– As always, you can @ me if you find something broken, but I didn’t notice anything broken during either of my play-throughs.
– This mtl is Sugoi v4 with only a little editing on my part, mainly just manually translating some nameSpaces that the mtl avoided and making the Name Input Processing Westerner-friendly.
– I added a [Gallery Unlock] to the Gallery. As the warning states, some scenes may not work properly when unlocked this way and it may break some sequences, so I don’t recommend leaving the room or saving afterwards.
– This patch is for version 1 of the game. At time of production, the newest version of the game (21Feb2024) is just a bugfix for some sfx which allegedly didn’t play; I’ve included the said sfx in this patch so it
might work with that version, though I didn’t notice any missing sfx.
– If you’re playing a newer version of this game and get the black-screen “image not found” error on start-up, that means the dev changed the encryption code between versions and you should probably just go pirate v1.
– The Q&A and readme were translated with DeepL.I originally made a quick and dirty MTL to see if I wanted to add this to my “To maybe translate later” pile, but once I saw how short it was I figured I could fill the gaps and release as-is. I
might still make a real translation once enough time has passed and I can be sure the dev isn’t releasing anymore patches. Aside from looking good, Kagura also has a pretty uncommon attitude for a female H-game protagonist: she was having a lot of sex until recently so she isn’t a naive virgin who has to be coerced, but she’s also not an “Uuuuoooohhhh!!”-style slut. She just a woman who likes swordplay and playing around. The game even has a little bit of romance (well, “romance”), so it’s not all prostitution and humiliation. I’m still not sure why she’s wearing a flea collar though.
Additional Gameplay Notes:
– Talk to the Innkeeper during the day in order access the gallery.
– You can flip the switch at the back of the gallery in order to make it night when you leave.
– After buying skills you need to use them from your inventory to learn them. Don’t forget to equip any swords you buy.
– There are 3 endings. Well, more like 2.5 since the normal ending doesn’t have any special scenes.