10
Developer: Feodosiy: Patreon WebsiteDiscord
Censored: No
Version: 0.26
OS: Windows, Mac
Language: English, Russian

One girl in a big city. There are enormous difficulties on her way, but she has big heart and big… You will have to help her achieve her main dream, clean her hometown of crime.​

E – Use object
J – Open journal
C – Open Stats
Esc – open main menu
In Fap/Sex mode just push Z X C and increase your arouse level

Current sex content:
Fap in: shower, bed, sofa
Sex with the Biker.
Sex with the Boss.

!!! The game has autosave. if you have an impassable error, simply load it from the main menu !!!

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[RPGM] [Remtairy] Karryn’s Prison [v0.5g]

Release Date: 2020-04-30
Developer: Remtairy PatreonTwitter
Censored: No
Version: 0.5g
OS: Windows
Language: English

In Karryn’s Prison, you play as Karryn, the new female Chief Warden of a notoriously lenient prison that has just rioted. Will you subjugate the rowdy inmates through force, or will you be subjugated yourself as your resistance towards their nonstop sexual advances starts dropping? Shape yourself and the prison the way you want to with the Edicts system! Struggle against sexual advances with the Willpower and Desire system! Become more and more vulnerable to sex with the Passives system!​


  • The game should no longer freezes after using Restore Mind while Karryn has no stamina
  • Fixed black screen from sleeping with low Order but still above zero Order
  • You should now be able to work at the bar after working at the visitor center
  • Fixed receptionist related passives not being obtained
  • Fixed waitress related passives being mixed up with receptionist related passives
  • Fixed certain enemy behaviors during the receptionist side job
  • Slimes should no longer ejaculate multiple times in a row during Lvl2 Defeat
  • Minor CG and text corrections

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[Unity] [Syvaron] Portals of Phereon [v0.12.0.1]

Release Date: 2020-04-28
Developer: Syvaron PatreonDiscordWiki
Censored: No
OS: Windows, Linux
Language: English

Portals of Phereon is an exploration/ management/ breeding / turnbased (on tilemaps) strategy game with Monstergirls.

There are 3 different maincharacters (female, male, futa) with a different set of abilities/ goals etc.
There will be a lot of base species
(currently 10 (Beast, Centaur, Harpy, Succubus, Mermaid, Plant,Insect, Lavagirl,Lizard and a Light Creature))
and ALL possible combinations as hybrids as your characterpool to recruit from/ breed.
(+ some special hybrids with more than 2 bases)
Npcs will mostly be variants of those species or completely unique ones.

Go through randomly generated Portals, discovering/ recruiting new Species, finding interesting items/ events etc. and bring your rewards back home.
Some portals may need flying characters etc. to access.
The overworld map is also tile based.

Turn based on a tile map with permadeath. Characters have a lot of unique abilities, passives based on species. First all your characters act then all enemy characters. To make permadeath/injuries in this system not too frustrating, ranged abilities are very limited so enemies couldnt just focus all their attacks on one of your characters, instantly killing it. Instead characters are able to seduce others from far away, increasing their lust. While their lust is above 50% they get a lot worse (take double dmg, deal half etc.), so “ranged” characters still have a big influence on the game while not feeling too unfair. At 100% lust characters cant do anything except masturbate/fuck, effectively stunning them for a round.
mana and hp never regen naturally and the gametime passes during combat, making every single battle important, forcing you to think about how you want to prioritize your ressources (hp, mana, time, characters, etc.). (I always hate completely meaningless filler battles in games).

Breed your characters’ traits/stats to create a team specially tailored to your playstyle and/or portal environments or to prepare for certain fights/fullfill requests etc.

fight in arenas
train your characters/your sexSkills and put them to use in the brothel
build upgrades etc.
do quests/ interact with npcs

They will mostly be Image slideshows with descriptions etc. (maybe sometimes animated)
There will be a lot of random events that occur based on your party/ biome/ rng etc.
Npcs will have more complex scenes where you have a lot of choices.
I try to have everything porn related to also have gameplay consequences, so seeing sexScenes etc. is not the reward in itself, otherwise it would feel weird to be punished for it gameplay-wise.

v0.12.0.1 Summary:

  • More interesting portals
  • Spirits integrated more. (more enemy variance etc.)
  • Farm/fusion work more together.


