Tag Archives: Paranormal

[VN] [Ren’Py] [BlackHandGames] Detective Necro [v0.55 HotFix]

Release Date: 2023-06-14
Developer: BlackHandGames PatreonItch.ioSubscribestarDiscord
Censored: No
Version: 0.55 HotFix
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English

The story takes place in a high fantasy world that has undergone a technological revolution, bringing its technology to modern standards. Magic has long since faded in this world, is rare enough that most regard it as nearly mythical. The Empire of Humanity is at its absolute pinnacle, engulfing nearly all of the world and the various races with it.
You take on the role of a detective, orphaned at an early age and raised by an Orc. You lived an average life until an old being set its sights on you, granting you powers you didn’t ask for. As a murder with eerie similarity to an old case pops up, you’ll need to use your newfound powers to solve it for good. How you do that will be up to you. Will you be a good man and follow the rules, or will you be like Dirty Harry? Either path is valid, and both will come with their own drawbacks. Choose wisely.​

v0.55 HotFix
This is a half update. It doesn’t contain everything I wanted to do, but I got about half. I feel that I left it in an acceptable place.
Will my saves work? They should.
Where is the new ui, codex, music, etc? Coming together with the recode.
When is the recode coming? Next update, the guy who is going to help me will start on the 15th of this month.
Why not this update? I messed up the coding, and it needs to be fixed. This is a half update. It doesn’t contain everything I wanted to do, but it’s what I was able to complete.
How many renders are there? 585.
I think that about covers the questions I was asked. I hope you guys have fun with this update and I look forward to hearing your feedback.

No update only this time. I want everyone on the same release for the future. I converted the images to WebP, so download sizes should be small.
A few notes:
No music this release. The artist who produced the free music I loved said he didn’t want his music in a game with adult content. Nothing I can do but keep looking for music I can use that you haven’t heard in every other VN. (You know which songs I mean).
Will my saves work? They should. No one has mentioned broken saves.
If you downloaded a previous version, here’s a hotfix for the gallery. You only need the hotfix if you’ve already downloaded 0.5 and want the gallery scenes right now! If you are downloading the update for the first time, the hotfix is already included!
967 new renders
8106 lines of code
73984 words


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[RPGM] [Dragon Vicarious] The Second Circle [v0.3.1.0]

Release Date: 2023-06-05
Developer: Dragon Vicarious PatreonItch.ioSubscribestarTwitter
Censored: No
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English

Welcome to the Second Circle of Hell!
A war with invaders from Heaven has left the realm of the lustful,
Damned in shambles and now the Demon Queen Serath calls upon an unlikely
Champion, a human named Jenna.
She must fight and fuck her way through the thralls of Hell and expel the Fallen Angels, lest her soul be Damned as well.​


  • A new sprite in the top right-hand corner that shows what armor Jenna is wearing.
  • The armor Jenna is wearing will also appear when sitting at a Cockfire.
  • Traps scattered throughout Arborael’s Wood and Confluence of Dyx. Having the correct Resistance applied will destroy the traps.
  • A new Orgasm system. Now all enemy attacks apply Stimulation. If Jenna’s Stimulation reaches 100, she will Orgasm and lose a turn.
  • Renamed ‘Luck’ to ‘Will’. Will now gives Jenna extra Stimulation Resistance, as well as its previous effects.
  • The beginning of a Quest involving some wayward body part you can find in the Confluence.
  • Painting scrolls that can be found throughout the world and given to Marga so she can hang them in the refuge.

Fixes and Tweaks:

  • Added ‘Punch’ Skill to Beaded Phallus and Bone Phallus.
  • Removed invisible dialogue from Ardael.
  • Slight changes to Jenna’s Sideview and Cockfire sprites.
  • Reduced Inflate damage per turn to 5% (was 15%).
  • Inflated State now lasts after combat ends and will continue to do damage.
  • Reduced Dickhead damage to 18 (was 24).
  • Recolored Serath’s Refuge and added new decorations on the inside.
  • Removed grass from the bottom of the battle screen.

This Update will NOT be compatible with saves from previous versions.

I plan to add much more content over time and at least 12 levels, with new versions at least every two months, for now. The game is free for the time being, but feel free to support me.


