Tag Archives: Oral sex

[Unity] [Punching Donut] Book of Korvald [v0.0.193]

Release Date: 2020-05-23
Developer: Punching Donut Patreonitch.ioTwitter
Censored: No
Version: 0.0.193
OS: Windows
Language: English

This is the saga of Korvald, a viking scribe, and his alliance with a parasitic entity that answers to the name “Qhroth’un”.

History does not tell us that viking clans had scribes of their own. Their folklore is said to have been preserved through oral traditions exclusively, but this is not the truth. Many written sagas of the vikings were damaging to the reputation of royal families and expository to the church so these writings, along with their authors, were aggressively purged from existence.

Korvald’s is not a tale of heroism and justice, but of deceit and suffering provoked by powerful religious empires. His story begins as so many are ended. Family slain and taken from his now destroyed village, Korvald is branded as a heretic and condemned to death. Moments before the arrival of his executioner, Korvald is approached by Qhroth’un and an agreement is made that will change everything…​

– Destructible junk in various rooms. Pots, boxes and even coffins for your wrecking pleasure. These will drop little health/power/sanity refills and sometimes consumables.
– Storage rooms are working now, check each one out to find items or keys (note that most doors that require keys are unlocked by default for now.)
– Weapons can now be equipped in either (and both) hands. Attacking will alternate between each hand making each weapon combination unique.
– 2 new sets of armor added to the game, 5 new weapons. Next update I will have an armory room added so you can try out everything available while the game is still in alpha.
– Many bug fixes for enemies, particularly the horrors. NO MORE REPLICATION!
– Several new rooms added. Flooded Passage (will be important soon), and the forest road to the cathedral.
– Level 1-0 “The Beginning” now has a small tutorial of sorts to highlight combat techniques that may not be obvious.
– Some new music added for certain rooms. Also added some sound effects to the Kara Aven prison sex scenario. The other sex scenes will get sounds in the next update.
– Various visual effects added to liven up the action a bit.

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[Unity] [Skadoo] Going Down on the Sickness [Final]

Release Date: 2020-03-31
Developer: Skadoo PatreonNewgroundsTwitter
Censored: No
Version: Final
OS: Windows, Mac
Language: English

Yes, a game about the apocalypse we are all living in. Just something fun to take out of this dark situation. Fun is the right word, right? Is this fun? Have I been in quarantine too long, I no longer know what is fun!?!?

The game is full and public too all, given the circumstances of the planet right now. It’s probably in poor taste, but please enjoy nonetheless! And remember to just stay home and stay safe everyone. Let’s let this thing die out and get some freedom back!

Big thanks to Ghostman for helping me get his thing done!​

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[VN] [Ren’Py] [BozR] Inkubak [Ep. 1-2]

Release Date: 2019-12-24
Developer: BozR PatreonWebsiteNewgroundsTFGamesitch.ioDiscord
Censored: No
Version: 2.0.5
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android, Web
Language: English, French

Due to some circumstances, Ink the incubus gets trapped in the body of an unsuspecting male exchange student.
The only food source available seems to be the young Bitch next door – will your Host be able to tame her?
This is a trainer Visual Novel. Or maybe not?

  • Interactive sex
  • Concise, dialogue-based story
  • Free-roaming point & click

– Breasts jiggling!
– Fixed typos
– Rework Host’s room a bit
– Bring back end-of-episode secret

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[RPGM] [Breast Mafia] Nampa Beach [v1.08]

Release Date: 2020-05-09
Original Title: 出し抜け! NNナンパビーチ
Developer: Breast Mafia DLsite
Censored: Yes (Mosaics)
Version: 1.08
OS: Windows
Language: English (Machine Translated)

Men who came to the beach at Nampa!
And you “hero” !! wrecked a dependable companion and a woman, trying to have sex!!
The party is a friend and a rival! If you are careless, the girl you are looking for will be touched by your friend!​

– The heroine pregnancy examination event did not occur.
– Corrected by setting internal cheating rank 2 or higher.

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[RPGM] [Dystopian Project] Overgrown: Genesis [v1.00.0]

Release Date: 2020-05-23
Developer: The Dystopian Project PatreonDiscord
Censored: No
Version: 1.00.0
OS: Windows
Language: English

You take the role of Juno, a survivor of the apocalypse and a trained engineer (a shout-out to Isaac from Dead Space), trying to navigate between a failing human society cloistered in fortified sanctuaries and an outside world ravaged by the infection.

– Game’s first “completed” status!

– Added Ending “B”, which triggers if losing to A.C.E units in the final level. Comes with a new breeding machine scene + a unique ending room.

– Added Ending “C1” and “C2”. They are basically the same outcome, except C2 is inherently evil. This comes with a group scene involving all the civilian leader girls + Juno (or without Juno, if you pick C2). The condition for this ending is to complete the game without doing any civilian leader sidequests or upgrading the shelter.