  • Tooltips for portals for modifier descriptions etc.
  • Portals now have a native trait that each character in there has, including some unique ones
  • New basic modifiers
  • weather effects per portal that can change each day (affecting spirit spawns etc.)
  • combat modifiers, affecting all battles in a portal
  • new world types with more restricted movement (caves etc.)
  • special consumables + unlockable farmpotions for special world types


  • 2 new elements (total 10 new species) some previously existing creatures moved into the evolution lines
  • Light: combo based magic/support species
  • Shadow: terrain based team species, introducing shadow tiles in combat
  • 11 new unique characters (mostly missing unique combat sprites, but many aren’t really battle characters)

Shadow species rework:

  • they work together with shadow spirits and share similar skills
  • generally more hp/ less reliance on shadowform. bonuses in shadow/malus outside
  • shadowform increases speed more and only costs upkeep outside of shadow. no longer increases armor
  • requirements of being in shadowform often replaced with being on a shadow tile


  • simplified a lot of stuff
  • removed focus, now always similar to previous default settings but better
  • control shifted more towards using farmpotions
  • you don’t assign characters to farm ( characters at home show in farm, can assign any two to place in farm)
  • removing pairings puts characters back home
  • pairings are shown more clearly and separately with quick infos
  • separate sortable lists for left/right character. (rightclick can now close as other windows)
  • can use instantbreed without pairing (can still pair afterwards and keep progress)
  • can toggle between creature/humanoid (can breed same species creatures)
  • some new farm items unlocked through explorations/events.
  • descriptions now adapted to alchemists bonus.
  • fertility/virility potions increase by a flat amount of 30 instead of +50%
  • eggs/day capped at 3 per pair. removed doubled crystal gain for farmer. eggs spoil quicker


  • some new world modifiers exclusively for it. Most runs now have a world modifier
  • rival power starts higher than other runs (not just stage 1 spirits in final battle etc.)
  • more modifiers/starting traits
  • always start with an S-rank tavernquest available
  • generally higher chances for more interesting/rare things


  • new events
  • evo art update + outfits
  • unranked arena battles can have combat modifiers
  • Rivals can have any element, not just the basic 3
  • Corruption now sets the maxlevel to the characters current level. those species are stronger now (might be weird with summoning/fusing)
  • Castalia sells potions once you unlocked the reward thresholds
  • new genetic traits (mostly start/end of combat effect)
  • new mostly neutral difficulty modifiers
  • Can now buy potions from castalia once unlocked
  • genes have less impact on stats (10 = doubled stats, prev *2.5 – *3)
  • slime type characters are stronger, but corrupt sets their maxlevel to current level

Noteworthy bugfixes:

  • tavern characters didn’t correctly scale with rank (always had same low total genes)
  • party strength (for mining/woodcutting etc.) was based on magic instead of strength
  • story mission portals had normal enemy spawn rate (could often just walk through without fights)
  • sleeping multiple times the same day resulted in same events
  • crafting draining bow required wrong resource

First weekly seed: “glowing

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[RPGM] [takamakuran] A New Game [v2.31]

Release Date: 2020-02-11
Original Title: あたらしいゲーム (New Game)/ New Project
Developer: たかまくらん (takamakuran) DLsitePatreon
Censored: Yes
Version: 2.31
OS: Windows
Language: English
Store: DLsite (JP Store)/DLsite (ENG Store)

Finding yourself on involuntary paid leave from work, you visit an arcade for a change of pace and discover there an erotic game quite unlike any you’ve experienced before.

* An exciting adventure crossing a fantasy world and reality.
* Meet many, many girls, and have sex with (almost) all of them! (100+ base HCGs)
* No combat grinding, grow stronger through exploration.​

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[Ason] The Shimmering Horizon and Cursed Blacksmith [v0.09b]

Release Date: 2020-04-26
Developer: Ason PatreonTwitterYouTubeFantia
Censored: No
Version: 0.09b
OS: Windows
Language: English, Japanese, Mandarin
Voices: Japanese

The Player plays as a blacksmith who lost his memory, and fight through the dungeon by forging weapons with the materials he collected. All of the female enemies are usually very strong, you would be “defeated” quite easily if not careful. The H-scenes are animated, and fully vocalized by Japanese voice actress.​