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[VN] [Ren’Py] [Ortus] Teen Titans Multiverse [v0.5.0]

Release Date: 2023-06-10
Developer: Ortus – Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 0.5.0
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
Language: English


As the brilliant and attractive leader of a team of super hero’s you begin to unravel the mysteries of universe. A multitude of temptations lie in your path but no matter how dark your journey gets you’ll always have your friends to cheer you up.

* Includes Chapter five.


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[RPGM] [Studio Sirocco] Mommy and a Fleshlight in a Mansion [Final]

Release Date: 2022-12-18
Developer: Studio Sirocco DLsite
Censored: Yes (Pixelated)
Version: Final
OS: Windows
Language: English (Fan Translated)
Translator: JustXuX Link – Patreon Discord

When the protagonist learns of Maria’s husband’s mysterious disappearance, he joins her family and Ren, Misaki’s boyfriend, in a journey to the enigmatic mansion where they hope to find him. However, they soon discover that the mansion harbors eerie secrets and horrors beyond their wildest imaginations. Amidst the unfolding dread, the protagonist seizes the opportunity to acquire a “fleshlight” and a “mommy.”

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[VN] [Ren’Py] [Studio Peaches] Tri City Monsters [BETA]

Release Date: 2023-06-01
Developer: Studio Peaches PatreonWebsiteItch.ioSteam
Censored: No
Version: BETA
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
Language: English

What does it mean to be human? In Tri City Monsters you’ll come face to face with the answers. Enter these cast offs. Mori, Amir, and Akello all lead very separate lives with their own problems but they all have one thing in common: they’ve traded their humanity for power. To what end? Well, you’ll have to hear it straight from them once you’ve earned their trust. But they all got more than what they bargained for, and with some greater power making moves from the shadows, the dangers are a lot higher than any of them anticipated.

Help them cope with what’s happened to them- by embracing their new demonic forms or by holding on to their humanity, the choice is yours- and maybe forge a deep and permanent connection. In one form or another.

Choose your name and pronouns
-Choose your body type for sex scenes –> Whether the player is described as having a penis, vagina, or a mystery :)
-You can change these options at any point in the game
-Stream-safe audio
-Each character has multiple endings- a human ending, a monster ending, and a “declined getting together” ending.
-Spicy scenes with both the human and monster forms.
-Ace friendly relationships- you can decline hooking up with characters without making them sad or angry.
-No ads, no micro-transactions

-Prologue chapter that sets up the full game, including new CG illustrations, more lore building, and choices that will lead you into each RO’s individual story one at a time.
-Complete, longform character arcs delivered in monthly chapter updates. Follow the ROs through danger and adventure and experience the natural connection that develops along the way.
-Each RO will end up with 6-8 cgs, most will be Very Spicy.
-No “correct” way to play the game. Choose any RO’s route in any order. You’ll be exposed to different parts of the world through them but there is no “correct” order of play.
-Potential for side episodes, bonus tales, and entirely new ROs
-Gallery function to view CG illustrations you’ve unlocked
-Steam, PC/Mac, and Android releases


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[RPGM] [orange~] Fear & Hunger 2: Termina [v1.9.1]

Release Date: 2023-01-31
Developer: orange~ DiscordItch.ioTwitterTumblr
Censored: No
Version: 1.9.1
OS: Windows
Language: English
Prequel: Fear & Hunger
Store: Itch.ioSteam

You are only given 3 days to uncover the secrets this wicked land holds within its darkest corners. Among 14 strangers, you find yourself at the outskirts of a backwaters town of Prehevil. A town that still holds tight onto its ancient rites and macabre traditions. You are forced to partake in the Festival of Termina, an ominous event that only occurs once in every pale and sickly green moon. A moon that happens to be grinning and watching your every step… There is only one that walks away once the three days are over.


