Release Date: 2020-05-10
Developer: TechnoBrake DLsite – Patreon – Twitter – Hentai-Foundry – DeviantArt – Ci-en
Censored: Yes
Version: 0.9
OS: Windows
Language: English, Japanese
The protagonists are a male fledgeling adventurer and a priestess.
The priestess is modest and ladylike for the public, but in fact, she is deeply into the adventurer and crazy about his dick.
The story is about the girl who is way too horny on the contrary to appearance.
[Ver 0.9 new addition list]
1. Boss enemy (Ogre)
2. New Trait “Meat Shield”
3. Sex scene in combat with Ogre
4. Brutal Ending with Ogre
5. New Skills
6. New Items
As you know, Ogres are very dangerous enemies.
It has high strength, high health, and regeneration trait so you can not defeat him with physical attacks… so far.
“Hey, Techno! How do I beat this fuckin shitty monster?! I just wanna fap! I don’t wanna play a hardcore game!!!”
Oops. It will be explained with Priestess-Chan in the game. Please pay attention!
[Meat Shield]
If an enemy has this trait, you should be careful about attacking them…
Because the enemies prevents your attacks with his meat shield victim.
If you attempt to attack an enemy who has a meat shield, it will begin a test for a successful hit with the Technique attribute.
You can deal damage to the enemy if you are successful.
If you fail this test, the meat shield will be killed by you and your panic will be increased! (If your Insanity is low).
Ogres won’t grab a new victim while it has a current meat shield victim.
So, you’ll have to rescue or kill the meat shield if you wish to see it attempt to get a new victim…
There is no reward system currently in Dungeon Test.
I will add this system in Alpha.
Meat shield victims are released automatically if an enemy who has a meat shield is incapacitated with a “skip turn status”. (Sleep, Paralysis and so on)
I might add this trait on Goblin Rider (Pig) in the Alpha as I adjust the game’s balance.
[Fuck scene in combat with Boss]
I spent a loooooooooooot of times making this!
You can view this scene freely after you defeat the ogre, even if you haven’t seen the scene in the combat.
I tried my new skill for this scene.
I know you have a question, “What is your new skill???”
Please see it for yourself in the game.
Look forward to it!
[Brutal Ending]
Unlike goblins, Ogre does not take Priestess-Chan back to a nest.
It means you will see the brutal ending soon if you are defeated…
[New Skills]
*Fire Arrow
You can deal magic damage that depends on Intelligence stat.
*Protection Prayer
You are invincible from any damage for 1 turn.
[New Items]
*Bottle of Sleep
The enemy falls into a deep slumber upon use of the item.
Sleep status is canceled if the enemy receives any damage.
*Magic Scroll
You can deal damage with the power of the scroll.
Even if your Intelligence is low, you can deal fixed damage that depends on the scroll’s rank.
[Current bugs]
*If you choose the “Go to title” button for ending selections, the client will crash.
I decided to leave this bug in because the bug reason is the core script.
If I delete the script, you won’t be able to save or load the game in the DT.
But I’ll delete the script from Alpha, it’ll be fixed don’t worry!
Oh, one more thing.
Be careful, you can not use the Dungeon Test’s save data in the Alpha!!!
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