• Fixed the special effects for Vampiress.
• Fixed the issue that some enemies will always drop a Soul Drop when defeated.
Please download the files again if you have before 4/25. Apologize for the inconvenience.
• 修正吸血鬼的特效演出。
• 修正特定女怪遭擊倒時必定掉落靈魂之滴的問題。
• Added new animations for Doroelle’s conversations
• Added new voiced lines for Maid and Vampiress during H Scene. (CV: 浅木式)
• Game starting engine optimization
• Fixed some text displaying bug
• Fixed some map bugs that players were getting into tiles, which was supposed to be blocked
• Fixed item throwing bugs that they might get stuck in the wall
• Changed the fonts for English, Simplified Chinese, and Japanese.
• Using skill outside of dungeon will won’t decrease SP anymore, and weapon’s durability will not decrease. MC hitting the wall outside of dungeon will not lose HP
• When bag is over weight, player can now see the item at their feet by opening their inventory, and manage items
• Player’s movement will be disabled when bag is over weight, but can still perform other tasks • Inventory UI adjustment
• Adjusting key press. Switching facing direction button was changed from Q key to C key, and facing diagonal directing key was changed from W key to Ctrl key.
• Added “wait for one turn” function. Just press Ctrl key + C key
•Minor bug fix
• Fix saving bugs for using old save on new demo files

– Japanese is the default language when the game starts for the first time. To change this, go into the settings and change the language to English. See below in the next post for an image of this.
– In the dungeon, the untranslated line is asking you if you want to go to the next floor. The top option is yes, bottom is no.

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[Ren’Py] [Threshold] Monster Girl Dreams [Alpha v22.4]

Release Date: 2019-10-28
Developer/Publisher: Threshold | Itch.io | Discord | Twitter
Censorship: No
Version: Alpha v22.4
OS: Windows, Mac, Linux
Language: English

Monster Girl Dreams is a text based BFRPG made in Ren’Py. (The BF stands for Battle Fuck.)
The game is currently in alpha and is in active development, and while primarily text based there is character art for many of the lovely ladies in game.
Erotic content contained withing is primarily vanilla, M/F, femdom, and of course monster girls.

In Monster Girl Dreams you play as a male adventurer, freshly graduated from the adventuring school, Adventum!
Now you must venture across the home continent of the monster girls, Lucidia, in an attempt to get rich, or get fucked into submission trying. Also defeat the Demon Queen. Maybe.

At the start of the game you create your character and define their combat stats and weaknesses in a point buy system, and must choose at least one fetish for the monster girls to exploit with their temptations.
Gameplay functions similar to many standard turn based rpg games, but you utilize numerous sex techniques to defeat your female opponents, all while not trying to give into the enticing pleasures they offer.
Monster girls will have an array of status effects and temptations to throw at you, as well as the ability to put you into multiple sexual stances. They will probably also use their numbers to pin you down and fuck you silly!
But you’ll be able to get the edge of your opposition by leveling up and choosing perks to help define your play style as well as equipping various items to boost your sexual powers even further, or to help make up for a weakness.
Or you could just say screw that, running forward without any planning, and get ravished into unconsciousness by the lewd monster girls.

You can also spend time getting immersed in the games whimsical setting and (usually) upbeat tone as you get to know some of the monster girls.
They might even hold your hand instead of trying to fuck you silly.

V22.4 Change Log

Remember to update your save in town.


-A new quest has been added to the forest. It requires you to have spoken to Elly to some degree, and cleared the Forest Dungeon. However it’s only about 70%(?) complete at this time and you can’t currently report back to Elly on your progress. But there’s already so much content there you’ll probably forget why you’re there anyways.

-It’s still Easter right? I didn’t completely go off the rails, right?


-Venefica’s Art is by Jiffic.


-Mate Bonded now increases cock sensitivity by 10% down from 15%.


-Messed with music files to decrease file size by about 100mb. Let me know if you notice any specific drops in quality, everything I tested sounded the same.


-Added Buy Prices and Sell Prices perk tags to specifically alter one or the other.


-Fixed two music related crashs in kotone’s candle lighting event.

-Fixed telling shizu to stop trainnee’s from attacking you in the willpower temple not actually stopping them.

-Fixed multiple crashes in Sofia’s combat events related to SFX.

-Fixed extra step on me options with minoni popping up.

-Fixed current energy increasing when save is updated, due to energy giving perks.

-Fixed a minor crash in Lillian’s quiz.

-The SetArousalToXUnlessHigherThanXThenAddY function now does what it’s supposed to instead of the reverse.

-Added a missing orgasm call to the Bed-Chan Aiko threesome scene.

-Fixed a few questions in Lillians quiz having the wrong outcome.

-Assorted typo fixes and editing.

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