– Black screen/Invisibility bug when using Bonesaw, Heroin or Suicide fixed
– Chaugnar disappearing from Tunnel 7 fixed (You can find it from the lower levels where the thing jumpscares you)
– Hundreds of passability and minor visual bugs fixed
– Can’t run with only 1 leg anymore
– Other minor typos and bug fixes


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[RPGM] [Dawn Is Eternal] Steppenwolf s Villa [Final]

Release Date: 2023-02-10
Original Title: 荒野狼の家
Developer: Dawn Is Eternal DLSite
Censored: No
Version: Final
OS: Windows
Language: English (MTL)
Store: DLSite
Size: 390 MB

One day, at the behest of their school club, two friends, Yumi and Kyoko, are sent to participate in a test of courage. Little did they know, they arrived at a wrong location and found themselves before a towering, eerie-looking mansion. Unawares, Yumi rushed inside, with the hesitant Kyoko struggling to keep up. Before long, the two became separated and soon found that something was terribly wrong. There are demons everywhere, after their souls! And if they get caught, a never-ending madness awaits them…

A bright, brave, but otherwise reckless high school girl. She enjoys sports and participating in club activities. She has been Kyoko’s best friend since early childhood and, since Kyoko was always timid, took it upon herself to look after her. Together, the pair were sent to participate in a test of courage by their school club. However, what the school failed to do, is inform them that the testing location had been changed. And so, the two young girls found themselves in a den of shadows…

A clever, kind, but otherwise timid high school girl. She enjoys reading and listening to music. Ever since early childhood, she had always relied on her best friend Yumi for protection, but had likewise never hesitated to be there for Yumi when needed. After hearing that her best friend was planning on partaking in a test of courage, she was hesitant to tag along. However, she eventually decided to go, because she knew, for as long as Yumi was there, there was nothing to be afraid of…


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[VN] [Ren’Py] [TwoHands] Failing to Fathom [v0.4]

Release Date: 2023-04-14
Developer: TwoHands Discord itch.io Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 0.4
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
Language: English

In a world where the concept of dreams is foreign, Failing to Fathom follows the story of Rachell Rohara, a college student who one night wakes up in a different reality and has a surreal experience we tend to call dreaming. Visit the city of Splu’jalova where you will meet many unique and/or memorable characters, whom you can build your bonds with any way you like.
The game contains things that are meant to disturb or unease you, but everything is probably a dream after all, so don’t worry.​

– 10k words, give or take – 175 images – 2 new characters: A blue haired musical prodigy and a tomboy bodybuilder – New music – A bunch of spelling mistake fixes, changes to the script for clarity – Something Better Known issues:

– The aforementioned breaking of saves – The “bonds” screen might have visual bugs, nothing dangerous, but I am working on a fix for it – My rapidly deteriorating mental health (save me by giving me money)


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[VN] [Ren’Py] [jonnymelabo] Pact with a Witch [v00.20.04j Premium]

Release Date: 2023-04-28
Developer: jonnymelabo PatreonYoutubeFacebookTwitterInstagramTumblrPicarto
Publisher: SteamItch.ioGameJolt
Version: 00.20.04j Premium
Censored: No
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
Language: English, Spanish

Your roommate and best friend tries to rape Neus, the most introverted of the whole design school, who bites him just after you save her. You discover that bite was not only for self-defense, it also contains a bewitching that turns your roommate step by step into a girl. Who everyday that passes, she seem forgetting more his past and becoming more attracted to you. To save your friend, you make a pact with Neus to have 4 dates, and the last night she promises to return his original male form to your buddy. Although it seems that she keeps her word, there are sinister things she had not told you yet.

PREMIUM 0.20.04

  • First minigame with Didac 4th night Finished (Some expressions are still lacking, but conversations are all there, Now is possible to do things with her mouth. — This minigame took me more than a year to finish… Damn…).
  • Anal is now available.
  • Oral is now available (with all its variants and possibilities when you end).
  • Part where Meritxell dominates you with all its variants is WRITTEN.
  • You need to dominate Hiromi and stick in her behind if you want to see an special ending when Txell dominates you.
  • PROGRESS. Now you will be able to see what parts of the game you haven’t played yet. Warning: There’s a chance that certain scenes can be locked even i you already played them in the past.


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[VN] [Ren’Py] [LustSeekers] Bound by Lust [v0.3.9.7]

Release Date: 2023-04-24
Developer: LustSeekers Patreonitch.ioDiscord
Censored: No
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English

Your adventure starts after you’ve decided to leave your hometown to reach Capital City, a place full of possibilities and temptations.
And the strongest temptation of them all, a blue succubus from a another dimension…


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