– Added Ending “D”, which is the neutral ending. You have to upgrade the shelter WITHOUT using soldier favours (Base Points only) and complete all civilian leader sidequests.

– Added Ending “E”, the ‘best’ ending. All conditions from “D” must be met, plus all sidequests finished, plus all 8 “Note” items collected.

– Added a great EXPLOSIONNNN effect to killing infected enemies. Call me ArchiGumin.

– Fixed huge bug where you can’t complete General Hawke’s sidequest before the switch order was screwed up

– Fixed buying duplicate weapons from Taylor and upgrades allowing for repetition

– Went back and rewrote the story for Zara and Feinstein to make more sense from Hamilton onwards. Retcon text in hospital, also, revised background stories for Zara and Feinstein

– Added infection behaviour / masturbation trigger. Basically, if your infection gets too high, Juno will stop and start masturbating uncontrollably after a set number of steps. This dissuades players from stacking infection as the only penalty previously was when resting.

– Reload timers added to weapons, which adds a subtle level of difficulty, especially with high damage but high reload time weapons like shotguns

– Bugged morale requirement to get into the University fixed.

– General Hawke sprite and portrait changed

– Unique and rather sexy BGS soundtrack added to Ending Room A! Also, added the base girl sprites.

– Changed the Area 66 staffer to have unique portrait and sprite

– Removed minimap function for now, kind of makes game too easy.

– Added infection removal before departing Brookside #2 during evacuation

– Added four unique SFW “Acts” images, really sets a more professional tone for the game overall!

– Removed a switch that flips when using the Police HQ computer that screws up Natasha’s sidequest

– Minor typo in dog swarm ending fixed

– Fixed being able to go up to Suits Office’s 2nd floor after completing Billy’s task without talking to the ground floor Suit

– Suits’ faces and spirtes reskinned

– Fixed bug where Fort Patton B3 Lab couldn’t be accesed from B1 in Fort Patton; also, lighting change was not applied to B3, so, fixed that too

– Fixed a huge bug where Dryad goes into harmless “statue” mode and is disabled when you are forced out of University then re-enter the Main Campus

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[Unity] [Pink Tea Games] Elven Conquest Part 2 [v0.2.4b]

Release Date: 2020-05-23
Developer: Pink Tea Games Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 0.2.4b
OS: Windows, Mac, Linux, Android
Language: English

Sequel to Elven Conquest​

> Added Demon scene 1 & 2
> Added knife scene
> Added a load of dialogue to sex scenes depending on Queen’s training day
> Added different facial expressions to some scenes after 7th training day
> Added ending scene
> Added Queen outfit change option
> Added ‘special button’ (Scenes will be added next update)

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[VN] [Ren’Py] [Top Hat Studios, Inc] Karmasutra [v1.42]

Release Date: 2018-11-14
Developer: Top Hat Studios, Inc Website
Censored: No
Version: 1.42
OS: Windows, Linux, MacOS
Language: English

As our protagonist awakes in this strange land, he’s quickly introduced to concept of Samsara; the journey across Tattva that all “Wanderers” must undergo to cleanse themselves of sin. Confused by this sudden pitch, our Wanderer also learns that this so-called “call of Nirvana” is not absolute; in fact, there are some Wanderers that choose to ignore the call in exchange for the infinite sexual & material pleasures – and dangers – that this mysterious afterlife seems to offer.
In this foreign realm however, Wanderers are not the only residents. From the sacred gurus who guide Wanderers and the demonic Asurian tricksters to the monstrous manifestations of sin and the Gods themselves, Tattva is never truly what it seems. But in this mysterious world, where both the path of Sin and the path Merit seem to lead to their own rewards and consequences, which path is truly correct? And more importantly, which path will you, the Wanderer, choose?​

-Added Content Pack Selection
-Added h-scenes for all enemies
-Added an extra h-scene at the end of Einya’s Hidden/Alternative Ending
-Added new interaction scenes between Saanvi and Lydria
-Added a new NPC, Vari, who has a new route, 2 new game endings, and a conversation feature to converse with inhabitants as they move to Vatika. Also has a new h-scene.
-Fixed various smaller bugs throughout the game that may have caused annoyances to players

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[Unity] [Skadoo] Iron Giant : Room For Rent [Final]

Release Date: 2019-08-07
Developer: Skadoo PatreonNewgroundsTwitter
Censored: No
Version: Final
OS: Windows, Mac
Language: English

Here is a new short 18+ game based around the film “The Iron Giant.” Room for Rent allows you to approach your investigation of the giant robot in several different ways. Approach the investigation correctly to unlock each of the 3 different 18+ endings!​

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